blob: f963f9b2b1dc6ae756868d373545966594e59ceb [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- ClangASTImporter.h --------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#ifndef liblldb_ClangASTImporter_h_
#define liblldb_ClangASTImporter_h_
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "clang/AST/ASTImporter.h"
#include "clang/AST/CharUnits.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/FileSystemOptions.h"
#include "lldb/Host/FileSystem.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/CompilerDeclContext.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/CxxModuleHandler.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-types.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
namespace lldb_private {
class ClangASTMetrics {
static void DumpCounters(Log *log);
static void ClearLocalCounters() { local_counters = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; }
static void RegisterVisibleQuery() {
static void RegisterLexicalQuery() {
static void RegisterLLDBImport() {
static void RegisterClangImport() {
static void RegisterDeclCompletion() {
static void RegisterRecordLayout() {
struct Counters {
uint64_t m_visible_query_count;
uint64_t m_lexical_query_count;
uint64_t m_lldb_import_count;
uint64_t m_clang_import_count;
uint64_t m_decls_completed_count;
uint64_t m_record_layout_count;
static Counters global_counters;
static Counters local_counters;
static void DumpCounters(Log *log, Counters &counters);
class ClangASTImporter {
struct LayoutInfo {
: bit_size(0), alignment(0), field_offsets(), base_offsets(),
vbase_offsets() {}
uint64_t bit_size;
uint64_t alignment;
llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FieldDecl *, uint64_t> field_offsets;
llvm::DenseMap<const clang::CXXRecordDecl *, clang::CharUnits> base_offsets;
llvm::DenseMap<const clang::CXXRecordDecl *, clang::CharUnits>
: m_file_manager(clang::FileSystemOptions(),
FileSystem::Instance().GetVirtualFileSystem()) {}
clang::QualType CopyType(clang::ASTContext *dst_ctx,
clang::ASTContext *src_ctx, clang::QualType type);
lldb::opaque_compiler_type_t CopyType(clang::ASTContext *dst_ctx,
clang::ASTContext *src_ctx,
lldb::opaque_compiler_type_t type);
CompilerType CopyType(ClangASTContext &dst, const CompilerType &src_type);
clang::Decl *CopyDecl(clang::ASTContext *dst_ctx, clang::ASTContext *src_ctx,
clang::Decl *decl);
lldb::opaque_compiler_type_t DeportType(clang::ASTContext *dst_ctx,
clang::ASTContext *src_ctx,
lldb::opaque_compiler_type_t type);
clang::Decl *DeportDecl(clang::ASTContext *dst_ctx,
clang::ASTContext *src_ctx, clang::Decl *decl);
void InsertRecordDecl(clang::RecordDecl *decl, const LayoutInfo &layout);
bool LayoutRecordType(
const clang::RecordDecl *record_decl, uint64_t &bit_size,
uint64_t &alignment,
llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FieldDecl *, uint64_t> &field_offsets,
llvm::DenseMap<const clang::CXXRecordDecl *, clang::CharUnits>
llvm::DenseMap<const clang::CXXRecordDecl *, clang::CharUnits>
bool CanImport(const CompilerType &type);
bool Import(const CompilerType &type);
bool CompleteType(const CompilerType &compiler_type);
void CompleteDecl(clang::Decl *decl);
bool CompleteTagDecl(clang::TagDecl *decl);
bool CompleteTagDeclWithOrigin(clang::TagDecl *decl, clang::TagDecl *origin);
bool CompleteObjCInterfaceDecl(clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl *interface_decl);
bool CompleteAndFetchChildren(clang::QualType type);
