blob: 3fae679bf30d090984e73e8706dbbce5c8b24e6f [file] [log] [blame]
* File Name: errorMessage.c
* Purpose: Routines to provide error messaging for the baseline
* application.
* Revision History:
* Date Name Revision
* ------- --------------- ------------------------------
* 24May99 Matthew Rivas Created
* Copyright 1999, Atlantic Aerospace Electronics Corp.
#include <stdlib.h> /* for NULL definition */
#include <stdio.h> /* for fprintf() and fflush() definitions */
#include <string.h> /* for strlen(), strcpy(), strcat() definitions */
#include "dataManagement.h" /* for primitive type definitions */
#include "errorMessage.h" /* for PREPEND and REPLACE definitions */
* Static definition of error buffer string
static Char errorBuffer[ ERROR_BUFFER_LENGTH + 1 ] = "\0";
* Name: errorMessage
* Input: message string
* flag to prepend to current buffer
* Output: none
* Return: void
* Description: The routine places an error message into a buffer for
* (possible) later display/flushing. The first argument is
* the message to add to buffer and the second argument is an
* integer flag on whether to prepend the message to the
* current buffer contents (PREPEND), or ignore the current
* contents and replace the buffer with the input message
* Calls:
* System: fprintf()
* strlen()
* strcat()
* strcpy()
* Author: M.L.Rivas
* Revision History:
* Date Name Revision
* ------- --------------- ------------------------------
* 24May99 Matthew Rivas Created
* Copyright 1999, Atlantic Aerospace Electronics Corp.
void errorMessage( Char *message, /* message to prepend */
Boolean prepend )/* flag to clear buffer */
{ /* beginning of errorMessage() */
* If prepend flag is not set, replace current buffer with input message.
* If prepend flag is set, then check if adding message to current buffer
* will exceed maximum. If it does exceed limit, flush output.
* Otherwise, pre-pend message to current buffer.
if ( prepend == REPLACE ) {
* Check if message is too large for buffer
if ( strlen( message ) > ERROR_BUFFER_LENGTH ) {
* Message is too large for buffer. Flush message immediately.
fprintf( stderr, "Error Message Too Large for Buffer: flushing\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "unconnected: %s\n", message );
} /* end of if strlen( message ) > ERROR_BUFFER_LENGTH */
else {
strcpy( errorBuffer, message );
} /* end of if strlen( message ) <= ERROR_BUFFER_LENGTH */
} /* end of prepend = REPLACE */
else {
* Check if buffer is large enough
if ( strlen( errorBuffer ) + strlen( message ) > ERROR_BUFFER_LENGTH ) {
* Current buffer plus message is too large. Flush everything.
fprintf( stderr, "Error Message Buffer full: flushing\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "unconnected: %s: %s\n", message, errorBuffer );
errorMessage( "unconnected", REPLACE );
} /* end of if strlen( errorBuffer + message ) > ERROR_BUFFER_LENGTH */
else {
* Pre-pend message to current buffer
Char tempBuffer[ ERROR_BUFFER_LENGTH + 1 ];
strcpy( tempBuffer, message );
strcat( tempBuffer, ": " );
strcat( tempBuffer, errorBuffer );
strcpy( errorBuffer, tempBuffer );
} /* end of if strlen( errorBuffer + message ) <= ERROR_BUFFER_LENGTH */
} /* end of prepend == PREPEND */
} /* end of errorMessage() */
* Name: flushErrorMessage
* Input: none
* Output: none
* Return: void
* Description:
* Calls:
* System: fprintf()
* Author: M.L.Rivas
* Date Name Revision
* ------- --------------- ------------------------------
* 24May99 Matthew Rivas Created
* Copyright 1999, Atlantic Aerospace Electronics Corp.
void flushErrorMessage( void )
{ /* beginning of flushErrorMessage() */
* Place current error Buffer in stderr stream
if ( strlen( errorBuffer ) > 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", errorBuffer );
fflush( stderr );
} /* end of if strlen( errorBuffer ) > 0 */
} /* end of flushErrorMessage() */