blob: 9437cd464a1a009b83de1f96e6c99cbcee929193 [file] [log] [blame]
subroutine genmesh
c A simple polar mesh is generated.
include ''
include ''
include ''
double precision m
c--------------------initialize variables
pi = 3.141592653589793238d0
ng_incr(1) = 1
ng_incr(2) = -naxl
ng_incr(3) = -1
ng_incr(4) = naxl
if (irr .ne. 0) then
c--------------------assign cell importances (or weight limits) for rr
cc.....Seems that impl decreases geometrically with radius....MJC
if (irr .eq. 1) then
g_ximpl(1) = 1.0d0
do 221 i = 2,nradl
g_ximpl(i) = xmult * g_ximpl(i-1)
221 continue
c...fill a polar array with these values, equal azumuthally MJC
do 222 i = 1,nradl
do 223 k = 1,naxl
iz = k + (i-1)*naxl
g_ximp(iz) = g_ximpl(i)
223 continue
222 continue
wmin = wcut
wmax= 1.0d0 / wcut
c..The number above implies that the center node is #1 and that the next
c..layer of nodes around is is numbered increasingly either clockwise or
c..counter clockwise. MJC
c--------------------assign cell numbers and cell coordinates
nzones = nradl * naxl
hr = radl / nradl
ha = (axl*pi)/(naxl*180.0d0)
naxpls = naxl + 1
do 1 iang = 1,naxpls
ang = (iang-1)*ha
cs = cos(ang)
sn = sin(ang)
do 2 ird=1,nradl
r = (ird*hr)*sn
z = (ird*hr)*cs
if (iang .le. 1) goto 50
jc = ird*naxl - iang + 2
g_zz(jc,4) = z
g_rr(jc,4) = r
if (ird .ge. nradl) goto 50
jc = jc+naxl
g_zz(jc,3) = z
g_rr(jc,3) = r
50 continue
if (iang .ge. naxpls) goto 51
jc = ird*naxl - iang + 1
g_zz(jc,1) = z
g_rr(jc,1) = r
if (ird .ge. nradl) goto 51
jc = jc+naxl
g_zz(jc,2) = z
g_rr(jc,2) = r
51 continue
2 continue
1 continue
do 3 ii = 1,nzones
do 8 ij = 1,4
if (abs(g_zz(ii,ij)) .lt. 1.0e-9) g_zz(ii,ij) = 0.0d0
if (abs(g_rr(ii,ij)) .lt. 1.0e-9) g_rr(ii,ij) = 0.0d0
8 continue
g_zz(ii,5) = g_zz(ii,1)
g_rr(ii,5) = g_rr(ii,1)
3 continue
c------------------------------compute SLOPE and INTERCEPT of cell sides,
c and categorize special cases:
c 1 = normal cell,
c 2 = cell on z-axis,
c 3 = horizontal side,
c 4 = vertical side
do 60 i = 1,nzones
do 61 ks = 1,4
rdif = g_rr(i,ks+1) - g_rr(i,ks)
zdif = g_zz(i,ks+1) - g_zz(i,ks)
if ((g_rr(i,ks).eq.0.0d0).and.(g_rr(i,ks+1).eq.0.0d0)) then
ng_itype(i,ks) = 2
else if (abs(rdif) .lt. 1.0d-9) then
ng_itype(i,ks) = 3
else if (abs(zdif) .lt. 1.0d-9) then
ng_itype(i,ks) = 4
ng_itype(i,ks) = 1
end if
if (ng_itype(i,ks) .eq. 1) then
if ((ks .eq. 1) .or. (ks .eq. 3)) then
m = rdif/zdif
b = 0.0d0
g_sqm(i,ks) = m*m
g_bom(i,ks) = 0.0d0
b = (g_rr(i,ks)*g_zz(i,ks+1)
& -g_rr(i,ks+1)*g_zz(i,ks))/zdif
m = rdif/zdif
g_sqm(i,ks) = m*m
g_bom(i,ks) = b/m
61 continue
60 continue
CALL zonevols