Update llvm-nm -s to use a multi-var option

Previously llvm-nm relied on a positional parameter to read two values
into the SegSect list. This worked, but required the "-s" paramater and
its arguments to be the last elements on the command-line. 

The CommandLine library now supports mutli-var parameters, so it can
naturally deal with "-s" expecting two arguments, and now the input file
can appear anywhere (within reason) in the command line invocation. E.g.

    llvm-nm -s __TEXT __text /bin/ls
    llvm-nm /bin/ls -s __TEXT __text


Reviewers: lhames, pete

Reviewed By: pete

Subscribers: rupprecht, llvm-commits

Tags: #llvm

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D62070

llvm-svn: 361091
diff --git a/llvm/tools/llvm-nm/llvm-nm.cpp b/llvm/tools/llvm-nm/llvm-nm.cpp
index f427f37..f21978d 100644
--- a/llvm/tools/llvm-nm/llvm-nm.cpp
+++ b/llvm/tools/llvm-nm/llvm-nm.cpp
@@ -183,12 +183,7 @@
 cl::opt<bool> SpecialSyms("special-syms",
                           cl::desc("No-op. Used for GNU compatibility only"));
-// FIXME: This option takes exactly two strings and should be allowed anywhere
-// on the command line.  Such that "llvm-nm -s __TEXT __text foo.o" would work.
-// But that does not as the CommandLine Library does not have a way to make
-// this work.  For now the "-s __TEXT __text" has to be last on the command
-// line.
-cl::list<std::string> SegSect("s", cl::Positional, cl::ZeroOrMore,
+cl::list<std::string> SegSect("s", cl::multi_val(2), cl::ZeroOrMore,
                               cl::value_desc("segment section"), cl::Hidden,
                               cl::desc("Dump only symbols from this segment "
                                        "and section name, Mach-O only"),