blob: 2f7ba568878add26be6d3c03481831b4c80b0123 [file] [log] [blame]
* \file image.c
* \brief
* Code one image/slice
* \author
* Main contributors (see contributors.h for copyright, address and affiliation details)
* - Inge Lille-Langoy <>
* - Rickard Sjoberg <>
* - Jani Lainema <>
* - Sebastian Purreiter <>
* - Byeong-Moon Jeon <>
* - Yoon-Seong Soh <>
* - Thomas Stockhammer <>
* - Detlev Marpe <>
* - Guido Heising <>
* - Thomas Wedi <>
* - Ragip Kurceren <>
* - Antti Hallapuro <>
* - Alexis Michael Tourapis <>
* - Athanasios Leontaris <>
#include "contributors.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "refbuf.h"
#include "mbuffer.h"
#include "img_luma.h"
#include "img_chroma.h"
#include "intrarefresh.h"
#include "fmo.h"
#include "sei.h"
#include "memalloc.h"
#include "nalu.h"
#include "ratectl.h"
#include "rc_quadratic.h"
#include "mb_access.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "cabac.h"
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__)
#include <sys/time.h>
int ftime(struct timeb *tp)
struct timeval tv;
struct timezone tz;
gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
tp->time = tv.tv_sec;
tp->millitm = tv.tv_usec / 1000;
tp->timezone = tz.tz_minuteswest;
tp->dstflag = tz.tz_dsttime;
extern pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t *PicParSet[MAXPPS];
void code_a_picture(Picture *pic);
void frame_picture (Picture *frame, int method);
void field_picture(Picture *top, Picture *bottom);
static int writeout_picture(Picture *pic);
static int picture_structure_decision(Picture *frame, Picture *top, Picture *bot);
static void distortion_fld (float *dis_fld_y, float *dis_fld_u, float *dis_fld_v);
static void find_snr(void);
static void find_distortion(void);
static void field_mode_buffer(int bit_field, float snr_field_y, float snr_field_u, float snr_field_v);
static void frame_mode_buffer (int bit_frame, float snr_frame_y, float snr_frame_u, float snr_frame_v);
static void init_frame(void);
static void init_field(void);
static void put_buffer_frame(void);
static void put_buffer_top(void);
static void put_buffer_bot(void);
static void copy_motion_vectors_MB(void);
static void PaddAutoCropBorders (int org_size_x, int org_size_y, int img_size_x, int img_size_y,
int org_size_x_cr, int org_size_y_cr, int img_size_x_cr, int img_size_y_cr);
static void ReadOneFrame (int FrameNoInFile, int HeaderSize, int xs, int ys, int xs_cr, int ys_cr);
static void writeUnit(Bitstream* currStream ,int partition);
static void rdPictureCoding(void);
int *last_P_no;
int *last_P_no_frm;
int *last_P_no_fld;
static void ReportFirstframe(time_t tmp_time, time_t me_time);
static void ReportIntra(time_t tmp_time, time_t me_time);
static void ReportSP(time_t tmp_time, time_t me_time);
static void ReportP(time_t tmp_time, time_t me_time);
static void ReportB(time_t tmp_time, time_t me_time);
static void ReportNALNonVLCBits(time_t tmp_time, time_t me_time);
static int CalculateFrameNumber(void); // Calculates the next frame number
StorablePicture *enc_picture;
StorablePicture *enc_frame_picture;
StorablePicture *enc_frame_picture2;
StorablePicture *enc_frame_picture3;
StorablePicture *enc_top_picture;
StorablePicture *enc_bottom_picture;
//Rate control
int QP;
void MbAffPostProc(void)
imgpel temp[32][16];
imgpel ** imgY = enc_picture->imgY;
imgpel ***imgUV = enc_picture->imgUV;
int i, y, x0, y0, uv;
if (img->yuv_format != YUV400)
for (i=0; i<(int)img->PicSizeInMbs; i+=2)
if (enc_picture->mb_field[i])
get_mb_pos(i, &x0, &y0, IS_LUMA);
for (y=0; y<(2*MB_BLOCK_SIZE);y++)
memcpy(&temp[y],&imgY[y0+y][x0], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
for (y=0; y<MB_BLOCK_SIZE;y++)
memcpy(&imgY[y0+(2*y)][x0],temp[y], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
memcpy(&imgY[y0+(2*y + 1)][x0],temp[y+ MB_BLOCK_SIZE], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
x0 = x0 / (16/img->mb_cr_size_x);
y0 = y0 / (16/img->mb_cr_size_y);
for (uv=0; uv<2; uv++)
for (y=0; y<(2*img->mb_cr_size_y);y++)
memcpy(&temp[y],&imgUV[uv][y0+y][x0], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(imgpel));
for (y=0; y<img->mb_cr_size_y;y++)
memcpy(&imgUV[uv][y0+(2*y)][x0],temp[y], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(imgpel));
memcpy(&imgUV[uv][y0+(2*y + 1)][x0],temp[y+ img->mb_cr_size_y], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(imgpel));
for (i=0; i<(int)img->PicSizeInMbs; i+=2)
if (enc_picture->mb_field[i])
get_mb_pos(i, &x0, &y0, IS_LUMA);
for (y=0; y<(2*MB_BLOCK_SIZE);y++)
memcpy(&temp[y],&imgY[y0+y][x0], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
for (y=0; y<MB_BLOCK_SIZE;y++)
memcpy(&imgY[y0+(2*y)][x0],temp[y], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
memcpy(&imgY[y0+(2*y + 1)][x0],temp[y+ MB_BLOCK_SIZE], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
* \brief
* Encodes a picture
* This is the main picture coding loop.. It is called by all this
* frame and field coding stuff after the img-> elements have been
* set up. Not sure whether it is useful for MB-adaptive frame/field
* coding
void code_a_picture(Picture *pic)
unsigned int NumberOfCodedMBs = 0;
int SliceGroup = 0;
int j;
int intra_refresh = input->intra_period == 0 ? (IMG_NUMBER == 0) : ((IMG_NUMBER%input->intra_period) == 0);
img->currentPicture = pic;
img->currentPicture->idr_flag = ((!IMG_NUMBER) && (!(img->structure==BOTTOM_FIELD)))
|| (input->idr_enable && intra_refresh && (img->type == I_SLICE || img->type==SI_SLICE)&& (!(img->structure==BOTTOM_FIELD)));
pic->no_slices = 0;
pic->distortion_u = pic->distortion_v = pic->distortion_y = 0.0;
RandomIntraNewPicture (); //! Allocates forced INTRA MBs (even for fields!)
// The slice_group_change_cycle can be changed here.
// FmoInit() is called before coding each picture, frame or field
FmoInit(img, active_pps, active_sps);
FmoStartPicture (); //! picture level initialization of FMO
img->bytes_in_picture = 0;
while (NumberOfCodedMBs < img->PicSizeInMbs) // loop over slices
// Encode one SLice Group
while (!FmoSliceGroupCompletelyCoded (SliceGroup))
// Encode the current slice
NumberOfCodedMBs += encode_one_slice (SliceGroup, pic, NumberOfCodedMBs);
FmoSetLastMacroblockInSlice (img->current_mb_nr);
// Proceed to next slice
stats->bit_slice = 0;
// Proceed to next SliceGroup
FmoEndPicture ();
// Modified for Fast Mode Decision. Inchoon Choi, SungKyunKwan Univ.
if (input->rdopt == 3 && (img->type != B_SLICE))
for (j = 0; j < input->NoOfDecoders; j++)
DeblockFrame (img, decs->decY_best[j], NULL);
DeblockFrame (img, enc_picture->imgY, enc_picture->imgUV); //comment out to disable loop filter
if (img->MbaffFrameFlag)
* \brief
* Encodes one frame
int encode_one_frame (void)
static int prev_frame_no = 0; // POC200301
static int consecutive_non_reference_pictures = 0; // POC200301
int FrameNumberInFile;
int i, j;
//extern long Bit_Buffer[20000];
extern unsigned long total_frame_buffer;
time_t ltime1;
time_t ltime2;
struct TIMEB tstruct1;
struct TIMEB tstruct2;
time_t tmp_time;
int bits_frm = 0, bits_fld = 0;
float dis_frm = 0.0, dis_frm_y = 0.0, dis_frm_u = 0.0, dis_frm_v = 0.0;
float dis_fld = 0.0, dis_fld_y = 0.0, dis_fld_u = 0.0, dis_fld_v = 0.0;
//Rate control
int pic_type, bits = 0;
img->rd_pass = 0;
enc_frame_picture = NULL;
enc_frame_picture2 = NULL;
enc_frame_picture3 = NULL;
ftime (&tstruct1); // start time ms
time (&ltime1); // start time s
//Rate control
img->write_macroblock = 0;
//Shankar Regunathan (Oct 2002)
//Prepare Panscanrect SEI payload
UpdatePanScanRectInfo ();
//Prepare Arbitrarydata SEI Payload
UpdateUser_data_unregistered ();
//Prepare Registered data SEI Payload
UpdateUser_data_registered_itu_t_t35 ();
//Prepare RandomAccess SEI Payload
UpdateRandomAccess ();
if (input->ResendPPS && img->number !=0)
stats->bit_ctr_parametersets_n=write_PPS(0, 0);
stats->bit_ctr_parametersets += stats->bit_ctr_parametersets_n;
put_buffer_frame (); // sets the pointers to the frame structures
// (and not to one of the field structures)
init_frame ();
FrameNumberInFile = CalculateFrameNumber();
ReadOneFrame (FrameNumberInFile, input->infile_header,
input->img_width, input->img_height, input->img_width_cr, input->img_height_cr);
PaddAutoCropBorders (input->img_width, input->img_height, img->width, img->height,
input->img_width_cr, input->img_height_cr, img->width_cr, img->height_cr);
// set parameters for direct mode and deblocking filter
img->direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag = input->direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag;
img->LFDisableIdc = input->LFDisableIdc;
img->LFAlphaC0Offset = input->LFAlphaC0Offset;
img->LFBetaOffset = input->LFBetaOffset;
img->AdaptiveRounding = input->AdaptiveRounding;
// Following code should consider optimal coding mode. Currently also does not support
// multiple slices per frame.
