blob: fd2893e6364c788501c249f3cdad0efc944a8736 [file] [log] [blame]
find . -name '*.proto' -print0 |
while IFS= read -r -d '' f
# Import mangling.
-e 's#import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";##'
# Remove references to gogo.proto extensions.
-e 's#option (gogoproto\.[a-z_]\+) = \(true\|false\);##'
-e 's#\(, \)\?(gogoproto\.[a-z_]\+) = \(true\|false\),\?##'
# gogoproto removal can result in empty brackets.
-e 's# \[\]##'
# gogoproto removal can result in four spaces on a line by itself.
-e '/^ $/d'
sed -i "${commands[@]}" "$f"
# gogoproto removal can leave a comma on the last element in a list.
# This needs to run separately after all the commands above have finished
# since it is multi-line and rewrites the output of the above patterns.
sed -i -e '$!N; s#\(.*\),\([[:space:]]*\];\)#\1\2#; t; P; D;' "$f"