blob: 0861dff009f87d82a1f0e84332ac5d3b4ebe3c26 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdint>
#include <fstream>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <openssl/sha.h>
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
#include "absl/strings/ascii.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_replace.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_split.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "absl/types/variant.h"
#include "src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/transport/huffsyms.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/match.h"
// SHA256 hash handling
// We need strong uniqueness checks of some very long strings - so we hash
// them with SHA256 and compare.
struct Hash {
uint8_t bytes[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
bool operator==(const Hash& other) const {
return memcmp(bytes, other.bytes, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH) == 0;
bool operator<(const Hash& other) const {
return memcmp(bytes, other.bytes, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH) < 0;
std::string ToString() const {
std::string result;
for (int i = 0; i < SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++) {
absl::StrAppend(&result, absl::Hex(bytes[i], absl::kZeroPad2));
return result;
// Given a vector of ints (T), return a Hash object with the sha256
template <typename T>
Hash HashVec(absl::string_view type, const std::vector<T>& v) {
Hash h;
std::string text = absl::StrCat(type, ":", absl::StrJoin(v, ","));
SHA256(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, text.size(), h.bytes);
return h;
// BitQueue
// A utility that treats a sequence of bits like a queue
class BitQueue {
BitQueue(unsigned mask, int len) : mask_(mask), len_(len) {}
BitQueue() : BitQueue(0, 0) {}
// Return the most significant bit (the front of the queue)
int Front() const { return (mask_ >> (len_ - 1)) & 1; }
// Pop one bit off the queue
void Pop() {
mask_ &= ~(1 << (len_ - 1));
bool Empty() const { return len_ == 0; }
int length() const { return len_; }
unsigned mask() const { return mask_; }
// Text representation of the queue
std::string ToString() const {
return absl::StrCat(absl::Hex(mask_), "/", len_);
// Comparisons so that we can use BitQueue as a key in a std::map
bool operator<(const BitQueue& other) const {
return std::tie(mask_, len_) < std::tie(other.mask_, other.len_);
// The bits
unsigned mask_;
// How many bits have we
int len_;
// Symbol sets for the huffman tree
// A Sym is one symbol in the tree, and the bits that we need to read to decode
// that symbol. As we progress through decoding we remove bits from the symbol,
// but also condense the number of symbols we're considering.
struct Sym {
BitQueue bits;
int symbol;
bool operator<(const Sym& other) const {
return std::tie(bits, symbol) < std::tie(other.bits, other.symbol);
// A SymSet is all the symbols we're considering at some time
using SymSet = std::vector<Sym>;
// Debug utility to turn a SymSet into a string
std::string SymSetString(const SymSet& syms) {
std::vector<std::string> parts;
for (const Sym& sym : syms) {
parts.push_back(absl::StrCat(sym.symbol, ":", sym.bits.ToString()));
return absl::StrJoin(parts, ",");
// Initial SymSet - all the symbols [0..256] with their bits initialized from
// the http2 static huffman tree.
SymSet AllSyms() {
SymSet syms;
for (int i = 0; i < GRPC_CHTTP2_NUM_HUFFSYMS; i++) {
Sym sym;
sym.bits =
BitQueue(grpc_chttp2_huffsyms[i].bits, grpc_chttp2_huffsyms[i].length);
sym.symbol = i;
return syms;
// What whould we do after reading a set of bits?
struct ReadActions {
// Emit these symbols
std::vector<int> emit;
// Number of bits that were consumed by the read
int consumed;
// Remaining SymSet that we need to consider on the next read action
SymSet remaining;
// Given a SymSet \a pending, read through the bits in \a index and determine
// what actions the decoder should take.
// allow_multiple controls the behavior should we get to the last bit in pending
// and hence know which symbol to emit, but we still have bits in index.
// We could either start decoding the next symbol (allow_multiple == true), or
// we could stop (allow_multiple == false).
// If allow_multiple is true we tend to emit more per read op, but generate
// bigger tables.
ReadActions ActionsFor(BitQueue index, SymSet pending, bool allow_multiple) {
std::vector<int> emit;
int len_start = index.length();
int len_consume = len_start;
// We read one bit in index at a time, so whilst we have bits...
while (!index.Empty()) {
SymSet next_pending;
// For each symbol in the pending set
for (auto sym : pending) {
// If the first bit doesn't match, then that symbol is not part of our
// remaining set.
if (sym.bits.Front() != index.Front()) continue;
switch (next_pending.size()) {
case 0:
// There should be no bit patterns that are undecodable.
case 1:
// If we have one symbol left, we need to have decoded all of it.
if (!next_pending[0].bits.Empty()) abort();
// Emit that symbol
// Track how many bits we've read.