if(img->type == SP_SLICE)
{ // switching SP frame encoding
if (input->PicInterlace == FIELD_CODING)
//Rate control
if ( input->RCEnable )
img->field_picture = 1; // we encode fields
field_picture (top_pic, bottom_pic);
img->fld_flag = 1;
int tmpFrameQP;
//Rate control
if ( input->RCEnable )
// For frame coding, turn MB level field/frame coding flag on
if (input->MbInterlace)
mb_adaptive = 1;
img->field_picture = 0; // we encode a frame
//Rate control
/*update the number of MBs in the basic unit for MB adaptive
f/f coding*/
if( (input->MbInterlace) && (input->basicunit < img->FrameSizeInMbs) && (img->type == P_SLICE || input->RCUpdateMode == RC_MODE_1) && (IMG_NUMBER) )
img->BasicUnit = input->basicunit << 1;
img->BasicUnit = input->basicunit;
if ( input->RDPictureDecision )
// store rate allocation quadratic...
copy_rc_jvt( quadratic_RC_init, quadratic_RC );
// ...and generic model
copy_rc_generic( generic_RC_init, generic_RC );
rc_init_pict(quadratic_RC, 1,0,1, 1.0F);
img->qp = updateQP(quadratic_RC, 0);
pic_type = img->type;
QP =0;
if( active_sps->frame_mbs_only_flag)
if (input->GenerateMultiplePPS)
active_pps = PicParSet[0];
frame_picture (frame_pic_1, 0);
if ((input->RDPictureIntra || img->type!=I_SLICE) && input->RDPictureDecision)
tmpFrameQP = img->SumFrameQP; // call it here since rdPictureCoding buffers it and may modify it
if(img->type==SP_SLICE && si_frame_indicator==0 && input->si_frame_indicator)
// once the picture has been encoded as a primary SP frame encode as an SI frame
frame_picture (frame_pic_si, 0);
if(img->type==SP_SLICE && input->sp_output_indicator)
// output the transformed and quantized coefficients (useful for switching SP frames)
// For field coding, turn MB level field/frame coding flag off
if (input->MbInterlace)
mb_adaptive = 0;
if (input->PicInterlace == ADAPTIVE_CODING)
//Rate control
if ( input->RCEnable )
img->write_macroblock = 0;
img->bot_MB = 0;
img->field_picture = 1; // we encode fields
field_picture (top_pic, bottom_pic);
//! Note: the distortion for a field coded picture is stored in the top field
//! the distortion values in the bottom field are dummies
dis_fld = top_pic->distortion_y + top_pic->distortion_u + top_pic->distortion_v;
dis_frm = frame_pic_1->distortion_y + frame_pic_1->distortion_u + frame_pic_1->distortion_v;
img->fld_flag = picture_structure_decision (frame_pic_1, top_pic, bottom_pic);
else if(img->rd_pass==1)
img->fld_flag = picture_structure_decision (frame_pic_2, top_pic, bottom_pic);
img->fld_flag = picture_structure_decision (frame_pic_3, top_pic, bottom_pic);
if ( img->fld_flag )
tmpFrameQP = img->SumFrameQP;
update_field_frame_contexts (img->fld_flag);
//Rate control
if ( input->RCEnable )
generic_RC->FieldFrame = !(img->fld_flag) ? 1 : 0;
img->fld_flag = 0;
img->SumFrameQP = tmpFrameQP;
if (img->fld_flag)
stats->bit_ctr_emulationprevention += stats->em_prev_bits_fld;
stats->bit_ctr_emulationprevention += stats->em_prev_bits_frm;
if (img->type != B_SLICE)
img->pstruct_next_P = img->fld_flag;
// Here, img->structure may be either FRAME or BOTTOM FIELD depending on whether AFF coding is used
// The picture structure decision changes really only the fld_flag
if (img->fld_flag) // field mode (use field when fld_flag=1 only)
field_mode_buffer (bits_fld, dis_fld_y, dis_fld_u, dis_fld_v);
writeout_picture (top_pic);
writeout_picture (bottom_pic);
else //frame mode
frame_mode_buffer (bits_frm, dis_frm_y, dis_frm_u, dis_frm_v);
if (input->RDPictureDecision && img->rd_pass == 2)
writeout_picture (frame_pic_3);
else if (input->RDPictureDecision && img->rd_pass == 1)
writeout_picture (frame_pic_2);
if(img->type==SP_SLICE && si_frame_indicator==1)
writeout_picture (frame_pic_si);
writeout_picture (frame_pic_1);
if (frame_pic_si)
if (frame_pic_3)
if (frame_pic_2)
if (frame_pic_1)
if (top_pic)
if (bottom_pic)
// Tian Dong (Sept 2002)
// in frame mode, the newly reconstructed frame has been inserted to the mem buffer
// and it is time to prepare the spare picture SEI payload.
if (input->InterlaceCodingOption == FRAME_CODING
&& input->SparePictureOption && img->type != B_SLICE)
CalculateSparePicture ();
//Rate control
bits = (int) (stats->bit_ctr - stats->bit_ctr_n);
rc_update_pict_frame(quadratic_RC, bits);
if (input->PicInterlace == FRAME_CODING)
if (input->rdopt == 3 && img->type != B_SLICE)
UpdateDecoders (); // simulate packet losses and move decoded image to reference buffers
if (input->RestrictRef)
UpdatePixelMap ();
if (input->Verbose != 0)
find_snr ();
snr->snr_y = 0.0;
snr->snr_u = 0.0;
snr->snr_v = 0.0;
snr->sse_y = 0.0;
snr->sse_u = 0.0;
snr->sse_v = 0.0;
// redundant pictures: save reconstruction to calculate SNR and replace reference picture
if(input->redundant_pic_flag && key_frame)
for(i=0; i<img->width; i++)
for(j=0; j<img->height; j++)
imgY_tmp[j][i] = enc_frame_picture->imgY[j][i];
for(i=0; i<img->width_cr; i++)
for(j=0; j<img->height_cr; j++)
imgUV_tmp[0][j][i] = enc_frame_picture->imgUV[0][j][i];
imgUV_tmp[1][j][i] = enc_frame_picture->imgUV[1][j][i];
if(input->redundant_pic_flag && redundant_coding)
for(i=0; i<img->width; i++)
for(j=0; j<img->height; j++)
enc_frame_picture->imgY[j][i] = imgY_tmp[j][i];
for(i=0; i<img->width_cr; i++)
for(j=0; j<img->height_cr; j++)
enc_frame_picture->imgUV[0][j][i] = imgUV_tmp[0][j][i];
enc_frame_picture->imgUV[1][j][i] = imgUV_tmp[1][j][i];
time (&ltime2); // end time sec
ftime (&tstruct2); // end time ms
tmp_time = (ltime2 * 1000 + tstruct2.millitm) - (ltime1 * 1000 + tstruct1.millitm);
tot_time = tot_time + tmp_time;
if (input->PicInterlace == ADAPTIVE_CODING)
if (img->fld_flag)
// store bottom field
// replace top with frame
if (img->fld_flag)
if (img->rd_pass==2)
else if (img->rd_pass==1)
// key picture will be stored in dpb after redundant picture is coded
img->AverageFrameQP = (img->SumFrameQP + (img->FrameSizeInMbs >> 1))/img->FrameSizeInMbs;
if ( input->RCEnable && img->type != B_SLICE && input->basicunit < img->FrameSizeInMbs )
quadratic_RC->CurrLastQP = img->AverageFrameQP;
// Store bits used for this frame and increment counter of no. of coded frames
Bit_Buffer[total_frame_buffer] = (int) (stats->bit_ctr - stats->bit_ctr_n);
// POC200301: Verify that POC coding type 2 is not used if more than one consecutive
// non-reference frame is requested or if decoding order is different from output order
if (img->pic_order_cnt_type == 2)
if (!img->nal_reference_idc) consecutive_non_reference_pictures++;
else consecutive_non_reference_pictures = 0;
if (frame_no < prev_frame_no || consecutive_non_reference_pictures>1)
error("POC type 2 cannot be applied for the coding pattern where the encoding /decoding order of pictures are different from the output order.\n", -1);
prev_frame_no = frame_no;
if (stats->bit_ctr_parametersets_n!=0)
ReportNALNonVLCBits(tmp_time, me_time);
if (IMG_NUMBER == 0)
//Rate control
bits=(int) (stats->bit_ctr - stats->bit_ctr_n);
bits = (int)(stats->bit_ctr - (quadratic_RC->Pprev_bits)); // used for rate control update
quadratic_RC->Pprev_bits = stats->bit_ctr;
switch (img->type)
case I_SLICE:
stats->bit_ctr_I += stats->bit_ctr - stats->bit_ctr_n;
case SP_SLICE:
stats->bit_ctr_P += stats->bit_ctr - stats->bit_ctr_n;
case B_SLICE:
stats->bit_ctr_B += stats->bit_ctr - stats->bit_ctr_n;
default: // P
stats->bit_ctr_P += stats->bit_ctr - stats->bit_ctr_n;
if (input->Verbose == 0)
//for (i = 0; i <= (img->number & 0x0F); i++)
//printf(" \r");
printf("Completed Encoding Frame %05d.\r",frame_no);
// Flush output statistics
stats->bit_ctr_n = stats->bit_ctr;
//Rate control
rc_update_pict(quadratic_RC, bits);
// update the parameters of quadratic R-D model
if( (img->type==P_SLICE || input->RCUpdateMode == RC_MODE_1) && (IMG_NUMBER) )
if ( input->RCUpdateMode == RC_MODE_3 )
quadratic_RC->PreviousWholeFrameMAD = ComputeFrameMAD();
if (IMG_NUMBER == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
* \brief
* This function write out a picture
* \return
* 0 if OK, \n
* 1 in case of error
static int writeout_picture(Picture *pic)
Bitstream *currStream;
int partition, slice;
Slice *currSlice;
for (slice=0; slice<pic->no_slices; slice++)
currSlice = pic->slices[slice];
img->current_mb_nr = currSlice->start_mb_nr;
for (partition=0; partition<currSlice->max_part_nr; partition++)
