blob: 1c471963ccc9d21090c01369de649188eee89a47 [file] [log] [blame]
* \file
* configfile.c
* \brief
* Configuration handling.
* \author
* Main contributors (see contributors.h for copyright, address and affiliation details)
* - Stephan Wenger <>
* \note
* In the future this module should hide the Parameters and offer only
* Functions for their access. Modules which make frequent use of some parameters
* (e.g. picture size in macroblocks) are free to buffer them on local variables.
* This will not only avoid global variable and make the code more readable, but also
* speed it up. It will also greatly facilitate future enhancements such as the
* handling of different picture sizes in the same sequence. \n
* \n
* For now, everything is just copied to the inp_par structure (gulp)
* \par Configuration File Format
* Format is line oriented, maximum of one parameter per line \n
* \n
* Lines have the following format: \n
* \<ParameterName\> = \<ParameterValue\> # Comments \\n \n
* Whitespace is space and \\t
* \par
* \<ParameterName\> are the predefined names for Parameters and are case sensitive.
* See configfile.h for the definition of those names and their mapping to
* configinput->values.
* \par
* \<ParameterValue\> are either integers [0..9]* or strings.
* Integers must fit into the wordlengths, signed values are generally assumed.
* Strings containing no whitespace characters can be used directly. Strings containing
* whitespace characters are to be inclosed in double quotes ("string with whitespace")
* The double quote character is forbidden (may want to implement something smarter here).
* \par
* Any Parameters whose ParameterName is undefined lead to the termination of the program
* with an error message.
* \par Known bug/Shortcoming:
* zero-length strings (i.e. to signal an non-existing file
* have to be coded as "".
* \par Rules for using command files
* \n
* All Parameters are initially taken from DEFAULTCONFIGFILENAME, defined in configfile.h.
* If an -f \<config\> parameter is present in the command line then this file is used to
* update the defaults of DEFAULTCONFIGFILENAME. There can be more than one -f parameters
* present. If -p <ParameterName = ParameterValue> parameters are present then these
* override the default and the additional config file's settings, and are themselves
* overridden by future -p parameters. There must be whitespace between -f and -p commands
* and their respective parameters
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "configfile.h"
#include "fmo.h"
char *GetConfigFileContent (char *Filename);
static void ParseContent (char *buf, int bufsize);
static int ParameterNameToMapIndex (char *s);
static int InitEncoderParams(void);
static int TestEncoderParams(int bitdepth_qp_scale);
static int DisplayEncoderParams(void);
static void PatchInp (void);
static void ProfileCheck(void);
static void LevelCheck(void);
#define MAX_ITEMS_TO_PARSE 10000
* \brief
* print help message and exit
void JMHelpExit (void)
fprintf( stderr, "\n lencod [-h] [-d defenc.cfg] {[-f curenc1.cfg]...[-f curencN.cfg]}"
" {[-p EncParam1=EncValue1]..[-p EncParamM=EncValueM]}\n\n"
"## Parameters\n\n"
"## Options\n"
" -h : prints function usage\n"
" -d : use <defenc.cfg> as default file for parameter initializations.\n"
" If not used then file defaults to encoder.cfg in local directory.\n"
" -f : read <curencM.cfg> for reseting selected encoder parameters.\n"
" Multiple files could be used that set different parameters\n"
" -p : Set parameter <EncParamM> to <EncValueM>.\n"
" See default encoder.cfg file for description of all parameters.\n\n"
"## Supported video file formats\n"
" RAW: .yuv -> YUV 4:2:0\n\n"
"## Examples of usage:\n"
" lencod\n"
" lencod -h\n"
" lencod -d default.cfg\n"
" lencod -f curenc1.cfg\n"
" lencod -f curenc1.cfg -p InputFile=\"e:\\data\\container_qcif_30.yuv\" -p SourceWidth=176 -p SourceHeight=144\n"
" lencod -f curenc1.cfg -p FramesToBeEncoded=30 -p QPISlice=28 -p QPPSlice=28 -p QPBSlice=30\n");
* \brief
* Parse the command line parameters and read the config files.