len_consume = index.length() - 1;
// If we allow multiple, reprime pending and continue, otherwise stop.
if (!allow_multiple) goto done;
pending = AllSyms();
pending = std::move(next_pending);
// Finished with this bit, continue with next
return ReadActions{std::move(emit), len_start - len_consume, pending};
// MatchCase
// A variant that helps us bunch together related ReadActions
// A Matched in a MatchCase indicates that we need to emit some number of
// symbols
struct Matched {
// number of symbols to emit
int emits;
bool operator<(const Matched& other) const { return emits < other.emits; }
// Unmatched says we didn't emit anything and we need to keep decoding
struct Unmatched {
SymSet syms;
bool operator<(const Unmatched& other) const { return syms < other.syms; }
// Emit end of stream
struct End {
bool operator<(End) const { return false; }
using MatchCase = absl::variant<Matched, Unmatched, End>;
// Text & numeric helper functions
// Given a vector of lines, indent those lines by some number of indents
// (2 spaces) and return that.
std::vector<std::string> IndentLines(std::vector<std::string> lines,
int n = 1) {
std::string indent(2 * n, ' ');
for (auto& line : lines) {
line = absl::StrCat(indent, line);
return lines;
// Given a snake_case_name return a PascalCaseName
std::string ToPascalCase(const std::string& in) {
std::string out;
bool next_upper = true;
for (char c : in) {
if (c == '_') {
next_upper = true;
} else {
if (next_upper) {
next_upper = false;
} else {
return out;
// Return a uint type for some number of bits (16 -> uint16_t, 32 -> uint32_t)
std::string Uint(int bits) { return absl::StrCat("uint", bits, "_t"); }
// Given a maximum value, how many bits to store it in a uint
int TypeBitsForMax(int max) {
if (max <= 255) {
return 8;
} else if (max <= 65535) {
return 16;
} else {
return 32;
// Combine Uint & TypeBitsForMax to make for more concise code
std::string TypeForMax(int max) { return Uint(TypeBitsForMax(max)); }
// How many bits are needed to encode a value
int BitsForMaxValue(int x) {
int n = 0;
while (x >= (1 << n)) n++;
return n;
// Codegen framework
// Some helpers so we don't need to generate all the code linearly, which helps
// organize this a little more nicely.
// An Item is our primitive for code generation, it can generate some lines
// that it would like to emit - those lines are fed to a parent item that might
// generate more lines or mutate the ones we return, and so on until codegen
// is complete.
class Item {
virtual ~Item() = default;
virtual std::vector<std::string> ToLines() const = 0;
std::string ToString() const {
return absl::StrCat(absl::StrJoin(ToLines(), "\n"), "\n");
using ItemPtr = std::unique_ptr<Item>;
// An item that emits one line (the one given as an argument!)
class String : public Item {
explicit String(std::string s) : s_(std::move(s)) {}
std::vector<std::string> ToLines() const override { return {s_}; }
std::string s_;
// An item that returns a fixed copyright notice and autogenerated note text.
class Prelude final : public Item {
explicit Prelude(absl::string_view comment_prefix, int copyright_year)
: comment_prefix_(comment_prefix), copyright_year_(copyright_year) {}
std::vector<std::string> ToLines() const override {
auto line = [this](absl::string_view text) {
return absl::StrCat(comment_prefix_, " ", text);
return {
line(absl::StrCat("Copyright ", copyright_year_, " gRPC authors.")),
line("Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "
"you may not use this file except in compliance with the License."),
line("You may obtain a copy of the License at"),
line("Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, "
line("distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" "
line("See the License for the specific language governing permissions "
line("limitations under the License."),
line("This file is autogenerated: see "
absl::string_view comment_prefix_;
int copyright_year_;
class Switch;
// A Sink is an Item that we can add more Items to.
// At codegen time it calls each of its children in turn and concatenates
// their results together.
class Sink : public Item {
std::vector<std::string> ToLines() const override {
std::vector<std::string> lines;
for (const auto& item : children_) {
for (const auto& line : item->ToLines()) {
return lines;
// Add one string to our output.
void Add(std::string s) {
// Add an item of type T to our output (constructing it with args).
template <typename T, typename... Args>
T* Add(Args&&... args) {
auto v = std::make_unique<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
auto* r = v.get();
return r;
std::vector<ItemPtr> children_;
// A sink that indents its lines by one indent (2 spaces)
class Indent : public Sink {
std::vector<std::string> ToLines() const override {
return IndentLines(Sink::ToLines());
// A Sink that wraps its lines in a while block
class While : public Sink {
explicit While(std::string cond) : cond_(std::move(cond)) {}
std::vector<std::string> ToLines() const override {
std::vector<std::string> lines;
lines.push_back(absl::StrCat("while (", cond_, ") {"));
for (const auto& line : IndentLines(Sink::ToLines())) {
return lines;
std::string cond_;
// A switch statement.
