blob: 254c14a6a8f6d24548d00848d0f4a3a634bd5ed1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "src/core/ext/census/window_stats.h"
#include <grpc/support/log.h>
#include <grpc/support/time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "test/core/util/test_config.h"
typedef struct test_stat {
double value1;
int value2;
} test_stat;
void add_test_stat(void *base, const void *addme) {
test_stat *b = (test_stat *)base;
const test_stat *a = (const test_stat *)addme;
b->value1 += a->value1;
b->value2 += a->value2;
void add_proportion_test_stat(double p, void *base, const void *addme) {
test_stat *b = (test_stat *)base;
const test_stat *a = (const test_stat *)addme;
b->value1 += p * a->value1;
b->value2 += p * a->value2 + 0.5; /* +0.5 is poor mans (no c99) round() */
const struct census_window_stats_stat_info kMyStatInfo = {
sizeof(test_stat), NULL, add_test_stat, add_proportion_test_stat};
const gpr_timespec kMilliSecInterval = {0, 1000000};
const gpr_timespec kSecInterval = {1, 0};
const gpr_timespec kMinInterval = {60, 0};
const gpr_timespec kHourInterval = {3600, 0};
const gpr_timespec kPrimeInterval = {0, 101};
static int compare_double(double a, double b, double epsilon) {
if (a >= b) {
return (a > b + epsilon) ? 1 : 0;
} else {
return (b > a + epsilon) ? -1 : 0;
void empty_test(void) {
census_window_stats_sums result;
const gpr_timespec zero = {0, 0};
test_stat sum;
struct census_window_stats *stats =
census_window_stats_create(1, &kMinInterval, 5, &kMyStatInfo);
GPR_ASSERT(stats != NULL);
result.statistic = &sum;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, zero, &result);
GPR_ASSERT(result.count == 0 && sum.value1 == 0 && sum.value2 == 0);
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), &result);
GPR_ASSERT(result.count == 0 && sum.value1 == 0 && sum.value2 == 0);
void one_interval_test(void) {
const test_stat value = {0.1, 4};
const double epsilon = 1e10 - 11;
gpr_timespec when = {0, 0};
census_window_stats_sums result;
test_stat sum;
/* granularity == 5 so width of internal windows should be 12s */
struct census_window_stats *stats =
census_window_stats_create(1, &kMinInterval, 5, &kMyStatInfo);
GPR_ASSERT(stats != NULL);
/* phase 1: insert a single value at t=0s, and check that various measurement
times result in expected output values */
census_window_stats_add(stats, when, &value);
result.statistic = &sum;
/* when = 0s, values extracted should be everything */
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, &result);
GPR_ASSERT(compare_double(result.count, 1, epsilon) == 0 &&
compare_double(sum.value1, value.value1, epsilon) == 0 &&
sum.value2 == value.value2);
/* when = 6,30,60s, should be all of the data */
when.tv_sec = 6;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, &result);
GPR_ASSERT(compare_double(result.count, 1.0, epsilon) == 0 &&
compare_double(sum.value1, value.value1, epsilon) == 0 &&
sum.value2 == value.value2);
/* when == 30s,60s, should be all of the data */
when.tv_sec = 30;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, &result);
GPR_ASSERT(compare_double(result.count, 1.0, epsilon) == 0 &&
compare_double(sum.value1, value.value1, epsilon) == 0 &&
sum.value2 == value.value2);
when.tv_sec = 60;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, &result);
GPR_ASSERT(compare_double(result.count, 1.0, epsilon) == 0 &&
compare_double(sum.value1, value.value1, epsilon) == 0 &&
sum.value2 == value.value2);
/* when = 66s, should be half (only take half of bottom bucket) */
when.tv_sec = 66;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, &result);
GPR_ASSERT(compare_double(result.count, 0.5, epsilon) == 0 &&
compare_double(sum.value1, value.value1 / 2, epsilon) == 0 &&
sum.value2 == value.value2 / 2);
/* when = 72s, should be completely out of window */
when.tv_sec = 72;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, &result);
GPR_ASSERT(compare_double(result.count, 0, epsilon) == 0 &&
compare_double(sum.value1, 0, epsilon) == 0 && sum.value2 == 0);
/* phase 2: tear down and do as before, but inserting two values */
stats = census_window_stats_create(1, &kMinInterval, 5, &kMyStatInfo);
GPR_ASSERT(stats != NULL);
when.tv_sec = 0;
when.tv_nsec = 17;
census_window_stats_add(stats, when, &value);
when.tv_sec = 1;
census_window_stats_add(stats, when, &value);
when.tv_sec = 0;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, &result);
GPR_ASSERT(compare_double(result.count, 0, epsilon) == 0 &&
compare_double(sum.value1, 0, epsilon) == 0 && sum.value2 == 0);
/* time = 3s, 30s, should get all data */
when.tv_sec = 3;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, &result);
GPR_ASSERT(compare_double(result.count, 2, epsilon) == 0 &&
compare_double(sum.value1, 2 * value.value1, epsilon) == 0 &&
sum.value2 == 2 * value.value2);
when.tv_sec = 30;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, &result);
GPR_ASSERT(compare_double(result.count, 2, epsilon) == 0 &&
compare_double(sum.value1, 2 * value.value1, epsilon) == 0 &&
sum.value2 == 2 * value.value2);
/* phase 3: insert into "middle" bucket, and force a shift, pushing out
the two values in bottom bucket */
when.tv_sec = 30;
census_window_stats_add(stats, when, &value);
when.tv_sec = 76;
census_window_stats_add(stats, when, &value);
