blob: ebbb1a93b38b42bd066460a563b0321b1fcdc031 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2016 gRPC authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import sys
import unittest
import re
# hack import paths to pick up extra code
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('tools/run_tests/'))
from run_tests_matrix import _create_test_jobs, _create_portability_test_jobs
import python_utils.filter_pull_request_tests as filter_pull_request_tests
'c', 'c++', 'csharp', 'grpc-node', 'objc', 'php', 'php7', 'python', 'ruby'
_LIST_OF_PLATFORM_LABELS = ['linux', 'macos', 'windows']
class TestFilteringTest(unittest.TestCase):
def generate_all_tests(self):
all_jobs = _create_test_jobs() + _create_portability_test_jobs()
return all_jobs
def test_filtering(self, changed_files=[], labels=_LIST_OF_LANGUAGE_LABELS):
Default args should filter no tests because changed_files is empty and
default labels should be able to match all jobs
:param changed_files: mock list of changed_files from pull request
:param labels: list of job labels that should be skipped
all_jobs = self.generate_all_tests()
# Replacing _get_changed_files function to allow specifying changed files in filter_tests function
def _get_changed_files(foo):
return changed_files
filter_pull_request_tests._get_changed_files = _get_changed_files
filtered_jobs = filter_pull_request_tests.filter_tests(all_jobs, "test")
# Make sure sanity tests aren't being filtered out
sanity_tests_in_all_jobs = 0
sanity_tests_in_filtered_jobs = 0
for job in all_jobs:
if "sanity" in job.labels:
sanity_tests_in_all_jobs += 1
all_jobs = [job for job in all_jobs if "sanity" not in job.labels]
for job in filtered_jobs:
if "sanity" in job.labels:
sanity_tests_in_filtered_jobs += 1
filtered_jobs = [
job for job in filtered_jobs if "sanity" not in job.labels
for label in labels:
for job in filtered_jobs:
self.assertNotIn(label, job.labels)
jobs_matching_labels = 0
for label in labels:
for job in all_jobs:
if (label in job.labels):
jobs_matching_labels += 1
len(all_jobs) - jobs_matching_labels)
def test_individual_language_filters(self):
# Changing unlisted file should trigger all languages
self.test_filtering(['ffffoo/bar.baz'], [_LIST_OF_LANGUAGE_LABELS])
# Changing core should trigger all tests
self.test_filtering(['src/core/'], [_LIST_OF_LANGUAGE_LABELS])
# Testing individual languages
self.test_filtering(['test/core/'], [
label for label in _LIST_OF_LANGUAGE_LABELS
if label not in filter_pull_request_tests._CORE_TEST_SUITE.labels +
self.test_filtering(['src/cpp/'], [
label for label in _LIST_OF_LANGUAGE_LABELS
if label not in filter_pull_request_tests._CPP_TEST_SUITE.labels
self.test_filtering(['src/csharp/'], [
label for label in _LIST_OF_LANGUAGE_LABELS
if label not in filter_pull_request_tests._CSHARP_TEST_SUITE.labels
self.test_filtering(['src/objective-c/'], [
label for label in _LIST_OF_LANGUAGE_LABELS
if label not in filter_pull_request_tests._OBJC_TEST_SUITE.labels
self.test_filtering(['src/php/'], [
label for label in _LIST_OF_LANGUAGE_LABELS
if label not in filter_pull_request_tests._PHP_TEST_SUITE.labels
self.test_filtering(['src/python/'], [
label for label in _LIST_OF_LANGUAGE_LABELS
if label not in filter_pull_request_tests._PYTHON_TEST_SUITE.labels
self.test_filtering(['src/ruby/'], [
label for label in _LIST_OF_LANGUAGE_LABELS
if label not in filter_pull_request_tests._RUBY_TEST_SUITE.labels
def test_combined_language_filters(self):
self.test_filtering(['src/cpp/', 'test/core/'], [
label for label in _LIST_OF_LANGUAGE_LABELS
if label not in filter_pull_request_tests._CPP_TEST_SUITE.labels and
label not in filter_pull_request_tests._CORE_TEST_SUITE.labels
self.test_filtering(['src/cpp/', "src/csharp/"], [
label for label in _LIST_OF_LANGUAGE_LABELS
if label not in filter_pull_request_tests._CPP_TEST_SUITE.labels and
label not in filter_pull_request_tests._CSHARP_TEST_SUITE.labels
'src/objective-c/', 'src/php/', "src/python/",
], [
label for label in _LIST_OF_LANGUAGE_LABELS
if label not in filter_pull_request_tests._OBJC_TEST_SUITE.labels
and label not in filter_pull_request_tests._PHP_TEST_SUITE.labels
and label not in filter_pull_request_tests._PYTHON_TEST_SUITE.labels
and label not in filter_pull_request_tests._RUBY_TEST_SUITE.labels
def test_platform_filter(self):
self.test_filtering(['vsprojects/'], [
label for label in _LIST_OF_PLATFORM_LABELS
if label not in filter_pull_request_tests._WINDOWS_TEST_SUITE.labels
def test_whitelist(self):
whitelist = filter_pull_request_tests._WHITELIST_DICT
files_that_should_trigger_all_tests = [
'src/core/', 'some_file_not_on_the_white_list', 'BUILD',
'etc/roots.pem', 'Makefile', 'tools/foo'
for key in whitelist.keys():
for file_name in files_that_should_trigger_all_tests:
self.assertFalse(re.match(key, file_name))
if __name__ == '__main__':