// Cases can be modified by calling the Case member.
// Identical cases are collapsed into 'case X: case Y:' type blocks.
class Switch : public Item {
struct Default {
bool operator<(const Default&) const { return false; }
bool operator==(const Default&) const { return true; }
using CaseLabel = absl::variant<int, std::string, Default>;
// \a cond is the condition to place at the head of the switch statement.
// eg. "switch (cond) {".
explicit Switch(std::string cond) : cond_(std::move(cond)) {}
std::vector<std::string> ToLines() const override {
std::map<std::string, std::vector<CaseLabel>> reverse_map;
for (const auto& kv : cases_) {
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::vector<CaseLabel>>>
for (auto& kv : reverse_map) {
for (auto& e : sorted_reverse_map) {
std::sort(e.second.begin(), e.second.end());
std::sort(sorted_reverse_map.begin(), sorted_reverse_map.end(),
[](const auto& a, const auto& b) { return a.second < b.second; });
std::vector<std::string> lines;
lines.push_back(absl::StrCat("switch (", cond_, ") {"));
for (const auto& kv : sorted_reverse_map) {
for (const auto& cond : kv.second) {
" ",
cond, [](Default) -> std::string { return "default"; },
[](int i) { return absl::StrCat("case ", i); },
[](const std::string& s) { return absl::StrCat("case ", s); }),
lines.back().append(" {");
for (const auto& case_line :
IndentLines(cases_.find(kv.second[0])->second.ToLines(), 2)) {
lines.push_back(" }");
return lines;
Sink* Case(CaseLabel cond) { return &cases_[cond]; }
std::string cond_;
std::map<CaseLabel, Sink> cases_;
// BuildCtx declaration
// Shared state for one code gen attempt
class TableBuilder;
class FunMaker;
class BuildCtx {
BuildCtx(std::vector<int> max_bits_for_depth, Sink* global_fns,
Sink* global_decls, Sink* global_values, FunMaker* fun_maker)
: max_bits_for_depth_(std::move(max_bits_for_depth)),
fun_maker_(fun_maker) {}
void AddStep(SymSet start_syms, int num_bits, bool is_top, bool refill,
int depth, Sink* out);
void AddMatchBody(TableBuilder* table_builder, std::string index,
std::string ofs, const MatchCase& match_case, bool is_top,
bool refill, int depth, Sink* out);
void AddDone(SymSet start_syms, int num_bits, bool all_ones_so_far,
Sink* out);
int NewId() { return next_id_++; }
int MaxBitsForTop() const { return max_bits_for_depth_[0]; }
absl::optional<std::string> PreviousNameForArtifact(std::string proposed_name,
Hash hash) {
auto it = arrays_.find(hash);
if (it == arrays_.end()) {
arrays_.emplace(hash, proposed_name);
return absl::nullopt;
return it->second;
Sink* global_fns() const { return global_fns_; }
Sink* global_decls() const { return global_decls_; }
Sink* global_values() const { return global_values_; }
void AddDoneCase(size_t n, size_t n_bits, bool all_ones_so_far, SymSet syms,
std::vector<uint8_t> emit, TableBuilder* table_builder,
std::map<absl::optional<int>, int>* cases);
const std::vector<int> max_bits_for_depth_;
std::map<Hash, std::string> arrays_;
int next_id_ = 1;
Sink* const global_fns_;
Sink* const global_decls_;
Sink* const global_values_;
FunMaker* const fun_maker_;
// TableBuilder
// All our magic for building decode tables.
// We have three kinds of tables to generate:
// 1. op tables that translate a bit sequence to which decode case we should
// execute (and arguments to it), and
// 2. emit tables that translate an index given by the op table and tell us
// which symbols to emit
// Op table format
// Our opcodes contain an offset into an emit table, a number of bits consumed
// and an operation. The consumed bits are how many of the presented to us bits
// we actually took. The operation tells whether to emit some symbols (and how
// many) or to keep decoding.
// Optimization 1:
// op tables are essentially dense maps of bits -> opcode, and it turns out
// that *many* of the opcodes repeat across index bits for some of our tables
// so for those we split the table into two levels: first level indexes into
// a child table, and the child table contains the deduped opcodes.
// Optimization 2:
// Emit tables are a bit list of uint8_ts, and are indexed into by the op
// table (with an offset and length) - since many symbols get repeated, we try
// to overlay the symbols in the emit table to reduce the size.
