blob: 94ad3aed4623dc1b767b459c9e099e5023a968cd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
* a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
#ifndef INCLUDE_sys_git_filter_h__
#define INCLUDE_sys_git_filter_h__
#include "git2/filter.h"
* @file git2/sys/filter.h
* @brief Git filter backend and plugin routines
* @defgroup git_backend Git custom backend APIs
* @ingroup Git
* @{
* Look up a filter by name
* @param name The name of the filter
* @return Pointer to the filter object or NULL if not found
GIT_EXTERN(git_filter *) git_filter_lookup(const char *name);
#define GIT_FILTER_CRLF "crlf"
#define GIT_FILTER_IDENT "ident"
* This is priority that the internal CRLF filter will be registered with
* This is priority that the internal ident filter will be registered with
* This is priority to use with a custom filter to imitate a core Git
* filter driver, so that it will be run last on checkout and first on
* checkin. You do not have to use this, but it helps compatibility.
* Create a new empty filter list
* Normally you won't use this because `git_filter_list_load` will create
* the filter list for you, but you can use this in combination with the
* `git_filter_lookup` and `git_filter_list_push` functions to assemble
* your own chains of filters.
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_filter_list_new(
git_filter_list **out, git_repository *repo, git_filter_mode_t mode);
* Add a filter to a filter list with the given payload.
* Normally you won't have to do this because the filter list is created
* by calling the "check" function on registered filters when the filter
* attributes are set, but this does allow more direct manipulation of
* filter lists when desired.
* Note that normally the "check" function can set up a payload for the
* filter. Using this function, you can either pass in a payload if you
* know the expected payload format, or you can pass NULL. Some filters
* may fail with a NULL payload. Good luck!
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_filter_list_push(
git_filter_list *fl, git_filter *filter, void *payload);
* Look up how many filters are in the list
* We will attempt to apply all of these filters to any data passed in,
* but note that the filter apply action still has the option of skipping
* data that is passed in (for example, the CRLF filter will skip data
* that appears to be binary).
* @param fl A filter list
* @return The number of filters in the list
GIT_EXTERN(size_t) git_filter_list_length(const git_filter_list *fl);
* A filter source represents a file/blob to be processed
typedef struct git_filter_source git_filter_source;
* Get the repository that the source data is coming from.
GIT_EXTERN(git_repository *) git_filter_source_repo(const git_filter_source *src);
* Get the path that the source data is coming from.
GIT_EXTERN(const char *) git_filter_source_path(const git_filter_source *src);
* Get the file mode of the source file
* If the mode is unknown, this will return 0
GIT_EXTERN(uint16_t) git_filter_source_filemode(const git_filter_source *src);
* Get the OID of the source
* If the OID is unknown (often the case with GIT_FILTER_CLEAN) then
* this will return NULL.
GIT_EXTERN(const git_oid *) git_filter_source_id(const git_filter_source *src);
* Get the git_filter_mode_t to be applied
GIT_EXTERN(git_filter_mode_t) git_filter_source_mode(const git_filter_source *src);
* struct git_filter
* The filter lifecycle:
* - initialize - first use of filter
* - shutdown - filter removed/unregistered from system
* - check - considering filter for file
* - apply - apply filter to file contents
* - cleanup - done with file
* Initialize callback on filter
* Specified as `filter.initialize`, this is an optional callback invoked
* before a filter is first used. It will be called once at most.
* If non-NULL, the filter's `initialize` callback will be invoked right
* before the first use of the filter, so you can defer expensive
* initialization operations (in case libgit2 is being used in a way that
* doesn't need the filter).
typedef int (*git_filter_init_fn)(git_filter *self);
* Shutdown callback on filter
* Specified as `filter.shutdown`, this is an optional callback invoked
* when the filter is unregistered or when libgit2 is shutting down. It
* will be called once at most and should release resources as needed.
* Typically this function will free the `git_filter` object itself.
typedef void (*git_filter_shutdown_fn)(git_filter *self);
* Callback to decide if a given source needs this filter
* Specified as `filter.check`, this is an optional callback that checks
* if filtering is needed for a given source.