currStream = (currSlice->partArr[partition]).bitstream;
assert (currStream->bits_to_go == 8); //! should always be the case, the
//! byte alignment is done in terminate_slice
// write only if the partition has content
if (currSlice->partArr[partition].bitstream->write_flag )
writeUnit (currStream,partition);
} // partition loop
} // slice loop
return 0;
void copy_params(void)
enc_picture->frame_mbs_only_flag = active_sps->frame_mbs_only_flag;
enc_picture->frame_cropping_flag = active_sps->frame_cropping_flag;
enc_picture->chroma_format_idc = active_sps->chroma_format_idc;
if (active_sps->frame_cropping_flag)
* \brief
* Encodes a frame picture
void frame_picture (Picture *frame, int rd_pass)
img->SumFrameQP = 0;
img->structure = FRAME;
img->PicSizeInMbs = img->FrameSizeInMbs;
if (rd_pass == 2)
enc_frame_picture3 = alloc_storable_picture ((PictureStructure) img->structure, img->width, img->height, img->width_cr, img->height_cr);
enc_frame_picture3->top_poc = img->toppoc;
enc_frame_picture3->bottom_poc = img->bottompoc;
enc_frame_picture3->frame_poc = img->framepoc;
enc_frame_picture3->pic_num = img->frame_num;
enc_frame_picture3->frame_num = img->frame_num;
enc_frame_picture3->coded_frame = 1;
enc_frame_picture3->MbaffFrameFlag = img->MbaffFrameFlag = (input->MbInterlace != FRAME_CODING);
get_mb_block_pos = img->MbaffFrameFlag ? get_mb_block_pos_mbaff : get_mb_block_pos_normal;
getNeighbour = img->MbaffFrameFlag ? getAffNeighbour : getNonAffNeighbour;
else if (rd_pass == 1)
enc_frame_picture2 = alloc_storable_picture ((PictureStructure) img->structure, img->width, img->height, img->width_cr, img->height_cr);
enc_frame_picture2->top_poc = img->toppoc;
enc_frame_picture2->bottom_poc = img->bottompoc;
enc_frame_picture2->frame_poc = img->framepoc;
enc_frame_picture2->pic_num = img->frame_num;
enc_frame_picture2->frame_num = img->frame_num;
enc_frame_picture2->coded_frame = 1;
enc_frame_picture2->MbaffFrameFlag = img->MbaffFrameFlag = (input->MbInterlace != FRAME_CODING);
get_mb_block_pos = img->MbaffFrameFlag ? get_mb_block_pos_mbaff : get_mb_block_pos_normal;
getNeighbour = img->MbaffFrameFlag ? getAffNeighbour : getNonAffNeighbour;
enc_frame_picture = alloc_storable_picture ((PictureStructure) img->structure, img->width, img->height, img->width_cr, img->height_cr);
enc_frame_picture->top_poc = img->toppoc;
enc_frame_picture->bottom_poc = img->bottompoc;
enc_frame_picture->frame_poc = img->framepoc;
enc_frame_picture->pic_num = img->frame_num;
enc_frame_picture->frame_num = img->frame_num;
enc_frame_picture->coded_frame = 1;
enc_frame_picture->MbaffFrameFlag = img->MbaffFrameFlag = (input->MbInterlace != FRAME_CODING);
get_mb_block_pos = img->MbaffFrameFlag ? get_mb_block_pos_mbaff : get_mb_block_pos_normal;
getNeighbour = img->MbaffFrameFlag ? getAffNeighbour : getNonAffNeighbour;
stats->em_prev_bits_frm = 0;
stats->em_prev_bits = &stats->em_prev_bits_frm;
img->fld_flag = 0;
frame->bits_per_picture = 8 * ((((img->currentSlice)->partArr[0]).bitstream)->byte_pos);
if (img->structure==FRAME)
find_distortion ();
frame->distortion_y = snr->snr_y;
frame->distortion_u = snr->snr_u;
frame->distortion_v = snr->snr_v;
* \brief
* Encodes a field picture, consisting of top and bottom field
void field_picture (Picture *top, Picture *bottom)
//Rate control
int old_pic_type; // picture type of top field used for rate control
int TopFieldBits;
img->SumFrameQP = 0;
//Rate control
old_pic_type = img->type;
stats->em_prev_bits_fld = 0;
stats->em_prev_bits = &stats->em_prev_bits_fld;
img->number *= 2;
img->buf_cycle *= 2;
img->height = (input->img_height+img->auto_crop_bottom) / 2;
img->height_cr = img->height_cr_frame / 2;
img->fld_flag = 1;
img->PicSizeInMbs = img->FrameSizeInMbs/2;
// Top field
enc_top_picture = alloc_storable_picture ((PictureStructure) img->structure, img->width, img->height, img->width_cr, img->height_cr);
enc_top_picture->frame_poc = img->toppoc;
enc_top_picture->pic_num = img->frame_num;
enc_top_picture->frame_num = img->frame_num;
enc_top_picture->coded_frame = 0;
enc_top_picture->MbaffFrameFlag = img->MbaffFrameFlag = FALSE;
get_mb_block_pos = get_mb_block_pos_normal;
getNeighbour = getNonAffNeighbour;
img->ThisPOC = img->toppoc;
img->structure = TOP_FIELD;
enc_picture = enc_top_picture;
put_buffer_top ();
init_field ();
if (img->type == B_SLICE) //all I- and P-frames
img->fld_flag = 1;
//Rate control
rc_init_pict(quadratic_RC, 0,1,1, 1.0F);
rc_init_pict(quadratic_RC, 0,1,0, 1.0F);
img->qp = updateQP(quadratic_RC, 1);
enc_picture->structure = (PictureStructure) 1;
top->bits_per_picture = 8 * ((((img->currentSlice)->partArr[0]).bitstream)->byte_pos);
//Rate control
// Bottom field
enc_bottom_picture = alloc_storable_picture ((PictureStructure) img->structure, img->width, img->height, img->width_cr, img->height_cr);
enc_bottom_picture->frame_poc = img->bottompoc;
enc_bottom_picture->pic_num = img->frame_num;
enc_bottom_picture->frame_num = img->frame_num;
enc_bottom_picture->coded_frame = 0;
enc_bottom_picture->MbaffFrameFlag = img->MbaffFrameFlag = FALSE;
get_mb_block_pos = get_mb_block_pos_normal;
getNeighbour = getNonAffNeighbour;
img->ThisPOC = img->bottompoc;
img->structure = BOTTOM_FIELD;
enc_picture = enc_bottom_picture;
put_buffer_bot ();
init_field ();
if (img->type == B_SLICE) //all I- and P-frames
nextP_tr_fld++; //check once coding B field
if (img->type == I_SLICE && input->IntraBottom!=1)
img->type = (input->BRefPictures == 2) ? B_SLICE : P_SLICE;
img->fld_flag = 1;
//Rate control
quadratic_RC->bits_topfield = TopFieldBits;
rc_init_pict(quadratic_RC, 0,0,0, 1.0F);
img->qp = updateQP(quadratic_RC, 0);
generic_RC->TopFieldFlag = 0;
enc_picture->structure = (PictureStructure) 2;
bottom->bits_per_picture = 8 * ((((img->currentSlice)->partArr[0]).bitstream)->byte_pos);
// the distortion for a field coded frame (consisting of top and bottom field)
// lives in the top->distortion variables, the bottom-> are dummies
distortion_fld (&top->distortion_y, &top->distortion_u, &top->distortion_v);
* \brief
* Distortion Field
static void distortion_fld (float *dis_fld_y, float *dis_fld_u, float *dis_fld_v)
img->number /= 2;
img->buf_cycle /= 2;
img->height = (input->img_height+img->auto_crop_bottom);
img->height_cr = img->height_cr_frame;
combine_field ();
imgY_org = imgY_org_frm;
imgUV_org = imgUV_org_frm;
find_distortion (); // find snr from original frame picture
*dis_fld_y = snr->snr_y;
*dis_fld_u = snr->snr_u;
*dis_fld_v = snr->snr_v;
* \brief
* Picture Structure Decision
static int picture_structure_decision (Picture *frame, Picture *top, Picture *bot)
double lambda_picture;
int bframe = (img->type == B_SLICE);
float snr_frame, snr_field;
int bit_frame, bit_field;
lambda_picture = 0.68 * pow (2, img->bitdepth_lambda_scale + ((img->qp - SHIFT_QP) / 3.0)) * (bframe ? 1 : 1);
snr_frame = frame->distortion_y + frame->distortion_u + frame->distortion_v;
//! all distrortions of a field picture are accumulated in the top field
snr_field = top->distortion_y + top->distortion_u + top->distortion_v;
bit_field = top->bits_per_picture + bot->bits_per_picture;
bit_frame = frame->bits_per_picture;
return decide_fld_frame (snr_frame, snr_field, bit_field, bit_frame, lambda_picture);
* \brief
* Field Mode Buffer
static void field_mode_buffer (int bit_field, float snr_field_y, float snr_field_u, float snr_field_v)
put_buffer_frame ();
snr->snr_y = snr_field_y;
snr->snr_u = snr_field_u;
snr->snr_v = snr_field_v;
* \brief
* Frame Mode Buffer
static void frame_mode_buffer (int bit_frame, float snr_frame_y, float snr_frame_u, float snr_frame_v)
put_buffer_frame ();
if ((input->PicInterlace != FRAME_CODING)||(input->MbInterlace != FRAME_CODING))
img->height = img->height / 2;
img->height_cr = img->height_cr / 2;
img->number *= 2;
put_buffer_top ();
put_buffer_bot ();
img->number /= 2; // reset the img->number to field
img->height = (input->img_height+img->auto_crop_bottom);
img->height_cr = img->height_cr_frame;
snr->snr_y = snr_frame_y;
snr->snr_u = snr_frame_u;
snr->snr_v = snr_frame_v;
put_buffer_frame ();
* \brief
* mmco initializations should go here
static void init_dec_ref_pic_marking_buffer(void)
* \brief
* Initializes the parameters for a new frame
