blob: f9288197072a689d86f4e827145d00cd2eca3c17 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- StorageUniquerSupport.h - MLIR Storage Uniquer Utilities -*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the MLIR Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines utility classes for interfacing with StorageUniquer.
#include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h"
#include "mlir/Support/STLExtras.h"
#include "mlir/Support/StorageUniquer.h"
namespace mlir {
class Location;
class MLIRContext;
namespace detail {
/// Utility class for implementing users of storage classes uniqued by a
/// StorageUniquer. Clients are not expected to interact with this class
/// directly.
template <typename ConcreteT, typename BaseT, typename StorageT,
typename UniquerT>
class StorageUserBase : public BaseT {
using BaseT::BaseT;
/// Utility declarations for the concrete attribute class.
using Base = StorageUserBase<ConcreteT, BaseT, StorageT, UniquerT>;
using ImplType = StorageT;
/// Return a unique identifier for the concrete type.
static ClassID *getClassID() { return ClassID::getID<ConcreteT>(); }
/// Provide a default implementation of 'classof' that invokes a 'kindof'
/// method on the concrete type.
template <typename T> static bool classof(T val) {
static_assert(std::is_convertible<ConcreteT, T>::value,
"casting from a non-convertible type");
return ConcreteT::kindof(val.getKind());
/// Get or create a new ConcreteT instance within the ctx. This
/// function is guaranteed to return a non null object and will assert if
/// the arguments provided are invalid.
template <typename... Args>
static ConcreteT get(MLIRContext *ctx, unsigned kind, Args... args) {
// Ensure that the invariants are correct for construction.
ConcreteT::verifyConstructionInvariants(llvm::None, ctx, args...)));
return UniquerT::template get<ConcreteT>(ctx, kind, args...);
/// Get or create a new ConcreteT instance within the ctx, defined at
/// the given, potentially unknown, location. If the arguments provided are
/// invalid then emit errors and return a null object.
template <typename... Args>
static ConcreteT getChecked(const Location &loc, MLIRContext *ctx,
unsigned kind, Args... args) {
// If the construction invariants fail then we return a null attribute.
if (failed(ConcreteT::verifyConstructionInvariants(loc, ctx, args...)))
return ConcreteT();
return UniquerT::template get<ConcreteT>(ctx, kind, args...);
/// Default implementation that just returns success.
template <typename... Args>
static LogicalResult verifyConstructionInvariants(Args... args) {
return success();
/// Utility for easy access to the storage instance.
ImplType *getImpl() const { return static_cast<ImplType *>(this->impl); }
} // namespace detail
} // namespace mlir