blob: 3e98cb3092f290a459fef01aa02ea120cbf19b54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The gVisor Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package atomicptrmap doesn't exist. This file must be instantiated using the
// go_template_instance rule in tools/go_generics/defs.bzl.
package atomicptrmap
import (
// Key is a required type parameter.
type Key struct{}
// Value is a required type parameter.
type Value struct{}
const (
// ShardOrder is an optional parameter specifying the base-2 log of the
// number of shards per AtomicPtrMap. Higher values of ShardOrder reduce
// unnecessary synchronization between unrelated concurrent operations,
// improving performance for write-heavy workloads, but increase memory
// usage for small maps.
ShardOrder = 0
// Hasher is an optional type parameter. If Hasher is provided, it must define
// the Init and Hash methods. One Hasher will be shared by all AtomicPtrMaps.
type Hasher struct {
// defaultHasher is the default Hasher. This indirection exists because
// defaultHasher must exist even if a custom Hasher is provided, to prevent the
// Go compiler from complaining about defaultHasher's unused imports.
type defaultHasher struct {
fn func(unsafe.Pointer, uintptr) uintptr
seed uintptr
// Init initializes the Hasher.
func (h *defaultHasher) Init() {
h.fn = sync.MapKeyHasher(map[Key]*Value(nil))
h.seed = sync.RandUintptr()
// Hash returns the hash value for the given Key.
func (h *defaultHasher) Hash(key Key) uintptr {
return h.fn(gohacks.Noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&key)), h.seed)
var hasher Hasher
func init() {
// An AtomicPtrMap maps Keys to non-nil pointers to Values. AtomicPtrMap are
// safe for concurrent use from multiple goroutines without additional
// synchronization.
// The zero value of AtomicPtrMap is empty (maps all Keys to nil) and ready for
// use. AtomicPtrMaps must not be copied after first use.
// sync.Map may be faster than AtomicPtrMap if most operations on the map are
// concurrent writes to a fixed set of keys. AtomicPtrMap is usually faster in
// other circumstances.
type AtomicPtrMap struct {
// AtomicPtrMap is implemented as a hash table with the following
// properties:
// * Collisions are resolved with quadratic probing. Of the two major
// alternatives, Robin Hood linear probing makes it difficult for writers
// to execute in parallel, and bucketing is less effective in Go due to
// lack of SIMD.
// * The table is optionally divided into shards indexed by hash to further
// reduce unnecessary synchronization.
shards [1 << ShardOrder]apmShard
func (m *AtomicPtrMap) shard(hash uintptr) *apmShard {
// Go defines right shifts >= width of shifted unsigned operand as 0, so
// this is correct even if ShardOrder is 0 (although nogo complains because
// nogo is dumb).
const indexLSB = unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))*8 - ShardOrder
index := hash >> indexLSB
return (*apmShard)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&m.shards)) + (index * unsafe.Sizeof(apmShard{}))))
type apmShard struct {
_ [apmShardMutationDataPadding]byte
_ [apmShardLookupDataPadding]byte
type apmShardMutationData struct {
dirtyMu sync.Mutex // serializes slot transitions out of empty
dirty uintptr // # slots with val != nil
count uintptr // # slots with val != nil and val != tombstone()
rehashMu sync.Mutex // serializes rehashing
type apmShardLookupData struct {
seq sync.SeqCount // allows atomic reads of slots+mask
slots unsafe.Pointer // [mask+1]slot or nil; protected by rehashMu/seq
mask uintptr // always (a power of 2) - 1; protected by rehashMu/seq
const (
cacheLineBytes = 64
// Cache line padding is enabled if sharding is.
apmEnablePadding = (ShardOrder + 63) >> 6 // 0 if ShardOrder == 0, 1 otherwise
// The -1 and +1 below are required to ensure that if unsafe.Sizeof(T) %
// cacheLineBytes == 0, then padding is 0 (rather than cacheLineBytes).
apmShardMutationDataRequiredPadding = cacheLineBytes - (((unsafe.Sizeof(apmShardMutationData{}) - 1) % cacheLineBytes) + 1)
apmShardMutationDataPadding = apmEnablePadding * apmShardMutationDataRequiredPadding
apmShardLookupDataRequiredPadding = cacheLineBytes - (((unsafe.Sizeof(apmShardLookupData{}) - 1) % cacheLineBytes) + 1)
apmShardLookupDataPadding = apmEnablePadding * apmShardLookupDataRequiredPadding
// These define fractional thresholds for when apmShard.rehash() is called
// (i.e. the load factor) and when it rehases to a larger table
// respectively. They are chosen such that the rehash threshold = the
// expansion threshold + 1/2, so that when reuse of deleted slots is rare
// or non-existent, rehashing occurs after the insertion of at least 1/2
// the table's size in new entries, which is acceptably infrequent.
apmRehashThresholdNum = 2
apmRehashThresholdDen = 3
apmExpansionThresholdNum = 1
apmExpansionThresholdDen = 6
type apmSlot struct {
// slot states are indicated by val:
// * Empty: val == nil; key is meaningless. May transition to full or
// evacuated with dirtyMu locked.
