blob: b7b73176ed7212b85b8547249b4573375d396a6b [file] [log] [blame]
Program for the calculation of the eigenvalues
of a symetric tridiagonal matrix by the method of bisection:
1) To compile using gcc type:
gcc -o bisect_test bisect_test.c dbisect.c allocvector.c
2) To run the benchmark type:
time bisect_test < bisect_test.in1 > bisect_test.out
3) To check whether the results are identical to the results
computed by the original program, run
diff bisect_test.out.orig bisect_test.out
Two possibly useful modifications to the source code can be
incorporated by setting the symbols TESTFIRST and RECIPROCAL. Thus if
a version of the program where the test (q<0) is moved t the top of
the loop, you should compile the program using the command:
gcc -DTESTFIRST -o bisect_test bisect_test.c dbisect.c allocvector.c
Similarly, if a version where division is relaced by reiprocal
calculation is required, issue the command:
gcc -DRECIPROCAL -o bisect_test bisect_test.c dbisect.c allocvector.c
The two changes can also be applied simultaniously:
gcc -DRECIPROCAL -DTESTFIRST -o bisect_test bisect_test.c dbisect.c