blob: 917d73f444a0e28647f0125d44d4138ddb7dd543 [file] [log] [blame]
// __ _____ _____ _____
// __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (supporting code)
// | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.11.3
// |_____|_____|_____|_|___|
// Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann <>.
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2023 Niels Lohmann <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "doctest_compatibility.h"
// disable -Wnoexcept as exceptions are switched off for this test suite
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
using json = nlohmann::json;
// for #2824
class sax_no_exception : public nlohmann::detail::json_sax_dom_parser<json>
explicit sax_no_exception(json& j)
: nlohmann::detail::json_sax_dom_parser<json>(j, false)
static bool parse_error(std::size_t /*position*/, const std::string& /*last_token*/, const json::exception& ex)
error_string = new std::string(ex.what()); // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory)
return false;
static std::string* error_string;
std::string* sax_no_exception::error_string = nullptr;
TEST_CASE("Tests with disabled exceptions")
SECTION("issue #2824 - encoding of json::exception::what()")
json j;
sax_no_exception sax(j);
CHECK(!json::sax_parse("xyz", &sax));
CHECK(*sax_no_exception::error_string ==
"[json.exception.parse_error.101] parse error at line 1, column 1: syntax error while parsing value - invalid literal; last read: 'x'");
delete sax_no_exception::error_string; // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory)