blob: 9942207a5fba8e0ef9920efc0fc75ba4f67fda9e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Package service defines methods to register a gRPC client/service for a
// profiling service that is exposed in the same server. This service can be
// queried by a client to remotely manage the gRPC profiling behaviour of an
// application.
// This package and all its methods are EXPERIMENTAL.
package service
//go:generate protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc,paths=source_relative:../proto -I../proto ../proto/service.proto
import (
ppb ""
// ProfilingConfig defines configuration options for the Init method.
type ProfilingConfig struct {
// Setting this to true will enable profiling.
Enabled bool
// Profiling uses a circular buffer (ring buffer) to store statistics for
// only the last few RPCs so that profiling stats do not grow unbounded. This
// parameter defines the upper limit on the number of RPCs for which
// statistics should be stored at any given time. An average RPC requires
// approximately 2-3 KiB of memory for profiling-related statistics, so
// choose an appropriate number based on the amount of memory you can afford.
StreamStatsSize uint32
// To expose the profiling service and its methods, a *grpc.Server must be
// provided.
Server *grpc.Server
var errorNilServer = errors.New("profiling: no grpc.Server provided")
// Init takes a *ProfilingConfig to initialize profiling (turned on/off
// depending on the value set in pc.Enabled) and register the profiling service
// in the server provided in pc.Server.
func Init(pc *ProfilingConfig) error {
if pc.Server == nil {
return errorNilServer
if err := profiling.InitStats(pc.StreamStatsSize); err != nil {
return err
ppb.RegisterProfilingServer(pc.Server, getProfilingServerInstance())
// Do this last after everything has been initialized and allocated.
return nil
type profilingServer struct {
drainMutex sync.Mutex
var profilingServerInstance *profilingServer
var profilingServerOnce sync.Once
// getProfilingServerInstance creates and returns a singleton instance of
// profilingServer. Only one instance of profilingServer is created to use a
// shared mutex across all profilingServer instances.
func getProfilingServerInstance() *profilingServer {
profilingServerOnce.Do(func() {
profilingServerInstance = &profilingServer{}
return profilingServerInstance
func (s *profilingServer) Enable(ctx context.Context, req *ppb.EnableRequest) (*ppb.EnableResponse, error) {
if req.Enabled {
grpclog.Infof("profilingServer: Enable: enabling profiling")
} else {
grpclog.Infof("profilingServer: Enable: disabling profiling")
return &ppb.EnableResponse{}, nil
func timerToProtoTimer(timer *profiling.Timer) *ppb.Timer {
return &ppb.Timer{
Tags: timer.Tags,
BeginSec: timer.Begin.Unix(),
BeginNsec: int32(timer.Begin.Nanosecond()),
EndSec: timer.End.Unix(),
EndNsec: int32(timer.End.Nanosecond()),
GoId: timer.GoID,
func statToProtoStat(stat *profiling.Stat) *ppb.Stat {
protoStat := &ppb.Stat{
Tags: stat.Tags,
Timers: make([]*ppb.Timer, 0, len(stat.Timers)),
Metadata: stat.Metadata,
for _, t := range stat.Timers {
protoStat.Timers = append(protoStat.Timers, timerToProtoTimer(t))
return protoStat
func (s *profilingServer) GetStreamStats(ctx context.Context, req *ppb.GetStreamStatsRequest) (*ppb.GetStreamStatsResponse, error) {
// Since the drain operation is destructive, only one client request should
// be served at a time.
grpclog.Infof("profilingServer: GetStreamStats: processing request")
results := profiling.StreamStats.Drain()
grpclog.Infof("profilingServer: GetStreamStats: returning %v records", len(results))
streamStats := make([]*ppb.Stat, 0)
for _, stat := range results {
streamStats = append(streamStats, statToProtoStat(stat.(*profiling.Stat)))
return &ppb.GetStreamStatsResponse{StreamStats: streamStats}, nil