blob: a868203fa62a15c155a369119f7ff42d188d0240 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//===--- ClangTidyDiagnosticConsumer.h - clang-tidy -------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "ClangTidyOptions.h"
#include "ClangTidyProfiling.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/Core/Diagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/Refactoring.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Regex.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Timer.h"
namespace clang {
class ASTContext;
class CompilerInstance;
namespace ast_matchers {
class MatchFinder;
namespace tooling {
class CompilationDatabase;
namespace tidy {
/// \brief A detected error complete with information to display diagnostic and
/// automatic fix.
/// This is used as an intermediate format to transport Diagnostics without a
/// dependency on a SourceManager.
/// FIXME: Make Diagnostics flexible enough to support this directly.
struct ClangTidyError : tooling::Diagnostic {
ClangTidyError(StringRef CheckName, Level DiagLevel, StringRef BuildDirectory,
bool IsWarningAsError);
bool IsWarningAsError;
/// \brief Read-only set of strings represented as a list of positive and
/// negative globs. Positive globs add all matched strings to the set, negative
/// globs remove them in the order of appearance in the list.
class GlobList {
/// \brief \p GlobList is a comma-separated list of globs (only '*'
/// metacharacter is supported) with optional '-' prefix to denote exclusion.
GlobList(StringRef Globs);
/// \brief Returns \c true if the pattern matches \p S. The result is the last
/// matching glob's Positive flag.
bool contains(StringRef S) { return contains(S, false); }
bool contains(StringRef S, bool Contains);
bool Positive;
llvm::Regex Regex;
std::unique_ptr<GlobList> NextGlob;
/// \brief Contains displayed and ignored diagnostic counters for a ClangTidy
/// run.
struct ClangTidyStats {
: ErrorsDisplayed(0), ErrorsIgnoredCheckFilter(0), ErrorsIgnoredNOLINT(0),
ErrorsIgnoredNonUserCode(0), ErrorsIgnoredLineFilter(0) {}
unsigned ErrorsDisplayed;
unsigned ErrorsIgnoredCheckFilter;
unsigned ErrorsIgnoredNOLINT;
unsigned ErrorsIgnoredNonUserCode;
unsigned ErrorsIgnoredLineFilter;
unsigned errorsIgnored() const {
return ErrorsIgnoredNOLINT + ErrorsIgnoredCheckFilter +
ErrorsIgnoredNonUserCode + ErrorsIgnoredLineFilter;
/// \brief Every \c ClangTidyCheck reports errors through a \c DiagnosticsEngine
/// provided by this context.
/// A \c ClangTidyCheck always has access to the active context to report
/// warnings like:
/// \code
/// Context->Diag(Loc, "Single-argument constructors must be explicit")
/// << FixItHint::CreateInsertion(Loc, "explicit ");
/// \endcode
class ClangTidyContext {
/// \brief Initializes \c ClangTidyContext instance.
ClangTidyContext(std::unique_ptr<ClangTidyOptionsProvider> OptionsProvider,
bool AllowEnablingAnalyzerAlphaCheckers = false);
/// Sets the DiagnosticsEngine that diag() will emit diagnostics to.
// FIXME: this is required initialization, and should be a constructor param.
// Fix the context -> diag engine -> consumer -> context initialization cycle.
void setDiagnosticsEngine(DiagnosticsEngine *DiagEngine) {
this->DiagEngine = DiagEngine;
/// \brief Report any errors detected using this method.
/// This is still under heavy development and will likely change towards using
/// tablegen'd diagnostic IDs.
/// FIXME: Figure out a way to manage ID spaces.
DiagnosticBuilder diag(StringRef CheckName, SourceLocation Loc,
StringRef Message,
DiagnosticIDs::Level Level = DiagnosticIDs::Warning);
/// \brief Sets the \c SourceManager of the used \c DiagnosticsEngine.
/// This is called from the \c ClangTidyCheck base class.
void setSourceManager(SourceManager *SourceMgr);
/// \brief Should be called when starting to process new translation unit.
void setCurrentFile(StringRef File);
/// \brief Returns the main file name of the current translation unit.
