blob: 444bc8ba1e07f43531e3714c6f7c6ba1a7cf8c36 [file] [log] [blame]
* (c) 1997 The Regents of the University of California
* See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
* notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
* $Revision$
#include "headers.h"
#include "smg.h"
#define DEBUG 0
* hypre_SMGSetup
hypre_SMGSetup( void *smg_vdata,
hypre_StructMatrix *A,
hypre_StructVector *b,
hypre_StructVector *x )
hypre_SMGData *smg_data = smg_vdata;
MPI_Comm comm = (smg_data -> comm);
hypre_IndexRef base_index = (smg_data -> base_index);
hypre_IndexRef base_stride = (smg_data -> base_stride);
int n_pre = (smg_data -> num_pre_relax);
int n_post = (smg_data -> num_post_relax);
int max_iter;
int max_levels;
int num_levels;
int cdir;
hypre_Index bindex;
hypre_Index bstride;
hypre_Index cindex;
hypre_Index findex;
hypre_Index stride;
hypre_StructGrid **grid_l;
hypre_StructGrid **PT_grid_l;
double *data;
int data_size = 0;
hypre_StructMatrix **A_l;
hypre_StructMatrix **PT_l;
hypre_StructMatrix **R_l;
hypre_StructVector **b_l;
hypre_StructVector **x_l;
/* temp vectors */
hypre_StructVector **tb_l;
hypre_StructVector **tx_l;
hypre_StructVector **r_l;
hypre_StructVector **e_l;
double *b_data;
double *x_data;
int b_data_alloced;
int x_data_alloced;
void **relax_data_l;
void **residual_data_l;
void **restrict_data_l;
void **interp_data_l;
hypre_StructGrid *grid;
hypre_Box *cbox;
int i, l;
int b_num_ghost[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int x_num_ghost[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int ierr = 0;
char filename[255];
* Set up coarsening direction
cdir = hypre_StructStencilDim(hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A)) - 1;
(smg_data -> cdir) = cdir;
* Set up coarse grids
grid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A);
/* Compute a new max_levels value based on the grid */
cbox = hypre_BoxDuplicate(hypre_StructGridBoundingBox(grid));
max_levels = hypre_Log2(hypre_BoxSizeD(cbox, cdir)) + 2;
if ((smg_data -> max_levels) > 0)
max_levels = hypre_min(max_levels, (smg_data -> max_levels));
(smg_data -> max_levels) = max_levels;
grid_l = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructGrid *, max_levels);
PT_grid_l = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructGrid *, max_levels);
PT_grid_l[0] = NULL;
hypre_StructGridRef(grid, &grid_l[0]);
for (l = 0; ; l++)
/* set cindex and stride */
hypre_SMGSetCIndex(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, cindex);
hypre_SMGSetStride(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, stride);
/* check to see if we should coarsen */
if ( ( hypre_BoxIMinD(cbox, cdir) == hypre_BoxIMaxD(cbox, cdir) ) ||
(l == (max_levels - 1)) )
/* stop coarsening */
/* coarsen cbox */
hypre_ProjectBox(cbox, cindex, stride);
hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMin(cbox), cindex, stride,
hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMax(cbox), cindex, stride,
/* build the interpolation grid */
hypre_StructCoarsen(grid_l[l], cindex, stride, 0, &PT_grid_l[l+1]);
/* build the coarse grid */
hypre_StructCoarsen(grid_l[l], cindex, stride, 1, &grid_l[l+1]);
num_levels = l + 1;
/* free up some things */
(smg_data -> num_levels) = num_levels;
(smg_data -> grid_l) = grid_l;
(smg_data -> PT_grid_l) = PT_grid_l;
* Set up matrix and vector structures
A_l = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructMatrix *, num_levels);
PT_l = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructMatrix *, num_levels - 1);
R_l = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructMatrix *, num_levels - 1);
b_l = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructVector *, num_levels);
x_l = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructVector *, num_levels);
tb_l = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructVector *, num_levels);
tx_l = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructVector *, num_levels);
r_l = tx_l;
e_l = tx_l;
A_l[0] = hypre_StructMatrixRef(A);
b_l[0] = hypre_StructVectorRef(b);
x_l[0] = hypre_StructVectorRef(x);
for (i = 0; i <= cdir; i++)
x_num_ghost[2*i] = 1;
x_num_ghost[2*i + 1] = 1;
