blob: fc9366440e38e4c48174feddd9bbad94ec1a35e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package observability
import (
binlogpb ""
iblog ""
configpb ""
grpclogrecordpb ""
// translateMetadata translates the metadata from Binary Logging format to
// its GrpcLogRecord equivalent.
func translateMetadata(m *binlogpb.Metadata) *grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord_Metadata {
var res grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord_Metadata
res.Entry = make([]*grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord_MetadataEntry, len(m.Entry))
for i, e := range m.Entry {
res.Entry[i] = &grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord_MetadataEntry{
Key: e.Key,
Value: e.Value,
return &res
func setPeerIfPresent(binlogEntry *binlogpb.GrpcLogEntry, grpcLogRecord *grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord) {
if binlogEntry.GetPeer() != nil {
grpcLogRecord.PeerAddress = &grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord_Address{
Type: grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord_Address_Type(binlogEntry.Peer.Type),
Address: binlogEntry.Peer.Address,
IpPort: binlogEntry.Peer.IpPort,
var loggerTypeToEventLogger = map[binlogpb.GrpcLogEntry_Logger]grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord_EventLogger{
binlogpb.GrpcLogEntry_LOGGER_UNKNOWN: grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord_LOGGER_UNKNOWN,
binlogpb.GrpcLogEntry_LOGGER_CLIENT: grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord_LOGGER_CLIENT,
binlogpb.GrpcLogEntry_LOGGER_SERVER: grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord_LOGGER_SERVER,
type binaryMethodLogger struct {
rpcID, serviceName, methodName string
originalMethodLogger iblog.MethodLogger
childMethodLogger iblog.MethodLogger
exporter loggingExporter
func (ml *binaryMethodLogger) Log(c iblog.LogEntryConfig) {
// Invoke the original MethodLogger to maintain backward compatibility
if ml.originalMethodLogger != nil {
// Fetch the compiled binary logging log entry
if ml.childMethodLogger == nil {
logger.Info("No wrapped method logger found")
var binlogEntry *binlogpb.GrpcLogEntry
o, ok := ml.childMethodLogger.(interface {
Build(iblog.LogEntryConfig) *binlogpb.GrpcLogEntry
if !ok {
logger.Error("Failed to locate the Build method in wrapped method logger")
binlogEntry = o.Build(c)
// Translate to GrpcLogRecord
grpcLogRecord := &grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord{
Timestamp: binlogEntry.GetTimestamp(),
RpcId: ml.rpcID,
SequenceId: binlogEntry.GetSequenceIdWithinCall(),
EventLogger: loggerTypeToEventLogger[binlogEntry.Logger],
// Making DEBUG the default LogLevel
LogLevel: grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,
switch binlogEntry.GetType() {
case binlogpb.GrpcLogEntry_EVENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
grpcLogRecord.EventType = grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord_GRPC_CALL_UNKNOWN
case binlogpb.GrpcLogEntry_EVENT_TYPE_CLIENT_HEADER:
grpcLogRecord.EventType = grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord_GRPC_CALL_REQUEST_HEADER
if binlogEntry.GetClientHeader() != nil {
methodName := binlogEntry.GetClientHeader().MethodName
// Example method name: /grpc.testing.TestService/UnaryCall
if strings.Contains(methodName, "/") {
tokens := strings.Split(methodName, "/")
if len(tokens) == 3 {
// Record service name and method name for all events
ml.serviceName = tokens[1]
ml.methodName = tokens[2]
} else {
logger.Infof("Malformed method name: %v", methodName)
grpcLogRecord.Timeout = binlogEntry.GetClientHeader().Timeout
grpcLogRecord.Authority = binlogEntry.GetClientHeader().Authority
grpcLogRecord.Metadata = translateMetadata(binlogEntry.GetClientHeader().Metadata)
grpcLogRecord.PayloadTruncated = binlogEntry.GetPayloadTruncated()