// Optimization 3:
// We shard the table into some number of slices and use the top bits of the
// incoming lookup to select the shard. This tends to allow us to use smaller
// types to represent the table, saving on footprint.
class TableBuilder {
explicit TableBuilder(BuildCtx* ctx) : ctx_(ctx), id_(ctx->NewId()) {}
// Append one case to the table
void Add(int match_case, std::vector<uint8_t> emit, int consumed_bits) {
elems_.push_back({match_case, std::move(emit), consumed_bits});
max_consumed_bits_ = std::max(max_consumed_bits_, consumed_bits);
max_match_case_ = std::max(max_match_case_, match_case);
// Build the table
void Build() const {
Choose()->Build(this, BitsForMaxValue(elems_.size() - 1));
// Generate a call to the accessor function for the emit table
std::string EmitAccessor(std::string index, std::string offset) {
return absl::StrCat("GetEmit", id_, "(", index, ", ", offset, ")");
// Generate a call to the accessor function for the op table
std::string OpAccessor(std::string index) {
return absl::StrCat("GetOp", id_, "(", index, ")");
int ConsumeBits() const { return BitsForMaxValue(max_consumed_bits_); }
int MatchBits() const { return BitsForMaxValue(max_match_case_); }
// One element in the op table.
struct Elem {
int match_case;
std::vector<uint8_t> emit;
int consumed_bits;
// A nested slice is one slice of a table using two level lookup
// - i.e. we look at an outer table to get an index into the inner table,
// and then fetch the result from there.
struct NestedSlice {
std::vector<uint8_t> emit;
std::vector<uint64_t> inner;
std::vector<int> outer;
// Various sizes return number of bits to be generated
size_t InnerSize() const {
return inner.size() *
TypeBitsForMax(*std::max_element(inner.begin(), inner.end()));
size_t OuterSize() const {
return outer.size() *
TypeBitsForMax(*std::max_element(outer.begin(), outer.end()));
size_t EmitSize() const { return emit.size() * 8; }
// A slice is one part of a larger table.
struct Slice {
std::vector<uint8_t> emit;
std::vector<uint64_t> ops;
// Various sizes return number of bits to be generated
size_t OpsSize() const {
return ops.size() *
TypeBitsForMax(*std::max_element(ops.begin(), ops.end()));
size_t EmitSize() const { return emit.size() * 8; }
// Given a vector of symbols to emit, return the offset into the emit table
// that they're at (adding them to the emit table if necessary).
int OffsetOf(const std::vector<uint8_t>& x) {
if (x.empty()) return 0;
auto r = std::search(emit.begin(), emit.end(), x.begin(), x.end());
if (r == emit.end()) {
// look for a partial match @ end
for (size_t check_len = x.size() - 1; check_len > 0; check_len--) {
if (emit.size() < check_len) continue;
bool matches = true;
for (size_t i = 0; matches && i < check_len; i++) {
if (emit[emit.size() - check_len + i] != x[i]) matches = false;
if (matches) {
int offset = emit.size() - check_len;
for (size_t i = check_len; i < x.size(); i++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
if (emit[offset + i] != x[i]) {
return offset;
// add new
int result = emit.size();
for (auto v : x) emit.push_back(v);
return result;
return r - emit.begin();
// Convert this slice to a nested slice.
NestedSlice MakeNestedSlice() const {
NestedSlice result;
result.emit = emit;
std::map<uint64_t, int> op_to_inner;
for (auto v : ops) {
auto it = op_to_inner.find(v);
if (it == op_to_inner.end()) {
it = op_to_inner.emplace(v, op_to_inner.size()).first;
return result;
// An EncodeOption is a potential way of encoding a table.
struct EncodeOption {
// Overall size (in bits) of the table encoding
virtual size_t Size() const = 0;
// Generate the code
virtual void Build(const TableBuilder* builder, int op_bits) const = 0;
virtual ~EncodeOption() {}
// NestedTable is a table that uses two level lookup for each slice
struct NestedTable : public EncodeOption {
std::vector<NestedSlice> slices;
int slice_bits;
size_t Size() const override {
size_t sum = 0;
std::vector<Hash> h_emit;
std::vector<Hash> h_inner;
std::vector<Hash> h_outer;
for (size_t i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++) {
h_emit.push_back(HashVec("uint8_t", slices[i].emit));
h_inner.push_back(HashVec(TypeForMax(MaxInner()), slices[i].inner));
h_outer.push_back(HashVec(TypeForMax(MaxOuter()), slices[i].outer));
std::set<Hash> seen;
for (size_t i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++) {
// Try to account for deduplication in the size calculation.