* \param ac
* number of command line parameters
* \param av
* command line parameters
void Configure (int ac, char *av[])
char *content;
int CLcount, ContentLen, NumberParams;
memset (&configinput, 0, sizeof (InputParameters));
//Set default parameters.
printf ("Setting Default Parameters...\n");
// Process default config file
CLcount = 1;
if (ac==2)
if (0 == strncmp (av[1], "-h", 2))
if (ac>=3)
if (0 == strncmp (av[1], "-d", 2))
CLcount = 3;
if (0 == strncmp (av[1], "-h", 2))
printf ("Parsing Configfile %s", filename);
content = GetConfigFileContent (filename);
if (NULL==content)
error (errortext, 300);
ParseContent (content, strlen(content));
printf ("\n");
free (content);
// Parse the command line
while (CLcount < ac)
if (0 == strncmp (av[CLcount], "-h", 2))
if (0 == strncmp (av[CLcount], "-f", 2)) // A file parameter?
content = GetConfigFileContent (av[CLcount+1]);
if (NULL==content)
error (errortext, 300);
printf ("Parsing Configfile %s", av[CLcount+1]);
ParseContent (content, strlen (content));
printf ("\n");
free (content);
CLcount += 2;
} else
if (0 == strncmp (av[CLcount], "-p", 2)) // A config change?
// Collect all data until next parameter (starting with -<x> (x is any character)),
// put it into content, and parse content.
ContentLen = 0;
NumberParams = CLcount;
// determine the necessary size for content
while (NumberParams < ac && av[NumberParams][0] != '-')
ContentLen += strlen (av[NumberParams++]); // Space for all the strings
ContentLen += 1000; // Additional 1000 bytes for spaces and \0s
if ((content = malloc (ContentLen))==NULL) no_mem_exit("Configure: content");;
content[0] = '\0';
// concatenate all parameters identified before
while (CLcount < NumberParams)
char *source = &av[CLcount][0];
char *destin = &content[strlen (content)];
while (*source != '\0')
if (*source == '=') // The Parser expects whitespace before and after '='
*destin++=' '; *destin++='='; *destin++=' '; // Hence make sure we add it
} else
*destin = '\0';
printf ("Parsing command line string '%s'", content);
ParseContent (content, strlen(content));
free (content);
printf ("\n");
snprintf (errortext, ET_SIZE, "Error in command line, ac %d, around string '%s', missing -f or -p parameters?", CLcount, av[CLcount]);
error (errortext, 300);
printf ("\n");
if (input->DisplayEncParams)
* \brief
* allocates memory buf, opens file Filename in f, reads contents into
* buf and returns buf
* \param Filename
* name of config file
* \return
* if successfull, content of config file
* NULL in case of error. Error message will be set in errortext
char *GetConfigFileContent (char *Filename)
long FileSize;
FILE *f;
char *buf;
if (NULL == (f = fopen (Filename, "r")))
snprintf (errortext, ET_SIZE, "Cannot open configuration file %s.", Filename);
return NULL;
if (0 != fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END))
snprintf (errortext, ET_SIZE, "Cannot fseek in configuration file %s.", Filename);
return NULL;
FileSize = ftell (f);
if (FileSize < 0 || FileSize > 60000)
snprintf (errortext, ET_SIZE, "Unreasonable Filesize %ld reported by ftell for configuration file %s.", FileSize, Filename);
return NULL;
if (0 != fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET))
snprintf (errortext, ET_SIZE, "Cannot fseek in configuration file %s.", Filename);
return NULL;
if ((buf = malloc (FileSize + 1))==NULL) no_mem_exit("GetConfigFileContent: buf");
// Note that ftell() gives us the file size as the file system sees it. The actual file size,
// as reported by fread() below will be often smaller due to CR/LF to CR conversion and/or
// control characters after the dos EOF marker in the file.
FileSize = fread (buf, 1, FileSize, f);
buf[FileSize] = '\0';
fclose (f);
return buf;
* \brief
* Parses the character array buf and writes global variable input, which is defined in
* configfile.h. This hack will continue to be necessary to facilitate the addition of
* new parameters through the Map[] mechanism (Need compiler-generated addresses in map[]).
* \param buf
* buffer to be parsed
* \param bufsize
* buffer size of buffer
void ParseContent (char *buf, int bufsize)
char *items[MAX_ITEMS_TO_PARSE];
int MapIdx;
int item = 0;
int InString = 0, InItem = 0;
char *p = buf;
char *bufend = &buf[bufsize];
int IntContent;
double DoubleContent;
int i;
// Stage one: Generate an argc/argv-type list in items[], without comments and whitespace.
