blob: d25a50afd56fc750c006537de76f96719bdcd0e1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* class.cpp */
Java Decompiler
Copyright (c) 1994-2003, Pete Ryland.
Distributed under the GNU GPL Version 2.
This package is available from
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "general.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "cp.h"
#include "access.h"
#include "field.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "method.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "class.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "err.h"
#include "consts.h"
char *progname;
Classfile::Classfile(int argc, char **argv) {
functoinsert = 0;
outfile = stdout; infile = stdin;
progname = *argv++;
if (strcmp(progname + strlen(progname) - 3, "hbt") == 0) {
for (; (--argc) && (**argv == '-'); argv++) {
options = (CL_Options)0;
switch (toupper((*argv)[1])) {
case 'D': *(int *)&options |= (int)OPT_DEBUG; break;
case 'I': functoinsert = &((*argv)[2]); break;
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown flag: %s\n", argv[1]);
fatalerror(COMMAND_LINE_ERR_HBT, progname);
char *tmpstr;
switch (argc) {
case 1:
tmpstr = new char[strlen(argv[0])+5];
strcpy(tmpstr, argv[0]);
strcat(tmpstr, ".bak");
rename(argv[0], tmpstr);
if ((infile = fopen(tmpstr, "rb"))==NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file %s\n", argv[0]);
goto defaultcase_hbt;
if ((outfile = fopen(argv[0], "wb"))==NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file %s\n", argv[1]);
goto defaultcase_hbt;
delete tmpstr;
default: defaultcase_hbt:
fatalerror(COMMAND_LINE_ERR_HBT, progname);
if (functoinsert == 0)
fatalerror(COMMAND_LINE_ERR_HBT, progname);
outfile_pos = 0;
} else {
for (; (--argc) && (**argv == '-'); argv++) {
options = (CL_Options)0;
switch (toupper((*argv)[1])) {
case 'O': *(int *)&options |= (int)OPT_DECOMPILE_OFF; break;
case 'D': *(int *)&options |= (int)OPT_DEBUG; break;
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown flag: %s\n", argv[1]);
fatalerror(COMMAND_LINE_ERR_HBD, progname);
switch (argc) {
case 2:
if ((outfile = fopen(argv[1], "wb"))==NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file %s\n", argv[1]);
goto defaultcase_hbd;
case 1:
if ((infile = fopen(argv[0], "rb"))==NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file %s\n", argv[0]);
goto defaultcase_hbd;
default: defaultcase_hbd:
fatalerror(COMMAND_LINE_ERR_HBD, progname);
infile_pos = 0;
void Classfile::read() {
u16 numimports;
if (get32(infile, &infile_pos) != JAVA_CLASSFILE_MAGIC) fatalerror(NOT_A_CLASS_ERR);;
fprintf(stderr, "Classfile version %d.%d\n", version.major_version, version.minor_version);
imports_count = 0;, &imports_count);
access_flags = get16(infile, &infile_pos);
this_class = get16(infile, &infile_pos);
super_class = get16(infile, &infile_pos);
if (((interfaces = new u16[interfaces_count = get16(infile, &infile_pos)]) == 0) && interfaces_count) memerr();
u16 i,j;
for (j = 0, i = interfaces_count; i--;) {
interfaces[j++] = get16(infile, &infile_pos);
if (((fields = new field_info_ptr[fields_count = get16(infile, &infile_pos)]) == 0) && fields_count) memerr();
for (j = 0, i = fields_count; i--;) {
field_info *fip = fields[j++] = new field_info;
if (!fip) memerr();
field_info &fi = *fip;
fi.isconstant = 0;
fi.access_flags = get16(infile, &infile_pos); = cp[get16(infile, &infile_pos)]->chp;
fi.sig = cp[get16(infile, &infile_pos)]->chp;
for (int l = get16(infile, &infile_pos); l--;) {
u16 attribute_name_index = get16(infile, &infile_pos);
u32 attribute_size = get32(infile, &infile_pos);
char *attribute_name = cp[attribute_name_index]->chp;
