blob: 23b8f0d7021949dbdb342be12325ffd3a08f53e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// This simple PNG IO library works with *both* the Halide::Buffer<T> type *and*
// the simple halide_image.h version. Also now includes PPM support for faster load/save.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace Halide {
namespace Tools {
namespace Internal {
typedef bool (*CheckFunc)(bool condition, const char* fmt, ...);
inline bool CheckFail(bool condition, const char* fmt, ...) {
if (!condition) {
char buffer[1024];
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, args);
fprintf(stderr, "%s", buffer);
return condition;
inline bool CheckReturn(bool condition, const char* fmt, ...) {
return condition;
// Convert to u8
inline void convert(uint8_t in, uint8_t &out) {out = in;}
inline void convert(uint16_t in, uint8_t &out) {out = in >> 8;}
inline void convert(uint32_t in, uint8_t &out) {out = in >> 24;}
inline void convert(int8_t in, uint8_t &out) {out = in;}
inline void convert(int16_t in, uint8_t &out) {out = in >> 8;}
inline void convert(int32_t in, uint8_t &out) {out = in >> 24;}
inline void convert(float in, uint8_t &out) {out = (uint8_t)(in*255.0f);}
inline void convert(double in, uint8_t &out) {out = (uint8_t)(in*255.0f);}
// Convert to u16
inline void convert(uint8_t in, uint16_t &out) {out = in << 8;}
inline void convert(uint16_t in, uint16_t &out) {out = in;}
inline void convert(uint32_t in, uint16_t &out) {out = in >> 16;}
inline void convert(int8_t in, uint16_t &out) {out = in << 8;}
inline void convert(int16_t in, uint16_t &out) {out = in;}
inline void convert(int32_t in, uint16_t &out) {out = in >> 16;}
inline void convert(float in, uint16_t &out) {out = (uint16_t)(in*65535.0f);}
inline void convert(double in, uint16_t &out) {out = (uint16_t)(in*65535.0f);}
// Convert from u8
inline void convert(uint8_t in, uint32_t &out) {out = in << 24;}
inline void convert(uint8_t in, int8_t &out) {out = in;}
inline void convert(uint8_t in, int16_t &out) {out = in << 8;}
inline void convert(uint8_t in, int32_t &out) {out = in << 24;}
inline void convert(uint8_t in, float &out) {out = in/255.0f;}
inline void convert(uint8_t in, double &out) {out = in/255.0f;}
// Convert from u16
inline void convert(uint16_t in, uint32_t &out) {out = in << 16;}
inline void convert(uint16_t in, int8_t &out) {out = in >> 8;}
inline void convert(uint16_t in, int16_t &out) {out = in;}
inline void convert(uint16_t in, int32_t &out) {out = in << 16;}
inline void convert(uint16_t in, float &out) {out = in/65535.0f;}
inline void convert(uint16_t in, double &out) {out = in/65535.0f;}
inline bool ends_with_ignore_case(const std::string &ac, const std::string &bc) {
if (ac.length() < bc.length()) { return false; }
std::string a = ac, b = bc;
std::transform(a.begin(), a.end(), a.begin(), ::tolower);
std::transform(b.begin(), b.end(), b.begin(), ::tolower);
return, b.length(), b) == 0;
inline bool is_little_endian() {
int value = 1;
return ((char *) &value)[0] == 1;
inline void swap_endian_16(bool little_endian, uint16_t &value) {
if (little_endian) {
value = ((value & 0xff)<<8)|((value & 0xff00)>>8);
struct FileOpener {
FileOpener(const char* filename, const char* mode) : f(fopen(filename, mode)) {
// nothing
~FileOpener() {
if (f != nullptr) {
FILE * const f;
} // namespace Internal
struct BytesImgStruct {
int dims[3]; //width, height, channels
float* ptr;
template<typename ImageType, Internal::CheckFunc check = Internal::CheckReturn>
bool load_bytes(const std::string &filename, ImageType *im) {
Internal::FileOpener f(filename.c_str(), "rb");
if (!check(f.f != nullptr, "File %s could not be opened for reading\n", filename.c_str())) return false;
BytesImgStruct ptrStruct;
if (!check(fread(ptrStruct.dims, sizeof(int), 3, f.f) == 3,
"Could not read dimensions (width, height, channels) for .bytes image\n")) return false;
int img_size = ptrStruct.dims[0]*ptrStruct.dims[1];
if (!check(ptrStruct.dims[0] > 0 && ptrStruct.dims[1] > 0 && ptrStruct.dims[2] > 0,
"File %s does not have valid input\n", filename.c_str())) return false;
ptrStruct.ptr = (float*) malloc(img_size * sizeof(float));