// * Full: val != nil, tombstone(), or evacuated(); key is immutable. val
// is the Value mapped to key. May transition to deleted or evacuated.
// * Deleted: val == tombstone(); key is still immutable. key is mapped to
// no Value. May transition to full or evacuated.
// * Evacuated: val == evacuated(); key is immutable. Set by rehashing on
// slots that have already been moved, requiring readers to wait for
// rehashing to complete and use the new table. Terminal state.
// Note that once val is non-nil, it cannot become nil again. That is, the
// transition from empty to non-empty is irreversible for a given slot;
// the only way to create more empty slots is by rehashing.
val unsafe.Pointer
key Key
func apmSlotAt(slots unsafe.Pointer, pos uintptr) *apmSlot {
return (*apmSlot)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(slots) + pos*unsafe.Sizeof(apmSlot{})))
var tombstoneObj byte
func tombstone() unsafe.Pointer {
return unsafe.Pointer(&tombstoneObj)
var evacuatedObj byte
func evacuated() unsafe.Pointer {
return unsafe.Pointer(&evacuatedObj)
// Load returns the Value stored in m for key.
func (m *AtomicPtrMap) Load(key Key) *Value {
hash := hasher.Hash(key)
shard := m.shard(hash)
epoch := shard.seq.BeginRead()
slots := atomic.LoadPointer(&shard.slots)
mask := atomic.LoadUintptr(&shard.mask)
if !shard.seq.ReadOk(epoch) {
goto retry
if slots == nil {
return nil
i := hash & mask
inc := uintptr(1)
for {
slot := apmSlotAt(slots, i)
slotVal := atomic.LoadPointer(&slot.val)
if slotVal == nil {
// Empty slot; end of probe sequence.
return nil
if slotVal == evacuated() {
// Racing with rehashing.
goto retry
if slot.key == key {
if slotVal == tombstone() {
return nil
return (*Value)(slotVal)
i = (i + inc) & mask
// Store stores the Value val for key.
func (m *AtomicPtrMap) Store(key Key, val *Value) {
m.maybeCompareAndSwap(key, false, nil, val)
// Swap stores the Value val for key and returns the previously-mapped Value.
func (m *AtomicPtrMap) Swap(key Key, val *Value) *Value {
return m.maybeCompareAndSwap(key, false, nil, val)
// CompareAndSwap checks that the Value stored for key is oldVal; if it is, it
// stores the Value newVal for key. CompareAndSwap returns the previous Value
// stored for key, whether or not it stores newVal.
func (m *AtomicPtrMap) CompareAndSwap(key Key, oldVal, newVal *Value) *Value {
return m.maybeCompareAndSwap(key, true, oldVal, newVal)
func (m *AtomicPtrMap) maybeCompareAndSwap(key Key, compare bool, typedOldVal, typedNewVal *Value) *Value {
hash := hasher.Hash(key)
shard := m.shard(hash)
oldVal := tombstone()
if typedOldVal != nil {
oldVal = unsafe.Pointer(typedOldVal)
newVal := tombstone()
if typedNewVal != nil {
newVal = unsafe.Pointer(typedNewVal)
epoch := shard.seq.BeginRead()
slots := atomic.LoadPointer(&shard.slots)
mask := atomic.LoadUintptr(&shard.mask)
if !shard.seq.ReadOk(epoch) {
goto retry
if slots == nil {
if (compare && oldVal != tombstone()) || newVal == tombstone() {
return nil
// Need to allocate a table before insertion.
goto retry
i := hash & mask
inc := uintptr(1)
for {
slot := apmSlotAt(slots, i)
slotVal := atomic.LoadPointer(&slot.val)
if slotVal == nil {
if (compare && oldVal != tombstone()) || newVal == tombstone() {
return nil
// Try to grab this slot for ourselves.
slotVal = atomic.LoadPointer(&slot.val)
if slotVal == nil {
// Check if we need to rehash before dirtying a slot.
if dirty, capacity := shard.dirty+1, mask+1; dirty*apmRehashThresholdDen >= capacity*apmRehashThresholdNum {
goto retry
slot.key = key
atomic.StorePointer(&slot.val, newVal) // transitions slot to full
atomic.AddUintptr(&shard.count, 1)
return nil
// Raced with another store; the slot is no longer empty. Continue
// with the new value of slotVal since we may have raced with
// another store of key.
if slotVal == evacuated() {
// Racing with rehashing.
goto retry
if slot.key == key {
// We're reusing an existing slot, so rehashing isn't necessary.
