blob: 6a81629c042826a62da3e73b38df3d7ac7355699 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE //Need this so that __USE_GNU is defined
#include <features.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#if !defined(__FreeBSD__)
# include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
// Define a couple of types which I like to use.
typedef u_int8_t u8bit;
typedef u_int16_t u16bit;
typedef u_int32_t u32bit;
typedef u_int64_t u64bit;
typedef int16_t s16bit;
typedef int32_t s32bit;
// Define a number of useful constants and macros.
// I think that DEFINED should always be defined.
// Also make sure NOT_DEFINED is not.
#define DEFINED
// Determine the max value of two numbers.
#define MAX_TWO(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
// Determine the min value of two numbers.
#define MIN_TWO(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (b) : (a))
// Constants and Macros for dealing with bit masks.
#define NTH_BIT(i) ( 1 << (i) )
#define FIRST_N_BITS(i) (~(ALL_BITS << (i)))
#define LAST_N_BITS(i) (~(ALL_BITS >> (i)))
// Determine how many elements have been alloced for ptr.
// - this probably only works if using glibc.
#define ALLOCED(ptr,type) (malloc_usable_size(ptr)/sizeof(type))
// The following functions print a message to both stderr and
// to the file ".fatal_error". These messages can be helpful
// for debugging since they contain both the file name and line number
// of where this function was called. (They all return void.)
// Besides printing a message this function also causes the
// program to exit with the value 'err_num'.
#define fatal_error(err_num, format, rest...) \
(_fatal_error((err_num) ? (err_num) : 256, format, ## rest ))
// This function justs prints the message.
#define warning(format, rest...) \
(_fatal_error(0, format, ## rest ))
// This function prints the message "Check Point."
// Exclusively used for debugging.
#define check_point() \
(_fatal_error(0, "Check Point.\n"))
#define _fatal_error(err_num, format, rest...) \
(_fatal_error_aux(__FILE__, __LINE__, (err_num), format, ## rest ))
// These are dynamic sprintf function, they malloc space as needed.
// stores the string created from FORMAT, and ..., in *str.
// allocates space as needed.
// returns the number of characters written to *str.
extern s32bit
Asprintf(char **str, s32bit *len, s32bit offset, const char *format, ... )
__attribute__ ((format (printf, 4, 5)));
// returns the number of characters written to *(str+offset)
extern s32bit
asprintf_my(char **str, s32bit offset, const char *format, ... )
__attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4)));
// This function does absolutely nothing.
extern void
// Return a string with the printed value of a 64 bit number.
// Note: It returns a static buffer so don't free it, and
// always copy the value before you call it again.
extern const char*
u64bit_to_string(u64bit val);
// Internals.
extern void
_fatal_error_aux(const char *file, const s32bit line,
const s32bit err_num, const char *format, ... )
__attribute__ ((format (printf, 4, 5)));