when.tv_sec = 0;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, &result);
GPR_ASSERT(result.count == 0 && sum.value1 == 0 && sum.value2 == 0);
when.tv_sec = 30;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, &result);
/* half of the single value in the 30 second bucket */
GPR_ASSERT(compare_double(result.count, 0.5, epsilon) == 0 &&
compare_double(sum.value1, value.value1 / 2, epsilon) == 0 &&
sum.value2 == value.value2 / 2);
when.tv_sec = 74;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, &result);
/* half of the 76 second bucket, all of the 30 second bucket */
GPR_ASSERT(compare_double(result.count, 1.5, epsilon) == 0 &&
compare_double(sum.value1, value.value1 * 1.5, epsilon) == 0 &&
sum.value2 == value.value2 / 2 * 3);
when.tv_sec = 76;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, &result);
/* >=76s, get all of the 76 second bucket, all of the 30 second bucket */
GPR_ASSERT(compare_double(result.count, 2, epsilon) == 0 &&
compare_double(sum.value1, value.value1 * 2, epsilon) == 0 &&
sum.value2 == value.value2 * 2);
when.tv_sec = 78;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, &result);
/* half of the 76 second bucket, all of the 30 second bucket */
GPR_ASSERT(compare_double(result.count, 2, epsilon) == 0 &&
compare_double(sum.value1, value.value1 * 2, epsilon) == 0 &&
sum.value2 == value.value2 * 2);
void many_interval_test(void) {
gpr_timespec intervals[4];
const test_stat value = {123.45, 8};
const double epsilon = 1e10 - 11;
gpr_timespec when = {3600, 0}; /* one hour */
census_window_stats_sums result[4];
test_stat sums[4];
int i;
struct census_window_stats *stats;
intervals[0] = kMilliSecInterval;
intervals[1] = kSecInterval;
intervals[2] = kMinInterval;
intervals[3] = kHourInterval;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
result[i].statistic = &sums[i];
stats = census_window_stats_create(4, intervals, 100, &kMyStatInfo);
GPR_ASSERT(stats != NULL);
/* add 10 stats within half of each time range */
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
when.tv_sec += 180; /* covers 30 min of one hour range */
census_window_stats_add(stats, when, &value);
when.tv_sec += 120;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
when.tv_sec += 3; /* covers 30 sec of one minute range */
census_window_stats_add(stats, when, &value);
when.tv_sec += 2;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
when.tv_nsec += 50000000; /* covers 0.5s of 1s range */
census_window_stats_add(stats, when, &value);
when.tv_nsec += 2000000;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
when.tv_nsec += 50000; /* covers 0.5 ms of 1 ms range */
census_window_stats_add(stats, when, &value);
when.tv_nsec += 20000;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, result);
GPR_ASSERT(compare_double(result[0].count, 10, epsilon) == 0 &&
compare_double(sums[0].value1, value.value1 * 10, epsilon) == 0 &&
sums[0].value2 == value.value2 * 10);
when.tv_nsec += 20000000;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, result);
GPR_ASSERT(compare_double(result[1].count, 20, epsilon) == 0 &&
compare_double(sums[1].value1, value.value1 * 20, epsilon) == 0 &&
sums[1].value2 == value.value2 * 20);
when.tv_sec += 2;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, result);
GPR_ASSERT(compare_double(result[2].count, 30, epsilon) == 0 &&
compare_double(sums[2].value1, value.value1 * 30, epsilon) == 0 &&
sums[2].value2 == value.value2 * 30);
when.tv_sec += 72;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, result);
GPR_ASSERT(compare_double(result[3].count, 40, epsilon) == 0 &&
compare_double(sums[3].value1, value.value1 * 40, epsilon) == 0 &&
sums[3].value2 == value.value2 * 40);
void rolling_time_test(void) {
const test_stat value = {0.1, 4};
gpr_timespec when = {0, 0};
census_window_stats_sums result;
test_stat sum;
int i;
gpr_timespec increment = {0, 0};
struct census_window_stats *stats =
census_window_stats_create(1, &kMinInterval, 7, &kMyStatInfo);
GPR_ASSERT(stats != NULL);
for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
increment.tv_nsec = rand() % 100000000; /* up to 1/10th second */
when = gpr_time_add(when, increment);
census_window_stats_add(stats, when, &value);
result.statistic = &sum;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, &result);
/* With 1/20th second average between samples, we expect 20*60 = 1200
samples on average. Make sure we are within 100 of that. */
GPR_ASSERT(compare_double(result.count, 1200, 100) == 0);
#include <stdio.h>
void infinite_interval_test(void) {
const test_stat value = {0.1, 4};
gpr_timespec when = {0, 0};
census_window_stats_sums result;
test_stat sum;
int i;
const int count = 100000;
gpr_timespec increment = {0, 0};
struct census_window_stats *stats = census_window_stats_create(
1, &gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), 10, &kMyStatInfo);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
increment.tv_sec = rand() % 21600; /* 6 hours */
when = gpr_time_add(when, increment);
census_window_stats_add(stats, when, &value);
result.statistic = &sum;
census_window_stats_get_sums(stats, when, &result);
/* The only thing it makes sense to compare for "infinite" periods is the
total counts */
GPR_ASSERT(result.count == count);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
grpc_test_init(argc, argv);
return 0;