blob: 923efd5bbef4eee2f2495555f0a93354e87032da [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
import re
import sys
from . import common
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
class string:
expandtabs = str.expandtabs
import string
# RegEx: this is where the magic happens.
##### Assembly parser
ASM_FUNCTION_X86_RE = re.compile(
r'^_?(?P<func>[^:]+):[ \t]*#+[ \t]*@(?P=func)\n(?:\s*.Lfunc_begin[^:\n]*:\n)?[^:]*?'
r'(?P<body>^##?[ \t]+[^:]+:.*?)\s*'
r'^\s*(?:[^:\n]+?:\s*\n\s*\.size|\.cfi_endproc|\.globl|\.comm|\.(?:sub)?section|#+ -- End function)',
flags=(re.M | re.S))
ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE = re.compile(
r'^(?P<func>[0-9a-zA-Z_]+):\n' # f: (name of function)
r'\s+\.fnstart\n' # .fnstart
r'(?P<body>.*?)\n' # (body of the function)
r'.Lfunc_end[0-9]+:', # .Lfunc_end0: or # -- End function
flags=(re.M | re.S))
ASM_FUNCTION_AARCH64_RE = re.compile(
r'^_?(?P<func>[^:]+):[ \t]*\/\/[ \t]*@(?P=func)\n'
r'(?:[ \t]+.cfi_startproc\n)?' # drop optional cfi noise
# This list is incomplete
flags=(re.M | re.S))
r'^_?(?P<func>[^:]+):[ \t]*;+[ \t]*@(?P=func)\n[^:]*?'
r'(?P<body>.*?)\n' # (body of the function)
# This list is incomplete
flags=(re.M | re.S))
ASM_FUNCTION_MIPS_RE = re.compile(
r'^_?(?P<func>[^:]+):[ \t]*#+[ \t]*@(?P=func)\n[^:]*?' # f: (name of func)
r'(?:^[ \t]+\.(frame|f?mask|set).*?\n)+' # Mips+LLVM standard asm prologue
r'(?P<body>.*?)\n' # (body of the function)
r'(?:^[ \t]+\.(set|end).*?\n)+' # Mips+LLVM standard asm epilogue
r'(\$|\.L)func_end[0-9]+:\n', # $func_end0: (mips32 - O32) or
# .Lfunc_end0: (mips64 - NewABI)
flags=(re.M | re.S))
ASM_FUNCTION_PPC_RE = re.compile(
r'^_?(?P<func>[^:]+):[ \t]*#+[ \t]*@(?P=func)\n'
r'(?:[ \t]+.cfi_startproc\n)?'
r'(?:\.Lfunc_[gl]ep[0-9]+:\n(?:[ \t]+.*?\n)*)*'
# This list is incomplete
r'(?:^[ \t]*(?:\.long[ \t]+[^\n]+|\.quad[ \t]+[^\n]+)\n)*'
flags=(re.M | re.S))
r'^_?(?P<func>[^:]+):[ \t]*#+[ \t]*@(?P=func)\n[^:]*?'
r'(?P<body>^##?[ \t]+[^:]+:.*?)\s*'
flags=(re.M | re.S))
r'^_?(?P<func>[^:]+):[ \t]*!+[ \t]*@(?P=func)\n'
flags=(re.M | re.S))
r'^_?(?P<func>[^:]+):[ \t]*#+[ \t]*@(?P=func)\n'
r'[ \t]+.cfi_startproc\n'
flags=(re.M | re.S))
r'# =>This Inner Loop Header:.*|# in Loop:.*', flags=re.M)
r'^(\s*\w+) [^#\n]+#+ ((?:[xyz]mm\d+|mem)( \{%k\d+\}( \{z\})?)? = .*)$',
SCRUB_X86_SP_RE = re.compile(r'\d+\(%(esp|rsp)\)')
SCRUB_X86_RIP_RE = re.compile(r'[.\w]+\(%rip\)')
SCRUB_X86_LCP_RE = re.compile(r'\.LCPI[0-9]+_[0-9]+')
SCRUB_X86_RET_RE = re.compile(r'ret[l|q]')
def scrub_asm_x86(asm, args):
# Scrub runs of whitespace out of the assembly, but leave the leading
# whitespace in place.
asm = common.SCRUB_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r' ', asm)
# Expand the tabs used for indentation.
asm = string.expandtabs(asm, 2)
# Detect shuffle asm comments and hide the operands in favor of the comments.
asm = SCRUB_X86_SHUFFLES_RE.sub(r'\1 {{.*#+}} \2', asm)
# Detect stack spills and reloads and hide their exact offset and whether
# they used the stack pointer or frame pointer.
asm = SCRUB_X86_SPILL_RELOAD_RE.sub(r'{{[-0-9]+}}(%\1{{[sb]}}p)\2', asm)
# Generically match the stack offset of a memory operand.
asm = SCRUB_X86_SP_RE.sub(r'{{[0-9]+}}(%\1)', asm)
if getattr(args, 'x86_scrub_rip', False):
# Generically match a RIP-relative memory operand.
asm = SCRUB_X86_RIP_RE.sub(r'{{.*}}(%rip)', asm)
# Generically match a LCP symbol.
asm = SCRUB_X86_LCP_RE.sub(r'{{\.LCPI.*}}', asm)
if getattr(args, 'extra_scrub', False):
# Avoid generating different checks for 32- and 64-bit because of 'retl' vs 'retq'.
asm = SCRUB_X86_RET_RE.sub(r'ret{{[l|q]}}', asm)
