blob: 087dd30dd670b2607ca3bf7938d8bca03cf6b95b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package test
import (
iresolver ""
testpb ""
func (s) TestConfigSelectorStatusCodes(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
csErr error
want error
name: "legal status code",
csErr: status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "this error is fine"),
want: status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "this error is fine"),
}, {
name: "illegal status code",
csErr: status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "this error is bad"),
want: status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "this error is bad"),
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
ss := &stubserver.StubServer{
EmptyCallF: func(ctx context.Context, in *testpb.Empty) (*testpb.Empty, error) {
return &testpb.Empty{}, nil
ss.R = manual.NewBuilderWithScheme("confSel")
if err := ss.Start(nil); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error starting endpoint server: %v", err)
defer ss.Stop()
state := iresolver.SetConfigSelector(resolver.State{
Addresses: []resolver.Address{{Addr: ss.Address}},
ServiceConfig: parseServiceConfig(t, ss.R, "{}"),
}, funcConfigSelector{
f: func(i iresolver.RPCInfo) (*iresolver.RPCConfig, error) {
return nil, tc.csErr
ss.R.UpdateState(state) // Blocks until config selector is applied
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
if _, err := ss.Client.EmptyCall(ctx, &testpb.Empty{}); status.Code(err) != status.Code(tc.want) || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), status.Convert(tc.want).Message()) {
t.Fatalf("client.EmptyCall(_, _) = _, %v; want _, %v", err, tc.want)
func (s) TestPickerStatusCodes(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
pickerErr error
want error
name: "legal status code",
pickerErr: status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "this error is fine"),
want: status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "this error is fine"),
}, {
name: "illegal status code",
pickerErr: status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "this error is bad"),
want: status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "this error is bad"),
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
ss := &stubserver.StubServer{
EmptyCallF: func(ctx context.Context, in *testpb.Empty) (*testpb.Empty, error) {
return &testpb.Empty{}, nil
if err := ss.Start(nil); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error starting endpoint server: %v", err)
defer ss.Stop()
// Create a stub balancer that creates a picker that always returns
// an error.
sbf := stub.BalancerFuncs{
UpdateClientConnState: func(d *stub.BalancerData, _ balancer.ClientConnState) error {
ConnectivityState: connectivity.TransientFailure,
Picker: base.NewErrPicker(tc.pickerErr),
return nil
stub.Register("testPickerStatusCodesBalancer", sbf)
ss.NewServiceConfig(`{"loadBalancingConfig": [{"testPickerStatusCodesBalancer":{}}] }`)
// Make calls until pickerErr is received.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
var lastErr error
for ctx.Err() == nil {
if _, lastErr = ss.Client.EmptyCall(ctx, &testpb.Empty{}); status.Code(lastErr) == status.Code(tc.want) && strings.Contains(lastErr.Error(), status.Convert(tc.want).Message()) {
// Success!
t.Fatalf("client.EmptyCall(_, _) = _, %v; want _, %v", lastErr, tc.want)
func (s) TestCallCredsFromDialOptionsStatusCodes(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
credsErr error
want error
name: "legal status code",
credsErr: status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "this error is fine"),
want: status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "this error is fine"),
}, {
name: "illegal status code",
credsErr: status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "this error is bad"),
want: status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "this error is bad"),
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
ss := &stubserver.StubServer{
EmptyCallF: func(ctx context.Context, in *testpb.Empty) (*testpb.Empty, error) {
return &testpb.Empty{}, nil
errChan := make(chan error, 1)
creds := &testPerRPCCredentials{errChan: errChan}
if err := ss.Start(nil, grpc.WithPerRPCCredentials(creds)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error starting endpoint server: %v", err)
defer ss.Stop()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
errChan <- tc.credsErr
if _, err := ss.Client.EmptyCall(ctx, &testpb.Empty{}); status.Code(err) != status.Code(tc.want) || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), status.Convert(tc.want).Message()) {
t.Fatalf("client.EmptyCall(_, _) = _, %v; want _, %v", err, tc.want)
func (s) TestCallCredsFromCallOptionsStatusCodes(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
credsErr error
want error
name: "legal status code",
credsErr: status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "this error is fine"),
want: status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "this error is fine"),
}, {
name: "illegal status code",
credsErr: status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "this error is bad"),
want: status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "this error is bad"),
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
ss := &stubserver.StubServer{
EmptyCallF: func(ctx context.Context, in *testpb.Empty) (*testpb.Empty, error) {
return &testpb.Empty{}, nil
errChan := make(chan error, 1)
creds := &testPerRPCCredentials{errChan: errChan}
if err := ss.Start(nil); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error starting endpoint server: %v", err)
defer ss.Stop()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
errChan <- tc.credsErr
if _, err := ss.Client.EmptyCall(ctx, &testpb.Empty{}, grpc.PerRPCCredentials(creds)); status.Code(err) != status.Code(tc.want) || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), status.Convert(tc.want).Message()) {
t.Fatalf("client.EmptyCall(_, _) = _, %v; want _, %v", err, tc.want)