static void init_frame (void)
int i;
int prevP_no, nextP_no;
last_P_no = last_P_no_frm;
img->current_mb_nr = 0;
img->current_slice_nr = 0;
stats->bit_slice = 0;
img->mb_y = img->mb_x = 0;
img->block_y = img->pix_y = img->pix_c_y = 0;
img->block_x = img->pix_x = img->block_c_x = img->pix_c_x = 0;
// The 'slice_nr' of each macroblock is set to -1 here, to guarantee the correct encoding
// with FMO (if no FMO, encoding is correct without following assignment),
// for which MBs may not be encoded with scan order
for(i=0;i< ((int) (img->FrameSizeInMbs));i++)
if (img->b_frame_to_code == 0)
img->tr = start_tr_in_this_IGOP + IMG_NUMBER * (input->jumpd + 1);
img->imgtr_last_P_frm = img->imgtr_next_P_frm;
img->imgtr_next_P_frm = img->tr;
if (input->last_frame && img->number + 1 == input->no_frames)
img->tr = input->last_frame;
if (IMG_NUMBER != 0 && input->successive_Bframe != 0) // B pictures to encode
nextP_tr_frm = img->tr;
//Rate control
if(!input->RCEnable) // without using rate control
if (img->type == I_SLICE)
#ifdef _CHANGE_QP_
//QP oscillation for secondary SP frames
if ((input->qp2start > 0 && img->tr >= input->qp2start && input->sp2_frame_indicator==0)||
( (input->qp2start > 0) && ( ( (img->tr ) % (2*input->qp2start) ) >=input->qp2start ) && (input->sp2_frame_indicator==1)))
img->qp = input->qp02;
img->qp = input->qp0; // set quant. parameter for I-frame
#ifdef _CHANGE_QP_
//QP oscillation for secondary SP frames
if ((input->qp2start > 0 && img->tr >= input->qp2start && input->sp2_frame_indicator==0)||
( (input->qp2start > 0) && ( ( (img->tr ) % (2*input->qp2start) ) >=input->qp2start ) && (input->sp2_frame_indicator==1)))
img->qp = input->qpN2 + (img->nal_reference_idc ? 0 : input->DispPQPOffset);
img->qp = input->qpN + (img->nal_reference_idc ? 0 : input->DispPQPOffset);
if (img->type == SP_SLICE)
if ( (input->qp2start > 0) && ( ( (img->tr ) % (2*input->qp2start) ) >=input->qp2start ))
img->qp = input->qpN2-(input->qpN-input->qpsp);
img->qpsp = input->qpN2-(input->qpN-input->qpsp_pred);
img->qp = input->qpsp;
img->qpsp = input->qpsp_pred;
img->mb_y_intra = img->mb_y_upd; // img->mb_y_intra indicates which GOB to intra code for this frame
if (input->intra_upd > 0) // if error robustness, find next GOB to update
img->mb_y_upd = (IMG_NUMBER / input->intra_upd) % (img->height / MB_BLOCK_SIZE);
img->p_interval = input->jumpd + 1;
prevP_no = start_tr_in_this_IGOP + (IMG_NUMBER - 1) * img->p_interval;
nextP_no = start_tr_in_this_IGOP + (IMG_NUMBER) * img->p_interval;
last_P_no[0] = prevP_no;
for (i = 1; i < img->buf_cycle; i++)
last_P_no[i] = last_P_no[i - 1] - img->p_interval;
if (input->last_frame && img->number + 1 == input->no_frames)
nextP_no = input->last_frame;
img->p_interval = nextP_no - prevP_no;
img->b_interval =
((double) (input->jumpd + 1) / (input->successive_Bframe + 1.0) );
if (input->HierarchicalCoding == 3)
img->b_interval = 1.0;
if (input->HierarchicalCoding)
img->tr = prevP_no + (int) (img->b_interval * (double) (1 + gop_structure[img->b_frame_to_code - 1].display_no)); // from prev_P
img->tr = prevP_no + (int) (img->b_interval * (double) img->b_frame_to_code); // from prev_P
if (img->tr >= nextP_no)
img->tr = nextP_no - 1;
//Rate control
if(!input->RCEnable && input->HierarchicalCoding == 0) // without using rate control
#ifdef _CHANGE_QP_
//QP oscillation for secondary SP frames
if ((input->qp2start > 0 && img->tr >= input->qp2start && input->sp2_frame_indicator==0)||
( (input->qp2start > 0) && ( ( (img->tr ) % (2*input->qp2start) ) >=input->qp2start ) && (input->sp2_frame_indicator==1)))
img->qp = input->qpB2;
img->qp = input->qpB;
if (img->nal_reference_idc)
#ifdef _CHANGE_QP_
//QP oscillation for secondary SP frames
if ((input->qp2start > 0 && img->tr >= input->qp2start && input->sp2_frame_indicator==0)||
( (input->qp2start > 0) && ( ( (img->tr ) % (2*input->qp2start) ) >=input->qp2start ) && (input->sp2_frame_indicator==1)))
img->qp = iClip3(-img->bitdepth_luma_qp_scale,51,input->qpB2 + input->qpBRS2Offset);
img->qp = iClip3(-img->bitdepth_luma_qp_scale,51,input->qpB + input->qpBRSOffset);
else if (!input->RCEnable && input->HierarchicalCoding !=0)
// Note that _CHANGE_QP_ does not anymore work for gop_structure. Needs to be fixed
img->qp = gop_structure[img->b_frame_to_code - 1].slice_qp;
img->qp_scaled = img->qp + img->bitdepth_luma_qp_scale;
UpdateSubseqInfo (img->layer); // Tian Dong (Sept 2002)
UpdateSceneInformation (FALSE, 0, 0, -1); // JVT-D099, scene information SEI, nothing included by default
//! Commented out by StW, needs fixing in SEI.h to keep the trace file clean
// PrepareAggregationSEIMessage ();
img->no_output_of_prior_pics_flag = 0;
img->long_term_reference_flag = 0;
* \brief
* Initializes the parameters for a new field
static void init_field (void)
int i;
int prevP_no, nextP_no;
last_P_no = last_P_no_fld;
img->current_mb_nr = 0;
img->current_slice_nr = 0;
stats->bit_slice = 0;
input->jumpd *= 2;
input->successive_Bframe *= 2;
img->number /= 2;
img->buf_cycle /= 2;
img->mb_y = img->mb_x = 0;
img->block_y = img->pix_y = img->pix_c_y = 0; // define vertical positions
img->block_x = img->pix_x = img->block_c_x = img->pix_c_x = 0; // define horizontal positions
if (!img->b_frame_to_code)
img->tr = img->number * (input->jumpd + 2) + img->fld_type;
if (!img->fld_type)
img->imgtr_last_P_fld = img->imgtr_next_P_fld;
img->imgtr_next_P_fld = img->tr;
if (input->last_frame && img->number + 1 == input->no_frames)
img->tr = input->last_frame;
if (img->number != 0 && input->successive_Bframe != 0) // B pictures to encode
nextP_tr_fld = img->tr;
//Rate control
if(!input->RCEnable) // without using rate control
if (img->type == I_SLICE)
#ifdef _CHANGE_QP_
//QP oscillation for secondary SP frames
if ((input->qp2start > 0 && img->tr >= input->qp2start && input->sp2_frame_indicator==0)||
( (input->qp2start > 0) && ( ( (img->tr ) % (2*input->qp2start) ) >=input->qp2start ) && (input->sp2_frame_indicator==1)))
img->qp = input->qp02;
img->qp = input->qp0; // set quant. parameter for I-frame
#ifdef _CHANGE_QP_
//QP oscillation for secondary SP frames
if ((input->qp2start > 0 && img->tr >= input->qp2start && input->sp2_frame_indicator==0)||
( (input->qp2start > 0) && ( ( (img->tr ) % (2*input->qp2start) ) >=input->qp2start ) && (input->sp2_frame_indicator==1)))
img->qp = input->qpN2 + (img->nal_reference_idc ? 0 : input->DispPQPOffset);
img->qp = input->qpN + (img->nal_reference_idc ? 0 : input->DispPQPOffset);
if (img->type == SP_SLICE)
if ( (input->qp2start > 0) && ( ( (img->tr ) % (2*input->qp2start) ) >=input->qp2start ))
img->qp = input->qpN2-(input->qpN-input->qpsp);
img->qpsp = input->qpN2-(input->qpN-input->qpsp_pred);
img->qp = input->qpsp;
img->qpsp = input->qpsp_pred;
img->mb_y_intra = img->mb_y_upd; // img->mb_y_intra indicates which GOB to intra code for this frame
if (input->intra_upd > 0) // if error robustness, find next GOB to update
img->mb_y_upd =
(img->number / input->intra_upd) % (img->width / MB_BLOCK_SIZE);
img->p_interval = input->jumpd + 2;
prevP_no = (img->number - 1) * img->p_interval + img->fld_type;
nextP_no = img->number * img->p_interval + img->fld_type;
if (!img->fld_type) // top field
last_P_no[0] = prevP_no + 1;
last_P_no[1] = prevP_no;
for (i = 1; i <= img->buf_cycle; i++)
last_P_no[2 * i] = last_P_no[2 * i - 2] - img->p_interval;
last_P_no[2 * i + 1] = last_P_no[2 * i - 1] - img->p_interval;
else // bottom field
last_P_no[0] = nextP_no - 1;
last_P_no[1] = prevP_no;
for (i = 1; i <= img->buf_cycle; i++)
last_P_no[2 * i] = last_P_no[2 * i - 2] - img->p_interval;
last_P_no[2 * i + 1] = last_P_no[2 * i - 1] - img->p_interval;
if (input->last_frame && img->number + 1 == input->no_frames)
nextP_no = input->last_frame;
img->p_interval = nextP_no - prevP_no;
img->b_interval =
((double) (input->jumpd + 1) / (input->successive_Bframe + 1.0) );
if (input->HierarchicalCoding == 3)
img->b_interval = 1.0;
if (input->HierarchicalCoding)
img->tr = prevP_no + (int) ((img->b_interval + 1.0) * (double) (1 + gop_structure[img->b_frame_to_code - 1].display_no)); // from prev_P
img->tr = prevP_no + (int) ((img->b_interval + 1.0) * (double) img->b_frame_to_code); // from prev_P
if (img->tr >= nextP_no)
img->tr = nextP_no - 1; // ?????
