blob: 3f23d10d58951cdb7d87190ca4ceee88151ecb9d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
* a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
#ifndef INCLUDE_unix_pthread_h__
#define INCLUDE_unix_pthread_h__
typedef struct {
pthread_t thread;
} git_thread;
#define git_threads_init() (void)0
#define git_thread_create(git_thread_ptr, start_routine, arg) \
pthread_create(&(git_thread_ptr)->thread, NULL, start_routine, arg)
#define git_thread_join(git_thread_ptr, status) \
pthread_join((git_thread_ptr)->thread, status)
#define git_thread_currentid() ((size_t)(pthread_self()))
#define git_thread_exit(retval) pthread_exit(retval)
/* Git Mutex */
#define git_mutex pthread_mutex_t
#define git_mutex_init(a) pthread_mutex_init(a, NULL)
#define git_mutex_lock(a) pthread_mutex_lock(a)
#define git_mutex_unlock(a) pthread_mutex_unlock(a)
#define git_mutex_free(a) pthread_mutex_destroy(a)
/* Git condition vars */
#define git_cond pthread_cond_t
#define git_cond_init(c) pthread_cond_init(c, NULL)
#define git_cond_free(c) pthread_cond_destroy(c)
#define git_cond_wait(c, l) pthread_cond_wait(c, l)
#define git_cond_signal(c) pthread_cond_signal(c)
#define git_cond_broadcast(c) pthread_cond_broadcast(c)
/* Pthread (-ish) rwlock
* This differs from normal pthreads rwlocks in two ways:
* 1. Separate APIs for releasing read locks and write locks (as
* opposed to the pure POSIX API which only has one unlock fn)
* 2. You should not use recursive read locks (i.e. grabbing a read
* lock in a thread that already holds a read lock) because the
* Windows implementation doesn't support it
#define git_rwlock pthread_rwlock_t
#define git_rwlock_init(a) pthread_rwlock_init(a, NULL)
#define git_rwlock_rdlock(a) pthread_rwlock_rdlock(a)
#define git_rwlock_rdunlock(a) pthread_rwlock_unlock(a)
#define git_rwlock_wrlock(a) pthread_rwlock_wrlock(a)
#define git_rwlock_wrunlock(a) pthread_rwlock_unlock(a)
#define git_rwlock_free(a) pthread_rwlock_destroy(a)
#endif /* INCLUDE_unix_pthread_h__ */