blob: 42496aadec8c2dbcd48a421cf4531955edff2c41 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2015. Los Alamos National Security, LLC. This material was produced
* under U.S. Government contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 for Los Alamos National
* Laboratory (LANL), which is operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC
* for the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S. Government has rights to use,
* reproduce, and distribute this software. NEITHER THE GOVERNMENT NOR LOS
* to produce derivative works, such modified software should be clearly marked,
* so as not to confuse it with the version available from LANL.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
* under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* Under this license, it is required to include a reference to this work. We
* request that each derivative work contain a reference to LANL Copyright
* Disclosure C15076/LA-CC-15-054 so that this work's impact can be roughly
* measured.
* This is LANL Copyright Disclosure C15076/LA-CC-15-054
* PowerParser is a general purpose input file parser for software applications.
* Authors: Chuck Wingate XCP-2
* Robert Robey XCP-2
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// This class holds information about a function. It is mostly for use with
// the parser.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <cctype>
#include <cmath>
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "Function.hh"
namespace PP
using std:: string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::deque;
using std::stringstream;
using std::setprecision;
using std::vector;
// ===========================================================================
// Default constructor.
// ===========================================================================
name = "__NO_NAME_GIVEN__";
external = true;
nargs = 1;
description = " ";
type = "real";
// ===========================================================================
// Most used constructor for functions.
// ===========================================================================
Function::Function(string nme, bool ext, int na, string ftype, string fdes)
name = nme;
external = ext;
nargs = na;
description = fdes;
type = ftype;
// ===========================================================================
// Evaluate the function. This is for the case that the arguments all have
// values (double type values) and the function can be evaluated to a double.
// ===========================================================================
double Function::evaluate(vector<double> &vd, stringstream &serr, int &ierr,
int line_number, int file_line_number,
string filename, deque<string> *lines)
// Verify that the number of args needed is equal to the number of args
// supplied.
int nvd = (int)vd.size();
if (nvd != nargs) {
args_mismatch_err(nvd, nargs, serr, ierr, line_number,
file_line_number, filename, lines);
return 0.;
// Functions with one argument.
if (nargs == 1) {
double d = vd[0];
if (name == "acos") {
if (d < -1. || d > 1.) {
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_line_number << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[line_number-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << filename << endl;
serr << "Argument to acos is out of bounds." << endl;
serr << "Argument = " << d << endl;
serr << "This must be between -1. and 1." << endl;
ierr = 2;
return 0.;
return acos(d);
if (name == "asin") {
if (d < -1. || d > 1.) {
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_line_number << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[line_number-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << filename << endl;
serr << "Argument to asin is out of bounds." << endl;
serr << "Argument = " << d << endl;
serr << "This must be between -1. and 1." << endl;
ierr = 2;
return 0.;
return asin(d);
if (name == "atan") return atan(d);
if (name == "ceil") return ceil(d);
if (name == "cos") return cos(d);
if (name == "cosh") return cosh(d);
if (name == "exp") return exp(d);
if (name == "fabs") return fabs(d);
if (name == "floor") return floor(d);
if (name == "log") return log(d);
if (name == "log10") return log10(d);
if (name == "sin") return sin(d);
if (name == "sinh") return sinh(d);
if (name == "sqrt") return sqrt(d);
if (name == "tan") return tan(d);
if (name == "tanh") return tanh(d);
// Functions with two arguments.
if (nargs == 2) {
double d1 = vd[0];
double d2 = vd[1];
if (name == "atan2") return atan2(d1, d2);
if (name == "fmod") return fmod(d1, d2);
if (name == "max") {
double result = d2;
if (d1 > d2) result = d1;
return result;
if (name == "min") {
double result = d2;
if (d1 < d2) result = d1;
return result;
if (name == "pow") {
if (d1 <= 0.) {
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_line_number << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[line_number-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << filename << endl;
serr << "First argument (base) to pow is out of bounds." << endl;
serr << "Argument = " << d1 << endl;
serr << "This must be greater than 0." << endl;
ierr = 2;
return 0.;
return pow(d1, d2);
// If we get down to this point, then the name supplied at
// construction was not recognized as a function name.
// This should never happen because we check for a valid function
// name before entering this function.
name_err(serr, ierr, line_number, file_line_number, filename, lines);
return 0.;
// ===========================================================================
// Evaluate the function. This is for string functions.
// ===========================================================================
string Function::evaluate(vector<string> &vs, stringstream &serr, int &ierr,
int line_number, int file_line_number,
string filename, deque<string> *lines)
// Verify that the number of args needed is equal to the number of args
// supplied.
int nvs = (int)vs.size();
if (nvs != nargs) {
args_mismatch_err(nvs, nargs, serr, ierr, line_number,
file_line_number, filename, lines);
return "";
// Functions with one argument.
if (nargs == 1) {
string s1 = vs[0];
if (name == "strlen") {
int len = (int)s1.size();
stringstream ss;
ss << len;
return ss.str();
if (name == "strtrim") {
int len = (int)s1.size();
if (len == 0) return s1;
string whitespace = " \t";
int iend = s1.find_last_not_of(whitespace, len - 1);
int NPOS = (int)string::npos;
if (iend == NPOS) return s1;
s1.erase(iend+1, (len-1) -(iend+1) + 1);
return s1;
// Functions with two arguments.
if (nargs == 2) {
string s1 = vs[0];
string s2 = vs[1];
if (name == "strcat") {
return s1+s2;
// Functions with three arguments.
if (nargs == 3) {
string s1 = vs[0];
string s2 = vs[1];
string s3 = vs[2];
if (name == "strerase") {
int i1 = atoi(s2.c_str()) - 1; // minus 1 to get c index
int i2 = atoi(s3.c_str()) - 1;
s1.erase(i1, i2-i1+1);
return s1;
if (name == "strinsert") {
int i1 = atoi(s2.c_str()) - 1; // minus 1 to get c index
s1.insert(i1, s3);
return s1;
if (name == "strsubstr") {
int i1 = atoi(s2.c_str()) - 1; // minus 1 to get c index
int nchar = atoi(s3.c_str());
string sret = s1.substr(i1, nchar);
return sret;
// If we get down to this point, then the name supplied at
// construction was not recognized as a function name.
// This should never happen because we check for a valid function
// name before entering this function.
name_err(serr, ierr, line_number, file_line_number, filename, lines);
return "";
// ===========================================================================
// Name not recognized error.
// ===========================================================================
void Function::name_err(stringstream &serr, int &ierr,
int line_number, int file_line_number,
string filename, deque<string> *lines)
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_line_number << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[line_number-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << filename << endl;
serr << "** Math function fatal error **" << endl;
serr << "Name not recognized as a function." << endl;
serr << "Name = " << name << endl;
ierr = 2;
// ===========================================================================
// Number of args mismatch error.
// ===========================================================================
void Function::args_mismatch_err(int nargs_found, int nargs_expected,
stringstream &serr, int &ierr,
int line_number, int file_line_number,
string filename, deque<string> *lines)
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_line_number << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << (*lines)[line_number-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << filename << endl;
serr << "For function " << name << endl;
serr << "Number of args expected = " << nargs_expected << endl;
serr << "Number of args found = " << nargs_found << endl;
ierr = 2;
} // End of the PP namespace