blob: f556aa90c29d4274653c9b14dad48a26a2cbb7d8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2015. Los Alamos National Security, LLC. This material was produced
* under U.S. Government contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 for Los Alamos National
* Laboratory (LANL), which is operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC
* for the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S. Government has rights to use,
* reproduce, and distribute this software. NEITHER THE GOVERNMENT NOR LOS
* to produce derivative works, such modified software should be clearly marked,
* so as not to confuse it with the version available from LANL.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
* under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* Under this license, it is required to include a reference to this work. We
* request that each derivative work contain a reference to LANL Copyright
* Disclosure C15076/LA-CC-15-054 so that this work's impact can be roughly
* measured.
* This is LANL Copyright Disclosure C15076/LA-CC-15-054
* PowerParser is a general purpose input file parser for software applications.
* Authors: Chuck Wingate XCP-2
* Robert Robey XCP-2
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// This class holds information about a variable. It is mostly for use with
// the parser.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include "Parser_utils.hh"
#include "Word.hh"
#include "Variable.hh"
namespace PP
using std:: string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::stringstream;
using std::setprecision;
using std::vector;
using std::deque;
static int index_base = 1;
// ===========================================================================
// Default constructor.
// ===========================================================================
name = "__NO_NAME_GIVEN__";
ndim = -1;
lnum_ndim = 0;
lnum_bounds = 0;
pre_defined = false;
description = "";
temporary = false;
// ===========================================================================
// Constructor to reset index base
// ===========================================================================
Variable::Variable(int base)
index_base = base;
// ===========================================================================
// Constructor given a string as input. This constructs a scalar variable.
// ===========================================================================
Variable::Variable(string nme, string v, bool pred, string tdes)
name = nme;
ndim = 0;
lnum_ndim = 0;
lnum_bounds = 0;
pre_defined = pred;
description = tdes;
temporary = false;
// ===========================================================================
// Constructor for variables with no value.
// ===========================================================================
Variable::Variable(string nme)
name = nme;
ndim = -1;
lnum_ndim = 0;
lnum_bounds = 0;
pre_defined = false;
description = "";
temporary = false;
// ===========================================================================
// Constructor given a vector of strings as input.
// ===========================================================================
Variable::Variable(string nme, vector<int> &istart, vector<string> &valvec,
int lnum, int file_lnum, string fname, deque<string> *lines,
stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
name = nme;
ndim = -1;
lnum_ndim = 0;
lnum_bounds = 0;
pre_defined = false;
description = "";
temporary = false;
set_var_value(istart, valvec, lnum, file_lnum, fname, lines, serr, ierr);
// ===========================================================================
// istart gives the starting location in the array for setting values.
// The istart indices start from 1 (fortran based).
// This function works for any dimension, 0,1,2,3,...
// ===========================================================================
void Variable::set_var_value(vector<int> &istart, vector<string> &valvec,
int lnum, int file_lnum, string fname,
deque<string> *lines, stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
// Cannot redefine a pre-defined variable.
if (pre_defined) {
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_lnum << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[lnum-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << fname << endl;
serr << "Cannot redefine a pre-defined variable." << endl;
ierr = 2;
// Set the array dimension and make sure the user is not trying to
// change it.
int ndim_new = (int)istart.size();
if (ndim >= 0) {
if (ndim != ndim_new) {
// Throw an error
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_lnum << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[lnum-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << fname << endl;
serr << "Cannot redefine the dimensionality of a variable." << endl;
serr << "Original number of dimensions = " << ndim << endl;
serr << "New number of dimensions = " << ndim_new << endl;
if (lnum_ndim > 0) {
serr << "Previously set in line " << lnum_ndim << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[lnum_ndim-1] << endl;
ierr = 2;
else {
ndim = ndim_new;
lnum_ndim = lnum;
int bsize = (int)maxdim.size();
if (ndim == 0 && bsize > 0) {
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_lnum << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[lnum-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << fname << endl;
serr << "Array boundaries not allowed for scalar variable." << endl;
if (lnum_bounds > 0) {
serr << "Array boundaries were set in line " << lnum_bounds << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[lnum_bounds-1] << endl;
ierr = 2;
if (ndim > 0) {
if (ndim != bsize+1) {
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_lnum << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[lnum-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << fname << endl;
serr << "Number of dimensions = " << ndim << endl;
serr << "Number of array boundaries + 1 = " << bsize+1 << endl;
serr << "These should match but don't. " << endl;
ierr = 2;
// Find the 1d starting position given multiple array indices.
