blob: 81a93fb093cc8a800e87bd667480d029996b2c35 [file] [log] [blame]
subroutine execute (
& myIter, myStream, mySeed, nescgp, enesc, wcut,
& wmin, wmax, wlost, wesc, wrr, wabs, wcen, epgain, etot,
& npart, nphtot, nploss, nlost, nesc, nrr, nabs, ncen,
& nscat, nsplt, ntrac, firstRanf, depArray )
c Generate source particles and track them.
c Outer loop is over zones, inner loop is over energy groups
include ''
include ''
include ''
integer*4 myIter, myStream, mySeed(*)
INTEGER*4 nescgp(negrps)
double precision enesc(negrps)
double precision wcut, wmin, wmax
double precision wlost, wesc, wrr
double precision wabs, wcen, epgain, etot
integer*4 npart, nphtot, nploss
integer*4 nlost, nesc, nrr, nabs, ncen
integer*4 nscat, nsplt, ntrac
double precision firstRanf
double precision depArray(nzmax)
logical itest(4), jtest(4), ktest, noscat, isign
double precision xm(4), xb(4), del(4), lmin, l1, l2, l, newgt
double precision xkt4 (nmrmax), efrac (nmrmax,negp1)
c.... save arrays
double precision xsv(nsvmax), ysv(nsvmax), zsv(nsvmax),
& usv(nsvmax), vsv(nsvmax), wsv(nsvmax), agesv(nsvmax),
& wgtsv(nsvmax), idsv(nsvmax), irsv(nsvmax)
double precision hnu(negp1)
data hnu/.001d0,0.5d0,1.0d0,2.0d0,3.5d0,4.75d0,6.0d0,7.5d0,9.0d0,
| 12.0d0,20.0d0,80.0d0,200.0d0/
double precision ranf
external ranf
c use common block to fool the compiler so that it will not
c optimize out the dummy code inside the critical region
real*8 DummyArray(10)
common / DUMMY / DummyArray
c*** new source segment to be used with plankian - loop over cells
c planc returns zone indices, groups, emission times, and weights for
c all particles, assuming planckian emission for each zone
c*** efrac(ir,ig) = fraction of energy emitted in region ir that
c appears in group ig
c---------- particles generated from source term, (i.e., temperature)
c---------- store plnkut results per region
c---------- also tmp is in ev, need kev
nlost = 0 ! Initialize private common variables.
nesc = 0
nrr = 0
ncen = 0
nabs = 0
wlost = 0.0d0
wesc = 0.0d0
wrr = 0.0d0
wcen = 0.0d0
wabs = 0.0d0
nscat = 0
nsplt = 0
ntrac = 0
do 100 ijkl = 1,negrps
nescgp (ijkl) = 0
enesc (ijkl) = 0.0d0
100 continue
CALL copyseed ( myIter, myStream, mySeed, firstRanf )
const = 2.567189267958d33 * tcen
do 300 ir = 1,nreg
tempk = 1.0d-3 * tmp(ir)
xkt4(ir) = tempk*tempk*tempk*tempk*const
xtemp = 1.0d0 / tempk
do 301 ig = 1,12
u1 = hnu(ig ) * xtemp
u2 = hnu(ig+1) * xtemp
efrac(ir,ig) = plnkut(u1,u2)*xkt4(ir)*sigtot(ir,ig)
301 continue
300 continue
vel = 2.99793d10
c---------- initialize some GLOBAL diagnostic variables
nploss = 0
epgain = 0.0d0
etot = 0.0d0
nphtot = 0
c-------------------- LOOP OVER ZONES BEGINS
do 400 iz = 1, nzones
c-------------------- determine if sides are reversed for rejection sampling
itest(1) = rr(iz,1) .lt. rr(iz,2)
itest(2) = zz(iz,2) .lt. zz(iz,3)
itest(3) = rr(iz,4) .lt. rr(iz,3)
itest(4) = zz(iz,1) .lt. zz(iz,4)
c-------------------- determine minimum and maximum coordinates for sampling
rmin = rr(iz,1)
rmax = rr(iz,1)
zmin = zz(iz,1)
zmax = zz(iz,1)
do 88 ii = 2,4
rrtemp = rr(iz,ii)
zztemp = zz(iz,ii)