bool RequireCompleteType(clang::QualType type);
bool ResolveDeclOrigin(const clang::Decl *decl, clang::Decl **original_decl,
clang::ASTContext **original_ctx) {
DeclOrigin origin = GetDeclOrigin(decl);
if (original_decl)
*original_decl = origin.decl;
if (original_ctx)
*original_ctx = origin.ctx;
return origin.Valid();
void SetDeclOrigin(const clang::Decl *decl, clang::Decl *original_decl);
ClangASTMetadata *GetDeclMetadata(const clang::Decl *decl);
// Namespace maps
typedef std::vector<std::pair<lldb::ModuleSP, CompilerDeclContext>>
typedef std::shared_ptr<NamespaceMap> NamespaceMapSP;
void RegisterNamespaceMap(const clang::NamespaceDecl *decl,
NamespaceMapSP &namespace_map);
NamespaceMapSP GetNamespaceMap(const clang::NamespaceDecl *decl);
void BuildNamespaceMap(const clang::NamespaceDecl *decl);
// Completers for maps
class MapCompleter {
virtual ~MapCompleter();
virtual void CompleteNamespaceMap(NamespaceMapSP &namespace_map,
ConstString name,
NamespaceMapSP &parent_map) const = 0;
void InstallMapCompleter(clang::ASTContext *dst_ctx,
MapCompleter &completer) {
ASTContextMetadataSP context_md;
ContextMetadataMap::iterator context_md_iter = m_metadata_map.find(dst_ctx);
if (context_md_iter == m_metadata_map.end()) {
context_md = ASTContextMetadataSP(new ASTContextMetadata(dst_ctx));
m_metadata_map[dst_ctx] = context_md;
} else {
context_md = context_md_iter->second;
context_md->m_map_completer = &completer;
void ForgetDestination(clang::ASTContext *dst_ctx);
void ForgetSource(clang::ASTContext *dst_ctx, clang::ASTContext *src_ctx);
struct DeclOrigin {
DeclOrigin() : ctx(nullptr), decl(nullptr) {}
DeclOrigin(clang::ASTContext *_ctx, clang::Decl *_decl)
: ctx(_ctx), decl(_decl) {}
DeclOrigin(const DeclOrigin &rhs) {
ctx = rhs.ctx;
decl = rhs.decl;
void operator=(const DeclOrigin &rhs) {
ctx = rhs.ctx;
decl = rhs.decl;
bool Valid() { return (ctx != nullptr || decl != nullptr); }
clang::ASTContext *ctx;
clang::Decl *decl;
typedef std::map<const clang::Decl *, DeclOrigin> OriginMap;
/// Listener interface used by the ASTImporterDelegate to inform other code
/// about decls that have been imported the first time.
struct NewDeclListener {
virtual ~NewDeclListener() = default;
/// A decl has been imported for the first time.
virtual void NewDeclImported(clang::Decl *from, clang::Decl *to) = 0;
/// ASTImporter that intercepts and records the import process of the
/// underlying ASTImporter.
/// This class updates the map from declarations to their original
/// declarations and can record declarations that have been imported in a
/// certain interval.
/// When intercepting a declaration import, the ASTImporterDelegate uses the
/// CxxModuleHandler to replace any missing or malformed declarations with
/// their counterpart from a C++ module.
struct ASTImporterDelegate : public clang::ASTImporter {
ASTImporterDelegate(ClangASTImporter &master, clang::ASTContext *target_ctx,
clang::ASTContext *source_ctx)
: clang::ASTImporter(*target_ctx, master.m_file_manager, *source_ctx,
master.m_file_manager, true /*minimal*/),
m_master(master), m_source_ctx(source_ctx) {
/// Scope guard that attaches a CxxModuleHandler to an ASTImporterDelegate
/// and deattaches it at the end of the scope. Supports being used multiple
/// times on the same ASTImporterDelegate instance in nested scopes.
class CxxModuleScope {
/// The handler we attach to the ASTImporterDelegate.
CxxModuleHandler m_handler;
/// The ASTImporterDelegate we are supposed to attach the handler to.
