blob: 2a4be39456555f9b4bfde10bd8451e6513a62cdb [file] [log] [blame]
subroutine interp (matl,dnt,temp,opacity)
c calculates material opacities as a function of temperature and
c density by interpolating in the llnl library.
c arguments:
c matl: material number
c temp: temperature (units?),
c dnt : density (units?)
c returns: 13 group opacity vector into array opacity.
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
common /opactab/ x(14,32,13,4), t(32,2), d(14)
dimension opacity(13)
c scatter, shared opacity
ityp = 1
if (matl .eq. 2 .or. matl .eq. 4) ityp = 2
c--------------------find bounding temperatures
do 20 it = 1,32
if (temp .lt. t(it,ityp)) goto 30
20 continue
30 tmax = t(it,ityp)
it1 = it-1
tmin = t(it1,ityp)
trat = (temp - tmin)/(tmax - tmin)
c--------------------find bounding densities
do 40 id = 1,14
c if (dnt .lt. d(id)) goto 50 Replaced with following due to
c addressing problems
if (dnt .le. d(id)) goto 50
40 continue
50 dmax = d(id)
id1 = id-1
dmin = d(id1)
drat = (dnt - dmin)/(dmax - dmin)
do 60 ie = 1,13
xt = x(id1,it,ie,matl) + (x(id,it,ie,matl)-x(id1,it,ie,matl))
| * drat
xt1 = x(id1,it1,ie,matl)
| + (x(id,it1,ie,matl)-x(id1,it1,ie,matl))*drat
opacity (ie) = exp(xt1 + (xt-xt1)*trat)
60 continue