setPeerIfPresent(binlogEntry, grpcLogRecord)
case binlogpb.GrpcLogEntry_EVENT_TYPE_SERVER_HEADER:
grpcLogRecord.EventType = grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord_GRPC_CALL_RESPONSE_HEADER
grpcLogRecord.Metadata = translateMetadata(binlogEntry.GetServerHeader().Metadata)
grpcLogRecord.PayloadTruncated = binlogEntry.GetPayloadTruncated()
setPeerIfPresent(binlogEntry, grpcLogRecord)
case binlogpb.GrpcLogEntry_EVENT_TYPE_CLIENT_MESSAGE:
grpcLogRecord.EventType = grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord_GRPC_CALL_REQUEST_MESSAGE
grpcLogRecord.Message = binlogEntry.GetMessage().GetData()
grpcLogRecord.PayloadSize = binlogEntry.GetMessage().GetLength()
grpcLogRecord.PayloadTruncated = binlogEntry.GetPayloadTruncated()
case binlogpb.GrpcLogEntry_EVENT_TYPE_SERVER_MESSAGE:
grpcLogRecord.EventType = grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord_GRPC_CALL_RESPONSE_MESSAGE
grpcLogRecord.Message = binlogEntry.GetMessage().GetData()
grpcLogRecord.PayloadSize = binlogEntry.GetMessage().GetLength()
grpcLogRecord.PayloadTruncated = binlogEntry.GetPayloadTruncated()
case binlogpb.GrpcLogEntry_EVENT_TYPE_CLIENT_HALF_CLOSE:
grpcLogRecord.EventType = grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord_GRPC_CALL_HALF_CLOSE
case binlogpb.GrpcLogEntry_EVENT_TYPE_SERVER_TRAILER:
grpcLogRecord.EventType = grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord_GRPC_CALL_TRAILER
grpcLogRecord.Metadata = translateMetadata(binlogEntry.GetTrailer().Metadata)
grpcLogRecord.StatusCode = binlogEntry.GetTrailer().GetStatusCode()
grpcLogRecord.StatusMessage = binlogEntry.GetTrailer().GetStatusMessage()
grpcLogRecord.StatusDetails = binlogEntry.GetTrailer().GetStatusDetails()
grpcLogRecord.PayloadTruncated = binlogEntry.GetPayloadTruncated()
setPeerIfPresent(binlogEntry, grpcLogRecord)
case binlogpb.GrpcLogEntry_EVENT_TYPE_CANCEL:
grpcLogRecord.EventType = grpclogrecordpb.GrpcLogRecord_GRPC_CALL_CANCEL
logger.Infof("Unknown event type: %v", binlogEntry.Type)
grpcLogRecord.ServiceName = ml.serviceName
grpcLogRecord.MethodName = ml.methodName
type binaryLogger struct {
// originalLogger is needed to ensure binary logging users won't be impacted
// by this plugin. Users are allowed to subscribe to a completely different
// set of methods.
originalLogger iblog.Logger
// exporter is a loggingExporter and the handle for uploading collected data
// to backends.
exporter unsafe.Pointer // loggingExporter
// logger is a iblog.Logger wrapped for reusing the pattern matching logic
// and the method logger creating logic.
logger unsafe.Pointer // iblog.Logger
func (l *binaryLogger) loadExporter() loggingExporter {
ptrPtr := atomic.LoadPointer(&l.exporter)
if ptrPtr == nil {
return nil
exporterPtr := (*loggingExporter)(ptrPtr)
return *exporterPtr
func (l *binaryLogger) loadLogger() iblog.Logger {
ptrPtr := atomic.LoadPointer(&l.logger)
if ptrPtr == nil {
return nil
loggerPtr := (*iblog.Logger)(ptrPtr)
return *loggerPtr
func (l *binaryLogger) GetMethodLogger(methodName string) iblog.MethodLogger {
var ol iblog.MethodLogger
if l.originalLogger != nil {
ol = l.originalLogger.GetMethodLogger(methodName)
// If user specify a "*" pattern, binarylog will log every single call and
// content. This means the exporting RPC's events will be captured. Even if
// we batch up the uploads in the exporting RPC, the message content of that
// RPC will be logged. Without this exclusion, we may end up with an ever
// expanding message field in log entries, and crash the process with OOM.
if methodName == "google.logging.v2.LoggingServiceV2/WriteLogEntries" {
return ol
// If no exporter is specified, there is no point creating a method
// logger. We don't have any chance to inject exporter after its
// creation.