// This is context insensitive and could be done most easily with lex(1).
while (p < bufend)
switch (*p)
case 13:
case '#': // Found comment
*p = '\0'; // Replace '#' with '\0' in case of comment immediately following integer or string
while (*p != '\n' && p < bufend) // Skip till EOL or EOF, whichever comes first
InString = 0;
InItem = 0;
case '\n':
InItem = 0;
InString = 0;
case ' ':
case '\t': // Skip whitespace, leave state unchanged
if (InString)
{ // Terminate non-strings once whitespace is found
*p++ = '\0';
InItem = 0;
case '"': // Begin/End of String
*p++ = '\0';
if (!InString)
items[item++] = p;
InItem = ~InItem;
InItem = 0;
InString = ~InString; // Toggle
if (!InItem)
items[item++] = p;
InItem = ~InItem;
for (i=0; i<item; i+= 3)
if (0 > (MapIdx = ParameterNameToMapIndex (items[i])))
snprintf (errortext, ET_SIZE, " Parsing error in config file: Parameter Name '%s' not recognized.", items[i]);
error (errortext, 300);
if (strcasecmp ("=", items[i+1]))
snprintf (errortext, ET_SIZE, " Parsing error in config file: '=' expected as the second token in each line.");
error (errortext, 300);
// Now interpret the Value, context sensitive...
switch (Map[MapIdx].Type)
case 0: // Numerical
if (1 != sscanf (items[i+2], "%d", &IntContent))
snprintf (errortext, ET_SIZE, " Parsing error: Expected numerical value for Parameter of %s, found '%s'.", items[i], items[i+2]);
error (errortext, 300);
* (int *) (Map[MapIdx].Place) = IntContent;
printf (".");
case 1:
strncpy ((char *) Map[MapIdx].Place, items [i+2], FILE_NAME_SIZE);
printf (".");
case 2: // Numerical double
if (1 != sscanf (items[i+2], "%lf", &DoubleContent))
snprintf (errortext, ET_SIZE, " Parsing error: Expected numerical value for Parameter of %s, found '%s'.", items[i], items[i+2]);
error (errortext, 300);
* (double *) (Map[MapIdx].Place) = DoubleContent;
printf (".");
error ("Unknown value type in the map definition of configfile.h",-1);
memcpy (input, &configinput, sizeof (InputParameters));
* \brief
* Returns the index number from Map[] for a given parameter name.
* \param s
* parameter name string
* \return
* the index number if the string is a valid parameter name, \n
* -1 for error
static int ParameterNameToMapIndex (char *s)
int i = 0;
while (Map[i].TokenName != NULL)
if (0==strcasecmp (Map[i].TokenName, s))
return i;
return -1;
* \brief
* Sets initial values for encoding parameters.
* \return
* -1 for error
static int InitEncoderParams(void)
int i = 0;
while (Map[i].TokenName != NULL)
if (Map[i].Type == 0)
* (int *) (Map[i].Place) = (int) Map[i].Default;
else if (Map[i].Type == 2)
* (double *) (Map[i].Place) = Map[i].Default;
return -1;
* \brief
* Validates encoding parameters.
* \return
* -1 for error
static int TestEncoderParams(int bitdepth_qp_scale)
int i = 0;
while (Map[i].TokenName != NULL)
if (Map[i].param_limits == 1)
if (Map[i].Type == 0)
if ( * (int *) (Map[i].Place) < (int) Map[i].min_limit || * (int *) (Map[i].Place) > (int) Map[i].max_limit )
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Error in input parameter %s. Check configuration file. Value should be in [%d, %d] range.", Map[i].TokenName, (int) Map[i].min_limit,(int)Map[i].max_limit );
error (errortext, 400);
else if (Map[i].Type == 2)
if ( * (double *) (Map[i].Place) < Map[i].min_limit || * (double *) (Map[i].Place) > Map[i].max_limit )
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Error in input parameter %s. Check configuration file. Value should be in [%.2f, %.2f] range.", Map[i].TokenName,Map[i].min_limit ,Map[i].max_limit );
error (errortext, 400);
else if (Map[i].param_limits == 2)
if (Map[i].Type == 0)
if ( * (int *) (Map[i].Place) < (int) Map[i].min_limit )
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Error in input parameter %s. Check configuration file. Value should not be smaller than %d.", Map[i].TokenName, (int) Map[i].min_limit);
error (errortext, 400);
else if (Map[i].Type == 2)
if ( * (double *) (Map[i].Place) < Map[i].min_limit )
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Error in input parameter %s. Check configuration file. Value should not be smaller than %2.f.", Map[i].TokenName,Map[i].min_limit);
error (errortext, 400);
else if (Map[i].param_limits == 3) // Only used for QPs
if (Map[i].Type == 0)
if ( * (int *) (Map[i].Place) < (int) (Map[i].min_limit - bitdepth_qp_scale) || * (int *) (Map[i].Place) > (int) Map[i].max_limit )
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Error in input parameter %s. Check configuration file. Value should be in [%d, %d] range.", Map[i].TokenName, (int) (Map[i].min_limit - bitdepth_qp_scale),(int)Map[i].max_limit );
error (errortext, 400);
return -1;
* \brief
* Outputs encoding parameters.
