blob: f34bae5c1339fd9159c0f1e16ef38725748a4022 [file] [log] [blame]
* (c) 2006 The Regents of the University of California *
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* See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright *
* notice and disclaimer. *
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// loop bounds
// the following information is provided by Mike
// the input format is
// kmin kmax jmin jmax imin imax kp jp
// where [i|j|k]min = 2
// [i|j|k]max = 2 + NZONES_along_i
// jp = 2 + imax
// kp = jp * (jmax + 2)
// e.g for NZONES_along_i = 25
// 2 27 2 27 2 27 841 29
int kmin;
int kmax;
int jmin;
int jmax;
int imin;
int imax;
int kp;
int jp;
int i_lb;
int i_ub;
int x_size;
// copy from temp.h
// with deletion of some unused data structures.
typedef struct Domain_s {
int gblk ;
int type ;
int imin ;
int jmin ;
int kmin ;
int imax ;
int jmax ;
int kmax ;
int nnalls ;
int nnodes ;
int namix ;
int mixmax ;
int nmixcnt;
int imaxmix;
int nmixzn ;
int nzones ;
int namixgx;
int jp ;
int kp ;
} Domain_t ;
typedef struct {
double *dbl ;
double *dbc ;
double *dbr ;
double *dcl ;
double *dcc ;
double *dcr ;
double *dfl ;
double *dfc ;
double *dfr ;
double *cbl ;
double *cbc ;
double *cbr ;
double *ccl ;
double *ccc ;
double *ccr ;
double *cfl ;
double *cfc ;
double *cfr ;
double *ubl ;
double *ubc ;
double *ubr ;
double *ucl ;
double *ucc ;
double *ucr ;
double *ufl ;
double *ufc ;
double *ufr ;
} RadiationData_t ;