blob: e5e1b89cc0145c25ffff29af37febd2d662b3d09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The gVisor Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ipv4_test
import (
const (
linkAddr = tcpip.LinkAddress("\x02\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06")
stackAddr = tcpip.Address("\x0a\x00\x00\x01")
remoteAddr = tcpip.Address("\x0a\x00\x00\x02")
multicastAddr = tcpip.Address("\xe0\x00\x00\x03")
nicID = 1
defaultTTL = 1
defaultPrefixLength = 24
// validateIgmpPacket checks that a passed PacketInfo is an IPv4 IGMP packet
// sent to the provided address with the passed fields set. Raises a t.Error if
// any field does not match.
func validateIgmpPacket(t *testing.T, p channel.PacketInfo, igmpType header.IGMPType, maxRespTime byte, srcAddr, dstAddr, groupAddress tcpip.Address) {
payload := header.IPv4(stack.PayloadSince(p.Pkt.NetworkHeader()))
checker.IPv4(t, payload,
// TTL for an IGMP message must be 1 as per RFC 2236 section 2.
func createStack(t *testing.T, igmpEnabled bool) (*channel.Endpoint, *stack.Stack, *faketime.ManualClock) {
// Create an endpoint of queue size 1, since no more than 1 packets are ever
// queued in the tests in this file.
e := channel.New(1, 1280, linkAddr)
clock := faketime.NewManualClock()
s := stack.New(stack.Options{
NetworkProtocols: []stack.NetworkProtocolFactory{ipv4.NewProtocolWithOptions(ipv4.Options{
IGMP: ipv4.IGMPOptions{
Enabled: igmpEnabled,
Clock: clock,
if err := s.CreateNIC(nicID, e); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("CreateNIC(%d, _) = %s", nicID, err)
return e, s, clock
func createAndInjectIGMPPacket(e *channel.Endpoint, igmpType header.IGMPType, maxRespTime byte, ttl uint8, srcAddr, dstAddr, groupAddress tcpip.Address, hasRouterAlertOption bool) {
var options header.IPv4OptionsSerializer
if hasRouterAlertOption {
options = header.IPv4OptionsSerializer{
buf := buffer.NewView(header.IPv4MinimumSize + int(options.Length()) + header.IGMPQueryMinimumSize)
ip := header.IPv4(buf)
TotalLength: uint16(len(buf)),
TTL: ttl,
Protocol: uint8(header.IGMPProtocolNumber),
SrcAddr: srcAddr,
DstAddr: dstAddr,
Options: options,
igmp := header.IGMP(ip.Payload())
e.InjectInbound(ipv4.ProtocolNumber, stack.NewPacketBuffer(stack.PacketBufferOptions{
Data: buf.ToVectorisedView(),
// TestIGMPV1Present tests the node's ability to fallback to V1 when a V1
// router is detected. V1 present status is expected to be reset when the NIC
// cycles.
func TestIGMPV1Present(t *testing.T) {
e, s, clock := createStack(t, true)
addr := tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{Address: stackAddr, PrefixLen: defaultPrefixLength}
if err := s.AddAddressWithPrefix(nicID, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, addr); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("AddAddressWithPrefix(%d, %d, %s): %s", nicID, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, addr, err)
if err := s.JoinGroup(ipv4.ProtocolNumber, nicID, multicastAddr); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("JoinGroup(ipv4, nic, %s) = %s", multicastAddr, err)
// This NIC will send an IGMPv2 report immediately, before this test can get
// the IGMPv1 General Membership Query in.
p, ok := e.Read()
if !ok {
t.Fatal("unable to Read IGMP packet, expected V2MembershipReport")
if got := s.Stats().IGMP.PacketsSent.V2MembershipReport.Value(); got != 1 {
t.Fatalf("got V2MembershipReport messages sent = %d, want = 1", got)
validateIgmpPacket(t, p, header.IGMPv2MembershipReport, 0, stackAddr, multicastAddr, multicastAddr)
if t.Failed() {
// Inject an IGMPv1 General Membership Query which is identical to a standard
// membership query except the Max Response Time is set to 0, which will tell
// the stack that this is a router using IGMPv1. Send it to the all systems
// group which is the only group this host belongs to.
createAndInjectIGMPPacket(e, header.IGMPMembershipQuery, 0, defaultTTL, remoteAddr, stackAddr, header.IPv4AllSystems, true /* hasRouterAlertOption */)
if got := s.Stats().IGMP.PacketsReceived.MembershipQuery.Value(); got != 1 {
t.Fatalf("got Membership Queries received = %d, want = 1", got)
// Before advancing the clock, verify that this host has not sent a
// V1MembershipReport yet.
