blob: 8d909034079c687aedd45c4d18d6fedd1986070b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
##===- Makefile.dummylib -----------------------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
# This makefile fragment is to be used by program tests which require the
# program to be linked with libdummy. The output program is named:
# Output/$(PROG).lib.bc
# DUMMYLIB - The path to the library of stub functions which is used to resolve
# external functions for dsanalysis.
DUMMYSRC := $(LLVM_SRC_ROOT)/runtime/libdummy
# Rebuild dummylib if necessary...
$(DUMMYLIB) : $(wildcard $(DUMMYSRC)/*.c)
# LINKED_PROGS - All of the programs linked to libdummy
LINKED_PROGS := $(PROGRAMS_TO_TEST:%=Output/%.lib.bc)
$(LINKED_PROGS): Output/%.lib.bc: Output/%.llvm.bc $(DUMMYLIB)
$(LLVMLD) --link-as-library $< $(DUMMYLIB) -o $@