if (rrtemp .gt. rmax) rmax = rrtemp
if (rrtemp .lt. rmin) rmin = rrtemp
if (zztemp .gt. zmax) zmax = zztemp
if (zztemp .lt. zmin) zmin = zztemp
88 continue
rminsq = rmin*rmin
rsq = rmax*rmax - rminsq
zmax = zmax - zmin ! should be called zdelta
c-------------------- determine parameters for intersection calculation with zone sides
if (itype(iz,1) .ne. 2) then
del(1) = rr(iz,1) - rr(iz,2)
xm (1) = (zz(iz,1) - zz(iz,2))/del(1)
xb (1) = (zz(iz,2)*rr(iz,1) - zz(iz,1)*rr(iz,2))/del(1)
del(2) = zz(iz,3) - zz(iz,2)
if (del(2) .ne. 0.0) then
xm(2) = (rr(iz,3) - rr(iz,2))/del(2)
xb(2) = (zz(iz,3)*rr(iz,2) - zz(iz,2)*rr(iz,3))/del(2)
if (itype(iz,3) .ne.2) then
del(3) = rr(iz,4) - rr(iz,3)
xm (3) = (zz(iz,4) - zz(iz,3))/del(3)
xb (3) = (rr(iz,4)*zz(iz,3) - rr(iz,3)*zz(iz,4))/del(3)
del(4) = zz(iz,4) - zz(iz,1)
xm (4) = (rr(iz,4) - rr(iz,1))/del(4)
xb (4) = (zz(iz,4)*rr(iz,1) - zz(iz,1)*rr(iz,4))/del(4)
c------------------- now begin the inner loop over energy groups
do 150 ig = 1, 12
ir = mid (iz)
edep = efrac(ir,ig) * volcl(iz)
c*** units: tcen (s),
c sigtot (1/cm),
c volcl (cc),
c xkt4 (kev),
c edep (kev)
c efrac (kev/cc)
c bwgt = input bundle size,
c xpht = # of photons (non-integer),
c npht = truncated # of photons (rounded up or down depending on random #)
etot = etot + edep
xpht = edep / bwgt
npht = xpht + ranf (mySeed)
if (npht .le. 0) then
c------------------- when xpht is truncated to zero, keep track of:
c energy (epgain) and number lost (nploss)
epgain = epgain - edep
nploss = nploss + 1
go to 150
c-------------------- calculate bundle weight
phwgt = edep / (bwgt*npht)
c-------------------- modify weight to account for rejected bundles
if (xpht .lt. 1.0d0) then
phwgt = phwgt / xpht
epgain = epgain + edep * ((1.0/xpht) - 1.0d0)
nphtot = nphtot + npht
c*** now loop over the number of photons emitted in zone iz and group ig
do 159 k = 1, npht
c insert dummy critical region
!$OMP critical
c if (ranf(mySeed) .le. 0.05) then
c DummyArray(10) = xsv (isplt)
c DummyArray(10) = ysv (isplt)
c DummyArray(10) = zsv (isplt)
c DummyArray(10) = usv (isplt)
c DummyArray(10) = vsv (isplt)
c DummyArray(10) = wsv (isplt)
c DummyArray(10) = agesv(isplt)
c DummyArray(10) = wgtsv(isplt)
if (phwgt .le. 0.05) then
DummyArray(10) = 0.0
DummyArray(10) = 0.0
DummyArray(10) = 0.0
DummyArray(10) = 0.0
DummyArray(10) = 0.0
DummyArray(10) = 0.0
DummyArray(10) = 0.0
DummyArray(10) = 0.0
end if
!$OMP end critical
isplt = 0
ibegin = 1
iend = 0
newgt = phwgt
age = ranf(mySeed) * tcen
ir = mid(iz)
c------------------- pick direction cosines
w = 2.0d0*ranf(mySeed) - 1.0
t3 = 6.2831853d0 * ranf(mySeed)
snthet = sqrt(1.0d0 - w*w)
u = cos(t3) * snthet
v = sin(t3) * snthet
c------------------- sample a point uniformly in the zone (rejection method)
c to create an initial position
119 rsamp = sqrt (rsq * ranf (mySeed) + rminsq)
zsamp = zmax * ranf (mySeed) + zmin
c*** determine if the point is inside the zone, if not reject
c 1=right, 2=bottom, 3=left, 4=top
if (itype(iz,1) .ne. 2) then
jtest(1) = zsamp .lt. (xm(1)*rsamp + xb(1))
jtest(1) = .not.itest(1)
end if
ktest = ((itest(1) .and. jtest(1)) .or.