* \return
* -1 for error
static int DisplayEncoderParams(void)
int i = 0;
printf("* Encoder Parameters *\n");
while (Map[i].TokenName != NULL)
if (Map[i].Type == 0)
printf("Parameter %s = %d\n",Map[i].TokenName,* (int *) (Map[i].Place));
else if (Map[i].Type == 1)
printf("Parameter %s = ""%s""\n",Map[i].TokenName,(char *) (Map[i].Place));
else if (Map[i].Type == 2)
printf("Parameter %s = %.2f\n",Map[i].TokenName,* (double *) (Map[i].Place));
return -1;
* \brief
* calculate Ceil(Log2(uiVal))
unsigned CeilLog2( unsigned uiVal)
unsigned uiTmp = uiVal-1;
unsigned uiRet = 0;
while( uiTmp != 0 )
uiTmp >>= 1;
return uiRet;
* \brief
* Checks the input parameters for consistency.
static void PatchInp (void)
int bitdepth_qp_scale = 6*(input->BitDepthLuma - 8);
// These variables are added for FMO
FILE * sgfile=NULL;
int i,j;
int frame_mb_only;
int mb_width, mb_height, mapunit_height;
int storedBplus1;
if (input->FrameRate == 0.0)
input->FrameRate = INIT_FRAME_RATE;
// Set block sizes
// Skip/Direct16x16
input->part_size[0][0] = 4;
input->part_size[0][1] = 4;
// 16x16
input->part_size[1][0] = 4;
input->part_size[1][1] = 4;
// 16x8
input->part_size[2][0] = 4;
input->part_size[2][1] = 2;
// 8x16
input->part_size[3][0] = 2;
input->part_size[3][1] = 4;
// 8x8
input->part_size[4][0] = 2;
input->part_size[4][1] = 2;
// 8x4
input->part_size[5][0] = 2;
input->part_size[5][1] = 1;
// 4x8
input->part_size[6][0] = 1;
input->part_size[6][1] = 2;
// 4x4
input->part_size[7][0] = 1;
input->part_size[7][1] = 1;
input->blocktype_lut[0][0] = 7; // 4x4
input->blocktype_lut[0][1] = 6; // 4x8
input->blocktype_lut[1][0] = 5; // 8x4
input->blocktype_lut[1][1] = 4; // 8x8
input->blocktype_lut[1][3] = 3; // 8x16
input->blocktype_lut[3][1] = 2; // 16x8
input->blocktype_lut[3][3] = 1; // 16x16
for (j = 0; j<8;j++)
for (i = 0; i<2; i++)
input->blc_size[j][i] = input->part_size[j][i] * BLOCK_SIZE;
// set proper log2_max_frame_num_minus4.
storedBplus1 = (input->BRefPictures ) ? input->successive_Bframe + 1: 1;
if (input->Log2MaxFNumMinus4 == -1)
log2_max_frame_num_minus4 = iClip3(0,12, (int) (CeilLog2(input->no_frames * storedBplus1) - 4));
log2_max_frame_num_minus4 = input->Log2MaxFNumMinus4;
if (log2_max_frame_num_minus4 == 0 && input->num_ref_frames == 16)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, " NumberReferenceFrames=%d and Log2MaxFNumMinus4=%d may lead to an invalid value of frame_num.", input->num_ref_frames, input-> Log2MaxFNumMinus4);
error (errortext, 500);
// set proper log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4.
