blob: 180e770ad4a3ae3c864baa8807c6c91a43696f0e [file] [log] [blame]
-- The Computer Language Shootout
-- contributed by Mike Pall
-- Generate a decision tree based solver for the meteor puzzle.
local function generatesolver(countinit)
local pairs, ipairs, format = pairs, ipairs, string.format
local byte, min, sort = string.byte, math.min, table.sort
-- Cached position to distance lookup.
local dist = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, xy)
local x = xy%10; local y = (xy-x)/10
if (x+y)%2 == 1 then y = y + 1; x = 10 - x end
local d = xy + 256*x*x + 1024*y*y; t[xy] = d; return d
-- Lookup table to validate a cell and to find its successor.
local ok = {}
for i=0,150 do ok[i] = false end
for i=99,0,-1 do
local x = i%10
if ((i-x)/10+x)%2 == 0 then
ok[i] = i + (ok[i+1] and 1 or (ok[i+2] and 2 or 3))
-- Temporary board state for the island checks.
local islands, slide = {}, {20,22,24,26,28,31,33,35,37,39}
local bbc, bb = 0, {}
for i=0,19 do bb[i] = false; bb[i+80] = false end
for i=20,79 do bb[i] = ok[i] end
-- Recursive flood fill algorithm.
local function fill(bb, p)
bbc = bbc + 1
local n = p+2; if bb[n] then bb[n] = false; fill(bb, n) end
n = p-2; if bb[n] then bb[n] = false; fill(bb, n) end
n = p-9; if bb[n] then bb[n] = false; fill(bb, n) end
n = p-11; if bb[n] then bb[n] = false; fill(bb, n) end
n = p+9; if bb[n] then bb[n] = false; fill(bb, n) end
n = p+11; if bb[n] then bb[n] = false; fill(bb, n) end
-- Generate pruned, sliding decision trees.
local dtrees = {{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}}
local rot = { nil, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} }
for k=0,9 do
-- Generate 10 initial pieces from line noise. :-)
local t = { 60, 62, byte("@BMBIK@KT@GPIKR@IKIKT@GK@KM@BG", k*3+1, k*3+3) }
rot[1] = t
for i,xy in ipairs(t) do
local x = xy%10; local y = (xy-x-60)/10
-- Add 11 more variations by rotating and flipping.
for j=2,12 do
if j == 7 then y = -y else x,y = (x+3*y)/2, (y-x)/2 end
rot[j][i] = x+10*y
for r,v in ipairs(rot) do
-- Exploit symmetry and leave out half of the orientations of one piece.
-- The selected piece gives the best reduction of the solution space.
if k ~= 3 or r%2 == 0 then
-- Normalize to origin, add distance, sort by distance from origin.
local m = min(v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5])
for i=1,5 do v[i] = dist[v[i]-m] end
local v2, v3, v4, v5 = v[2]%256, v[3]%256, v[4]%256, v[5]%256
-- Slide the piece across 2 rows, prune the tree, check for islands.
for j,p in ipairs(slide) do
bb[p] = false
if ok[p+v2] and ok[p+v3] and ok[p+v4] and ok[p+v5] then -- Prune.
for i=p+1,79 do bb[i] = ok[i] end -- Clear remaining board.
bb[p+v2] = false; bb[p+v3] = false -- Add piece.
bb[p+v4] = false; bb[p+v5] = false
bbc = j -- Flood fill and count the filled positions.
if bb[71] then bb[71] = false; fill(bb, 71) end -- Lower left.
if bb[79] then bb[79] = false; fill(bb, 79) end -- Lower right.
local di = 0
if bbc < 22 then bbc = 26
elseif bbc < 26 then -- Island found, locate it, fill from above.
for i=p+2,79 do if bb[i] then di = i-p; break end end
for i=p-9,p-1 do if ok[i] then fill(bb, i) bbc = bbc - 1 end end
if bbc == 26 then -- Prune boards with static islands.
local tb = dtrees[j] -- Build decision tree in distance order.
local ta = tb[v2]; if not ta then ta = {}; tb[v2] = ta end
tb = ta[v3]; if not tb then tb = {}; ta[v3] = tb end
ta = tb[v4]; if not ta then ta = {}; tb[v4] = ta; islands[ta] = di
elseif islands[ta] ~= di then islands[ta] = 0 end
ta[v5] = di*10+k -- Leaves hold island check and piece number.