* It should return 0 if the filter should be applied (i.e. success),
* GIT_PASSTHROUGH if the filter should not be applied, or an error code
* to fail out of the filter processing pipeline and return to the caller.
* The `attr_values` will be set to the values of any attributes given in
* the filter definition. See `git_filter` below for more detail.
* The `payload` will be a pointer to a reference payload for the filter.
* This will start as NULL, but `check` can assign to this pointer for
* later use by the `apply` callback. Note that the value should be heap
* allocated (not stack), so that it doesn't go away before the `apply`
* callback can use it. If a filter allocates and assigns a value to the
* `payload`, it will need a `cleanup` callback to free the payload.
typedef int (*git_filter_check_fn)(
git_filter *self,
void **payload, /* points to NULL ptr on entry, may be set */
const git_filter_source *src,
const char **attr_values);
* Callback to actually perform the data filtering
* Specified as `filter.apply`, this is the callback that actually filters
* data. If it successfully writes the output, it should return 0. Like
* `check`, it can return GIT_PASSTHROUGH to indicate that the filter
* doesn't want to run. Other error codes will stop filter processing and
* return to the caller.
* The `payload` value will refer to any payload that was set by the
* `check` callback. It may be read from or written to as needed.
typedef int (*git_filter_apply_fn)(
git_filter *self,
void **payload, /* may be read and/or set */
git_buf *to,
const git_buf *from,
const git_filter_source *src);
* Callback to clean up after filtering has been applied
* Specified as `filter.cleanup`, this is an optional callback invoked
* after the filter has been applied. If the `check` or `apply` callbacks
* allocated a `payload` to keep per-source filter state, use this
* callback to free that payload and release resources as required.
typedef void (*git_filter_cleanup_fn)(
git_filter *self,
void *payload);
* Filter structure used to register custom filters.
* To associate extra data with a filter, allocate extra data and put the
* `git_filter` struct at the start of your data buffer, then cast the
* `self` pointer to your larger structure when your callback is invoked.
* `version` should be set to GIT_FILTER_VERSION
* `attributes` is a whitespace-separated list of attribute names to check
* for this filter (e.g. "eol crlf text"). If the attribute name is bare,
* it will be simply loaded and passed to the `check` callback. If it has
* a value (i.e. "name=value"), the attribute must match that value for
* the filter to be applied.
* The `initialize`, `shutdown`, `check`, `apply`, and `cleanup` callbacks
* are all documented above with the respective function pointer typedefs.
struct git_filter {
unsigned int version;
const char *attributes;
git_filter_init_fn initialize;
git_filter_shutdown_fn shutdown;
git_filter_check_fn check;
git_filter_apply_fn apply;
git_filter_cleanup_fn cleanup;
* Register a filter under a given name with a given priority.
* As mentioned elsewhere, the initialize callback will not be invoked
* immediately. It is deferred until the filter is used in some way.
* A filter's attribute checks and `check` and `apply` callbacks will be
* issued in order of `priority` on smudge (to workdir), and in reverse
* order of `priority` on clean (to odb).
* Two filters are preregistered with libgit2:
* - GIT_FILTER_CRLF with priority 0
* - GIT_FILTER_IDENT with priority 100
* Currently the filter registry is not thread safe, so any registering or
* deregistering of filters must be done outside of any possible usage of
* the filters (i.e. during application setup or shutdown).
* @param name A name by which the filter can be referenced. Attempting
* to register with an in-use name will return GIT_EEXISTS.
* @param filter The filter definition. This pointer will be stored as is
* by libgit2 so it must be a durable allocation (either static
* or on the heap).
* @param priority The priority for filter application
* @return 0 on successful registry, error code <0 on failure
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_filter_register(
const char *name, git_filter *filter, int priority);
* Remove the filter with the given name
* Attempting to remove the builtin libgit2 filters is not permitted and
* will return an error.
* Currently the filter registry is not thread safe, so any registering or
* deregistering of filters must be done outside of any possible usage of
* the filters (i.e. during application setup or shutdown).
* @param name The name under which the filter was registered
* @return 0 on success, error code <0 on failure
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_filter_unregister(const char *name);
/** @} */