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/* dosstore.h */
/* Fast assignment macros for MS-DOS machines only */
/* See sstorei.h for a discussion of the purpose of the following. */
/* This is in a file of its own so that non-DOS compilers */
/* don't encounter the pragma directive. */
#pragma inline
#ifdef FOR80386 /* use 32-bit moves */
/* 66h is the operand size prefix */
# define s_store_b(pto,ito,pfrom,ifrom)\
{ asm les bx,dword ptr pfrom;\
asm db 66h; asm mov ax,es:[bx+((ifrom)*8)];\
asm db 66h; asm mov cx,es:[bx+((ifrom)*8)+4];\
asm les bx,dword ptr pto;\
asm db 66h; asm mov es:[bx+((ito)*8)],ax;\
asm db 66h; asm mov es:[bx+((ito)*8)+4],cx;\
# define s_store_r(pboth,ito,ifrom)\
{ asm les bx,dword ptr pboth;\
asm db 66h; asm mov ax,es:[bx+((ifrom)*8)];\
asm db 66h; asm mov cx,es:[bx+((ifrom)*8)+4];\
asm db 66h; asm mov es:[bx+((ito)*8)],ax;\
asm db 66h; asm mov es:[bx+((ito)*8)+4],cx;\
# define s_store_b(pto,ito,pfrom,ifrom)\
{ asm les bx,dword ptr pfrom;\
asm mov ax,es:[bx+((ifrom)*8)]; asm mov cx,es:[bx+((ifrom)*8)+2];\
asm mov dx,es:[bx+((ifrom)*8)+4]; asm push es:[bx+((ifrom)*8)+6];\
asm les bx,dword ptr pto;\
asm mov es:[bx+((ito)*8)],ax; asm mov es:[bx+((ito)*8)+2],cx;\
asm mov es:[bx+((ito)*8)+4],dx; asm pop es:[bx+((ito)*8)+6];\
# define s_store_r(pboth,ito,ifrom)\
{ asm les bx,dword ptr pboth;\
asm mov ax,es:[bx+((ifrom)*8)]; asm mov cx,es:[bx+((ifrom)*8)+2];\
asm mov es:[bx+((ito)*8)],ax; asm mov es:[bx+((ito)*8)+2],cx;\
asm mov ax,es:[bx+((ifrom)*8)+4]; asm mov cx,es:[bx+((ifrom)*8)+6];\
asm mov es:[bx+((ito)*8)+4],ax; asm mov es:[bx+((ito)*8)+6],cx;\
#define s_store_i(pto,pfrom) s_store_b(pto,0,pfrom,0)