blob: db4592ea69bd7200ebbaaa13ddd4f779f69fbfd4 [file] [log] [blame]
* info.h - Store information about parsed "treecc" input files.
* Copyright (C) 2001 Southern Storm Software, Pty Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef _TREECC_INFO_H
#define _TREECC_INFO_H
#include "stream.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Forward declarations.
typedef struct _tagTreeCCField TreeCCField;
typedef struct _tagTreeCCNode TreeCCNode;
typedef struct _tagTreeCCOperation TreeCCOperation;
typedef struct _tagTreeCCParam TreeCCParam;
typedef struct _tagTreeCCVirtual TreeCCVirtual;
typedef struct _tagTreeCCTrigger TreeCCTrigger;
typedef struct _tagTreeCCOperationCase TreeCCOperationCase;
* Field definition flags.
* Node definition flags.
#define TREECC_NODE_MARK(n) (0x100 << (n))
* Operation flags.
* Parameter flags.
* Language values.
#define TREECC_LANG_C 0
* Information that is stored about a field.
struct _tagTreeCCField
char *name; /* Name of the field */
char *type; /* Type associated with the field */
char *value; /* Default value for the field */
int flags; /* Field flags */
char *filename; /* File that defines the field */
long linenum; /* Line where the field is defined */
TreeCCField *next; /* Next field for the node type */
* Information that is stored about a node type.
struct _tagTreeCCNode
TreeCCNode *parent; /* Parent node type */
TreeCCNode *firstChild; /* First child node type */
TreeCCNode *lastChild; /* Last child node type */
TreeCCNode *nextSibling;/* Next sibling node type under parent */
char *name; /* Name of this node type */
int flags; /* Node flags */
int number; /* Number associated with this node type */
int position; /* Position within the tree for operations */
char *filename; /* File that defines the node type */
long linenum; /* Line where the node type is defined */
TreeCCField *fields; /* List of fields for this node type */
TreeCCVirtual *virtuals; /* List of virtual methods for this node */
TreeCCNode *nextHash; /* Next in the name hash table */
TreeCCStream *header; /* Stream to write header to */
TreeCCStream *source; /* Stream to write source to */
* Information that is stored about an operation.
struct _tagTreeCCOperation
char *name; /* Name of the operation */
char *className; /* Name of the enclosing class */
char *returnType; /* Return type for the operation */
char *defValue; /* Default value for the operation */
TreeCCParam *params; /* Parameters for the operation */
int flags; /* Flags associated with the operation */
int numTriggers;/* Number of trigger parameters */
char *filename; /* File where the operation is declared */
long linenum; /* Line where the operation is declared */
TreeCCOperation *nextHash; /* Next in the operation hash table */
TreeCCOperationCase *firstCase; /* First case associated with operation */
TreeCCOperationCase *lastCase; /* Last case associated with operation */
TreeCCOperationCase **sortedCases; /* Cases sorted for non-virtual ops */
int numCases; /* Number of operation cases */
TreeCCStream *header; /* Stream to write header to */
TreeCCStream *source; /* Stream to write source to */
* Information that is stored about an operation parameter.
struct _tagTreeCCParam
char *name; /* Name of the parameter */
char *type; /* Type for the parameter */
int flags; /* Flags associated with the parameter */
int size; /* Dimension size for non-virtual operations */
TreeCCParam *next; /* Next parameter for the operation */
* Information that is stored about a virtual method on a node type.
struct _tagTreeCCVirtual
char *name; /* Name of the virtual method */
char *returnType; /* Return type for the virtual method */
TreeCCParam *params; /* Non-instance parameters */
TreeCCOperation *oper; /* Operation block for the virtual */
TreeCCVirtual *next; /* Next virtual method for the node type */
* Information that is stored about a trigger match on an operation case.
struct _tagTreeCCTrigger
TreeCCNode *node; /* Node type for the trigger */
TreeCCTrigger *next; /* Next trigger for this case */
* Information that is stored about an operation case.
struct _tagTreeCCOperationCase
TreeCCTrigger *triggers; /* Trigger list for this case */
char *code; /* Code associated with the case */
TreeCCOperation *oper; /* Operation this case is associated with */
int number; /* Reference number for code generation */
char *filename; /* File that starts the case definition */
long linenum; /* Line that starts the case definition */
char *codeFilename;/* File that starts the code */
long codeLinenum;/* Line that starts the code */
TreeCCOperationCase *next; /* Next case for the operation */
TreeCCOperationCase *nextHeader; /* Next header for same code block */
* Context object that stores all definitions parsed from the input.