if (seen.count(h_emit[i]) == 0) sum += slices[i].EmitSize();
if (seen.count(h_outer[i]) == 0) sum += slices[i].OuterSize();
if (seen.count(h_inner[i]) == 0) sum += slices[i].OuterSize();
if (slice_bits != 0) sum += 3 * 64 * slices.size();
return sum;
void Build(const TableBuilder* builder, int op_bits) const override {
Sink* const global_fns = builder->ctx_->global_fns();
Sink* const global_decls = builder->ctx_->global_decls();
Sink* const global_values = builder->ctx_->global_values();
const int id = builder->id_;
std::vector<std::string> lines;
const uint64_t max_inner = MaxInner();
const uint64_t max_outer = MaxOuter();
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Array>> emit_names;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Array>> inner_names;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Array>> outer_names;
for (size_t i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++) {
slice_bits != 0, absl::StrCat("table", id, "_", i, "_emit"),
"uint8_t", slices[i].emit, true, global_decls, global_values));
slice_bits != 0, absl::StrCat("table", id, "_", i, "_inner"),
TypeForMax(max_inner), slices[i].inner, true, global_decls,
slice_bits != 0, absl::StrCat("table", id, "_", i, "_outer"),
TypeForMax(max_outer), slices[i].outer, false, global_decls,
if (slice_bits == 0) {
"static inline uint64_t GetOp", id, "(size_t i) { return ",
inner_names[0]->Index(outer_names[0]->Index("i")), "; }"));
global_fns->Add(absl::StrCat("static inline uint64_t GetEmit", id,
"(size_t, size_t emit) { return ",
emit_names[0]->Index("emit"), "; }"));
} else {
GenCompound(id, emit_names, "emit", "uint8_t", global_decls,
GenCompound(id, inner_names, "inner", TypeForMax(max_inner),
global_decls, global_values);
GenCompound(id, outer_names, "outer", TypeForMax(max_outer),
global_decls, global_values);
"static inline uint64_t GetOp", id, "(size_t i) { return table", id,
"_inner_[i >> ", op_bits - slice_bits, "][table", id,
"_outer_[i >> ", op_bits - slice_bits, "][i & 0x",
absl::Hex((1 << (op_bits - slice_bits)) - 1), "]]; }"));
global_fns->Add(absl::StrCat("static inline uint64_t GetEmit", id,
"(size_t i, size_t emit) { return table",
id, "_emit_[i >> ", op_bits - slice_bits,
"][emit]; }"));
uint64_t MaxInner() const {
if (max_inner == 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++) {
max_inner =
std::max(max_inner, *std::max_element(slices[i].inner.begin(),
return max_inner;
int MaxOuter() const {
if (max_outer == 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++) {
max_outer =
std::max(max_outer, *std::max_element(slices[i].outer.begin(),
return max_outer;
mutable uint64_t max_inner = 0;
mutable int max_outer = 0;
// Encoding that uses single level lookup for each slice.
struct Table : public EncodeOption {
std::vector<Slice> slices;
int slice_bits;
size_t Size() const override {
size_t sum = 0;
std::vector<Hash> h_emit;
std::vector<Hash> h_ops;
for (size_t i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++) {
h_emit.push_back(HashVec("uint8_t", slices[i].emit));
h_ops.push_back(HashVec(TypeForMax(MaxOp()), slices[i].ops));
std::set<Hash> seen;
for (size_t i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++) {
if (seen.count(h_emit[i]) == 0) sum += slices[i].EmitSize();
if (seen.count(h_ops[i]) == 0) sum += slices[i].OpsSize();
return sum + 3 * 64 * slices.size();
void Build(const TableBuilder* builder, int op_bits) const override {
Sink* const global_fns = builder->ctx_->global_fns();
Sink* const global_decls = builder->ctx_->global_decls();
Sink* const global_values = builder->ctx_->global_values();
uint64_t max_op = MaxOp();
const int id = builder->id_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Array>> emit_names;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Array>> ops_names;
for (size_t i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++) {
slice_bits != 0, absl::StrCat("table", id, "_", i, "_emit"),
"uint8_t", slices[i].emit, true, global_decls, global_values));
slice_bits != 0, absl::StrCat("table", id, "_", i, "_ops"),
TypeForMax(max_op), slices[i].ops, true, global_decls,
if (slice_bits == 0) {
global_fns->Add(absl::StrCat("static inline uint64_t GetOp", id,
"(size_t i) { return ",
ops_names[0]->Index("i"), "; }"));
global_fns->Add(absl::StrCat("static inline uint64_t GetEmit", id,
"(size_t, size_t emit) { return ",
emit_names[0]->Index("emit"), "; }"));
} else {
GenCompound(id, emit_names, "emit", "uint8_t", global_decls,
GenCompound(id, ops_names, "ops", TypeForMax(max_op), global_decls,
"static inline uint64_t GetOp", id, "(size_t i) { return table", id,
"_ops_[i >> ", op_bits - slice_bits, "][i & 0x",
absl::Hex((1 << (op_bits - slice_bits)) - 1), "]; }"));
global_fns->Add(absl::StrCat("static inline uint64_t GetEmit", id,
"(size_t i, size_t emit) { return table",
id, "_emit_[i >> ", op_bits - slice_bits,
"][emit]; }"));
uint64_t MaxOp() const {
if (max_op == 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++) {
max_op = std::max(max_op, *std::max_element(slices[i].ops.begin(),
return max_op;
mutable uint64_t max_op = 0;
// Convert to a two-level lookup
std::unique_ptr<NestedTable> MakeNestedTable() {
std::unique_ptr<NestedTable> result(new NestedTable);
result->slice_bits = slice_bits;
for (const auto& slice : slices) {
return result;
// Given a number of slices (2**slice_bits), generate a table that uses a
// single level lookup for each slice based on our input.