| (.not.itest(1) .and. .not.jtest(1)))
if (ktest) go to 119 ! outside, go sample again
if (del(2) .ne. 0.0) then
jtest(2) = rsamp .gt. (xm(2)*zsamp + xb(2))
jtest(2) = .not.itest(2)
end if
ktest = ((itest(2) .and. jtest(2)) .or.
| (.not.itest(2) .and. .not.jtest(2)))
if (ktest) go to 119 ! outside, go sample again
if (itype(iz,3) .ne.2) then
jtest(3) = zsamp .gt. (xm(3)*rsamp + xb(3))
jtest(3) = .not.itest(3)
end if
ktest = ((itest(3) .and. jtest(3)) .or.
| (.not.itest(3) .and. .not.jtest(3)))
if (ktest) go to 119 ! outside, go sample again
jtest(4) = rsamp .lt. (xm(4)*zsamp + xb(4))
ktest = ((itest(4) .and. jtest(4)) .or.
| (.not.itest(4) .and. .not.jtest(4)))
if (ktest) go to 119 ! outside, go sample again
c------------------- once inside all four zone sides, continue to tracking section
t3 = 6.2831853d0 * ranf (mySeed)
y = rsamp * sin(t3) ! convert to 3D cartesian coordinates
x = rsamp * cos(t3)
z = zsamp
c------------------- BEGIN TRACKING SECTION
id = iz ! id = zone # as a particle moves from zone to zone
45 l = 1000.0d0
ntrac = ntrac + 1 ! increment the track count
do 4 ks = 1, 4 ! check for intersection with each of four sides
! and find minimum distance
lmin = 1000.0 ! large initial min.
itypeidks = itype (id, ks)
if (itypeidks .eq. 1) go to 42 ! normal zone side
if (itypeidks .eq. 2) go to 4 ! zone side on z axis, skip to next side
if (itypeidks .eq. 3) go to 30 ! horizontal zone side
if (itypeidks .eq. 4) go to 10 ! vertical zone side
c------------------- normal zone side
42 c1 = z + bom(id,ks)
c2 = sqm(id,ks)*c1
aa = 1.0d0 - (1.0d0 + sqm(id,ks))*w*w
bb = x*u + y*v - c2*w
cc = x*x + y*y - c2*c1
if (aa .eq. 0.0d0) then
lmin = - cc / bb
go to 44 ! to test against minimum intersection distance
disc = bb*bb - aa*cc
if (disc .lt. 0.0) go to 4 ! no real solution, => no intersection, => skip
d = sqrt(disc)
l1 = (d - bb)/aa
if (l1 .ge. 1.0d-10) then
z1 = z + w*l1
zzidks = zz(id,ks)
zzidks1= zz(id,ks+1)
isign = ( .and. ) .or.