if (!check(fread(ptrStruct.ptr, sizeof(float), img_size, f.f) == img_size,
"Could not read .bytes image\n")) return false;
if (ptrStruct.dims[2] != 1) {
*im = ImageType(ptrStruct.dims[0], ptrStruct.dims[1], ptrStruct.dims[2]);
} else {
*im = ImageType(ptrStruct.dims[0], ptrStruct.dims[1]);
typename ImageType::ElemType *ptr = (typename ImageType::ElemType*)im->data();
for (int i=0; i<img_size; i++)
ptr[i] = (typename ImageType::ElemType) ptrStruct.ptr[i];
return true;
template<typename ImageType, Internal::CheckFunc check = Internal::CheckReturn>
bool save_bytes(ImageType &im, const std::string &filename) {
BytesImgStruct ptrStruct;
ptrStruct.dims[0] = im.width();
ptrStruct.dims[1] = im.height();
ptrStruct.dims[2] = im.channels();
int img_size = ptrStruct.dims[0]*ptrStruct.dims[1];
ptrStruct.ptr = (float*) malloc(img_size * sizeof(float));
typename ImageType::ElemType *ptr = (typename ImageType::ElemType*);
for (int i=0; i<img_size; i++)
ptrStruct.ptr[i] = (float) ptr[i];
Internal::FileOpener f(filename.c_str(), "wb");
if (!check(f.f != nullptr, "File %s could not be opened for writing\n", filename.c_str())) return false;
if (!check(fwrite (ptrStruct.dims, sizeof(int), 3, f.f),
"Could not write dimensions (width, height, channels) for .bytes image\n")) return false;
if (!check(fwrite (ptrStruct.ptr, sizeof(float), img_size, f.f),
"Could not write .bytes image\n")) return false;
return true;
template<typename ImageType, Internal::CheckFunc check = Internal::CheckReturn>
bool load_ppm(const std::string &filename, ImageType *im) {
/* open file and test for it being a ppm */
Internal::FileOpener f(filename.c_str(), "rb");
if (!check(f.f != nullptr, "File %s could not be opened for reading\n", filename.c_str())) return false;
int width, height, maxval;
char header[256];
if (!check(fscanf(f.f, "%255s", header) == 1, "Could not read PPM header\n")) return false;
if (!check(fscanf(f.f, "%d %d\n", &width, &height) == 2, "Could not read PPM width and height\n")) return false;
if (!check(fscanf(f.f, "%d", &maxval) == 1, "Could not read PPM max value\n")) return false;
if (!check(fgetc(f.f) != EOF, "Could not read char from PPM\n")) return false;
int bit_depth = 0;
if (maxval == 255) { bit_depth = 8; }
else if (maxval == 65535) { bit_depth = 16; }
else { if (!check(false, "Invalid bit depth in PPM\n")) return false; }
if (!check(header == std::string("P6") || header == std::string("p6"), "Input is not binary PPM\n")) return false;
int channels = 3;
*im = ImageType(width, height, channels);
// convert the data to ImageType::ElemType
if (bit_depth == 8) {
std::vector<uint8_t> data(width*height*3);
if (!check(fread((void *), sizeof(uint8_t), width*height*3, f.f) == (size_t) (width*height*3), "Could not read PPM 8-bit data\n")) return false;
typename ImageType::ElemType *im_data = (typename ImageType::ElemType*) im->data();
for (int y = 0; y < im->height(); y++) {
uint8_t *row = &data[(y*width)*3];
for (int x = 0; x < im->width(); x++) {
Internal::convert(*row++, im_data[(0*height+y)*width+x]);
Internal::convert(*row++, im_data[(1*height+y)*width+x]);
Internal::convert(*row++, im_data[(2*height+y)*width+x]);
} else if (bit_depth == 16) {
int little_endian = Internal::is_little_endian();
std::vector<uint16_t> data(width*height*3);
if (!check(fread((void *), sizeof(uint16_t), width*height*3, f.f) == (size_t) (width*height*3), "Could not read PPM 16-bit data\n")) return false;
typename ImageType::ElemType *im_data = (typename ImageType::ElemType*) im->data();
for (int y = 0; y < im->height(); y++) {
uint16_t *row = &data[(y*width)*3];
for (int x = 0; x < im->width(); x++) {
uint16_t value;
value = *row++; Internal::swap_endian_16(little_endian, value); Internal::convert(value, im_data[(0*height+y)*width+x]);
value = *row++; Internal::swap_endian_16(little_endian, value); Internal::convert(value, im_data[(1*height+y)*width+x]);
value = *row++; Internal::swap_endian_16(little_endian, value); Internal::convert(value, im_data[(2*height+y)*width+x]);
(*im)(0,0,0) = (*im)(0,0,0); /* Mark dirty inside read/write functions. */
return true;
// "im" is not const-ref because copy_to_host() is not const.