for {
if (compare && oldVal != slotVal) || newVal == slotVal {
if slotVal == tombstone() {
return nil
return (*Value)(slotVal)
if atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer(&slot.val, slotVal, newVal) {
if slotVal == tombstone() {
atomic.AddUintptr(&shard.count, 1)
return nil
if newVal == tombstone() {
atomic.AddUintptr(&shard.count, ^uintptr(0) /* -1 */)
return (*Value)(slotVal)
slotVal = atomic.LoadPointer(&slot.val)
if slotVal == evacuated() {
goto retry
// This produces a triangular number sequence of offsets from the
// initially-probed position.
i = (i + inc) & mask
// rehash is marked nosplit to avoid preemption during table copying.
func (shard *apmShard) rehash(oldSlots unsafe.Pointer) {
defer shard.rehashMu.Unlock()
if shard.slots != oldSlots {
// Raced with another call to rehash().
// Determine the size of the new table. Constraints:
// * The size of the table must be a power of two to ensure that every slot
// is visitable by every probe sequence under quadratic probing with
// triangular numbers.
// * The size of the table cannot decrease because even if shard.count is
// currently smaller than shard.dirty, concurrent stores that reuse
// existing slots can drive shard.count back up to a maximum of
// shard.dirty.
newSize := uintptr(8) // arbitrary initial size
if oldSlots != nil {
oldSize := shard.mask + 1
newSize = oldSize
if count := atomic.LoadUintptr(&shard.count) + 1; count*apmExpansionThresholdDen > oldSize*apmExpansionThresholdNum {
newSize *= 2
// Allocate the new table.
newSlotsSlice := make([]apmSlot, newSize)
newSlotsHeader := (*gohacks.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&newSlotsSlice))
newSlots := newSlotsHeader.Data
newMask := newSize - 1
// Start a writer critical section now so that racing users of the old
// table that observe evacuated() wait for the new table. (But lock dirtyMu
// first since doing so may block, which we don't want to do during the
// writer critical section.)
if oldSlots != nil {
realCount := uintptr(0)
// Copy old entries to the new table.
oldMask := shard.mask
for i := uintptr(0); i <= oldMask; i++ {
oldSlot := apmSlotAt(oldSlots, i)
val := atomic.SwapPointer(&oldSlot.val, evacuated())
if val == nil || val == tombstone() {
hash := hasher.Hash(oldSlot.key)
j := hash & newMask
inc := uintptr(1)
for {
newSlot := apmSlotAt(newSlots, j)
if newSlot.val == nil {
newSlot.val = val
newSlot.key = oldSlot.key
j = (j + inc) & newMask
// Update dirty to reflect that tombstones were not copied to the new
// table. Use realCount since a concurrent mutator may not have updated
// shard.count yet.
shard.dirty = realCount
// Switch to the new table.
atomic.StorePointer(&shard.slots, newSlots)
atomic.StoreUintptr(&shard.mask, newMask)
// Range invokes f on each Key-Value pair stored in m. If any call to f returns
// false, Range stops iteration and returns.
// Range does not necessarily correspond to any consistent snapshot of the
// Map's contents: no Key will be visited more than once, but if the Value for
// any Key is stored or deleted concurrently, Range may reflect any mapping for
// that Key from any point during the Range call.
// f must not call other methods on m.
func (m *AtomicPtrMap) Range(f func(key Key, val *Value) bool) {
for si := 0; si < len(m.shards); si++ {
shard := &m.shards[si]
if !shard.doRange(f) {
func (shard *apmShard) doRange(f func(key Key, val *Value) bool) bool {
// We have to lock rehashMu because if we handled races with rehashing by
// retrying, f could see the same key twice.
defer shard.rehashMu.Unlock()
slots := shard.slots
if slots == nil {
return true
mask := shard.mask
for i := uintptr(0); i <= mask; i++ {
slot := apmSlotAt(slots, i)
slotVal := atomic.LoadPointer(&slot.val)
if slotVal == nil || slotVal == tombstone() {
if !f(slot.key, (*Value)(slotVal)) {
return false
return true
// RangeRepeatable is like Range, but:
// * RangeRepeatable may visit the same Key multiple times in the presence of
// concurrent mutators, possibly passing different Values to f in different
// calls.
// * It is safe for f to call other methods on m.
func (m *AtomicPtrMap) RangeRepeatable(f func(key Key, val *Value) bool) {
for si := 0; si < len(m.shards); si++ {
shard := &m.shards[si]
epoch := shard.seq.BeginRead()
slots := atomic.LoadPointer(&shard.slots)
mask := atomic.LoadUintptr(&shard.mask)
if !shard.seq.ReadOk(epoch) {
goto retry
if slots == nil {
for i := uintptr(0); i <= mask; i++ {
slot := apmSlotAt(slots, i)
slotVal := atomic.LoadPointer(&slot.val)
if slotVal == evacuated() {
goto retry
if slotVal == nil || slotVal == tombstone() {
if !f(slot.key, (*Value)(slotVal)) {