tb_l[0] = hypre_StructVectorCreate(comm, grid_l[0]);
hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost(tb_l[0], hypre_StructVectorNumGhost(b));
data_size += hypre_StructVectorDataSize(tb_l[0]);
tx_l[0] = hypre_StructVectorCreate(comm, grid_l[0]);
hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost(tx_l[0], hypre_StructVectorNumGhost(x));
data_size += hypre_StructVectorDataSize(tx_l[0]);
for (l = 0; l < (num_levels - 1); l++)
PT_l[l] = hypre_SMGCreateInterpOp(A_l[l], PT_grid_l[l+1], cdir);
data_size += hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(PT_l[l]);
if (hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A))
R_l[l] = PT_l[l];
R_l[l] = PT_l[l];
#if 0
/* Allow R != PT for non symmetric case */
/* NOTE: Need to create a non-pruned grid for this to work */
R_l[l] = hypre_SMGCreateRestrictOp(A_l[l], grid_l[l+1], cdir);
data_size += hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(R_l[l]);
A_l[l+1] = hypre_SMGCreateRAPOp(R_l[l], A_l[l], PT_l[l], grid_l[l+1]);
data_size += hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(A_l[l+1]);
b_l[l+1] = hypre_StructVectorCreate(comm, grid_l[l+1]);
hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost(b_l[l+1], b_num_ghost);
data_size += hypre_StructVectorDataSize(b_l[l+1]);
x_l[l+1] = hypre_StructVectorCreate(comm, grid_l[l+1]);
hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost(x_l[l+1], x_num_ghost);
data_size += hypre_StructVectorDataSize(x_l[l+1]);
tb_l[l+1] = hypre_StructVectorCreate(comm, grid_l[l+1]);
hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost(tb_l[l+1], hypre_StructVectorNumGhost(b));
tx_l[l+1] = hypre_StructVectorCreate(comm, grid_l[l+1]);
hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost(tx_l[l+1], hypre_StructVectorNumGhost(x));
data = hypre_SharedCTAlloc(double, data_size);
(smg_data -> data) = data;
hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(tb_l[0], data);
data += hypre_StructVectorDataSize(tb_l[0]);
hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(tx_l[0], data);
data += hypre_StructVectorDataSize(tx_l[0]);
for (l = 0; l < (num_levels - 1); l++)
hypre_StructMatrixInitializeData(PT_l[l], data);
data += hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(PT_l[l]);
#if 0
/* Allow R != PT for non symmetric case */
if (!hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A))
hypre_StructMatrixInitializeData(R_l[l], data);
data += hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(R_l[l]);
hypre_StructMatrixInitializeData(A_l[l+1], data);
data += hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(A_l[l+1]);
hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(b_l[l+1], data);
data += hypre_StructVectorDataSize(b_l[l+1]);
hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(x_l[l+1], data);
data += hypre_StructVectorDataSize(x_l[l+1]);
(smg_data -> A_l) = A_l;
(smg_data -> PT_l) = PT_l;
(smg_data -> R_l) = R_l;
(smg_data -> b_l) = b_l;
(smg_data -> x_l) = x_l;
(smg_data -> tb_l) = tb_l;
(smg_data -> tx_l) = tx_l;
(smg_data -> r_l) = r_l;
(smg_data -> e_l) = e_l;
* Set up multigrid operators and call setup routines
* Note: The routine that sets up interpolation uses
* the same relaxation routines used in the solve
* phase of the algorithm. To do this, the data for
* the fine-grid unknown and right-hand-side vectors
* is temporarily changed to temporary data.
relax_data_l = hypre_TAlloc(void *, num_levels);
residual_data_l = hypre_TAlloc(void *, num_levels);
restrict_data_l = hypre_TAlloc(void *, num_levels);
interp_data_l = hypre_TAlloc(void *, num_levels);
/* temporarily set the data for x_l[0] and b_l[0] to temp data */
b_data = hypre_StructVectorData(b_l[0]);
b_data_alloced = hypre_StructVectorDataAlloced(b_l[0]);
x_data = hypre_StructVectorData(x_l[0]);
x_data_alloced = hypre_StructVectorDataAlloced(x_l[0]);
hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(b_l[0], hypre_StructVectorData(tb_l[0]));
hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(x_l[0], hypre_StructVectorData(tx_l[0]));
for (l = 0; l < (num_levels - 1); l++)
hypre_SMGSetBIndex(base_index, base_stride, l, bindex);