std::unique_ptr<Table> MakeTable(size_t slice_bits) const {
std::unique_ptr<Table> table = std::make_unique<Table>();
int slices = 1 << slice_bits;
table->slice_bits = slice_bits;
const int pack_consume_bits = ConsumeBits();
const int pack_match_bits = MatchBits();
for (size_t i = 0; i < slices; i++) {
auto& slice = table->slices[i];
for (size_t j = 0; j < elems_.size() / slices; j++) {
const auto& elem = elems_[i * elems_.size() / slices + j];
slice.ops.push_back(elem.consumed_bits |
(elem.match_case << pack_consume_bits) |
<< (pack_consume_bits + pack_match_bits)));
return table;
class Array {
virtual ~Array() = default;
virtual std::string Index(absl::string_view value) = 0;
virtual std::string ArrayName() = 0;
virtual int Cost() = 0;
class NamedArray : public Array {
explicit NamedArray(std::string name) : name_(std::move(name)) {}
std::string Index(absl::string_view value) override {
return absl::StrCat(name_, "[", value, "]");
std::string ArrayName() override { return name_; }
int Cost() override { abort(); }
std::string name_;
class IdentityArray : public Array {
std::string Index(absl::string_view value) override {
return std::string(value);
std::string ArrayName() override { abort(); }
int Cost() override { return 0; }
class ConstantArray : public Array {
explicit ConstantArray(std::string value) : value_(std::move(value)) {}
std::string Index(absl::string_view index) override {
return absl::StrCat("((void)", index, ", ", value_, ")");
std::string ArrayName() override { abort(); }
int Cost() override { return 0; }
std::string value_;
class OffsetArray : public Array {
explicit OffsetArray(int offset) : offset_(offset) {}
std::string Index(absl::string_view value) override {
return absl::StrCat(value, " + ", offset_);
std::string ArrayName() override { abort(); }
int Cost() override { return 10; }
int offset_;
class LinearDivideArray : public Array {
LinearDivideArray(int offset, int divisor)
: offset_(offset), divisor_(divisor) {}
std::string Index(absl::string_view value) override {
return absl::StrCat(value, "/", divisor_, " + ", offset_);
std::string ArrayName() override { abort(); }
int Cost() override { return 20 + (offset_ != 0 ? 10 : 0); }
int offset_;
int divisor_;
class TwoElemArray : public Array {
TwoElemArray(std::string value0, std::string value1)
: value0_(std::move(value0)), value1_(std::move(value1)) {}
std::string Index(absl::string_view value) override {
return absl::StrCat(value, " ? ", value1_, " : ", value0_);
std::string ArrayName() override { abort(); }
int Cost() override { return 40; }
std::string value0_;
std::string value1_;
class Composite2Array : public Array {
Composite2Array(std::unique_ptr<Array> a, std::unique_ptr<Array> b,
int split)
: a_(std::move(a)), b_(std::move(b)), split_(split) {}
std::string Index(absl::string_view value) override {
return absl::StrCat(
"(", value, " < ", split_, " ? (", a_->Index(value), ") : (",
b_->Index(absl::StrCat("(", value, "-", split_, ")")), "))");
std::string ArrayName() override { abort(); }
int Cost() override { return 40 + a_->Cost() + b_->Cost(); }
std::unique_ptr<Array> a_;
std::unique_ptr<Array> b_;
int split_;
// Helper to generate a compound table (an array of arrays)
static void GenCompound(int id,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Array>>& arrays,
std::string ext, std::string type, Sink* global_decls,
Sink* global_values) {
global_decls->Add(absl::StrCat("static const ", type, "* const table", id,
"_", ext, "_[", arrays.size(), "];"));
global_values->Add(absl::StrCat("const ", type,
"* const HuffDecoderCommon::table", id, "_",
ext, "_[", arrays.size(), "] = {"));
for (const std::unique_ptr<Array>& array : arrays) {
global_values->Add(absl::StrCat(" ", array->ArrayName(), ","));
// Try to create a simple function equivalent to a mapping implied by a set of
// values.