| ( .and. )
if (isign) l1 = 1000.0d0
if (l1 .lt. lmin) lmin = l1
l2 = (-bb - d)/aa
if (l2 .ge. 1.0d-10) then
z2 = z + w*l2
zzidks = zz(id,ks)
zzidks1= zz(id,ks+1)
isign = ( .and. ) .or.
| ( .and. )
if (isign) l2 = 1000.0d0
if (l2 .lt. lmin) lmin = l2
go to 44 ! to test against minimum intersection distance
c------------------- vertical zone side
10 lmin = (zz(id,ks) - z) / w
x1 = x + u*lmin
y1 = y + v*lmin
r1 = sqrt(x1*x1 + y1*y1)
isign = (,ks ) .and.,ks+1))
| .or. (,ks+1) .and.,ks ))
if (isign) lmin = 1000.0d0
go to 44 ! to test against minimum intersection distance
c------------------- horizontal zone side
30 aa = 1.0d0 - w*w
bb = x*u + y*v
cc = x*v - y*u
disc = aa*rr(id,ks)*rr(id,ks) - cc*cc
if (disc .lt. 0.0d0) go to 4
d = sqrt(disc)
l1 = (d - bb)/aa
if (l1 .ge. 1.0d-10) then
z1 = z + w*l1
isign = (,ks ) .and.,ks+1))
| .or. (,ks+1) .and.,ks ))
if (isign) l1 = 1000.0d0
if (l1 .lt. lmin) lmin = l1
l2 = (-bb - d)/aa
if (l2 .ge. 1.0d-10) then
z2 = z + w*l2
isign = (,ks ) .and.,ks+1))
| .or. (,ks+1) .and.,ks ))
if (isign) l2 = 1000.0d0
if (l2 .lt. lmin) lmin = l2
go to 44 ! to test against minimum intersection distance
44 if ((lmin .le. l ) .and.
| (lmin .gt. 0.0d0)) then ! new minimum distance found
l = lmin ! remember the distance
iside = ks ! and the side of closest intersection
4 continue ! end of section testing intersection with edges
c absorbed, escaped, moved, scattered or censused
if (l .eq. 1000.0d0) then ! no intersection found! => LOST
nlost = nlost + 1
wlost = wlost + newgt
go to 15 ! to check for saved photon to track
dist = -log(ranf(mySeed)) / sig(ir,ig) ! distance to collision
dcen = (tcen - age) * 2.99793d10 ! distance to census (i.e., end of time step)
if (l .lt. dist .and. l .lt. dcen) go to 26 ! move to the boundary intersection
if (dist .lt. dcen) then
noscat = ranf(mySeed) .gt. scrat(ir,ig) ! probability of scattering vis. absorption
if (noscat) then
nabs = nabs + 1
wabs = wabs + newgt
depArray(id) = depArray(id) + newgt ! deposit absorbed energy in the zone
c------------------------------Thomson scattering
nscat = nscat + 1 ! count the scatters
x = x + u*dist ! move in 3D to the point of scattering
y = y + v*dist
z = z + w*dist
age = age + dist*3.3356349d-11 ! advance the "age" of the photon
CALL thom (u, v, w, mySeed)
if (irr .eq. 2) go to 525 ! rr/splitting via relative bundle size
go to 45 ! to continue tracking
end if
c------------------------------Census time. Fake putting the particle into storage
!$OMP critical
DummyArray(10) = x
DummyArray(10) = y
DummyArray(10) = z
DummyArray(10) = u
DummyArray(10) = v
DummyArray(10) = w
DummyArray(10) = age
DummyArray(10) = newgt
!$OMP end critical
ncen = ncen + 1
wcen = wcen + newgt
end if
go to 15 ! to check for saved photon to track
c-------------------------------------------------- MOVE THE PARTICLE TO THE CORRECT BOUNDARY
26 idold = id
id = id + ng_incr(iside) ! zone ID changed according to which side was crossed
if ( id .gt. nzones ) then
c-------------------------------------------------- Escaped
nescgp(ig) = nescgp(ig) + 1
enesc (ig) = enesc (ig) + newgt
go to 15 ! to check for saved photon to track
ir = mid (id)
x = x + u*l ! what about right on the side?