local s = "local u0,u1,u2,u3,u4,u5,u6,u7,u8,u9" -- Piece use flags.
for p=0,99 do if ok[p] then s = s..",b"..p end end -- Board cells.
s = s.."\n"..[[
local countinit = ...
local count = countinit
local bmin, bmax, pcs = 9, 0, {}
local smin, smax
local write, reverse = io.write, string.reverse
-- Print min/max boards.
local function printboard(s)
local flip = true
for x in string.gmatch(string.gsub(s, ".", "%1 "), "..........") do
write(x, flip and "\n " or "\n")
flip = not flip
-- Print result.
local function printresult()
write(countinit-count, " solutions found\n\n")
-- Generate piece lookup array from the order of use.
local function genp()
local p = pcs
p[u0] = "0" p[u1] = "1" p[u2] = "2" p[u3] = "3" p[u4] = "4"
p[u5] = "5" p[u6] = "6" p[u7] = "7" p[u8] = "8" p[u9] = "9"
return p
-- Goal function.
local function f91(k)
if k ~= 10 then return end
count = count - 2 -- Need to count the symmetric solution, too.
-- Quick precheck before constructing the string.
local b0, b99 = b0, b99
if b0 <= bmin then bmin = b0 elseif b0 >= bmax then bmax = b0
elseif b99 <= bmin then bmin = b99 elseif b99 >= bmax then bmax = b99
else break end
-- Translate the filled board to a string.
local p = genp()
local s = p[b0] ]]
for p=2,99 do if ok[p] then s = s.."..p[b"..p.."]" end end
s = s..[[
-- Remember min/max boards, dito for the symmetric board.
if not smin then smin = s; smax = s
elseif s < smin then smin = s elseif s > smax then smax = s end
s = reverse(s)
if s < smin then smin = s elseif s > smax then smax = s end
until true
if count <= 0 then error() end -- Early abort if max count given.
local f93 = f91
-- Recursively convert the decision tree to Lua code.
local function codetree(tree, d, p, pn)
local found, s = false, ""
d = d + 1
for a,t in pairs(tree) do
local b = p+a
if b < 100 then -- Prune the tree at the lower border.
local pp = b ~= pn and pn or ok[b] -- Find maximum successor function.
if d >= 5 then -- Try to place the last cell of a piece and advance.
found = true
local u = t%10
local di = (t-u)/10
if di ~= 0 and d == 5 then
di = di + p; if pp == di then pp = ok[di] end
s = format("%sif b%d and not u%d and not b%d then b%d=k u%d=k f%d(k) u%d=N b%d=N end\n",
s, di, u, b, b, u, pp, u, b)
s = format("%sif not u%d and not b%d then b%d=k u%d=k f%d(k) u%d=N b%d=N end\n",
s, u, b, b, u, pp, u, b)
else -- Try to place an intermediate cell.
local di = d ~= 4 and 0 or islands[t]
if di == 0 then
local st = codetree(t, d, p, pp)
if st then
found = true
s = format("%sif not b%d then b%d=k\n%sb%d=N end\n", s, b, b, st, b)
else -- Combine island checks.
di = di + p; if pp == di then pp = ok[di] end
local st = codetree(t, 6, p, pp)
if st then
found = true
s = format("%sif b%d and not b%d then b%d=k\n%sb%d=N end\n", s, di, b, b, st, b)
return found and s
-- Embed the decision tree into a function hierarchy.
local j = 5
for p=88,0,-1 do
local pn = ok[p]
if pn then
s = format("%slocal function f%d(k)\nlocal N if b%d then return f%d(k) end k=k+1 b%d=k\n%sb%d=N end\n",
s, p, p, pn, p, codetree(dtrees[j], 1, p, pn), p)
j = j - 1; if j == 0 then j = 10 end
-- Compile and return solver function and result getter.
return loadstring(s.."return f0, printresult\n", "solver")(countinit)
-- Generate the solver function hierarchy.
local solver, printresult = generatesolver(tonumber(arg and arg[1]) or 10000)
-- The optimizer for LuaJIT 1.1.x is not helpful here, so turn it off.
if jit and jit.opt and jit.version_num < 10200 then jit.opt.start(0) end
-- Run the solver protected to get partial results (max count or ctrl-c).
pcall(solver, 0)