# Strip kill operands inserted into the asm.
asm = common.SCRUB_KILL_COMMENT_RE.sub('', asm)
# Strip trailing whitespace.
asm = common.SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r'', asm)
return asm
def scrub_asm_amdgpu(asm, args):
# Scrub runs of whitespace out of the assembly, but leave the leading
# whitespace in place.
asm = common.SCRUB_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r' ', asm)
# Expand the tabs used for indentation.
asm = string.expandtabs(asm, 2)
# Strip trailing whitespace.
asm = common.SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r'', asm)
return asm
def scrub_asm_arm_eabi(asm, args):
# Scrub runs of whitespace out of the assembly, but leave the leading
# whitespace in place.
asm = common.SCRUB_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r' ', asm)
# Expand the tabs used for indentation.
asm = string.expandtabs(asm, 2)
# Strip kill operands inserted into the asm.
asm = common.SCRUB_KILL_COMMENT_RE.sub('', asm)
# Strip trailing whitespace.
asm = common.SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r'', asm)
return asm
def scrub_asm_powerpc64(asm, args):
# Scrub runs of whitespace out of the assembly, but leave the leading
# whitespace in place.
asm = common.SCRUB_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r' ', asm)
# Expand the tabs used for indentation.
asm = string.expandtabs(asm, 2)
# Stripe unimportant comments
asm = SCRUB_LOOP_COMMENT_RE.sub(r'', asm)
# Strip trailing whitespace.
asm = common.SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r'', asm)
return asm
def scrub_asm_mips(asm, args):
# Scrub runs of whitespace out of the assembly, but leave the leading
# whitespace in place.
asm = common.SCRUB_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r' ', asm)
# Expand the tabs used for indentation.
asm = string.expandtabs(asm, 2)
# Strip trailing whitespace.
asm = common.SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r'', asm)
return asm
def scrub_asm_riscv(asm, args):
# Scrub runs of whitespace out of the assembly, but leave the leading
# whitespace in place.
asm = common.SCRUB_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r' ', asm)
# Expand the tabs used for indentation.
asm = string.expandtabs(asm, 2)
# Strip trailing whitespace.
asm = common.SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r'', asm)
return asm
def scrub_asm_sparc(asm, args):
# Scrub runs of whitespace out of the assembly, but leave the leading
# whitespace in place.
asm = common.SCRUB_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r' ', asm)
# Expand the tabs used for indentation.
asm = string.expandtabs(asm, 2)
# Strip trailing whitespace.
asm = common.SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r'', asm)
return asm
def scrub_asm_systemz(asm, args):
# Scrub runs of whitespace out of the assembly, but leave the leading
# whitespace in place.
asm = common.SCRUB_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r' ', asm)
# Expand the tabs used for indentation.
asm = string.expandtabs(asm, 2)
# Strip trailing whitespace.
asm = common.SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_RE.sub(r'', asm)
return asm
def build_function_body_dictionary_for_triple(args, raw_tool_output, triple, prefixes, func_dict):
target_handlers = {
'x86_64': (scrub_asm_x86, ASM_FUNCTION_X86_RE),
'i686': (scrub_asm_x86, ASM_FUNCTION_X86_RE),
'x86': (scrub_asm_x86, ASM_FUNCTION_X86_RE),
'i386': (scrub_asm_x86, ASM_FUNCTION_X86_RE),
'aarch64': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_AARCH64_RE),
'r600': (scrub_asm_amdgpu, ASM_FUNCTION_AMDGPU_RE),
'amdgcn': (scrub_asm_amdgpu, ASM_FUNCTION_AMDGPU_RE),
'arm-eabi': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'thumb-eabi': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'thumbv6': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'thumbv6-eabi': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'thumbv6t2': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'thumbv6t2-eabi': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'thumbv6m': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'thumbv6m-eabi': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'thumbv7': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'thumbv7-eabi': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'thumbv7m': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'thumbv7m-eabi': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'thumbv8-eabi': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'thumbv8m.base': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'thumbv8m.main': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'armv6': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'armv7': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'armv7-eabi': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'armeb-eabi': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'armv7eb-eabi': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'armv7eb': (scrub_asm_arm_eabi, ASM_FUNCTION_ARM_RE),
'mips': (scrub_asm_mips, ASM_FUNCTION_MIPS_RE),
'powerpc64': (scrub_asm_powerpc64, ASM_FUNCTION_PPC_RE),
'powerpc64le': (scrub_asm_powerpc64, ASM_FUNCTION_PPC_RE),
'riscv32': (scrub_asm_riscv, ASM_FUNCTION_RISCV_RE),
'riscv64': (scrub_asm_riscv, ASM_FUNCTION_RISCV_RE),
'sparc': (scrub_asm_sparc, ASM_FUNCTION_SPARC_RE),
'sparcv9': (scrub_asm_sparc, ASM_FUNCTION_SPARC_RE),
's390x': (scrub_asm_systemz, ASM_FUNCTION_SYSTEMZ_RE),
handlers = None
for prefix, s in target_handlers.items():
if triple.startswith(prefix):
handlers = s
raise KeyError('Triple %r is not supported' % (triple))
scrubber, function_re = handlers
function_re, scrubber, [args], raw_tool_output, prefixes,
func_dict, args.verbose)
##### Generator of assembly CHECK lines
def add_asm_checks(output_lines, comment_marker, prefix_list, func_dict, func_name):
# Label format is based on ASM string.
check_label_format = '{} %s-LABEL: %s:'.format(comment_marker)
common.add_checks(output_lines, comment_marker, prefix_list, func_dict, func_name, check_label_format, True, False)