if got := s.Stats().IGMP.PacketsSent.V1MembershipReport.Value(); got != 0 {
t.Fatalf("got V1MembershipReport messages sent = %d, want = 0", got)
// Verify the solicited Membership Report is sent. Now that this NIC has seen
// an IGMPv1 query, it should send an IGMPv1 Membership Report.
if p, ok := e.Read(); ok {
t.Fatalf("sent unexpected packet, expected V1MembershipReport only after advancing the clock = %+v", p.Pkt)
p, ok := e.Read()
if !ok {
t.Fatal("unable to Read IGMP packet, expected V1MembershipReport")
if got := s.Stats().IGMP.PacketsSent.V1MembershipReport.Value(); got != 1 {
t.Fatalf("got V1MembershipReport messages sent = %d, want = 1", got)
validateIgmpPacket(t, p, header.IGMPv1MembershipReport, 0, stackAddr, multicastAddr, multicastAddr)
// Cycling the interface should reset the V1 present flag.
if err := s.DisableNIC(nicID); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("s.DisableNIC(%d): %s", nicID, err)
if err := s.EnableNIC(nicID); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("s.EnableNIC(%d): %s", nicID, err)
p, ok := e.Read()
if !ok {
t.Fatal("unable to Read IGMP packet, expected V2MembershipReport")
if got := s.Stats().IGMP.PacketsSent.V2MembershipReport.Value(); got != 2 {
t.Fatalf("got V2MembershipReport messages sent = %d, want = 2", got)
validateIgmpPacket(t, p, header.IGMPv2MembershipReport, 0, stackAddr, multicastAddr, multicastAddr)
func TestSendQueuedIGMPReports(t *testing.T) {
e, s, clock := createStack(t, true)
// Joining a group without an assigned address should queue IGMP packets; none
// should be sent without an assigned address.
if err := s.JoinGroup(ipv4.ProtocolNumber, nicID, multicastAddr); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("JoinGroup(%d, %d, %s): %s", ipv4.ProtocolNumber, nicID, multicastAddr, err)
reportStat := s.Stats().IGMP.PacketsSent.V2MembershipReport
if got := reportStat.Value(); got != 0 {
t.Errorf("got reportStat.Value() = %d, want = 0", got)
if p, ok := e.Read(); ok {
t.Fatalf("got unexpected packet = %#v", p)
// The initial set of IGMP reports that were queued should be sent once an
// address is assigned.
if err := s.AddAddress(nicID, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, stackAddr); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("AddAddress(%d, %d, %s): %s", nicID, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, stackAddr, err)
if got := reportStat.Value(); got != 1 {
t.Errorf("got reportStat.Value() = %d, want = 1", got)
if p, ok := e.Read(); !ok {
t.Error("expected to send an IGMP membership report")
} else {
validateIgmpPacket(t, p, header.IGMPv2MembershipReport, 0, stackAddr, multicastAddr, multicastAddr)
if t.Failed() {
if got := reportStat.Value(); got != 2 {
t.Errorf("got reportStat.Value() = %d, want = 2", got)
if p, ok := e.Read(); !ok {
t.Error("expected to send an IGMP membership report")
} else {
validateIgmpPacket(t, p, header.IGMPv2MembershipReport, 0, stackAddr, multicastAddr, multicastAddr)
if t.Failed() {
// Should have no more packets to send after the initial set of unsolicited
// reports.
if p, ok := e.Read(); ok {
t.Fatalf("got unexpected packet = %#v", p)
func TestIGMPPacketValidation(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
messageType header.IGMPType
stackAddresses []tcpip.AddressWithPrefix
srcAddr tcpip.Address
includeRouterAlertOption bool
ttl uint8
expectValidIGMP bool
getMessageTypeStatValue func(tcpip.Stats) uint64
name: "valid",
messageType: header.IGMPLeaveGroup,
includeRouterAlertOption: true,
stackAddresses: []tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{{Address: stackAddr, PrefixLen: 24}},
srcAddr: remoteAddr,
ttl: 1,
expectValidIGMP: true,
getMessageTypeStatValue: func(stats tcpip.Stats) uint64 { return stats.IGMP.PacketsReceived.LeaveGroup.Value() },
name: "bad ttl",
messageType: header.IGMPv1MembershipReport,
includeRouterAlertOption: true,
stackAddresses: []tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{{Address: stackAddr, PrefixLen: 24}},
srcAddr: remoteAddr,
ttl: 2,
expectValidIGMP: false,
getMessageTypeStatValue: func(stats tcpip.Stats) uint64 { return stats.IGMP.PacketsReceived.V1MembershipReport.Value() },
name: "missing router alert ip option",
messageType: header.IGMPv2MembershipReport,
includeRouterAlertOption: false,