Parser_utils putils(index_base);
int i1 = putils.start_dex(istart, maxdim);
// nvals Number of values after the = sign.
// Note that multiplicity is already handled, i.e. valvec has already
// been expanded to include multiplicites.
int nvals = (int)valvec.size();
// Get memory that we need.
if (i1+nvals > (int)value.size()) {
value.resize(i1+nvals, "");
// Store the array values.
for (int i=i1; i<i1+nvals; i++) {
value[i] = valvec[i-i1];
// ===========================================================================
// Increment (or decrement) a variable value by an integer amount.
// ===========================================================================
void Variable::bump_var(vector<int> &istart, int increment,
int lnum, int file_lnum, string fname,
deque<string> *lines, stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
// Find the 1d starting position given multiple array indices.
Parser_utils putils(index_base);
int i1 = putils.start_dex(istart, maxdim);
// We are incrementing an existing variable, so i1 should be valid.
if (i1 >= (int)value.size()) {
// Fatal Error
Word w1(value[i1], lnum, file_lnum, fname, lines);
if (!w1.is_number()) { } // FATAL ERROR
stringstream ss;
if (w1.is_integer()) {
int ia1 = w1.get_int(serr, ierr);
int ia = ia1 + increment;
ss << ia;
else {
double d1 = w1.get_double(serr, ierr);
double d = d1 + increment;
ss << setprecision(15) << d;
value[i1] = ss.str();
// ===========================================================================
// The problem with multi-dimensional variable arrays is that the user has
// to tell us the bounds on every dimension except the last one. This info
// is input in the bounds vector and stored.
// This function works for any dimension, 0,1,2,3,...
// ===========================================================================
void Variable::set_bounds(vector<int> &bounds, int lnum, int file_lnum,
string fname, deque<string> *lines,
stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
// Cannot redefine a pre-defined variable.
if (pre_defined) {
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_lnum << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[lnum-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << fname << endl;
serr << "Cannot redefine a pre-defined variable." << endl;
ierr = 2;
// Set the array dimension and make sure the user is not trying to
// change it.
int ndim_new = (int)bounds.size() + 1;
if (ndim >= 0) {
if (ndim != ndim_new) {
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_lnum << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[lnum-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << fname << endl;
serr << "Cannot redefine the dimensionality of a variable "
"(set_bounds)." << endl;
serr << "Original number of dimensions = " << ndim << endl;
serr << "New number of dimensions = " << ndim_new << endl;
if (lnum_ndim > 0) {
serr << "Previously set in line " << lnum_ndim << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[lnum_ndim-1] << endl;
ierr = 2;
else {
ndim = ndim_new;
lnum_ndim = lnum; // Store line num for better err messages.
// Check to make sure the user is not reseting the bounds.
if ((int)maxdim.size() > 0) {
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_lnum << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[lnum-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << fname << endl;
serr << "The bounds on this array has already been set," << endl;
serr << "cannot reset them." << endl;
if (lnum_bounds > 0) {
serr << "Previously set in line " << lnum_bounds << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[lnum_bounds-1] << endl;
ierr = 2;
// Store the line num where bounds were set for better err messages.
lnum_bounds = lnum;
// Store the bounds.
for (int i=0; i<(int)bounds.size(); i++) {
// ===========================================================================
// Given indices, in adex, get the value of the variable.
// For example, suppose you want the value of
// $var2d(3,5)
// The adex vector contains 2 numbers, 3 and 5, for the fortran indices.
