blob: 824c7a0d6348a287f573c818a196ee0e6449e16c [file] [log] [blame]
-- The Great Computer Language Shootout
-- contributed by Mike Pall
local floor, ceil = math.floor, math.ceil
local precision = 50 -- Maximum precision of lua_Number (minus safety margin).
local onebits = (2^precision)-1
local function nsieve(p, m)
local cm = ceil(m/precision)
do local onebits = onebits; for i=0,cm do p[i] = onebits end end
local count, idx, bit = 0, 2, 2
for i=2,m do
local r = p[idx] / bit
if r - floor(r) >= 0.5 then -- Bit set?
local kidx, kbit = idx, bit
for k=i+i,m,i do
kidx = kidx + i
while kidx >= cm do kidx = kidx - cm; kbit = kbit + kbit end
local x = p[kidx]
local r = x / kbit
if r - floor(r) >= 0.5 then p[kidx] = x - kbit*0.5 end -- Clear bit.
count = count + 1
idx = idx + 1
if idx >= cm then idx = 0; bit = bit + bit end
return count
local N = tonumber(arg and arg[1]) or 1
if N < 2 then N = 2 end
local primes = {}
for i=0,2 do
local m = (2^(N-i))*10000
io.write(string.format("Primes up to %8d %8d\n", m, nsieve(primes, m)))