static const int kMaxArrayToFunctionRecursions = 1;
template <typename T>
static std::unique_ptr<Array> ArrayToFunction(
const std::vector<T>& values,
int recurse = kMaxArrayToFunctionRecursions) {
std::unique_ptr<Array> best = nullptr;
auto note_solution = [&best](std::unique_ptr<Array> a) {
if (best != nullptr && best->Cost() <= a->Cost()) return;
best = std::move(a);
// constant => k,k,k,k,...
bool is_constant = true;
for (size_t i = 1; i < values.size(); i++) {
if (values[i] != values[0]) {
is_constant = false;
if (is_constant) {
// identity => 0,1,2,3,...
bool is_identity = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
if (values[i] != i) {
is_identity = false;
if (is_identity) {
// offset => k,k+1,k+2,k+3,...
bool is_offset = true;
for (size_t i = 1; i < values.size(); i++) {
if (values[i] - values[0] != i) {
is_offset = false;
if (is_offset) {
// offset => k,k,k+1,k+1,...
for (int d = 2; d < 32; d++) {
bool is_linear = true;
for (size_t i = 1; i < values.size(); i++) {
if (values[i] - values[0] != (i / d)) {
is_linear = false;
if (is_linear) {
note_solution(std::make_unique<LinearDivideArray>(values[0], d));
// Two items can be resolved with a conditional
if (values.size() == 2) {
if ((recurse > 0 && values.size() >= 6) ||
(recurse == kMaxArrayToFunctionRecursions)) {
for (size_t i = 1; i < values.size() - 1; i++) {
std::vector<T> left(values.begin(), values.begin() + i);
std::vector<T> right(values.begin() + i, values.end());
std::unique_ptr<Array> left_array = ArrayToFunction(left, recurse - 1);
std::unique_ptr<Array> right_array =
ArrayToFunction(right, recurse - 1);
if (left_array && right_array) {
std::move(left_array), std::move(right_array), i));
return best;
// Helper to generate an array of values
template <typename T>
std::unique_ptr<Array> GenArray(bool force_array, std::string name,
std::string type,
const std::vector<T>& values, bool hex,
Sink* global_decls,
Sink* global_values) const {
if (values.empty()) return std::make_unique<NamedArray>("nullptr");
if (!force_array) {
auto fn = ArrayToFunction(values);
if (fn != nullptr) return fn;
auto previous_name =
ctx_->PreviousNameForArtifact(name, HashVec(type, values));
if (previous_name.has_value()) {
return std::make_unique<NamedArray>(absl::StrCat(*previous_name, "_"));
std::vector<std::string> elems;
for (const auto& elem : values) {
if (hex) {
if (type == "uint8_t") {
elems.push_back(absl::StrCat("0x", absl::Hex(elem, absl::kZeroPad2)));
} else if (type == "uint16_t") {
elems.push_back(absl::StrCat("0x", absl::Hex(elem, absl::kZeroPad4)));
} else {
elems.push_back(absl::StrCat("0x", absl::Hex(elem, absl::kZeroPad8)));
} else {
std::string data = absl::StrJoin(elems, ", ");
global_decls->Add(absl::StrCat("static const ", type, " ", name, "_[",
values.size(), "];"));
global_values->Add(absl::StrCat("const ", type, " HuffDecoderCommon::",
name, "_[", values.size(), "] = {"));
global_values->Add(absl::StrCat(" ", data));
return std::make_unique<NamedArray>(absl::StrCat(name, "_"));
// Choose an encoding for this set of tables.
