blob: e1cc87b153d08731df98d9adab85ac59107853cd [file] [log] [blame]
subroutine rdinput( NRuns )
C The input deck is read by MPI task=0 as a derived datatype. It
C is then sent to all other MPI tasks. This replaces the original
C routine, which redirected stdin to every task, for portability
C reasons. BMB 4/12/2001
include ''
include ''
include ''
include 'mpif.h'
character*24 dt
character*127 mach
INTEGER MPIid, ierr, InputFileType, basetypes(2), offsets(2),
+ blockcounts(2), extent, numMPItasks,
+ Nruns, matb1, mate1, matb2, mate2, i, filler20
C.....Define the structure InputFile and declare a variable of that
C.....type. These will be used to create an MPI derived data type that the input file can be sent to each task from task=0.
C.....Note that the i20 variable exists only for data alignment and not used elsewhere.
TYPE InputFile
INTEGER i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9,i10,i11,i12,i13,
+ i14,i15,i16,i17,i18,i19,i20
DOUBLE PRECISION d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,d8,d9,d10,d11,
+ d12,d13,d14
END TYPE InputFile
TYPE (InputFile) Infile
parameter (nout=10)
OPEN (4, FILE="input.dat")
c open(nout,FILE='out_setup.txt',STATUS='UNKNOWN',
read(4,*) Nruns
read (4,100) title
100 format(20a4)
c write (nout,200) title
200 format(////1x,20a4)
c write(nout,13)
13 format(/1x,' SPHOT')
read (4,626) ilib, illib
626 format(2i10)
c write (nout,627) ilib, illib
627 format(/
| /'ilib ', 8x,i2,3x,'library (0=binary, 1=formatted)',
| / 18x, 'for ixopec=2, put ilib=1'
| /'illib', 8x,i2,3x,'0=use old bin.lib,1=form new bin.lib')
read (4,101) npart, igroup, ixopec, isorst, irr, ithom, icross
101 format(7i10)
c write (nout,201) npart, igroup, ixopec, isorst,
c | irr, ithom, icross
201 format(
| /'npart ',i9,3x,'# of particles (different if plankian used)'
| /'igroup',i9,3x,'energy bins (0=12, 1-12=1, 13=ross.mean)'
| /'ixopec',i9,3x,'opacity (0=library, 1=input,2=data)'
| /'isorst',i9,3x,'source (1=uniform in sphere, 2=plankian)'
| /'irr ',i9,3x,'r-roulette/split (0=none, 1=impt, 2=size)'
| /'ithom ',i9,3x,'thomson scattering (0=not used, 1=used)'
| /'icross',i9,3x,'print cross sections (0= no, 1= yes)')
read (4,102) naxl, nradl, nreg
102 format(3i10)
c write (nout,202) naxl, nradl, nreg
202 format('naxl ',i10,3x,'number of axial meshes'
| /'nradl',i10,3x,'number of radial meshes'
| /'nreg ',i10,3x,'number of material regions')
read (4,103) dtol, wcut, tcen, xmult
103 format(4e10.2)
c write (nout,203) dtol, wcut, tcen, xmult
203 format(
| /'dtol =',2x,e10.3,3x,'tolerance to cell boundaries (cm)'
| /'wcut =',2x,e10.3,3x,'low weight cutoff'
| /'tcen =',2x,e10.3,3x,'time to census (sec)'
| /'xmult=',2x,e10.3,3x,'weight mult. for russian roulette')
read (4,103) axl, radl, opec, bwgt
c write (nout,204) axl, radl, opec, bwgt
204 format(
| /'axl =',2x,e10.3,3x,'portion of sphere analyzed (degrees)'
| /'radl =',2x,e10.3,3x,'sphere radius (cm)'
| /'opec =',2x,e10.3,3x,'input opacity (1/cm)'
| /'bwgt =',2x,e10.3,3x,'bundle weight (kev)')
C.......For the purposes of the ASCI Purple Benchmark, it is mandatory
C.......that nreg = 2. This is hardcoded into the derived datatype
C.......and replaces the code below which permits an arbitrary number
C.......of regions.
C do 151 i = 1,nreg
C read (4,104) matb, mate
C104 format(2i10)
C do 151 j = matb,mate
C ng_mid(j) = i
C151 continue
nreg = 2
read (4,104) matb1, mate1
read (4,104) matb2, mate2
104 format(2i10)
do 151 j = matb1, mate1
ng_mid(j) = 1
151 continue
do 152 j = matb2, mate2
ng_mid(j) = 2
152 continue
read (4,105) (mtl(i), atrat(i), dns(i), tmp(i), i=1,nreg)
105 format(i10,3e10.3)
c write (nout,205)
205 format(//' region',5x,'material',5x,'atomic ratio',5x,
| 'density(g/cc)',5x,'temperature(ev)'/)
c write (nout,206) (i,mtl(i), atrat(i), dns(i),
c | tmp(i), i=1,nreg)
206 format(i5,10x,i1,9x,e10.3,8x,e10.3,10x,e10.3)
read (4,400) print_flag
400 format(i10)
c write (nout,401) print_flag
401 format(//'print_flag ',i10)
C........Be sure to close unit as it will be used in rdopac routine
C........Transfer data to derived data type variable
Infile = InputFile (Nruns, ilib, illib, npart, igroup,
+ ixopec, isorst, irr, ithom, icross, naxl,
+ nradl, nreg, matb1, mate1, matb2, mate2,
+ mtl(1), mtl(2), filler20,
+ dtol, wcut, tcen, xmult, axl, radl, opec, bwgt,
+ atrat(1), atrat(2), dns(1), dns(2), tmp(1),
+ tmp(2) )
c close(nout)
Nruns = Infile%i1
ilib = Infile%i2
illib = Infile%i3
npart = Infile%i4
igroup = Infile%i5
ixopec = Infile%i6
isorst = Infile%i7
irr = Infile%i8
ithom = Infile%i9
icross = Infile%i10
naxl = Infile%i11
nradl = Infile%i12
nreg = Infile%i13
matb1 = Infile%i14
mate1 = Infile%i15
matb2 = Infile%i16
mate2 = Infile%i17
mtl(1) = Infile%i18
mtl(2) = Infile%i19
dtol = Infile%d1
wcut = Infile%d2
tcen = Infile%d3
xmult = Infile%d4
axl = Infile%d5
radl = Infile%d6
opec = Infile%d7
bwgt = Infile%d8
atrat(1) = Infile%d9
atrat(2) = Infile%d10
dns(1) = Infile%d11
dns(2) = Infile%d12
tmp(1) = Infile%d13
tmp(2) = Infile%d14
nreg = 2
do 351 j = matb1, mate1
ng_mid(j) = 1
351 continue
do 352 j = matb2, mate2
ng_mid(j) = 2
352 continue
C.....Read in LLNL library opacities. The original IF condition
C.....has been commented out for the purposes of the ASCI Purple
C.....benchmark which MUST use the opacity library.
C if (ixopec .eq. 0) then
C CALL rdopac (ilib,illib)
C endif
ixopec = 0
CALL rdopac (ilib, illib)