stackAddresses: []tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{{Address: stackAddr, PrefixLen: 24}},
srcAddr: remoteAddr,
ttl: 1,
expectValidIGMP: false,
getMessageTypeStatValue: func(stats tcpip.Stats) uint64 { return stats.IGMP.PacketsReceived.V2MembershipReport.Value() },
name: "igmp leave group and src ip does not belong to nic subnet",
messageType: header.IGMPLeaveGroup,
includeRouterAlertOption: true,
stackAddresses: []tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{{Address: stackAddr, PrefixLen: 24}},
srcAddr: tcpip.Address("\x0a\x00\x01\x02"),
ttl: 1,
expectValidIGMP: false,
getMessageTypeStatValue: func(stats tcpip.Stats) uint64 { return stats.IGMP.PacketsReceived.LeaveGroup.Value() },
name: "igmp query and src ip does not belong to nic subnet",
messageType: header.IGMPMembershipQuery,
includeRouterAlertOption: true,
stackAddresses: []tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{{Address: stackAddr, PrefixLen: 24}},
srcAddr: tcpip.Address("\x0a\x00\x01\x02"),
ttl: 1,
expectValidIGMP: true,
getMessageTypeStatValue: func(stats tcpip.Stats) uint64 { return stats.IGMP.PacketsReceived.MembershipQuery.Value() },
name: "igmp report v1 and src ip does not belong to nic subnet",
messageType: header.IGMPv1MembershipReport,
includeRouterAlertOption: true,
stackAddresses: []tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{{Address: stackAddr, PrefixLen: 24}},
srcAddr: tcpip.Address("\x0a\x00\x01\x02"),
ttl: 1,
expectValidIGMP: false,
getMessageTypeStatValue: func(stats tcpip.Stats) uint64 { return stats.IGMP.PacketsReceived.V1MembershipReport.Value() },
name: "igmp report v2 and src ip does not belong to nic subnet",
messageType: header.IGMPv2MembershipReport,
includeRouterAlertOption: true,
stackAddresses: []tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{{Address: stackAddr, PrefixLen: 24}},
srcAddr: tcpip.Address("\x0a\x00\x01\x02"),
ttl: 1,
expectValidIGMP: false,
getMessageTypeStatValue: func(stats tcpip.Stats) uint64 { return stats.IGMP.PacketsReceived.V2MembershipReport.Value() },
name: "src ip belongs to the subnet of the nic's second address",
messageType: header.IGMPv2MembershipReport,
includeRouterAlertOption: true,
stackAddresses: []tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
{Address: tcpip.Address("\x0a\x00\x0f\x01"), PrefixLen: 24},
{Address: stackAddr, PrefixLen: 24},
srcAddr: remoteAddr,
ttl: 1,
expectValidIGMP: true,
getMessageTypeStatValue: func(stats tcpip.Stats) uint64 { return stats.IGMP.PacketsReceived.V2MembershipReport.Value() },
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
e, s, _ := createStack(t, true)
for _, address := range test.stackAddresses {
if err := s.AddAddressWithPrefix(nicID, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, address); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("AddAddressWithPrefix(%d, %d, %s): %s", nicID, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, address, err)
stats := s.Stats()
// Verify that every relevant stats is zero'd before we send a packet.
if got := test.getMessageTypeStatValue(s.Stats()); got != 0 {
t.Errorf("got test.getMessageTypeStatValue(s.Stats()) = %d, want = 0", got)
if got := stats.IGMP.PacketsReceived.Invalid.Value(); got != 0 {
t.Errorf("got stats.IGMP.PacketsReceived.Invalid.Value() = %d, want = 0", got)
if got := stats.IP.PacketsDelivered.Value(); got != 0 {
t.Fatalf("got stats.IP.PacketsDelivered.Value() = %d, want = 0", got)
createAndInjectIGMPPacket(e, test.messageType, 0, test.ttl, test.srcAddr, header.IPv4AllSystems, header.IPv4AllSystems, test.includeRouterAlertOption)
// We always expect the packet to pass IP validation.
if got := stats.IP.PacketsDelivered.Value(); got != 1 {
t.Fatalf("got stats.IP.PacketsDelivered.Value() = %d, want = 1", got)
// Even when the IGMP-specific validation checks fail, we expect the
// corresponding IGMP counter to be incremented.
if got := test.getMessageTypeStatValue(s.Stats()); got != 1 {
t.Errorf("got test.getMessageTypeStatValue(s.Stats()) = %d, want = 1", got)
var expectedInvalidCount uint64
if !test.expectValidIGMP {
expectedInvalidCount = 1
if got := stats.IGMP.PacketsReceived.Invalid.Value(); got != expectedInvalidCount {
t.Errorf("got stats.IGMP.PacketsReceived.Invalid.Value() = %d, want = %d", got, expectedInvalidCount)