hypre_SMGSetBStride(base_index, base_stride, l, bstride);
hypre_SMGSetCIndex(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, cindex);
hypre_SMGSetFIndex(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, findex);
hypre_SMGSetStride(base_index, base_stride, l, cdir, stride);
/* set up relaxation */
relax_data_l[l] = hypre_SMGRelaxCreate(comm);
hypre_SMGRelaxSetBase(relax_data_l[l], bindex, bstride);
hypre_SMGRelaxSetMemoryUse(relax_data_l[l], (smg_data -> memory_use));
hypre_SMGRelaxSetTol(relax_data_l[l], 0.0);
hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumSpaces(relax_data_l[l], 2);
hypre_SMGRelaxSetSpace(relax_data_l[l], 0,
hypre_IndexD(cindex, cdir),
hypre_IndexD(stride, cdir));
hypre_SMGRelaxSetSpace(relax_data_l[l], 1,
hypre_IndexD(findex, cdir),
hypre_IndexD(stride, cdir));
hypre_SMGRelaxSetTempVec(relax_data_l[l], tb_l[l]);
hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPreRelax( relax_data_l[l], n_pre);
hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPostRelax( relax_data_l[l], n_post);
hypre_SMGRelaxSetup(relax_data_l[l], A_l[l], b_l[l], x_l[l]);
hypre_SMGSetupInterpOp(relax_data_l[l], A_l[l], b_l[l], x_l[l],
PT_l[l], cdir, cindex, findex, stride);
/* (re)set relaxation parameters */
hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPreSpaces(relax_data_l[l], 0);
hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumRegSpaces(relax_data_l[l], 2);
hypre_SMGRelaxSetup(relax_data_l[l], A_l[l], b_l[l], x_l[l]);
/* set up the residual routine */
residual_data_l[l] = hypre_SMGResidualCreate();
hypre_SMGResidualSetBase(residual_data_l[l], bindex, bstride);
A_l[l], x_l[l], b_l[l], r_l[l]);
/* set up the interpolation routine */
interp_data_l[l] = hypre_SemiInterpCreate();
hypre_SemiInterpSetup(interp_data_l[l], PT_l[l], 1, x_l[l+1], e_l[l],
cindex, findex, stride);
/* set up the restriction operator */
#if 0
/* Allow R != PT for non symmetric case */
if (!hypre_StructMatrixSymmetric(A))
hypre_SMGSetupRestrictOp(A_l[l], R_l[l], tx_l[l], cdir,
cindex, stride);
/* set up the restriction routine */
restrict_data_l[l] = hypre_SemiRestrictCreate();
hypre_SemiRestrictSetup(restrict_data_l[l], R_l[l], 0, r_l[l], b_l[l+1],
cindex, findex, stride);
/* set up the coarse grid operator */
hypre_SMGSetupRAPOp(R_l[l], A_l[l], PT_l[l], A_l[l+1],
cindex, stride);
hypre_SMGSetBIndex(base_index, base_stride, l, bindex);
hypre_SMGSetBStride(base_index, base_stride, l, bstride);
relax_data_l[l] = hypre_SMGRelaxCreate(comm);
hypre_SMGRelaxSetBase(relax_data_l[l], bindex, bstride);
hypre_SMGRelaxSetTol(relax_data_l[l], 0.0);
hypre_SMGRelaxSetMaxIter(relax_data_l[l], 1);
hypre_SMGRelaxSetTempVec(relax_data_l[l], tb_l[l]);
hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPreRelax( relax_data_l[l], n_pre);
hypre_SMGRelaxSetNumPostRelax( relax_data_l[l], n_post);
hypre_SMGRelaxSetup(relax_data_l[l], A_l[l], b_l[l], x_l[l]);
/* set up the residual routine in case of a single grid level */
if( l == 0 )
residual_data_l[l] = hypre_SMGResidualCreate();
hypre_SMGResidualSetBase(residual_data_l[l], bindex, bstride);
A_l[l], x_l[l], b_l[l], r_l[l]);
/* set the data for x_l[0] and b_l[0] the way they were */
hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(b_l[0], b_data);
hypre_StructVectorDataAlloced(b_l[0]) = b_data_alloced;
hypre_StructVectorInitializeData(x_l[0], x_data);
hypre_StructVectorDataAlloced(x_l[0]) = x_data_alloced;
(smg_data -> relax_data_l) = relax_data_l;
(smg_data -> residual_data_l) = residual_data_l;
(smg_data -> restrict_data_l) = restrict_data_l;
(smg_data -> interp_data_l) = interp_data_l;
* Allocate space for log info
if ((smg_data -> logging) > 0)
max_iter = (smg_data -> max_iter);
(smg_data -> norms) = hypre_TAlloc(double, max_iter);
(smg_data -> rel_norms) = hypre_TAlloc(double, max_iter);
if(hypre_StructGridDim(grid_l[0]) == 3)
for (l = 0; l < (num_levels - 1); l++)
sprintf(filename, "zout_A.%02d", l);
hypre_StructMatrixPrint(filename, A_l[l], 0);
sprintf(filename, "zout_PT.%02d", l);
hypre_StructMatrixPrint(filename, PT_l[l], 0);
sprintf(filename, "zout_A.%02d", l);
hypre_StructMatrixPrint(filename, A_l[l], 0);
return ierr;