if (input->Log2MaxPOCLsbMinus4 == - 1)
log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 = iClip3(0,12, (int) (CeilLog2( 2*input->no_frames * (input->jumpd + 1)) - 4));
log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 = input->Log2MaxPOCLsbMinus4;
if (((1<<(log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 + 3)) < input->jumpd * 4) && input->Log2MaxPOCLsbMinus4 != -1)
error("log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 might not be sufficient for encoding. Increase value.",400);
// B picture consistency check
if(input->successive_Bframe > input->jumpd)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Number of B-frames %d can not exceed the number of frames skipped", input->successive_Bframe);
error (errortext, 400);
// Direct Mode consistency check
if(input->successive_Bframe && input->direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag != DIR_SPATIAL && input->direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag != DIR_TEMPORAL)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Unsupported direct mode=%d, use TEMPORAL=0 or SPATIAL=1", input->direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag);
error (errortext, 400);
if (input->PicInterlace>0 || input->MbInterlace>0)
if (input->directInferenceFlag==0)
printf("\nDirectInferenceFlag set to 1 due to interlace coding.");
input->directInferenceFlag = 1;
if (input->PicInterlace>0)
if (input->IntraBottom!=0 && input->IntraBottom!=1)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Incorrect value %d for IntraBottom. Use 0 (disable) or 1 (enable).", input->IntraBottom);
error (errortext, 400);
// Cabac/UVLC consistency check
if (input->symbol_mode != UVLC && input->symbol_mode != CABAC)
snprintf (errortext, ET_SIZE, "Unsupported symbol mode=%d, use UVLC=0 or CABAC=1",input->symbol_mode);
error (errortext, 400);
// Open Files
if ((p_in=open(input->infile, OPENFLAGS_READ))==-1)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Input file %s does not exist",input->infile);
error (errortext, 500);
if (strlen (input->ReconFile) > 0 && (p_dec=open(input->ReconFile, OPENFLAGS_WRITE, OPEN_PERMISSIONS))==-1)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Error open file %s", input->ReconFile);
error (errortext, 500);
if (strlen (input->TraceFile) > 0 && (p_trace=fopen(input->TraceFile,"w"))==NULL)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Error open file %s", input->TraceFile);
error (errortext, 500);
if (input->img_width % 16 != 0)
img->auto_crop_right = 16-(input->img_width % 16);
if (input->PicInterlace || input->MbInterlace)
if (input->img_height % 2 != 0)
error ("even number of lines required for interlaced coding", 500);
if (input->img_height % 32 != 0)
img->auto_crop_bottom = 32-(input->img_height % 32);
if (input->img_height % 16 != 0)
img->auto_crop_bottom = 16-(input->img_height % 16);
if (img->auto_crop_bottom || img->auto_crop_right)
fprintf (stderr, "Warning: Automatic cropping activated: Coded frame Size: %dx%d\n", input->img_width+img->auto_crop_right, input->img_height+img->auto_crop_bottom);
if ((input->slice_mode==1)&&(input->MbInterlace!=0))
if ((input->slice_argument%2)!=0)
fprintf ( stderr, "Warning: slice border within macroblock pair. ");
if (input->slice_argument > 1)
fprintf ( stderr, "Using %d MBs per slice.\n", input->slice_argument);
// add check for MAXSLICEGROUPIDS
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "num_slice_groups_minus1 exceeds MAXSLICEGROUPIDS");
error (errortext, 500);
// Following codes are to read slice group configuration from SliceGroupConfigFileName for slice group type 0,2 or 6
if( (input->num_slice_groups_minus1!=0)&&
((input->slice_group_map_type == 0) || (input->slice_group_map_type == 2) || (input->slice_group_map_type == 6)) )
if (strlen (input->SliceGroupConfigFileName) > 0 && (sgfile=fopen(input->SliceGroupConfigFileName,"r"))==NULL)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Error open file %s", input->SliceGroupConfigFileName);
error (errortext, 500);
if (input->slice_group_map_type == 0)
input->run_length_minus1=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(input->num_slice_groups_minus1+1));
if (NULL==input->run_length_minus1)
no_mem_exit("PatchInp: input->run_length_minus1");
// each line contains one 'run_length_minus1' value
else if (input->slice_group_map_type == 2)
input->top_left=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*input->num_slice_groups_minus1);