exporter := l.loadExporter()
if exporter == nil {
return ol
// If no logger is specified, e.g., during init period, do nothing.
binLogger := l.loadLogger()
if binLogger == nil {
return ol
// If this method is not picked by LoggerConfig, do nothing.
ml := binLogger.GetMethodLogger(methodName)
if ml == nil {
return ol
return &binaryMethodLogger{
originalMethodLogger: ol,
childMethodLogger: ml,
rpcID: uuid.NewString(),
exporter: exporter,
func (l *binaryLogger) Close() {
if l == nil {
ePtr := atomic.LoadPointer(&l.exporter)
if ePtr != nil {
exporter := (*loggingExporter)(ePtr)
if err := (*exporter).Close(); err != nil {
logger.Infof("Failed to close logging exporter: %v", err)
func validateExistingMethodLoggerConfig(existing *iblog.MethodLoggerConfig, filter *configpb.ObservabilityConfig_LogFilter) bool {
// In future, we could add more validations. Currently, we only check if the
// new filter configs are different than the existing one, if so, we log a
// warning.
if existing != nil && (existing.Header != uint64(filter.HeaderBytes) || existing.Message != uint64(filter.MessageBytes)) {
logger.Warningf("Ignored log_filter config: %+v", filter)
return existing == nil
func createBinaryLoggerConfig(filters []*configpb.ObservabilityConfig_LogFilter) iblog.LoggerConfig {
config := iblog.LoggerConfig{
Services: make(map[string]*iblog.MethodLoggerConfig),
Methods: make(map[string]*iblog.MethodLoggerConfig),
// Try matching the filters one by one, pick the first match. The
// correctness of the log filter pattern is ensured by config.go.
for _, filter := range filters {
if filter.Pattern == "*" {
// Match a "*"
if !validateExistingMethodLoggerConfig(config.All, filter) {
config.All = &iblog.MethodLoggerConfig{Header: uint64(filter.HeaderBytes), Message: uint64(filter.MessageBytes)}
tokens := strings.SplitN(filter.Pattern, "/", 2)
filterService := tokens[0]
filterMethod := tokens[1]
if filterMethod == "*" {
// Handle "p.s/*" case
if !validateExistingMethodLoggerConfig(config.Services[filterService], filter) {
config.Services[filterService] = &iblog.MethodLoggerConfig{Header: uint64(filter.HeaderBytes), Message: uint64(filter.MessageBytes)}
// Exact match like "p.s/m"
if !validateExistingMethodLoggerConfig(config.Methods[filter.Pattern], filter) {
config.Methods[filter.Pattern] = &iblog.MethodLoggerConfig{Header: uint64(filter.HeaderBytes), Message: uint64(filter.MessageBytes)}
return config
// start is the core logic for setting up the custom binary logging logger, and
// it's also useful for testing.
func (l *binaryLogger) start(config *configpb.ObservabilityConfig, exporter loggingExporter) error {
filters := config.GetLogFilters()
if len(filters) == 0 || exporter == nil {
// Doing nothing is allowed
if exporter != nil {
// The exporter is owned by binaryLogger, so we should close it if
// we are not planning to use it.
logger.Info("Skipping gRPC Observability logger: no config")
return nil
binLogger := iblog.NewLoggerFromConfig(createBinaryLoggerConfig(filters))
if binLogger != nil {
atomic.StorePointer(&l.logger, unsafe.Pointer(&binLogger))
atomic.StorePointer(&l.exporter, unsafe.Pointer(&exporter))
logger.Info("Start gRPC Observability logger")
return nil
func (l *binaryLogger) Start(ctx context.Context, config *configpb.ObservabilityConfig) error {
if config == nil || !config.GetEnableCloudLogging() {
return nil
if config.GetDestinationProjectId() == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to enable CloudLogging: empty destination_project_id")
exporter, err := newCloudLoggingExporter(ctx, config.DestinationProjectId)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to create CloudLogging exporter: %v", err)
l.start(config, exporter)
return nil
func newBinaryLogger(iblogger iblog.Logger) *binaryLogger {
return &binaryLogger{
originalLogger: iblogger,
var defaultLogger *binaryLogger
func prepareLogging() {
defaultLogger = newBinaryLogger(iblog.GetLogger())