blob: c9c55af8931e035b323537d2e11af679ef0da054 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
* a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
#ifndef INCLUDE_buf_text_h__
#define INCLUDE_buf_text_h__
#include "buffer.h"
typedef enum {
} git_bom_t;
typedef struct {
git_bom_t bom; /* BOM found at head of text */
unsigned int nul, cr, lf, crlf; /* NUL, CR, LF and CRLF counts */
unsigned int printable, nonprintable; /* These are just approximations! */
} git_buf_text_stats;
* Append string to buffer, prefixing each character from `esc_chars` with
* `esc_with` string.
* @param buf Buffer to append data to
* @param string String to escape and append
* @param esc_chars Characters to be escaped
* @param esc_with String to insert in from of each found character
* @return 0 on success, <0 on failure (probably allocation problem)
extern int git_buf_text_puts_escaped(
git_buf *buf,
const char *string,
const char *esc_chars,
const char *esc_with);
* Append string escaping characters that are regex special
GIT_INLINE(int) git_buf_text_puts_escape_regex(git_buf *buf, const char *string)
return git_buf_text_puts_escaped(buf, string, "^.[]$()|*+?{}\\", "\\");
* Unescape all characters in a buffer in place
* I.e. remove backslashes
extern void git_buf_text_unescape(git_buf *buf);
* Replace all \r\n with \n.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on memory error
extern int git_buf_text_crlf_to_lf(git_buf *tgt, const git_buf *src);
* Replace all \n with \r\n. Does not modify existing \r\n.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on memory error
extern int git_buf_text_lf_to_crlf(git_buf *tgt, const git_buf *src);
* Fill buffer with the common prefix of a array of strings
* Buffer will be set to empty if there is no common prefix
extern int git_buf_text_common_prefix(git_buf *buf, const git_strarray *strs);
* Check quickly if buffer looks like it contains binary data
* @param buf Buffer to check
* @return true if buffer looks like non-text data
extern bool git_buf_text_is_binary(const git_buf *buf);
* Check quickly if buffer contains a NUL byte
* @param buf Buffer to check
* @return true if buffer contains a NUL byte
extern bool git_buf_text_contains_nul(const git_buf *buf);
* Check if a buffer begins with a UTF BOM
* @param bom Set to the type of BOM detected or GIT_BOM_NONE
* @param buf Buffer in which to check the first bytes for a BOM
* @param offset Offset into buffer to look for BOM
* @return Number of bytes of BOM data (or 0 if no BOM found)
extern int git_buf_text_detect_bom(
git_bom_t *bom, const git_buf *buf, size_t offset);
* Gather stats for a piece of text
* Fill the `stats` structure with counts of unreadable characters, carriage
* returns, etc, so it can be used in heuristics. This automatically skips
* a trailing EOF (\032 character). Also it will look for a BOM at the
* start of the text and can be told to skip that as well.
* @param stats Structure to be filled in
* @param buf Text to process
* @param skip_bom Exclude leading BOM from stats if true
* @return Does the buffer heuristically look like binary data
extern bool git_buf_text_gather_stats(
git_buf_text_stats *stats, const git_buf *buf, bool skip_bom);