y = y + v*l
z = z + w*l
age = age + l*3.3356349d-11 ! distance divided by the speed of light
c--------------------russian roulette/splitting options
c irr = 0 no rr/splitting
c irr = 1 rr/splitting via relative zone importances
c irr = 2 rr/splitting via relative bundle size
if (irr .eq. 0) go to 45 ! to continue tracking
if (irr .eq. 2) go to 525 ! rr/splitting via relative bundle size
c-------------------- rr/splitting via zone importances
c (only applies to particles which cross zone boundaries)
if (ximp(id) .eq. ximp(idold)) go to 45 ! NO change in zone importance. => continue tracking
r = ximp(id) / ximp(idold)
zeta = ranf(mySeed)
ir1 = r
r1 = dble(ir1)
ir0 = ir1 - 1
r0 = r - r1
if (r .lt. 1.0d0) then
c------------------------------russian roulette
if (zeta .lt. r0) then
c------------------------------ survive
rinv = 1.0d0 / r
wrr = wrr + newgt * (rinv - 1.0d0)
newgt = newgt * rinv
go to 45 ! to continue tracking
c------------------------------ kill
nrr = nrr + 1
wrr = wrr - newgt
go to 15 ! to check for saved photon to track
c------------------------------ split
if (zeta .lt. r0) then
c------------------------------ split high
newgt = newgt / (r1 + 1.0d0)
isplt = isplt + ir1
nsplt = nsplt + ir1
go to 415 ! to save new photon in storage
c-----------------------------split low
if (ir0 .le. 0) go to 45 ! to continue tracking
r1 = dble(ir0)
isplt = isplt + ir0
nsplt = nsplt + ir0
newgt = newgt / (r1 + 1.0d0)
go to 415 ! to save new photon in storage
c------------------------------ rr/splitting via relative bundle size
525 r = newgt
if (r .lt. wmin) then
c------------------------------russian roulette
if (ranf(mySeed) .lt. r) then
wrr = wrr + 1.0d0 - r
newgt = 1.0d0
go to 45 ! to continue tracking
nrr = nrr + 1
wrr = wrr - newgt
go to 15 ! to check for saved photon to track
if (r .lt. wmax) go to 45 ! to continue tracking
ir0 = r
ir1 = ir0 - 1
if (ir1 .le. 0) go to 45 ! to continue tracking
r1 = dble(ir1)
newgt = newgt/(r1 + 1.0)
isplt = isplt + ir1
nsplt = nsplt + ir1
c------------------------------save position, direction, age, zone and weight
c of cloned particles
415 iend = isplt
do 317 i1 = ibegin,iend
xsv (i1) = x
ysv (i1) = y
zsv (i1) = z
usv (i1) = u
vsv (i1) = v
wsv (i1) = w
agesv(i1) = age
wgtsv(i1) = newgt
idsv (i1) = id
irsv (i1) = ir
317 continue
ibegin = iend + 1
go to 45 ! to continue tracking
15 if (isplt .ne. 0) then
c------------------------------now dispense split particles from group ig
x = xsv (isplt)
y = ysv (isplt)
z = zsv (isplt)
u = usv (isplt)
v = vsv (isplt)
w = wsv (isplt)
age = agesv(isplt)
newgt = wgtsv(isplt)
id = idsv (isplt)
ir = irsv (isplt)
isplt = isplt - 1
ibegin = ibegin - 1
go to 45 ! to continue tracking
159 continue ! end of loop over the number of photons emitted in zone iz and group ig
150 continue ! end of loop over energy groups
400 continue ! end of loop over zones