if (!strcmp(attribute_name,"ConstantValue")) {
if (attribute_size != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad size on ConstantValue Attribute - should be 2!\n");
} else {
fi.isconstant = 1;
fi.constval_index = get16(infile, &infile_pos);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Skipping Unknown Field Attribute: %s (size %ld)\n", attribute_name, attribute_size);
for (u32 m = attribute_size; m--;) get8(infile, &infile_pos);
if (((methods = new method_info_ptr[methods_count = get16(infile, &infile_pos)]) == 0) && methods_count) memerr();
imports_count += methods_count;
numimports = 0;
if ((imports = new char_ptr[imports_count]) == 0) memerr();
char *tmpstr1, *tmpstr2, *tmpstr;
int package_name_length;
tmpstr = cp(this_class)->chp;
if ((tmpstr1 = strchr(tmpstr,'/')) != 0) {
int l;
while (tmpstr1) {
l = tmpstr1 - tmpstr;
tmpstr1 = strchr(tmpstr1 + 1, '/');
if ((package_name = new char[l+1]) == 0) memerr();
strncpy(package_name, tmpstr, l);
package_name[l] = '\0';
if ((this_class_name = new char[strlen(tmpstr + l + 1) + 1]) == 0) memerr();
strcpy(this_class_name, cp(this_class)->chp = tmpstr + l + 1);
tmpstr = package_name;
package_name_length = strlen(tmpstr);
while ((tmpstr = strchr(tmpstr,'/')) != 0) *tmpstr++ = '.';
} else {
package_name = 0;
package_name_length = 0;
if ((this_class_name = new char[strlen(tmpstr) + 1]) == 0) memerr();
strcpy(this_class_name, tmpstr);
for (i16 l = cp.count(); --l >= 0;) {
cp_info tmpcpi = *(cp[l]);
if (tmpcpi.tag == CONSTANT_Class) {
char **chap = &(cp(l)->chp);
tmpstr = *chap;
if (!strncmp(tmpstr, "java/lang/", 10)) *chap = tmpstr + 10;
else while ((tmpstr = strchr(tmpstr,'/')) != 0) *tmpstr++ = '.';
tmpstr = *chap;
if (package_name && !strncmp(tmpstr, package_name, package_name_length)) *chap = tmpstr += package_name_length + 1;
if ((numimports!=imports_count)&&(tmpstr2 = strrchr(tmpstr,'.')) != 0) {
imports[numimports++] = tmpstr;
for (int tint = numimports - 2; tint>=0; tint--) {
if (!strcmp(imports[tint], tmpstr)) {
*chap = tmpstr2 + 1;
} else if(tmpcpi.tag == CONSTANT_NameAndType) {
// int tmpindex;
tmpstr = cp[/*tmpindex = */((NameAndType*)tmpcpi.p)->signature_index]->chp;
char *copytmpstr = tmpstr2 = strdup(tmpstr); if (!copytmpstr) memerr();
char *srcstr = tmpstr2, *deststr = tmpstr, *tmpstr3, *tmpstr4;
while ((*deststr++ = *srcstr++) != '\0') {
if (*(srcstr-1) == 'L') {
tmpstr3 = strchr(srcstr, ';'); if (!tmpstr3) fatalerror(UNKNOWN_ERR);
if (!strncmp(srcstr, "java/lang/", 10)) srcstr += 10;
else {
tmpstr2 = srcstr;
while (((tmpstr2 = strchr(tmpstr2,'/')) != 0)&&(tmpstr2 < tmpstr3)) *tmpstr2++ = '.';
if (package_name && !strncmp(srcstr, package_name, package_name_length)) srcstr += package_name_length + 1;
if (numimports!=imports_count && (tmpstr4 = strchr(srcstr, '.')) != 0 && tmpstr4 < tmpstr3) {
while (tmpstr4 != 0 && tmpstr4 < tmpstr3) { tmpstr2 = tmpstr4+1; tmpstr4 = strchr(tmpstr2,'.'); }
int tint = tmpstr3 - srcstr;
char *tstr = imports[numimports++] = new char[tint+1];
if (!tstr) memerr();
tstr = strncpy(tstr, srcstr, tint);
tstr[tint] = '\0';
for (tint = numimports - 2; tint>=0; tint--) {
if (!strcmp(imports[tint], tstr)) {
delete tstr;
srcstr = tmpstr2;
while ((*deststr++ = *srcstr++) != ';') ;
for (j = 0, i = methods_count; i--;) {
method_info *mip = methods[j++] = new method_info;
if (!mip) memerr();
method_info &mi = *mip;
mi.access_flags = get16(infile, &infile_pos);
char *tmpstr; = cp[get16(infile, &infile_pos)]->chp;
mi.sig = cp[get16(infile, &infile_pos)]->chp;
// int tmpindex;
tmpstr = mi.sig;
char *copytmpstr = tmpstr2 = strdup(tmpstr); if (!copytmpstr) memerr();
