blob: 73568dbd3b505aa46950161a6e6e1078628bd4c2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Point definition and pointlist definition *
typedef struct PointStruct *PointPtr;
typedef struct PointStruct
double x;
double y;
double z;
typedef struct ObjPointStruct *ObjPointPtr;
typedef struct ObjPointStruct
double x;
double y;
double z;
double tx;
double ty;
double tz;
typedef struct HPointStruct *HPointPtr;
typedef struct HPointStruct
double x;
double y;
double z;
double w;
typedef struct PointListStruct *PointListPtr;
typedef struct PointListStruct
ObjPointPtr P;
PointListPtr NextPoint;
PointListPtr PrevPoint;
typedef double Matrix[4][4];
typedef Matrix *MatrixPtr;
* Texture, Mateial and Bitmap definitions and listdefinitions *
typedef struct BitMapStruct
unsigned char *bitmap;
typedef struct BitMapListStruct *BitMapListPtr;
typedef struct BitMapListStruct
BitMap current;
BitMapListPtr NextBitMap;
BitMapListPtr PrevBitMap;
typedef struct Texture *TexturePtr;
typedef struct Texture
Point Color;
BitMapListPtr Textures;
/*float DiffuseIndex;
BitMapListPtr DiffuseBitmaps;
float SpecularIndex;
enum{ low, medium, high}
int spectag;
float Reflectivity;
BitMapListPtr ReflectionBitmaps;
float transparency
enum{ edge, opaque }
int transptag;
BitMapList BumpMaps;*/
/*******************************Texture Coords*********************************/
Point center;
Point direction;
Point scale;
/*******************************End of Texture*********************************/
TexturePtr next;
TexturePtr prev;
typedef struct Material *MaterialPtr;
typedef struct Material
float Elasticity;
float Airness;
float Softness;
MaterialPtr next;
MaterialPtr prev;
} Material;
* Poly definition and polylist definition *
typedef struct Poly3Struct *Poly3Ptr;
typedef struct Poly3Struct
ObjPointPtr P[3];
MaterialPtr Mat;
TexturePtr Txt;
Poly3Ptr Next;
Poly3Ptr Prev;
typedef struct Poly4Struct *Poly4Ptr;
typedef struct Poly4Struct
ObjPointPtr P[4];
MaterialPtr Mat;
TexturePtr Txt;
Poly4Ptr Next;
Poly4Ptr Prev;
typedef struct RGBStruct
double R;
double G;
double B;
* Object definition and objectlist definition *
typedef struct ObjectStruct *ObjPtr;
typedef struct ObjectStruct
char Name[57]; /* Chosen to 57, since the future platform supports 57 chars*/
PointListPtr Points;
Poly3Ptr Poly3s;
Poly4Ptr Poly4s;
TexturePtr Textures;
MaterialPtr Material;
RGB Color; /* In layout */
int ReNo;
enum style {FULL,HALF,NONE} styletag;
Point Origin;
Point Rotation;
Point Scale;
ObjPtr Children;
ObjPtr Parent;
int Number_of_Children;
int Number_of_Points;
int Number_of_Poly3s;
int Number_of_Poly4s;
int Number_of_Textures;
int Number_of_Materials;
int Number_of_BitMaps;
ObjPtr next;
ObjPtr prev;
* Various definitions *
typedef struct LightStruct *LightPtr;
typedef struct LightStruct
char Name[57];
int Number;
RGB Color; /* In LayOut */
float pos_x,pos_y,pos_z; /* Position */
float rot_x,rot_y,rot_z; /* X,Y,Z Rotation factor */
float amb_r,amb_g,amb_b,amb_a; /* Ambient Intensity */
float spec_r,spec_g,spec_b,spec_a; /* Specular Intensity */
float diff_r,diff_g,diff_b,diff_a; /* Diffuseness */
float Spot_Exponent, Spot_Cutoff;
float Const_Attenuation, Linear_Attenuation, Quad_Attenuation;
enum LightTypes { POINT, SPOT, DIR } light_tag;
LightPtr next;
LightPtr prev;
typedef struct ButtonMotionStruct
enum button {N,B1,B2,B3} Tag;
float x0;
float y0;
float x;
float y;