StringRef getCurrentFile() const { return CurrentFile; }
/// \brief Sets ASTContext for the current translation unit.
void setASTContext(ASTContext *Context);
/// \brief Gets the language options from the AST context.
const LangOptions &getLangOpts() const { return LangOpts; }
/// \brief Returns the name of the clang-tidy check which produced this
/// diagnostic ID.
StringRef getCheckName(unsigned DiagnosticID) const;
/// \brief Returns \c true if the check is enabled for the \c CurrentFile.
/// The \c CurrentFile can be changed using \c setCurrentFile.
bool isCheckEnabled(StringRef CheckName) const;
/// \brief Returns \c true if the check should be upgraded to error for the
/// \c CurrentFile.
bool treatAsError(StringRef CheckName) const;
/// \brief Returns global options.
const ClangTidyGlobalOptions &getGlobalOptions() const;
/// \brief Returns options for \c CurrentFile.
/// The \c CurrentFile can be changed using \c setCurrentFile.
const ClangTidyOptions &getOptions() const;
/// \brief Returns options for \c File. Does not change or depend on
/// \c CurrentFile.
ClangTidyOptions getOptionsForFile(StringRef File) const;
/// \brief Returns \c ClangTidyStats containing issued and ignored diagnostic
/// counters.
const ClangTidyStats &getStats() const { return Stats; }
/// \brief Control profile collection in clang-tidy.
void setEnableProfiling(bool Profile);
bool getEnableProfiling() const { return Profile; }
/// \brief Control storage of profile date.
void setProfileStoragePrefix(StringRef ProfilePrefix);
getProfileStorageParams() const;
/// \brief Should be called when starting to process new translation unit.
void setCurrentBuildDirectory(StringRef BuildDirectory) {
CurrentBuildDirectory = BuildDirectory;
/// \brief Returns build directory of the current translation unit.
const std::string &getCurrentBuildDirectory() {
return CurrentBuildDirectory;
/// \brief If the experimental alpha checkers from the static analyzer can be
/// enabled.
bool canEnableAnalyzerAlphaCheckers() const {
return AllowEnablingAnalyzerAlphaCheckers;
// Writes to Stats.
friend class ClangTidyDiagnosticConsumer;
DiagnosticsEngine *DiagEngine;
std::unique_ptr<ClangTidyOptionsProvider> OptionsProvider;
std::string CurrentFile;
ClangTidyOptions CurrentOptions;
class CachedGlobList;
std::unique_ptr<CachedGlobList> CheckFilter;
std::unique_ptr<CachedGlobList> WarningAsErrorFilter;
LangOptions LangOpts;
ClangTidyStats Stats;
std::string CurrentBuildDirectory;
llvm::DenseMap<unsigned, std::string> CheckNamesByDiagnosticID;
bool Profile;
std::string ProfilePrefix;
bool AllowEnablingAnalyzerAlphaCheckers;
/// \brief A diagnostic consumer that turns each \c Diagnostic into a
/// \c SourceManager-independent \c ClangTidyError.
// FIXME: If we move away from unit-tests, this can be moved to a private
// implementation file.
class ClangTidyDiagnosticConsumer : public DiagnosticConsumer {
ClangTidyDiagnosticConsumer(ClangTidyContext &Ctx,
bool RemoveIncompatibleErrors = true);
// FIXME: The concept of converting between FixItHints and Replacements is
// more generic and should be pulled out into a more useful Diagnostics
// library.
void HandleDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level DiagLevel,
const Diagnostic &Info) override;
// Retrieve the diagnostics that were captured.
std::vector<ClangTidyError> take();
void finalizeLastError();
void removeIncompatibleErrors();
/// \brief Returns the \c HeaderFilter constructed for the options set in the
/// context.
llvm::Regex *getHeaderFilter();
/// \brief Updates \c LastErrorRelatesToUserCode and LastErrorPassesLineFilter
/// according to the diagnostic \p Location.
void checkFilters(SourceLocation Location, const SourceManager& Sources);
bool passesLineFilter(StringRef FileName, unsigned LineNumber) const;
ClangTidyContext &Context;
bool RemoveIncompatibleErrors;
std::vector<ClangTidyError> Errors;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::Regex> HeaderFilter;
bool LastErrorRelatesToUserCode;
bool LastErrorPassesLineFilter;
bool LastErrorWasIgnored;
} // end namespace tidy
} // end namespace clang