//Rate control
if(!input->RCEnable && input->HierarchicalCoding == 0) // without using rate control
#ifdef _CHANGE_QP_
//QP oscillation for secondary SP frames
if ((input->qp2start > 0 && img->tr >= input->qp2start && input->sp2_frame_indicator==0)||
( (input->qp2start > 0) && ( ( (img->tr ) % (2*input->qp2start) ) >=input->qp2start ) && (input->sp2_frame_indicator==1)))
img->qp = input->qpB2;
img->qp = input->qpB;
if (img->nal_reference_idc)
#ifdef _CHANGE_QP_
//QP oscillation for secondary SP frames
if ((input->qp2start > 0 && img->tr >= input->qp2start && input->sp2_frame_indicator==0)||
( (input->qp2start > 0) && ( ( (img->tr ) % (2*input->qp2start) ) >=input->qp2start ) && (input->sp2_frame_indicator==1)))
img->qp = iClip3(-img->bitdepth_luma_qp_scale,51,input->qpB2 + input->qpBRS2Offset);
img->qp = iClip3(-img->bitdepth_luma_qp_scale,51,input->qpB + input->qpBRSOffset);
else if (!input->RCEnable && input->HierarchicalCoding != 0)
img->qp = gop_structure[img->b_frame_to_code - 1].slice_qp;
img->qp_scaled = img->qp + img->bitdepth_luma_qp_scale;
input->jumpd /= 2;
input->successive_Bframe /= 2;
img->buf_cycle *= 2;
img->number = 2 * img->number + img->fld_type;
* \brief
* Upsample 4 times, store them in out4x. Color is simply copied
* \par Input:
* srcy, srcu, srcv, out4y, out4u, out4v
* \par Side Effects_
* Uses (writes) img4Y_tmp. This should be moved to a static variable
* in this module
void UnifiedOneForthPix (StorablePicture *s)
int ypadded_size = s->size_y + 2 * IMG_PAD_SIZE;
int xpadded_size = s->size_x + 2 * IMG_PAD_SIZE;
// don't upsample twice
if (s->imgY_sub)
// Y component
get_mem4Dpel (&(s->imgY_sub), 4, 4, ypadded_size, xpadded_size);
if (NULL == s->imgY_sub)
no_mem_exit("alloc_storable_picture: s->imgY_sub");
if ( input->ChromaMCBuffer )
// UV components
if ( img->yuv_format != YUV400 )
if ( img->yuv_format == YUV420 )
get_mem5Dpel (&(s->imgUV_sub), 2, 8, 8, ypadded_size/2, xpadded_size/2);
else if ( img->yuv_format == YUV422 )
get_mem5Dpel (&(s->imgUV_sub), 2, 4, 8, ypadded_size, xpadded_size/2);
{ // YUV444
get_mem5Dpel (&(s->imgUV_sub), 2, 4, 4, ypadded_size, xpadded_size);
// derive the subpixel images for first component
getSubImagesLuma ( s );
// and the sub-images for U and V
if ( img->yuv_format != YUV400 && input->ChromaMCBuffer )
getSubImagesChroma( s );
* \brief
* Find SNR for all three components
static void find_snr (void)
int i, j;
int64 diff_y=0, diff_u=0, diff_v=0;
int impix;
int impix_cr;
unsigned int max_pix_value_sqd = img->max_imgpel_value * img->max_imgpel_value;
unsigned int max_pix_value_sqd_uv = img->max_imgpel_value_uv * img->max_imgpel_value_uv;
// Calculate PSNR for Y, U and V.
// Luma.
impix = input->img_height * input->img_width;
impix_cr = input->img_height_cr * input->img_width_cr;
if (img->fld_flag != 0)
diff_y = 0;
for (i = 0; i < input->img_width; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < input->img_height; ++j)
diff_y += img->quad[imgY_org[j][i] - imgY_com[j][i]];
if (img->yuv_format != YUV400)
// Chroma.
diff_u = 0;
diff_v = 0;
for (i = 0; i < input->img_width_cr; i++)
for (j = 0; j < input->img_height_cr; j++)
diff_u += img->quad[imgUV_org[0][j][i] - imgUV_com[0][j][i]];
diff_v += img->quad[imgUV_org[1][j][i] - imgUV_com[1][j][i]];
imgY_org = imgY_org_frm;
imgUV_org = imgUV_org_frm;
enc_picture = enc_frame_picture;
diff_y = 0;
for (i = 0; i < input->img_width; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < input->img_height; ++j)
diff_y += img->quad[imgY_org[j][i] - enc_picture->imgY[j][i]];
if (img->yuv_format != YUV400)
// Chroma.
diff_u = 0;
diff_v = 0;
for (i = 0; i < input->img_width_cr; i++)
for (j = 0; j < input->img_height_cr; j++)
diff_u += img->quad[imgUV_org[0][j][i] - enc_picture->imgUV[0][j][i]];
diff_v += img->quad[imgUV_org[1][j][i] - enc_picture->imgUV[1][j][i]];
snr->sse_y = (float)diff_y;
snr->sse_u = (float)diff_u;
snr->sse_v = (float)diff_v;
if (diff_y == 0)
diff_y = 1;
if (diff_u == 0)
diff_u = 1;
if (diff_v == 0)
diff_v = 1;
// Collecting SNR statistics
if (diff_y != 0)
snr->snr_y = (float) (10 * log10 (max_pix_value_sqd * (double)((double) impix / diff_y))); // luma snr for current frame
if (img->yuv_format != YUV400)
snr->snr_u = (float) (10 * log10 (max_pix_value_sqd_uv * (double)((double) impix_cr / diff_u))); // u croma snr for current frame, 1/4 of luma samples
snr->snr_v = (float) (10 * log10 (max_pix_value_sqd_uv * (double)((double) impix_cr / diff_v))); // v croma snr for current frame, 1/4 of luma samples
snr->snr_u = 0.0;
snr->snr_v = 0.0;
if (img->number == 0)
snr->snr_y1 = snr->snr_y; // keep luma snr for first frame
snr->snr_u1 = snr->snr_u; // keep croma u snr for first frame
snr->snr_v1 = snr->snr_v; // keep croma v snr for first frame
snr->snr_ya = snr->snr_y1;
snr->snr_ua = snr->snr_u1;
snr->snr_va = snr->snr_v1;
// sse stats
snr->msse_y = snr->sse_y;
snr->msse_u = snr->sse_u;
snr->msse_v = snr->sse_v;
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
snr->snr_yt[i] = 0.0;
snr->snr_ut[i] = 0.0;
snr->snr_vt[i] = 0.0;
//int total_frames = img->number + frame_ctr[B_SLICE];
int total_frames = snr->frame_ctr - 1;
snr->snr_ya = (float) (snr->snr_ya * total_frames + snr->snr_y) / (total_frames + 1); // average snr luma for all frames inc. first
snr->snr_ua = (float) (snr->snr_ua * total_frames + snr->snr_u) / (total_frames + 1); // average snr u croma for all frames inc. first
snr->snr_va = (float) (snr->snr_va * total_frames + snr->snr_v) / (total_frames + 1); // average snr v croma for all frames inc. first
snr->msse_y = (float) (snr->msse_y * total_frames + snr->sse_y) / (total_frames + 1); // average sse luma for all frames inc. first
snr->msse_u = (float) (snr->msse_u * total_frames + snr->sse_u) / (total_frames + 1); // average sse u croma for all frames inc. first
snr->msse_v = (float) (snr->msse_v * total_frames + snr->sse_v) / (total_frames + 1); // average sse v croma for all frames inc. first
snr->snr_yt[img->type] = (float) (snr->snr_yt[img->type] * (frame_ctr[img->type] - 1) + snr->snr_y) / ( frame_ctr[img->type] ); // average luma snr for img->type coded frames
snr->snr_ut[img->type] = (float) (snr->snr_ut[img->type] * (frame_ctr[img->type] - 1) + snr->snr_u) / ( frame_ctr[img->type] ); // average chroma u snr for img->type coded frames
snr->snr_vt[img->type] = (float) (snr->snr_vt[img->type] * (frame_ctr[img->type] - 1) + snr->snr_v) / ( frame_ctr[img->type] ); // average chroma v snr for img->type coded frames
* \brief
* Find distortion for all three components
static void find_distortion (void)
int i, j;
int64 diff_y, diff_u, diff_v;
int impix;
// Calculate PSNR for Y, U and V.