#define TREECC_HASH_SIZE 512
typedef struct _tagTreeCCContext
/* Hash table that allows quick lookup of node types */
TreeCCNode *nodeHash[TREECC_HASH_SIZE];
/* Hash table that allows quick lookup of operation names */
TreeCCOperation *operHash[TREECC_HASH_SIZE];
/* Current input stream */
TreeCCInput *input;
/* Output streams */
TreeCCStream *streamList; /* List of all streams */
TreeCCStream *headerStream; /* Current header stream */
TreeCCStream *sourceStream; /* Current source stream */
TreeCCStream *commonHeader; /* Stream for common definitions */
TreeCCStream *commonSource; /* Stream for common source */
/* Flags that control the behaviour of the program */
int debugMode : 1; /* Enable debug output */
int track_lines : 1; /* Track node creation lines */
int no_singletons : 1; /* Don't handle singletons specially */
int reentrant : 1; /* Build a re-entrant system */
int force : 1; /* Force the creation of files */
int virtual_factory : 1;/* Allow overrides of factory methods */
int abstract_factory : 1;/* Declare factory methods abstract */
int kind_in_vtable : 1; /* Put kind value in vtable only */
int strip_filenames : 1; /* Strip names in #line directives */
int print_lines : 1; /* Dont emit #line directives */
int internal_access : 1; /* Use "internal" classes in C# */
int use_allocator : 1; /* Use the skeleton allocator */
int use_gc_allocator : 1; /* Use the libgc allocator */
/* String to use to replace "yy" in output files */
char *yy_replacement;
/* Name of the type to use for re-entrant state */
char *state_type;
/* Namespace to store declarations within */
char *namespace;
/* Current node type number */
int nodeNumber;
/* Output source language to use */
int language;
/* Size of blocks to use in C/C++ memory alloction */
int block_size;
/* Name of the directory to output Java source files to */
char *outputDirectory;
/* name of the base type which is what %typedef expands to */
char *baseType;
} TreeCCContext;
* Create a context.
TreeCCContext *TreeCCContextCreate(TreeCCInput *input);
* Destroy a context.
void TreeCCContextDestroy(TreeCCContext *context);
* Hash a string.
unsigned int TreeCCHashString(const char *str);
* Flags for "TreeCCAddLiteralDefn".
#define TREECC_LITERAL_CODE 1 /* In source */
#define TREECC_LITERAL_DECLS 2 /* In header */
#define TREECC_LITERAL_END 4 /* Place at end */
* Add a literal code definition block to the context.
void TreeCCAddLiteralDefn(TreeCCContext *context, char *code, int flags);
* Free a node definition.
void TreeCCNodeFree(TreeCCNode *node);
* Create a new node definition.
TreeCCNode *TreeCCNodeCreate(TreeCCContext *context, long linenum,
char *name, char *parent, int flags);
* Find a node definition given its name.
TreeCCNode *TreeCCNodeFind(TreeCCContext *context, const char *name);
* Find a node definition given a type name, which may be
* either "identifier" or "identifier *".
TreeCCNode *TreeCCNodeFindByType(TreeCCContext *context, const char *name);
* Validate the node type hierarchy to ensure that everything is defined.
void TreeCCNodeValidate(TreeCCContext *context);
* Visit every node type in a context's hierarchy.
typedef void (*TreeCCNodeVisitor)(TreeCCContext *context, TreeCCNode *node);
void TreeCCNodeVisitAll(TreeCCContext *context, TreeCCNodeVisitor visitor);
* Determine if a node type is a singleton. i.e. no fields.
int TreeCCNodeIsSingleton(TreeCCNode *node);
* Determine if a node type has abstract virtual operation cases.
int TreeCCNodeHasAbstracts(TreeCCContext *context, TreeCCNode *node);
* Add a virtual operation to a node.
void TreeCCNodeAddVirtual(TreeCCContext *context, TreeCCNode *node,
TreeCCOperation *oper);
* Determine if "nodea" inherits from "nodeb".
int TreeCCNodeInheritsFrom(TreeCCNode *nodea, TreeCCNode *nodeb);
* Clear all marking bits that are used to track operation coverage.
void TreeCCNodeClearMarking(TreeCCContext *context, int flags);
* Assign positions to all nodes started at a particular place
* in the node type hierarchy. Returns the number of positions.
int TreeCCNodeAssignPositions(TreeCCNode *node);
* Create a new field definition and add it to a node.
void TreeCCFieldCreate(TreeCCContext *context, TreeCCNode *node,
char *name, char *type, char *value, int flags);
* Free an operation.
void TreeCCOperationFree(TreeCCOperation *oper);
* Create a new operation.
TreeCCOperation *TreeCCOperationCreate(TreeCCContext *context,
char *returnType, char *name,
char *className, char *defValue,
TreeCCParam *params, int flags,
int numTriggers, char *filename,
long linenum);
* Find an operation with a specific name.
TreeCCOperation *TreeCCOperationFind(TreeCCContext *context, char *name);
* Add a case definition to an operation.
TreeCCOperationCase *TreeCCOperationAddCase
(TreeCCContext *context, TreeCCOperation *oper,
TreeCCTrigger *triggers, char *filename, long linenum);
* Validate all operations.
void TreeCCOperationValidate(TreeCCContext *context);
* Find the operation case that corresponds to a virtual method.
* Returns NULL if the node does not have a virtual implementation.
TreeCCOperationCase *TreeCCOperationFindCase
(TreeCCContext *context, TreeCCNode *node, char *name);
* Visit all operations declared by a context.
typedef void (*TreeCCOperationVisitor)(TreeCCContext *context,
TreeCCOperation *oper);
void TreeCCOperationVisitAll(TreeCCContext *context,
TreeCCOperationVisitor visitor);
* Include the contents of a skeleton file in an output stream.
void TreeCCIncludeSkeleton(TreeCCContext *context, TreeCCStream *stream,
const char *skeleton);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _TREECC_INFO_H */