template<typename ImageType, Internal::CheckFunc check = Internal::CheckReturn>
bool save_ppm(ImageType &im, const std::string &filename) {
unsigned int bit_depth = sizeof(typename ImageType::ElemType) == 1 ? 8: 16;
Internal::FileOpener f(filename.c_str(), "wb");
if (!check(f.f != nullptr, "File %s could not be opened for writing\n", filename.c_str())) return false;
fprintf(f.f, "P6\n%d %d\n%d\n", im.width(), im.height(), (1<<bit_depth)-1);
int width = im.width(), height = im.height();
if (bit_depth == 8) {
std::vector<uint8_t> data(width*height*3);
for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) {
uint8_t *p = &data[(y*width+x)*3];
for (int c = 0; c < im.channels(); c++) {
Internal::convert(im(x, y, c), p[c]);
if (!check(fwrite((void *), sizeof(uint8_t), width*height*3, f.f) == (size_t) (width*height*3), "Could not write PPM 8-bit data\n")) return false;
} else if (bit_depth == 16) {
int little_endian = Internal::is_little_endian();
std::vector<uint16_t> data(width*height*3);
for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) {
uint16_t *p = &data[(y*width+x)*3];
for (int c = 0; c < im.channels(); c++) {
uint16_t value;
Internal::convert(im(x, y, c), value);
Internal::swap_endian_16(little_endian, value);
p[c] = value;
if (!check(fwrite((void *), sizeof(uint16_t), width*height*3, f.f) == (size_t) (width*height*3), "Could not write PPM 16-bit data\n")) return false;
} else {
return check(false, "We only support saving 8- and 16-bit images.");
return true;
// Returns false upon failure.
template<typename ImageType, Internal::CheckFunc check = Internal::CheckReturn>
bool load(const std::string &filename, ImageType *im) {
if (Internal::ends_with_ignore_case(filename, ".ppm")) {
return load_ppm<ImageType, check>(filename, im);
} else if (Internal::ends_with_ignore_case(filename, ".bytes")) {
return (load_bytes<ImageType, check>(filename, im));
} else {
return check(false, "[load] unsupported file extension (bytes|ppm supported)");
// Returns false upon failure.
template<typename ImageType, Internal::CheckFunc check = Internal::CheckReturn>
bool save(ImageType &im, const std::string &filename) {
if (Internal::ends_with_ignore_case(filename, ".ppm")) {
return save_ppm<ImageType, check>(im, filename);
} else if (Internal::ends_with_ignore_case(filename, ".bytes")) {
return save_bytes<ImageType, check>(im, filename);
} else {
return check(false, "[save] unsupported file extension (bytes|ppm supported)");
// Fancy wrapper to call load() with CheckFail, inferring the return type;
// this allows you to simply use
// Image im = load_image("filename");
// without bothering to check error results (all errors simply abort).
class load_image {
load_image(const std::string &f) : filename(f) {}
template<typename ImageType>
inline operator ImageType() {
ImageType im;
(void) load<ImageType, Internal::CheckFail>(filename, &im);
return im;
const std::string filename;
// Fancy wrapper to call save() with CheckFail; this allows you to simply use
// save_image(im, "filename");
// without bothering to check error results (all errors simply abort).
template<typename ImageType>
void save_image(ImageType &im, const std::string &filename) {
(void) save<ImageType, Internal::CheckFail>(im, filename);
} // namespace Tools
} // namespace Halide