ASTImporterDelegate &m_delegate;
/// True iff we attached the handler to the ASTImporterDelegate.
bool m_valid = false;
CxxModuleScope(ASTImporterDelegate &delegate, clang::ASTContext *dst_ctx)
: m_delegate(delegate) {
// If the delegate doesn't have a CxxModuleHandler yet, create one
// and attach it.
if (!delegate.m_std_handler) {
m_handler = CxxModuleHandler(delegate, dst_ctx);
m_valid = true;
delegate.m_std_handler = &m_handler;
~CxxModuleScope() {
if (m_valid) {
// Make sure no one messed with the handler we placed.
assert(m_delegate.m_std_handler == &m_handler);
m_delegate.m_std_handler = nullptr;
void ImportDefinitionTo(clang::Decl *to, clang::Decl *from);
void Imported(clang::Decl *from, clang::Decl *to) override;
clang::Decl *GetOriginalDecl(clang::Decl *To) override;
void SetImportListener(NewDeclListener *listener) {
assert(m_new_decl_listener == nullptr && "Already attached a listener?");
m_new_decl_listener = listener;
void RemoveImportListener() { m_new_decl_listener = nullptr; }
llvm::Expected<clang::Decl *> ImportImpl(clang::Decl *From) override;
/// Decls we should ignore when mapping decls back to their original
/// ASTContext. Used by the CxxModuleHandler to mark declarations that
/// were created from the 'std' C++ module to prevent that the Importer
/// tries to sync them with the broken equivalent in the debug info AST.
std::set<clang::Decl *> m_decls_to_ignore;
ClangASTImporter &m_master;
clang::ASTContext *m_source_ctx;
CxxModuleHandler *m_std_handler = nullptr;
/// The currently attached listener.
NewDeclListener *m_new_decl_listener = nullptr;
typedef std::shared_ptr<ASTImporterDelegate> ImporterDelegateSP;
typedef std::map<clang::ASTContext *, ImporterDelegateSP> DelegateMap;
typedef std::map<const clang::NamespaceDecl *, NamespaceMapSP>
struct ASTContextMetadata {
ASTContextMetadata(clang::ASTContext *dst_ctx)
: m_dst_ctx(dst_ctx), m_delegates(), m_origins(), m_namespace_maps(),
m_map_completer(nullptr) {}
clang::ASTContext *m_dst_ctx;
DelegateMap m_delegates;
OriginMap m_origins;
NamespaceMetaMap m_namespace_maps;
MapCompleter *m_map_completer;
typedef std::shared_ptr<ASTContextMetadata> ASTContextMetadataSP;
typedef std::map<const clang::ASTContext *, ASTContextMetadataSP>
ContextMetadataMap m_metadata_map;
ASTContextMetadataSP GetContextMetadata(clang::ASTContext *dst_ctx) {
ContextMetadataMap::iterator context_md_iter = m_metadata_map.find(dst_ctx);
if (context_md_iter == m_metadata_map.end()) {
ASTContextMetadataSP context_md =
ASTContextMetadataSP(new ASTContextMetadata(dst_ctx));
m_metadata_map[dst_ctx] = context_md;
return context_md;
} else {
return context_md_iter->second;
ASTContextMetadataSP MaybeGetContextMetadata(clang::ASTContext *dst_ctx) {
ContextMetadataMap::iterator context_md_iter = m_metadata_map.find(dst_ctx);
if (context_md_iter != m_metadata_map.end())
return context_md_iter->second;
return ASTContextMetadataSP();
ImporterDelegateSP GetDelegate(clang::ASTContext *dst_ctx,
clang::ASTContext *src_ctx) {
ASTContextMetadataSP context_md = GetContextMetadata(dst_ctx);
DelegateMap &delegates = context_md->m_delegates;
DelegateMap::iterator delegate_iter = delegates.find(src_ctx);
if (delegate_iter == delegates.end()) {
ImporterDelegateSP delegate =
ImporterDelegateSP(new ASTImporterDelegate(*this, dst_ctx, src_ctx));
delegates[src_ctx] = delegate;
return delegate;
} else {
return delegate_iter->second;
DeclOrigin GetDeclOrigin(const clang::Decl *decl);
clang::FileManager m_file_manager;
typedef llvm::DenseMap<const clang::RecordDecl *, LayoutInfo>
RecordDeclToLayoutMap m_record_decl_to_layout_map;
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // liblldb_ClangASTImporter_h_