// The start_dex function is used to get the 1d index into the value array.
// This function works for any dimension, 0,1,2,3,...
// ===========================================================================
string Variable::get_var_value(vector<int> &adex, string vname, int lnum,
int file_lnum, string fname, deque<string> *lines,
stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
int adex_size = (int)adex.size();
// Special case for scalar variables.
if (ndim == 0 || adex_size == 0) return value[0];
// The adex indices and bounds indices must match.
if (adex_size - 1 != (int)maxdim.size()) {
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_lnum << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[lnum-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << fname << endl;
serr << "The dimensionality of variable " << vname << endl;
serr << "does not match what was previously set." << endl;
if (lnum_bounds > 0) {
serr << "Previous dimensionality set in line " << lnum_bounds << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[lnum_bounds-1] << endl;
ierr = 2;
return "";
// Indices cannot exceed max allowed.
// Remember that adex if referenced from 1 (fortran index).
for (int d=0; d<(int)maxdim.size(); d++) {
if (adex[d] > maxdim[d]) {
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_lnum << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[lnum-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << fname << endl;
serr << "Variable name = " << vname << endl;
serr << "The value for dimension " << d+1 << " = " << adex[d] << endl;
serr << "This exceeds the max dimension of " << maxdim[d] << endl;
if (lnum_bounds > 0) {
serr << "The array bounds were set in line " << lnum_bounds << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[lnum_bounds-1] << endl;
ierr = 2;
if (ierr == 2) return "";
// Indices cannot be < 1.
for (int d=0; d<(int)adex.size(); d++) {
if (adex[d] < 1) {
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_lnum << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[lnum-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << fname << endl;
serr << "Variable name = " << vname << endl;
serr << "Expected index greater than or equal to 1 " << endl;
serr << "Instead, index = " << adex[d] << endl;
ierr = 2;
if (ierr == 2) return "";
// Using the indices in adex and the bounds for multi-d arrays, maxdim,
// get the 1d index into the value array.
Parser_utils putils(index_base);
int i1 = putils.start_dex(adex, maxdim);
// Check that the value array size has not been exceeded.
if (i1 >= (int)value.size()) {
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_lnum << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[lnum-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << fname << endl;
serr << "Variable name = " << vname << endl;
serr << "Exceeded array bounds. Check to make sure you are not" << endl;
serr << "requesting an array element you have not yet set." << endl;
vector<int> maxdex((int)adex.size(), 0);
get_indices((int)value.size()-1, maxdex);
for (int d=0; d<(int)adex.size(); d++) {
string s = "";
if (adex[d] > maxdex[d]) s = " ERROR, max exceeded";
serr << " Requested index = " << adex[d]
<< " Max index = " << maxdex[d] << s << endl;
ierr = 2;
return "";
// Return the value.
return value[i1];
// ===========================================================================
// Given the 1d index, icdex (starting from 0), find the corresponding
// multi dimensional fortran indices (each starting from 1).
// Example 1: Consider a 1d array
// var1d(1) = 1 3 5 9 -4 -5 6
// Suppose icdex=3, corresponding to array value 9.
// This 1d case is very simple, all we do is add 1 to icdex to get a reference
// from 1, thus returning 4.
// Example 1: Consider a 2d array
// $var2d(1,1) = 11. 21. 31. 12. 22. 32. 13. 23. 33.
// Where the max of the first dimension is 3. Suppose the user specifies
// icdex = 5, this corresponds to array value 32. The two indices returned
// would be 3,2 (referenced from 1).
// The adex vector contains the output indices, for example 2 this would be 3
// and 2.
// This function works for any dimension, 0,1,2,3,...
// ===========================================================================
void Variable::get_indices(int icdex, vector<int> &adex)
// Nothing to do for scalar variables.
if (ndim == 0) return;
// Given icdex, get the indices.
int nvalues = (int)value.size();
Parser_utils putils(index_base);
putils.reverse_dex(icdex, nvalues, adex, maxdim);
} // End of the PP namespace