input->bottom_right=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*input->num_slice_groups_minus1);
if (NULL==input->top_left)
no_mem_exit("PatchInp: input->top_left");
if (NULL==input->bottom_right)
no_mem_exit("PatchInp: input->bottom_right");
// every two lines contain 'top_left' and 'bottom_right' value
else if (input->slice_group_map_type == 6)
int tmp;
frame_mb_only = !(input->PicInterlace || input->MbInterlace);
mb_width= (input->img_width+img->auto_crop_right)>>4;
mb_height= (input->img_height+img->auto_crop_bottom)>>4;
input->slice_group_id=(byte * ) malloc(sizeof(byte)*mapunit_height*mb_width);
if (NULL==input->slice_group_id)
no_mem_exit("PatchInp: input->slice_group_id");
// each line contains slice_group_id for one Macroblock
for (i=0;i<mapunit_height*mb_width;i++)
fscanf(sgfile,"%d", &tmp);
input->slice_group_id[i]= (byte) tmp;
if ( *(input->slice_group_id+i) > input->num_slice_groups_minus1 )
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Error read slice group information from file %s", input->SliceGroupConfigFileName);
error (errortext, 500);
if (input->ReferenceReorder && (input->PicInterlace || input->MbInterlace))
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "ReferenceReorder Not supported with Interlace encoding methods\n");
error (errortext, 400);
if (input->PocMemoryManagement && (input->PicInterlace || input->MbInterlace))
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "PocMemoryManagement not supported with Interlace encoding methods\n");
error (errortext, 400);
// frame/field consistency check
if (input->PicInterlace != FRAME_CODING && input->PicInterlace != ADAPTIVE_CODING && input->PicInterlace != FIELD_CODING)
snprintf (errortext, ET_SIZE, "Unsupported PicInterlace=%d, use frame based coding=0 or field based coding=1 or adaptive=2",input->PicInterlace);
error (errortext, 400);
// frame/field consistency check
if (input->MbInterlace != FRAME_CODING && input->MbInterlace != ADAPTIVE_CODING && input->MbInterlace != FIELD_CODING && input->MbInterlace != FRAME_MB_PAIR_CODING)
snprintf (errortext, ET_SIZE, "Unsupported MbInterlace=%d, use frame based coding=0 or field based coding=1 or adaptive=2 or frame MB pair only=3",input->MbInterlace);
error (errortext, 400);
if ((!input->rdopt)&&(input->MbInterlace))
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "MB AFF is not compatible with non-rd-optimized coding.");
error (errortext, 500);
/*if (input->rdopt>2)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "RDOptimization=3 mode has been deactivated do to diverging of real and simulated decoders.");
error (errortext, 500);
// check RDoptimization mode and profile. FMD does not support Frex Profiles.
if (input->rdopt==2 && input->ProfileIDC>=FREXT_HP)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Fast Mode Decision methods does not support FREX Profiles");
error (errortext, 500);
if ( (input->MEErrorMetric[Q_PEL] == ERROR_SATD && input->MEErrorMetric[H_PEL] == ERROR_SAD && input->MEErrorMetric[F_PEL] == ERROR_SAD)
&& input->SearchMode > FAST_FULL_SEARCH && input->SearchMode < EPZS)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "MEDistortionQPel=2, MEDistortionHPel=0, MEDistortionFPel=0 is not allowed when SearchMode is set to 1 or 2.");
error (errortext, 500);
// Tian Dong: May 31, 2002
// The number of frames in one sub-seq in enhanced layer should not exceed
// the number of reference frame number.
if ( input->NumFramesInELSubSeq >= input->num_ref_frames || input->NumFramesInELSubSeq < 0 )
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "NumFramesInELSubSeq (%d) is out of range [0,%d).", input->NumFramesInELSubSeq, input->num_ref_frames);
error (errortext, 500);
// Tian Dong: Enhanced GOP is not supported in bitstream mode. September, 2002
if ( input->NumFramesInELSubSeq > 0 && input->of_mode == PAR_OF_ANNEXB )
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Enhanced GOP is not supported in bitstream mode and RTP mode yet.");
error (errortext, 500);
// Tian Dong (Sept 2002)
// The AFF is not compatible with spare picture for the time being.
if ((input->PicInterlace || input->MbInterlace) && input->SparePictureOption == TRUE)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "AFF is not compatible with spare picture.");
error (errortext, 500);
// Only the RTP mode is compatible with spare picture for the time being.