char *srcstr = tmpstr2, *deststr = tmpstr, *tmpstr3, *tmpstr4;
while ((*deststr++ = *srcstr++) != '\0') {
if (*(srcstr-1) == 'L') {
tmpstr3 = strchr(srcstr, ';'); if (!tmpstr3) fatalerror(UNKNOWN_ERR);
if (!strncmp(srcstr, "java/lang/", 10)) srcstr += 10;
else {
tmpstr2 = srcstr;
while (((tmpstr2 = strchr(tmpstr2,'/')) != 0)&&(tmpstr2 < tmpstr3)) *tmpstr2++ = '.';
if (package_name && !strncmp(srcstr, package_name, package_name_length)) srcstr += package_name_length + 1;
if (numimports!=imports_count && (tmpstr4 = strchr(srcstr, '.')) != 0 && tmpstr4 < tmpstr3) {
while (tmpstr4 != 0 && tmpstr4 < tmpstr3) { tmpstr2 = tmpstr4+1; tmpstr4 = strchr(tmpstr2,'.'); }
int tint = tmpstr3 - srcstr;
char *tstr = imports[numimports++] = new char[tint+1];
if (!tstr) memerr();
tstr = strncpy(tstr, srcstr, tint);
tstr[tint] = '\0';
for (tint = numimports - 2; tint>=0; tint--) {
if (!strcmp(imports[tint], tstr)) {
delete tstr;
srcstr = tmpstr2;
mi.num_throws = 0;
mi.local_variable_table_length = 0;
mi.line_number_table_length = 0;
for (int l = get16(infile, &infile_pos); l--;) {
u16 attribute_name_index = get16(infile, &infile_pos);
u32 attribute_size = get32(infile, &infile_pos);
char *attribute_name = cp[attribute_name_index]->chp;
if (!strcmp(attribute_name,"Code")) {
mi.max_stack = (u8)get16(infile, &infile_pos);
mi.max_locals = (u8)get16(infile, &infile_pos);
if ((mi.code = new u8[mi.code_length = get32(infile, &infile_pos)]) == 0) memerr();
getstr(mi.code, mi.code_length, infile);
if (((mi.exception_table = new ExceptionTableEntry[mi.exception_table_length = get16(infile, &infile_pos)]) == 0) && mi.exception_table_length) memerr();
for (u16 n = 0, m = mi.exception_table_length; m--;) {
mi.exception_table[n].tag = TRY;
mi.exception_table[n].start_pc = get16(infile, &infile_pos);
mi.exception_table[n].end_pc = get16(infile, &infile_pos);
mi.exception_table[n].handler_pc = get16(infile, &infile_pos);
mi.exception_table[n++].catch_type = get16(infile, &infile_pos);
// getstr(mi.exception_table, mi.exception_table_length << 3, infile);
for (int l2 = get16(infile, &infile_pos); l2--;) {
u16 attribute_name_index2 = get16(infile, &infile_pos);
u32 attribute_size2 = get32(infile, &infile_pos);
char *attribute_name2 = cp[attribute_name_index2]->chp;
if (!strcmp(attribute_name2,"LineNumberTable")) {
if ((mi.line_number_table = new LineNumberTableEntry[mi.line_number_table_length = get16(infile, &infile_pos)]) == 0) memerr();
getstr(mi.line_number_table, mi.line_number_table_length << 2, infile);
} else if (!strcmp(attribute_name2,"LocalVariableTable")) {
if ((mi.local_variable_table = new LocalVariableTableEntry[mi.local_variable_table_length = get16(infile, &infile_pos)]) == 0) memerr();
getstr(mi.local_variable_table, mi.local_variable_table_length * 10, infile);
if ((mi.local_names = new char*[2*mi.local_variable_table_length]) == 0) memerr();
int o;
for (o = mi.local_variable_table_length; o--;) {
char *tmpstr = cp[mi.local_variable_table[o].name_index]->chp;
if ((mi.local_names[mi.local_variable_table[o].slot] = new char[strlen(tmpstr) + 1]) == 0) memerr();
strcpy(mi.local_names[mi.local_variable_table[o].slot], tmpstr);
if ((mi.local_sigs = new char*[2*mi.local_variable_table_length]) == 0) memerr();
for (o = mi.local_variable_table_length; o--;) {
char *tmpstr = cp[mi.local_variable_table[o].signature_index]->chp;
if ((mi.local_sigs[mi.local_variable_table[o].slot] = new char[strlen(tmpstr) + 1]) == 0) memerr();
strcpy(mi.local_sigs[mi.local_variable_table[o].slot], tmpstr);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Skipping Unknown Code Attribute: %s (size %ld)\n", attribute_name2, attribute_size2);
