blob: 76e217c89974532f8878169504f6520e2f15492c [file] [log] [blame]
//===- StandardInstrumentations.h ------------------------------*- C++ -*--===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// This header defines a class that provides bookkeeping for all standard
/// (i.e in-tree) pass instrumentations.
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
#include "llvm/IR/PassInstrumentation.h"
#include "llvm/IR/PassTimingInfo.h"
#include "llvm/IR/ValueHandle.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include <string>
#include <utility>
namespace llvm {
class Module;
class Function;
/// Instrumentation to print IR before/after passes.
/// Needs state to be able to print module after pass that invalidates IR unit
/// (typically Loop or SCC).
class PrintIRInstrumentation {
PrintIRInstrumentation() = default;
void registerCallbacks(PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC);
void printBeforePass(StringRef PassID, Any IR);
void printAfterPass(StringRef PassID, Any IR);
void printAfterPassInvalidated(StringRef PassID);
using PrintModuleDesc = std::tuple<const Module *, std::string, StringRef>;
void pushModuleDesc(StringRef PassID, Any IR);
PrintModuleDesc popModuleDesc(StringRef PassID);
/// Stack of Module description, enough to print the module after a given
/// pass.
SmallVector<PrintModuleDesc, 2> ModuleDescStack;
bool StoreModuleDesc = false;
class OptNoneInstrumentation {
OptNoneInstrumentation() {}
void registerCallbacks(PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC);
bool skip(StringRef PassID, Any IR);
// Debug logging for transformation and analysis passes.
class PrintPassInstrumentation {
PrintPassInstrumentation(bool DebugLogging) : DebugLogging(DebugLogging) {}
void registerCallbacks(PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC);
bool DebugLogging;
class PreservedCFGCheckerInstrumentation {
// CFG is a map BB -> {(Succ, Multiplicity)}, where BB is a non-leaf basic
// block, {(Succ, Multiplicity)} set of all pairs of the block's successors
// and the multiplicity of the edge (BB->Succ). As the mapped sets are
// unordered the order of successors is not tracked by the CFG. In other words
// this allows basic block successors to be swapped by a pass without
// reporting a CFG change. CFG can be guarded by basic block tracking pointers
// in the Graph (BBGuard). That is if any of the block is deleted or RAUWed
// then the CFG is treated poisoned and no block pointer of the Graph is used.
struct CFG {
struct BBGuard final : public CallbackVH {
BBGuard(const BasicBlock *BB) : CallbackVH(BB) {}
void deleted() override { CallbackVH::deleted(); }
void allUsesReplacedWith(Value *) override { CallbackVH::deleted(); }
bool isPoisoned() const { return !getValPtr(); }
Optional<DenseMap<intptr_t, BBGuard>> BBGuards;
DenseMap<const BasicBlock *, DenseMap<const BasicBlock *, unsigned>> Graph;
CFG(const Function *F, bool TrackBBLifetime = false);
bool operator==(const CFG &G) const {
return !isPoisoned() && !G.isPoisoned() && Graph == G.Graph;
bool isPoisoned() const {
if (BBGuards)
for (auto &BB : *BBGuards) {
if (BB.second.isPoisoned())
return true;
return false;
static void printDiff(raw_ostream &out, const CFG &Before,
const CFG &After);
SmallVector<std::pair<StringRef, Optional<CFG>>, 8> GraphStackBefore;
static cl::opt<bool> VerifyPreservedCFG;
void registerCallbacks(PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC);
/// This class provides an interface to register all the standard pass
/// instrumentations and manages their state (if any).
class StandardInstrumentations {
PrintIRInstrumentation PrintIR;
PrintPassInstrumentation PrintPass;
TimePassesHandler TimePasses;
OptNoneInstrumentation OptNone;
PreservedCFGCheckerInstrumentation PreservedCFGChecker;
StandardInstrumentations(bool DebugLogging) : PrintPass(DebugLogging) {}
void registerCallbacks(PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC);
TimePassesHandler &getTimePasses() { return TimePasses; }
} // namespace llvm