if (input->of_mode != PAR_OF_RTP && input->SparePictureOption == TRUE)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Only RTP output mode is compatible with spare picture features.");
error (errortext, 500);
if( (input->WeightedPrediction > 0 || input->WeightedBiprediction > 0) && (input->MbInterlace))
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Weighted prediction coding is not supported for MB AFF currently.");
error (errortext, 500);
if ( input->NumFramesInELSubSeq > 0 && input->WeightedPrediction > 0)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Enhanced GOP is not supported in weighted prediction coding mode yet.");
error (errortext, 500);
//! the number of slice groups is forced to be 1 for slice group type 3-5
if(input->num_slice_groups_minus1 > 0)
if( (input->slice_group_map_type >= 3) && (input->slice_group_map_type<=5) )
input->num_slice_groups_minus1 = 1;
// Rate control
if ( ((input->img_height+img->auto_crop_bottom)*(input->img_width+img->auto_crop_right)/256)%input->basicunit!=0)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Frame size in macroblocks must be a multiple of BasicUnit.");
error (errortext, 500);
if ( (input->successive_Bframe || input->jumpd) && input->RCUpdateMode == RC_MODE_1 )
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Use RC_MODE_1 only for all-intra coding.");
error (errortext, 500);
if ((input->successive_Bframe)&&(input->BRefPictures)&&(input->idr_enable)&&(input->intra_period)&&(input->pic_order_cnt_type!=0))
error("Stored B pictures combined with IDR pictures only supported in Picture Order Count type 0\n",-1000);
if( !input->direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag && input->num_ref_frames<2 && input->successive_Bframe >0)
error("temporal direct needs at least 2 ref frames\n",-1000);
// frext
if(input->Transform8x8Mode && input->sp_periodicity /*SP-frames*/)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "\nThe new 8x8 mode is not implemented for sp-frames.");
error (errortext, 500);
if(input->Transform8x8Mode && (input->ProfileIDC<FREXT_HP || input->ProfileIDC>FREXT_Hi444))
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "\nTransform8x8Mode may be used only with ProfileIDC %d to %d.", FREXT_HP, FREXT_Hi444);
error (errortext, 500);
if(input->ScalingMatrixPresentFlag && (input->ProfileIDC<FREXT_HP || input->ProfileIDC>FREXT_Hi444))
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "\nScalingMatrixPresentFlag may be used only with ProfileIDC %d to %d.", FREXT_HP, FREXT_Hi444);
error (errortext, 500);
if(input->yuv_format==YUV422 && input->ProfileIDC < FREXT_Hi422)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "\nFRExt Profile(YUV Format) Error!\nYUV422 can be used only with ProfileIDC %d or %d\n",FREXT_Hi422, FREXT_Hi444);
error (errortext, 500);
if(input->yuv_format==YUV444 && input->ProfileIDC < FREXT_Hi444)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "\nFRExt Profile(YUV Format) Error!\nYUV444 can be used only with ProfileIDC %d.\n",FREXT_Hi444);
error (errortext, 500);
if (input->successive_Bframe && ((input->BiPredMotionEstimation) && (input->search_range < input->BiPredMESearchRange)))
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "\nBiPredMESearchRange must be smaller or equal SearchRange.");
error (errortext, 500);
// check consistency
if ( input->ChromaMEEnable && !(input->ChromaMCBuffer) ) {
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "\nChromaMCBuffer must be set to 1 if ChromaMEEnable is set.");
error (errortext, 500);
if ( input->ChromaMEEnable && input->yuv_format == YUV400) {
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "\nChromaMEEnable cannot be used with YUV400 color format.");
input->ChromaMEEnable = 0;
if (input->EnableOpenGOP && input->PicInterlace)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Open GOP currently not supported for Field coded pictures.");
error (errortext, 500);
if (input->EnableOpenGOP)
input->ReferenceReorder = 1;
if (input->redundant_pic_flag)
if (input->PicInterlace || input->MbInterlace)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Redundant pictures cannot be used with interlaced tools.");
error (errortext, 500);
if (input->RDPictureDecision)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Redundant pictures cannot be used with RDPictureDecision.");
error (errortext, 500);
if (input->successive_Bframe)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Redundant pictures cannot be used with B frames.");
error (errortext, 500);
if (input->PrimaryGOPLength < (1 << input->NumRedundantHierarchy))
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "PrimaryGOPLength must be equal or greater than 2^NumRedundantHierarchy.");
error (errortext, 500);
if (input->num_ref_frames < input->PrimaryGOPLength)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "NumberReferenceFrames must be greater than or equal to PrimaryGOPLength.");
error (errortext, 500);
if (input->num_ref_frames == 1 && input->successive_Bframe)
fprintf( stderr, "\nWarning: B slices used but only one reference allocated within reference buffer.\n");
fprintf( stderr, " Performance may be considerably compromised! \n");
fprintf( stderr, " 2 or more references recommended for use with B slices.\n");
if ((input->HierarchicalCoding || input->BRefPictures) && input->successive_Bframe)
fprintf( stderr, "\nWarning: Hierarchical coding or Referenced B slices used.\n");
fprintf( stderr, " Make sure that you have allocated enough references\n");
fprintf( stderr, " in reference buffer to achieve best performance.\n");
void PatchInputNoFrames(void)
// Tian Dong: May 31, 2002
// If the frames are grouped into two layers, "FramesToBeEncoded" in the config file
// will give the number of frames which are in the base layer. Here we let input->no_frames
// be the total frame numbers.
