blob: 09845a893fd9d3a2305342792cec47b7a86e70ba [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- CoreStats.h ---------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "klee/Statistic.h"
namespace klee {
namespace stats {
extern Statistic allocations;
extern Statistic resolveTime;
extern Statistic instructions;
extern Statistic instructionTime;
extern Statistic instructionRealTime;
extern Statistic coveredInstructions;
extern Statistic uncoveredInstructions;
extern Statistic trueBranches;
extern Statistic falseBranches;
extern Statistic forkTime;
extern Statistic solverTime;
/// The number of process forks.
extern Statistic forks;
/// Number of states, this is a "fake" statistic used by istats, it
/// isn't normally up-to-date.
extern Statistic states;
/// Instruction level statistic for tracking number of reachable
/// uncovered instructions.
extern Statistic reachableUncovered;
/// Instruction level statistic tracking the minimum intraprocedural
/// distance to an uncovered instruction; this is only periodically
/// updated.
extern Statistic minDistToUncovered;
/// Instruction level statistic tracking the minimum intraprocedural
/// distance to a function return.
extern Statistic minDistToReturn;