blob: 914e10c667c49ddb79364d8fa7ec7a7d5afaa93f [file] [log] [blame]
* (c) 1996 The Regents of the University of California
* See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
* notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
* $Revision$
* Routines for generating random numbers.
* Static variables
static int Seed = 13579;
#define L 1664525
#define M 1024
* hypre_SeedRand:
* The seed must always be positive.
* Note: the internal seed must be positive and odd, so it is set
* to (2*input_seed - 1);
void hypre_SeedRand(seed)
int seed;
Seed = (2*seed - 1) % M;
* hypre_Rand
double hypre_Rand()
Seed = (L * Seed) % M;
return ( ((double) Seed) / ((double) M) );