input->no_frames = 1+ (input->no_frames-1) * (input->NumFramesInELSubSeq+1);
if ( input->NumFrameIn2ndIGOP )
input->NumFrameIn2ndIGOP = 1+(input->NumFrameIn2ndIGOP-1) * (input->NumFramesInELSubSeq+1);
FirstFrameIn2ndIGOP = input->no_frames;
static void ProfileCheck(void)
if((input->ProfileIDC != 66 ) &&
(input->ProfileIDC != 77 ) &&
(input->ProfileIDC != 88 ) &&
(input->ProfileIDC != FREXT_HP ) &&
(input->ProfileIDC != FREXT_Hi10P ) &&
(input->ProfileIDC != FREXT_Hi422 ) &&
(input->ProfileIDC != FREXT_Hi444 ))
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Profile must be baseline(66)/main(77)/extended(88) or FRExt (%d to %d).", FREXT_HP,FREXT_Hi444);
error (errortext, 500);
if ((input->partition_mode) && (input->symbol_mode==CABAC))
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Data partitioning and CABAC is not supported in any profile.");
error (errortext, 500);
if (input->redundant_pic_flag)
if (input->ProfileIDC != 66)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Redundant pictures are only allowed in Baseline profile.");
error (errortext, 500);
if (input->partition_mode)
if (input->ProfileIDC != 88)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Data partitioning is only allowed in extended profile.");
error (errortext, 500);
if (input->ChromaIntraDisable && input->FastCrIntraDecision)
fprintf( stderr, "\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
fprintf( stderr, "\n Warning: ChromaIntraDisable and FastCrIntraDecision cannot be combined together.\n Using only Chroma Intra DC mode.\n");
fprintf( stderr, "\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
// baseline
if (input->ProfileIDC == 66 )
if ((input->successive_Bframe || input->BRefPictures==2) && input->PReplaceBSlice == 0)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "B slices are not allowed in baseline.");
error (errortext, 500);
if (input->sp_periodicity)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "SP pictures are not allowed in baseline.");
error (errortext, 500);
if (input->WeightedPrediction)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Weighted prediction is not allowed in baseline.");
error (errortext, 500);
if (input->WeightedBiprediction)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Weighted prediction is not allowed in baseline.");
error (errortext, 500);
if (input->symbol_mode == CABAC)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "CABAC is not allowed in baseline.");
error (errortext, 500);
// main
if (input->ProfileIDC == 77 )
if (input->sp_periodicity)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "SP pictures are not allowed in main.");
error (errortext, 500);
if (input->num_slice_groups_minus1)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "num_slice_groups_minus1>0 (FMO) is not allowed in main.");
error (errortext, 500);
// extended
if (input->ProfileIDC == 88 )
if (!input->directInferenceFlag)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "direct_8x8_inference flag must be equal to 1 in extended.");
error (errortext, 500);
if (input->symbol_mode == CABAC)
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "CABAC is not allowed in extended.");
error (errortext, 500);
static void LevelCheck(void)
if ( (input->LevelIDC>=30) && (input->directInferenceFlag==0))
fprintf( stderr, "\nWarning: LevelIDC 3.0 and above require direct_8x8_inference to be set to 1. Please check your settings.\n");
if ( ((input->LevelIDC<21) || (input->LevelIDC>41)) && (input->PicInterlace > 0 || input->MbInterlace > 0) )
snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "\nInterlace modes only supported for LevelIDC in the range of 2.1 and 4.1. Please check your settings.\n");
error (errortext, 500);