// Luma.
impix = input->img_height * input->img_width;
if (img->structure!=FRAME)
diff_y = 0;
for (i = 0; i < input->img_width; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < input->img_height; ++j)
diff_y += img->quad[imgY_org[j][i] - imgY_com[j][i]];
diff_u = 0;
diff_v = 0;
if (img->yuv_format != YUV400)
// Chroma.
for (i = 0; i < input->img_width_cr; i++)
for (j = 0; j < input->img_height_cr; j++)
diff_u += img->quad[imgUV_org[0][j][i] - imgUV_com[0][j][i]];
diff_v += img->quad[imgUV_org[1][j][i] - imgUV_com[1][j][i]];
imgY_org = imgY_org_frm;
imgUV_org = imgUV_org_frm;
diff_y = 0;
for (i = 0; i < input->img_width; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < input->img_height; ++j)
diff_y += img->quad[imgY_org[j][i] - enc_picture->imgY[j][i]];
diff_u = 0;
diff_v = 0;
if (img->yuv_format != YUV400)
// Chroma.
for (i = 0; i < input->img_width_cr; i++)
for (j = 0; j < input->img_height_cr; j++)
diff_u += img->quad[imgUV_org[0][j][i] - enc_picture->imgUV[0][j][i]];
diff_v += img->quad[imgUV_org[1][j][i] - enc_picture->imgUV[1][j][i]];
// Calculate real PSNR at find_snr_avg()
snr->snr_y = (float) diff_y;
snr->snr_u = (float) diff_u;
snr->snr_v = (float) diff_v;
* \brief
* Just a placebo
Boolean dummy_slice_too_big (int bits_slice)
return FALSE;
// For MB level field/frame coding
void copy_rdopt_data (int bot_block)
int mb_nr = img->current_mb_nr;
Macroblock *currMB = &img->mb_data[mb_nr];
int i, j, k;
int bframe = (img->type == B_SLICE);
int mode;
int b8mode, b8pdir;
int block_y;
int list_offset = currMB->list_offset;
mode = rdopt->mode;
currMB->mb_type = rdopt->mb_type; // copy mb_type
currMB->cbp = rdopt->cbp; // copy cbp
currMB->cbp_blk = rdopt->cbp_blk; // copy cbp_blk
currMB->bi_pred_me = rdopt->bi_pred_me; // copy biprediction
img->i16offset = rdopt->i16offset;
currMB->prev_cbp = rdopt->prev_cbp;
currMB->delta_qp = rdopt->delta_qp;
currMB->qp = rdopt->qp;
currMB->c_ipred_mode = rdopt->c_ipred_mode;
for (i = 0; i < 4+img->num_blk8x8_uv; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
memcpy(img->cofAC[i][j][k],rdopt->cofAC[i][j][k], 65 * sizeof(int));
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
memcpy(img->cofDC[i][k],rdopt->cofDC[i][k], 18 * sizeof(int));
for (j = 0; j < BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++)
block_y = img->block_y + j;
memcpy(&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][block_y][img->block_x], rdopt->refar[LIST_0][j], BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_MULTIPLE; i++)
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][block_y][img->block_x + i] =
enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0 + list_offset][(short)enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][block_y][img->block_x+i]];
if (bframe)
for (j = 0; j < BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++)
block_y = img->block_y + j;
memcpy(&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][block_y][img->block_x], rdopt->refar[LIST_1][j], BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_MULTIPLE; i++)
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][block_y][img->block_x + i] =
enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_1 + list_offset][(short)enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][block_y][img->block_x+i]];
//===== reconstruction values =====
for (j = 0; j < MB_BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
memcpy(&enc_picture->imgY[img->pix_y + j][img->pix_x],rdopt->rec_mbY[j], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
if (img->yuv_format != YUV400)
for (j = 0; j < img->mb_cr_size_y; j++)
memcpy(&enc_picture->imgUV[0][img->pix_c_y + j][img->pix_c_x],rdopt->rec_mbU[j], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(imgpel));
memcpy(&enc_picture->imgUV[1][img->pix_c_y + j][img->pix_c_x],rdopt->rec_mbV[j], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(imgpel));
memcpy(currMB->b8mode,rdopt->b8mode, 4 * sizeof(int));
memcpy(currMB->b8pdir,rdopt->b8pdir, 4 * sizeof(int));
currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag = rdopt->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag;
//==== intra prediction modes ====
if (mode == P8x8)
memcpy(currMB->intra_pred_modes,rdopt->intra_pred_modes, MB_BLOCK_PARTITIONS * sizeof(char));
for (j = img->block_y; j < img->block_y + BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++)
memcpy(&img->ipredmode[j][img->block_x],&rdopt->ipredmode[j][img->block_x], BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
else if (mode != I4MB && mode != I8MB)
memset(currMB->intra_pred_modes,DC_PRED, MB_BLOCK_PARTITIONS * sizeof(char));
for (j = img->block_y; j < img->block_y + BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++)
memset(&img->ipredmode[j][img->block_x],DC_PRED, BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
else if (mode == I4MB || mode == I8MB)
memcpy(currMB->intra_pred_modes,rdopt->intra_pred_modes, MB_BLOCK_PARTITIONS * sizeof(char));
memcpy(currMB->intra_pred_modes8x8,rdopt->intra_pred_modes8x8, MB_BLOCK_PARTITIONS * sizeof(char));
for (j = img->block_y; j < img->block_y + BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++) {
memcpy(&img->ipredmode[j][img->block_x],&rdopt->ipredmode[j][img->block_x], BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
if (img->MbaffFrameFlag)
// motion vectors
copy_motion_vectors_MB ();
if (!IS_INTRA(currMB))
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
b8mode = currMB->b8mode[i/2+2*(j/2)];
b8pdir = currMB->b8pdir[i/2+2*(j/2)];
if (b8pdir!=1)
enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][j+img->block_y][i+img->block_x][0] = rdopt->all_mv[j][i][LIST_0][(short)rdopt->refar[LIST_0][j][i]][b8mode][0];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][j+img->block_y][i+img->block_x][1] = rdopt->all_mv[j][i][LIST_0][(short)rdopt->refar[LIST_0][j][i]][b8mode][1];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][j+img->block_y][i+img->block_x][0] = 0;
enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][j+img->block_y][i+img->block_x][1] = 0;
if (bframe)
if (b8pdir!=0)
enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][j+img->block_y][i+img->block_x][0] = rdopt->all_mv[j][i][LIST_1][(short)rdopt->refar[LIST_1][j][i]][b8mode][0];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][j+img->block_y][i+img->block_x][1] = rdopt->all_mv[j][i][LIST_1][(short)rdopt->refar[LIST_1][j][i]][b8mode][1];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][j+img->block_y][i+img->block_x][0] = 0;
enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][j+img->block_y][i+img->block_x][1] = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
memset(enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][j+img->block_y][img->block_x], 0, 2 * BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(short));
if (bframe)
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
memset(enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][j+img->block_y][img->block_x], 0, 2 * BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(short));
} // end of copy_rdopt_data
static void copy_motion_vectors_MB (void)
int i,j,k,l;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
for (k = 0; k < img->max_num_references; k++)
for (l = 0; l < 9; l++)
img->all_mv[j][i][LIST_0][k][l][0] = rdopt->all_mv[j][i][LIST_0][k][l][0];
img->all_mv[j][i][LIST_0][k][l][1] = rdopt->all_mv[j][i][LIST_0][k][l][1];
img->all_mv[j][i][LIST_1][k][l][0] = rdopt->all_mv[j][i][LIST_1][k][l][0];
img->all_mv[j][i][LIST_1][k][l][1] = rdopt->all_mv[j][i][LIST_1][k][l][1];
img->pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][k][l][0] = rdopt->pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][k][l][0];
img->pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][k][l][1] = rdopt->pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][k][l][1];
img->pred_mv[j][i][LIST_1][k][l][0] = rdopt->pred_mv[j][i][LIST_1][k][l][0];
img->pred_mv[j][i][LIST_1][k][l][1] = rdopt->pred_mv[j][i][LIST_1][k][l][1];
static void ReportNALNonVLCBits(time_t tmp_time, time_t me_time)
//! Need to add type (i.e. SPS, PPS, SEI etc).
if (input->Verbose != 0)
printf ("%04d(NVB)%8d \n", frame_no, 0);
static void ReportFirstframe(time_t tmp_time, time_t me_time)
//Rate control
int bits;
if (input->Verbose == 1)
printf ("%04d(IDR)%8d %2d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %9d %7d %3s %d\n",
frame_no, 0,
img->AverageFrameQP, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, 0, 0,
img->fld_flag ? "FLD" : "FRM", img->nal_reference_idc);
else if (input->Verbose == 2)
printf ("%04d(IDR)%8d %1d %2d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %9d %7d %3s %5d %2d %2d %d %d\n",
img->AverageFrameQP, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, 0, 0,
img->fld_flag ? "FLD" : "FRM", intras, img->num_ref_idx_l0_active, img->num_ref_idx_l1_active,img->rd_pass, img->nal_reference_idc);
//Rate control
if((!input->PicInterlace) && (!input->MbInterlace))
bits = (int) (stats->bit_ctr - stats->bit_ctr_n); // used for rate control update
bits = (int)(stats->bit_ctr - quadratic_RC->Iprev_bits); // used for rate control update
quadratic_RC->Iprev_bits = stats->bit_ctr;
stats->bit_ctr_I = stats->bit_ctr;
stats->bit_ctr = 0;
static void ReportIntra(time_t tmp_time, time_t me_time)
if (input->Verbose == 1)
if (img->currentPicture->idr_flag == 1)
printf ("%04d(IDR)%8d %2d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %9d %7d %3s %d\n",
frame_no, 0,
img->AverageFrameQP, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, 0, 0,
img->fld_flag ? "FLD" : "FRM", img->nal_reference_idc);
printf ("%04d(I) %8d %2d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %9d %7d %3s %d\n",
frame_no, 0,
img->AverageFrameQP, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, 0, 0,
img->fld_flag ? "FLD" : "FRM", img->nal_reference_idc);
else if (input->Verbose == 2)
if (img->currentPicture->idr_flag == 1)
printf ("%04d(IDR)%8d %1d %2d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %9d %7d %3s %5d %2d %2d %d %d\n",
frame_no, 0, 0,
img->AverageFrameQP, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, 0, 0,
img->fld_flag ? "FLD" : "FRM", intras, img->num_ref_idx_l0_active, img->num_ref_idx_l1_active,img->rd_pass, img->nal_reference_idc);
printf ("%04d(I) %8d %1d %2d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %9d %7d %3s %5d %2d %2d %d %d\n",
frame_no, 0, 0,
img->AverageFrameQP, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, 0, 0,
img->fld_flag ? "FLD" : "FRM", intras, img->num_ref_idx_l0_active, img->num_ref_idx_l1_active,img->rd_pass, img->nal_reference_idc);
static void ReportSP(time_t tmp_time, time_t me_time)
if (input->Verbose == 1)
printf ("%04d(SP) %8d %2d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %9d %7d %3s %d\n",
frame_no, 0,
img->AverageFrameQP, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, 0, 0,
img->fld_flag ? "FLD" : "FRM", img->nal_reference_idc);
else if (input->Verbose == 2)
printf ("%04d(SP) %8d %1d %2d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %9d %7d %3s %5d %2d %2d %d %d\n",
frame_no, 0, active_pps->weighted_pred_flag,
img->AverageFrameQP, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, 0, 0,
img->fld_flag ? "FLD" : "FRM", intras, img->num_ref_idx_l0_active, img->num_ref_idx_l1_active,img->rd_pass, img->nal_reference_idc);
static void ReportB(time_t tmp_time, time_t me_time)
if (input->Verbose == 1)
printf ("%04d(B) %8d %2d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %9d %7d %3s %d\n",
frame_no, 0,
img->AverageFrameQP, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, 0, 0,
img->fld_flag ? "FLD" : "FRM", img->nal_reference_idc);
else if (input->Verbose == 2)
printf ("%04d(B) %8d %1d %2d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %9d %7d %3s %5d %1d %2d %2d %d %d\n",
frame_no, 0, active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc,
img->AverageFrameQP, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, 0, 0,
img->fld_flag ? "FLD" : "FRM",intras,img->direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag, img->num_ref_idx_l0_active, img->num_ref_idx_l1_active,img->rd_pass, img->nal_reference_idc);
static void ReportP(time_t tmp_time, time_t me_time)
if (input->Verbose == 1)
printf ("%04d(P) %8d %2d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %9d %7d %3s %d\n",
frame_no, 0,
img->AverageFrameQP, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, 0, 0,
img->fld_flag ? "FLD" : "FRM", img->nal_reference_idc);
printf ("%04d(P) %8d %2d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %9d %7d %3s %d\n",
frame_no, 0,
img->AverageFrameQP, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, 0, 0,
img->fld_flag ? "FLD" : "FRM", img->nal_reference_idc);
{ // report a redundant picture.