for (int m = attribute_size2; m--;) get8(infile, &infile_pos);
} else if (!strcmp(attribute_name,"Exceptions")) {
int *tmpintptr;
if ((tmpintptr = mi.throws = new int[mi.num_throws = get16(infile, &infile_pos)]) == 0) memerr();
for (int m = mi.num_throws;m--;) *tmpintptr++ = get16(infile, &infile_pos); //*tmpstr++ = constant_pool[constant_pool[get16(infile)].i].cp;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Skipping Unknown Method Attribute: %s (size %ld)\n", attribute_name, attribute_size);
// char *ti = new int[attribute_size], *tip = ti;
for (unsigned int m = 0; m++!=attribute_size;) printf("%02x%c", /**tip++ =*/ get8(infile, &infile_pos), (m%8)?' ':(m%16?'\n':'\t'));
// int tc = ti[0]<<8+ti[1]
imports_count = numimports;
for (j = 0, i = get16(infile, &infile_pos); i--;) {
u16 attribute_name_index = get16(infile, &infile_pos);
u32 attribute_size = get32(infile, &infile_pos);
char *attribute_name = cp[attribute_name_index]->chp;
if (!strcmp(attribute_name,"SourceFile")) {
if (attribute_size != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad size on SourceFile Attribute - should be 2!\n");
} else {
char *tmpstr = cp[get16(infile, &infile_pos)]->chp;
if ((source_name = new char[strlen(tmpstr) + 1]) == 0) memerr();
strcpy(source_name, tmpstr);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Skipping Unknown Attribute: %s (size %ld)\n", attribute_name, attribute_size);
for (u32 k = attribute_size; k--;) get8(infile, &infile_pos);
void Classfile::print() {
int i,j;
fprintf(stderr, "Compiled from %s\n", source_name);
fprintf(outfile, "/*\n** Compiled from %s - COPYRIGHT UNKNOWN.\n**\n"
"** Decompiled using the HomeBrew Decompiler\n"
"** Copyright (c) 1994-2003 Widget (aka Pete Ryland).\n"
"** Available under GPL from\n*/\n\n", source_name);
if (package_name) fprintf(outfile, "package %s;\n\n", package_name);
char **strptr = imports;
for (i = imports_count; i--;) {
fprintf(outfile, "import %s;\n", *strptr++);
fprintf(outfile, "\n");
char *tmpstr = new char[access_flags.strlen() + 1];
fprintf(outfile, "%sclass %s ", access_flags.toString(tmpstr), this_class_name);
delete tmpstr;
if (super_class) {
if (!strcmp(tmpstr = cp(super_class)->chp, "Object")) {
super_class_name = "Object";
} else {
if ((super_class_name = new char[strlen(tmpstr) + 1]) == 0) memerr();
strcpy(super_class_name, tmpstr);
fprintf(outfile, "extends %s ", super_class_name);
if (interfaces_count) {
fprintf(outfile, "implements ");
for (j = 0, i = interfaces_count - 1; i--;) {
fprintf(outfile, "%s, ", cp(interfaces[j])->chp);
fprintf(outfile, "%s ", cp(interfaces[j])->chp);
fprintf(outfile, "{");
for (j = 0, i = fields_count; i--;) {
field_info &fi = *(fields[j++]);
tmpstr = new char[fi.access_flags.strlen() + 1];
fprintf(outfile, "\n %s", fi.access_flags.toString(tmpstr));
delete tmpstr;
tmpstr = fi.sig;
printsigname(this, outfile, tmpstr,, 0);
if (fi.isconstant) {
fprintf(outfile, " = ");
char *chptr = fi.sig;
switch(*chptr++) {
fprintf(outfile, "0x%lX", cp[fi.constval_index]->i);
if(cp[fi.constval_index]->i) {
fprintf(outfile, "0x%lX%08lXL", cp[fi.constval_index]->i,
cp[(u16)((i16)fi.constval_index + 1)]->i);
} else {
fprintf(outfile, "0x%lXL", cp[(u16)((i16)fi.constval_index + 1)]->i);
fprintf(outfile, "%#.100Gf", cp[fi.constval_index]->f);
fprintf(outfile, "%#.100Gd",(float)*(double*)(cp[fi.constval_index]->i));
fprintf(stderr, "Bad type for constant\n");
fprintf(outfile, ";");
for (j = 0, i = methods_count; i--;) {
if (decompileblock(this, methods[j++])) fprintf(outfile, "/* Decompilation Error. Continuing... */");
fprintf(outfile, "\n}");