printf (" (R) %8d %2d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %9d %7d %3s %d\n",
img->AverageFrameQP, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, 0, 0,
img->fld_flag ? "FLD" : "FRM", img->nal_reference_idc);
else if (input->Verbose == 2)
printf ("%04d(P) %8d %1d %2d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %9d %7d %3s %5d %2d %2d %d %d\n",
frame_no, 0, active_pps->weighted_pred_flag,
img->AverageFrameQP, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, 0, 0,
img->fld_flag ? "FLD" : "FRM", intras, img->num_ref_idx_l0_active, img->num_ref_idx_l1_active, img->rd_pass, img->nal_reference_idc);
* \brief
* Padding of automatically added border for picture sizes that are not
* multiples of macroblock/macroblock pair size
* \param org_size_x
* original image horizontal size (luma)
* \param org_size_y
* original image vertical size (luma)
* \param img_size_x
* coded image horizontal size (luma)
* \param img_size_y
* code image vertical size (luma)
* \param org_size_x_cr
* original image horizontal size (chroma)
* \param org_size_y_cr
* original image vertical size (chroma)
* \param img_size_x_cr
* coded image horizontal size (chroma)
* \param img_size_y_cr
* code image vertical size (chroma)
static void PaddAutoCropBorders (int org_size_x, int org_size_y, int img_size_x, int img_size_y,
int org_size_x_cr, int org_size_y_cr, int img_size_x_cr, int img_size_y_cr)
int x, y;
//padding right border
for (y=0; y<org_size_y; y++)
for (x=org_size_x; x<img_size_x; x++)
imgY_org_frm [y][x] = imgY_org_frm [y][x-1];
//padding bottom border
for (y=org_size_y; y<img_size_y; y++)
for (x=0; x<img_size_x; x++)
imgY_org_frm [y][x] = imgY_org_frm [y-1][x];
if (img->yuv_format != YUV400)
//padding right border
for (y=0; y<org_size_y_cr; y++)
for (x=org_size_x_cr; x<img_size_x_cr; x++)
imgUV_org_frm [0][y][x] = imgUV_org_frm [0][y][x-1];
imgUV_org_frm [1][y][x] = imgUV_org_frm [1][y][x-1];
//padding bottom border
for (y=org_size_y_cr; y<img_size_y_cr; y++)
for (x=0; x<img_size_x_cr; x++)
imgUV_org_frm [0][y][x] = imgUV_org_frm [0][y-1][x];
imgUV_org_frm [1][y][x] = imgUV_org_frm [1][y-1][x];
* \brief
* Calculates the absolute frame number in the source file out
* of various variables in img-> and input->
* \return
* frame number in the file to be read
* \par side effects
* global variable frame_no updated -- dunno, for what this one is necessary
static int CalculateFrameNumber(void)
if (img->b_frame_to_code)
if (input->HierarchicalCoding)
frame_no = start_tr_in_this_IGOP + (IMG_NUMBER - 1) * (input->jumpd + 1) + (int) (img->b_interval * (double) (1 + gop_structure[img->b_frame_to_code - 1].display_no));
frame_no = start_tr_in_this_IGOP + (IMG_NUMBER - 1) * (input->jumpd + 1) + (int) (img->b_interval * (double) img->b_frame_to_code);
frame_no = start_tr_in_this_IGOP + IMG_NUMBER * (input->jumpd + 1);
if (input->last_frame && img->number + 1 == input->no_frames)
frame_no = input->last_frame;
return frame_no;
* \brief
* Convert file read buffer to source picture structure
void buf2img ( imgpel** imgX, //!< Pointer to image plane
unsigned char* buf, //!< Buffer for file output
int size_x, //!< horizontal size of picture
int size_y, //!< vertical size of picture
int symbol_size_in_bytes //!< number of bytes in file used for one pixel
int i,j;
unsigned short tmp16, ui16;
unsigned long tmp32, ui32;
if (symbol_size_in_bytes> sizeof(imgpel))
error ("Source picture has higher bit depth than imgpel data type. Please recompile with larger data type for imgpel.", 500);
if (( sizeof(char) == sizeof (imgpel)) && ( sizeof(char) == symbol_size_in_bytes))
// imgpel == pixel_in_file == 1 byte -> simple copy
memcpy(imgX[j], buf+j*size_x, size_x);
// sizeof (imgpel) > sizeof(char)
if (testEndian())
// big endian
switch (symbol_size_in_bytes)
case 1:
imgX[j][i]= buf[i+j*size_x];
case 2:
memcpy(&tmp16, buf+((i+j*size_x)*2), 2);
ui16 = (tmp16 >> 8) | ((tmp16&0xFF)<<8);
imgX[j][i] = (imgpel) ui16;
case 4:
memcpy(&tmp32, buf+((i+j*size_x)*4), 4);
ui32 = ((tmp32&0xFF00)<<8) | ((tmp32&0xFF)<<24) | ((tmp32&0xFF0000)>>8) | ((tmp32&0xFF000000)>>24);
imgX[j][i] = (imgpel) ui32;
error ("reading only from formats of 8, 16 or 32 bit allowed on big endian architecture", 500);
// little endian
for (j=0; j < size_y; j++)
for (i=0; i < size_x; i++)
memcpy(&(imgX[j][i]), buf +((i+j*size_x)*symbol_size_in_bytes), symbol_size_in_bytes);
* \brief
* Reads one new frame from file
* \param FrameNoInFile
* Frame number in the source file
* \param HeaderSize
* Number of bytes in the source file to be skipped
* \param xs
* horizontal size of frame in pixels
* \param ys
* vertical size of frame in pixels
* \param xs_cr
* horizontal chroma size of frame in pixels
* \param ys_cr
* vertical chroma size of frame in pixels
static void ReadOneFrame (int FrameNoInFile, int HeaderSize, int xs, int ys, int xs_cr, int ys_cr)
unsigned int symbol_size_in_bytes = img->pic_unit_size_on_disk/8;
const int imgsize_y = xs*ys;
const int imgsize_uv = xs_cr*ys_cr;
const int bytes_y = imgsize_y * symbol_size_in_bytes;
const int bytes_uv = imgsize_uv * symbol_size_in_bytes;
const int64 framesize_in_bytes = bytes_y + 2*bytes_uv;
unsigned char *buf;
Boolean rgb_input = (Boolean) (input->rgb_input_flag==1 && input->yuv_format==3);
assert (p_in != -1);
// KS: this buffer should actually be allocated only once, but this is still much faster than the previous version
if (NULL==(buf = malloc (xs*ys * symbol_size_in_bytes))) no_mem_exit("ReadOneFrame: buf");
// skip Header
if (lseek (p_in, HeaderSize, SEEK_SET) != HeaderSize)
error ("ReadOneFrame: cannot fseek to (Header size) in p_in", -1);
// skip starting frames
if (lseek (p_in, framesize_in_bytes * input->start_frame, SEEK_CUR) == -1)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "ReadOneFrame: cannot advance file pointer in p_in beyond frame %d\n", input->start_frame);
error (errortext,-1);
// seek to current frame
if (lseek (p_in, framesize_in_bytes * FrameNoInFile, SEEK_CUR) == -1)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "ReadOneFrame: cannot advance file pointer in p_in beyond frame %d\n", input->start_frame + FrameNoInFile);
error (errortext,-1);
// Here we are at the correct position for the source frame in the file. Now
// read it.
if (img->pic_unit_size_on_disk%8 == 0)
lseek (p_in, framesize_in_bytes/3, SEEK_CUR);
if (read(p_in, buf, bytes_y) != bytes_y)
printf ("ReadOneFrame: cannot read %d bytes from input file, unexpected EOF?, exiting", bytes_y);
exit (-1);
buf2img(imgY_org_frm, buf, xs, ys, symbol_size_in_bytes);
//#define _DEBUG_BITDEPTH_
int i,j;
for (j=0; j < ys; j++)
for (i=0; i < xs; i++)
imgY_org_frm[j][i]= (imgpel) (imgY_org_frm[j][i] & ((1<<img->bitdepth_luma ) - 1));
if (img->yuv_format != YUV400)
if (read(p_in, buf, bytes_uv) != bytes_uv)
printf ("ReadOneFrame: cannot read %d bytes from input file, unexpected EOF?, exiting", bytes_y);
exit (-1);
buf2img(imgUV_org_frm[0], buf, xs_cr, ys_cr, symbol_size_in_bytes);
lseek (p_in, -framesize_in_bytes, SEEK_CUR);
if (read(p_in, buf, bytes_uv) != bytes_uv)
printf ("ReadOneFrame: cannot read %d bytes from input file, unexpected EOF?, exiting", bytes_y);
exit (-1);
buf2img(imgUV_org_frm[1], buf, xs_cr, ys_cr, symbol_size_in_bytes);
int i,j;
for (j=0; j < ys_cr; j++)
for (i=0; i < xs_cr; i++)
imgUV_org_frm[0][j][i]=(imgpel) (imgUV_org_frm[0][j][i] & ((1<<img->bitdepth_chroma ) - 1));
imgUV_org_frm[1][j][i]=(imgpel) (imgUV_org_frm[1][j][i] & ((1<<img->bitdepth_chroma ) - 1));
lseek (p_in, framesize_in_bytes*2/3, SEEK_CUR);
printf ("ReadOneFrame (NOT IMPLEMENTED): pic unit size on disk must be divided by 8");
exit (-1);
free (buf);
* \brief
* point to frame coding variables
static void put_buffer_frame(void)
imgY_org = imgY_org_frm;
imgUV_org = imgUV_org_frm;
* \brief
* point to top field coding variables
static void put_buffer_top(void)
img->fld_type = 0;
imgY_org = imgY_org_top;
imgUV_org = imgUV_org_top;
* \brief
* point to bottom field coding variables
static void put_buffer_bot(void)
img->fld_type = 1;
imgY_org = imgY_org_bot;
imgUV_org = imgUV_org_bot;
* \brief
* Writes a NAL unit of a partition or slice
static void writeUnit(Bitstream* currStream, int partition)
const int buffer_size = 500 + img->FrameSizeInMbs * (128 + 256 * img->bitdepth_luma + 512 * img->bitdepth_chroma);
// KS: this is approx. max. allowed code picture size
NALU_t *nalu;
assert (currStream->bits_to_go == 8);
nalu = AllocNALU(buffer_size);
nalu->startcodeprefix_len = 1+ (img->current_mb_nr == 0 && partition == 0 ?ZEROBYTES_SHORTSTARTCODE+1:ZEROBYTES_SHORTSTARTCODE);
//printf ("nalu->startcodeprefix_len %d\n", nalu->startcodeprefix_len);
nalu->len = currStream->byte_pos +1; // add one for the first byte of the NALU
//printf ("nalu->len %d\n", nalu->len);
memcpy (&nalu->buf[1], currStream->streamBuffer, nalu->len-1);
if (img->currentPicture->idr_flag)
nalu->nal_unit_type = NALU_TYPE_IDR;
nalu->nal_reference_idc = NALU_PRIORITY_HIGHEST;
else if (img->type == B_SLICE)
//different nal header for different partitions
if(input->partition_mode == 0)
nalu->nal_unit_type = NALU_TYPE_SLICE;
nalu->nal_unit_type = NALU_TYPE_DPA + partition;
if (img->nal_reference_idc !=0)
nalu->nal_reference_idc = NALU_PRIORITY_HIGH;
nalu->nal_reference_idc = NALU_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE;
else // non-b frame, non IDR slice
//different nal header for different partitions
if(input->partition_mode == 0)
nalu->nal_unit_type = NALU_TYPE_SLICE;
nalu->nal_unit_type = NALU_TYPE_DPA + partition;
if (img->nal_reference_idc !=0)
nalu->nal_reference_idc = NALU_PRIORITY_HIGH;
nalu->nal_reference_idc = NALU_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE;
nalu->forbidden_bit = 0;
stats->bit_ctr += WriteNALU (nalu);
* \brief
* performs multi-pass encoding of same picture using different
* coding conditions
static void rdPictureCoding(void)
int second_qp = img->qp, rd_qp = img->qp;
int previntras = intras;
int prevtype = img->type;
int skip_encode = 0;
pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t *sec_pps;
int tmpFrameQP = img->SumFrameQP;
if ( input->RCEnable )
// save the current RC model as preliminary best
copy_rc_jvt( quadratic_RC_best, quadratic_RC );
copy_rc_generic( generic_RC_best, generic_RC );
if (img->type!=I_SLICE && input->GenerateMultiplePPS)
if (img->type==P_SLICE)
if (test_wp_P_slice(0) == 1)
active_pps = PicParSet[1];
skip_encode = input->RDPSliceWeightOnly;
active_pps = PicParSet[0];
if (!img->AdaptiveRounding)
active_pps = PicParSet[2];
if (!img->AdaptiveRounding)
sec_pps = active_pps;
second_qp = img->qp;
img->write_macroblock = 0;
if (skip_encode)
img->rd_pass = 0;
enc_frame_picture2 = NULL;
// re-store the initial RC model
copy_rc_jvt( quadratic_RC, quadratic_RC_init );
copy_rc_generic( generic_RC, generic_RC_init );
rc_init_pict(quadratic_RC, 1,0,1, input->GenerateMultiplePPS ? 1.0F : 0.85F );
img->qp = updateQP(quadratic_RC, 0);
frame_picture (frame_pic_2,1);
img->rd_pass=picture_coding_decision(frame_pic_1, frame_pic_2, rd_qp);
// update_rd_picture_contexts (img->rd_pass);
if (img->rd_pass==0)
if (img->type!=I_SLICE && input->GenerateMultiplePPS)
active_pps = PicParSet[0];
intras = previntras;
frame_pic = frame_pic_1;
previntras = intras;
frame_pic = frame_pic_2;
tmpFrameQP = img->SumFrameQP;
copy_rc_jvt( quadratic_RC_best, quadratic_RC );
copy_rc_generic( generic_RC_best, generic_RC );
// Final Encoding pass - note that we should
// make this more flexible in a later version.
if (img->type!=I_SLICE )
skip_encode = 0;
img->qp = rd_qp;
if (img->type == P_SLICE && (intras * 100 )/img->FrameSizeInMbs >=75)
active_pps = PicParSet[0];
else if (img->type==P_SLICE)
if (input->GenerateMultiplePPS)
if (test_wp_P_slice(1) == 1)
active_pps = PicParSet[1];
else if (input->RDPSliceBTest && active_sps->profile_idc != 66)
img->type = B_SLICE;
active_pps = PicParSet[0];
skip_encode = input->RDPSliceWeightOnly;
active_pps = PicParSet[0];
if (!img->AdaptiveRounding)
if (input->GenerateMultiplePPS && test_wp_B_slice(0) == 1)
active_pps = PicParSet[1];
skip_encode = input->RDBSliceWeightOnly;
img->qp = rd_qp + (img->nal_reference_idc ? - 1 : 1);
active_pps = PicParSet[0];
if (!img->AdaptiveRounding)
img->qp = (rd_qp + 1);
img->write_macroblock = 0;
if (skip_encode)
enc_frame_picture3 = NULL;
img->qp = rd_qp;
// re-store the initial RC model
copy_rc_jvt( quadratic_RC, quadratic_RC_init );
copy_rc_generic( generic_RC, generic_RC_init );
rc_init_pict(quadratic_RC, 1,0,1, input->GenerateMultiplePPS ? 1.0F : 1.15F );
img->qp = updateQP(quadratic_RC, 0);
frame_picture (frame_pic_3,2);
if (img->rd_pass==0)
img->rd_pass = 2*picture_coding_decision(frame_pic_1, frame_pic_3, rd_qp);
img->rd_pass += picture_coding_decision(frame_pic_2, frame_pic_3, rd_qp);
if ( input->RCEnable && img->rd_pass == 2 )
copy_rc_jvt( quadratic_RC_best, quadratic_RC );
copy_rc_generic( generic_RC_best, generic_RC );
if ( img->rd_pass == 2 )
tmpFrameQP = img->SumFrameQP;
//update_rd_picture_contexts (img->rd_pass);
if (img->rd_pass==0)
enc_picture = enc_frame_picture;
img->type = prevtype;
active_pps = PicParSet[0];
img->qp = rd_qp;
intras = previntras;
else if (img->rd_pass==1)
enc_picture = enc_frame_picture2;
img->type = prevtype;
active_pps = sec_pps;
img->qp = second_qp;
intras = previntras;
if ( input->RCEnable )
copy_rc_jvt( quadratic_RC, quadratic_RC_best );
copy_rc_generic( generic_RC, generic_RC_best );
img->SumFrameQP = tmpFrameQP;
* Brief
* Output SP frames coefficients
void output_SP_coefficients()
int i,k;
FILE *SP_coeff_file;
if ((SP_coeff_file = fopen(input->sp_output_filename,"wb")) == NULL)
printf ("Fatal: cannot open SP output file '%s', exit (-1)\n", input->sp_output_filename);
exit (-1);
if ((SP_coeff_file = fopen(input->sp_output_filename,"ab")) == NULL)
printf ("Fatal: cannot open SP output file '%s', exit (-1)\n", input->sp_output_filename);
exit (-1);
* Brief
* Read SP frames coefficients
void read_SP_coefficients()
int i,k;
FILE *SP_coeff_file;
if ( (input->qp2start > 0) && ( ( (img->tr ) % (2*input->qp2start) ) >=input->qp2start ))
if ((SP_coeff_file = fopen(input->sp2_input_filename1,"rb")) == NULL)
printf ("Fatal: cannot open SP input file '%s', exit (-1)\n", input->sp2_input_filename2);
exit (-1);
if ((SP_coeff_file = fopen(input->sp2_input_filename2,"rb")) == NULL)
printf ("Fatal: cannot open SP input file '%s', exit (-1)\n", input->sp2_input_filename1);
exit (-1);
if (0 != fseek (SP_coeff_file, img->size * 3/2*number_sp2_frames*sizeof(int), SEEK_SET))
printf ("Fatal: cannot seek in SP input file, exit (-1)\n");
exit (-1);
printf ("Fatal: cannot read in SP input file, exit (-1)\n");
exit (-1);
printf ("Fatal: cannot read in SP input file, exit (-1)\n");
exit (-1);