// We try all available values for slice count and choose the one that gives
// the smallest footprint.
std::unique_ptr<EncodeOption> Choose() const {
std::unique_ptr<EncodeOption> chosen;
size_t best_size = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
for (size_t slice_bits = 0; (1 << slice_bits) < elems_.size();
slice_bits++) {
auto raw = MakeTable(slice_bits);
size_t raw_size = raw->Size();
auto nested = raw->MakeNestedTable();
size_t nested_size = nested->Size();
if (raw_size < best_size) {
chosen = std::move(raw);
best_size = raw_size;
if (nested_size < best_size) {
chosen = std::move(nested);
best_size = nested_size;
return chosen;
BuildCtx* const ctx_;
std::vector<Elem> elems_;
int max_consumed_bits_ = 0;
int max_match_case_ = 0;
const int id_;
// FunMaker
// Handles generating the code for various functions.
class FunMaker {
explicit FunMaker(Sink* sink) : sink_(sink) {}
// Generate a refill function - that ensures the incoming bitmask has enough
// bits for the next step.
std::string RefillTo(int n) {
if (have_refills_.count(n) == 0) {
auto fn = NewFun(absl::StrCat("RefillTo", n), "bool");
auto s = fn->Add<Switch>("buffer_len_");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
auto c = s->Case(i);
const int bytes_needed = (n - i + 7) / 8;
const int bytes_allowed = (64 - i) / 8;
c->Add(absl::StrCat("return ", ReadBytes(bytes_needed, bytes_allowed),
fn->Add("return true;");
return absl::StrCat("RefillTo", n, "()");
// At callsite, generate a call to a new function with base name
// base_name (new functions get a suffix of how many instances of base_name
// there have been).
// Return a sink to fill in the body of the new function.
Sink* CallNewFun(std::string base_name, Sink* callsite) {
std::string name = absl::StrCat(base_name, have_funs_[base_name]++);
callsite->Add(absl::StrCat(name, "();"));
return NewFun(name, "void");
std::string FillFromInput(int bytes_needed) {
auto fn_name = absl::StrCat("Fill", bytes_needed);
if (have_fill_from_input_.count(bytes_needed) == 0) {
auto fn = NewFun(fn_name, "void");
std::string new_value;
if (bytes_needed == 8) {
new_value = "0";
} else {
new_value = absl::StrCat("(buffer_ << ", 8 * bytes_needed, ")");
for (int i = 0; i < bytes_needed; i++) {
absl::StrAppend(&new_value, "| (static_cast<uint64_t>(begin_[", i,
"]) << ", 8 * (bytes_needed - i - 1), ")");
fn->Add(absl::StrCat("buffer_ = ", new_value, ";"));
fn->Add(absl::StrCat("begin_ += ", bytes_needed, ";"));
fn->Add(absl::StrCat("buffer_len_ += ", 8 * bytes_needed, ";"));
return fn_name;
Sink* NewFun(std::string name, std::string returns) {
sink_->Add(absl::StrCat(returns, " ", name, "() {"));
auto fn = sink_->Add<Indent>();
return fn;
// Bring in some number of bytes from the input stream to our current read
// bits.
std::string ReadBytes(int bytes_needed, int bytes_allowed) {
auto fn_name =
absl::StrCat("Read", bytes_needed, "to", bytes_allowed, "Bytes");
if (have_reads_.count(std::make_pair(bytes_needed, bytes_allowed)) == 0) {
have_reads_.insert(std::make_pair(bytes_needed, bytes_allowed));
auto fn = NewFun(fn_name, "bool");
auto s = fn->Add<Switch>("end_ - begin_");
for (int i = 0; i <= bytes_allowed; i++) {
auto c = i == bytes_allowed ? s->Case(Switch::Default{}) : s->Case(i);
if (i < bytes_needed) {
c->Add(absl::StrCat("return false;"));
} else {
c->Add(absl::StrCat(FillFromInput(i), "();"));
c->Add("return true;");
return absl::StrCat(fn_name, "()");
std::set<int> have_refills_;
std::set<std::pair<int, int>> have_reads_;
std::set<int> have_fill_from_input_;
std::map<std::string, int> have_funs_;
Sink* sink_;
// BuildCtx implementation
void BuildCtx::AddDone(SymSet start_syms, int num_bits, bool all_ones_so_far,
Sink* out) {
out->Add("done_ = true;");
if (num_bits == 1) {
if (!all_ones_so_far) out->Add("ok_ = false;");
if (num_bits > 7) {
auto consume_rest = out->Add<Switch>("end_ - begin_");
for (int i = 1; i < (num_bits + 7) / 8; i++) {
auto c = consume_rest->Case(i);
c->Add(absl::StrCat(fun_maker_->FillFromInput(i), "();"));
// we must have 0 < buffer_len_ < num_bits
auto s = out->Add<Switch>("buffer_len_");
auto c0 = s->Case("0");
if (!all_ones_so_far) c0->Add("ok_ = false;");
for (int i = 1; i < num_bits; i++) {
auto c = s->Case(i);
SymSet maybe;
for (auto sym : start_syms) {
if (sym.bits.length() > i) continue;
if (maybe.empty()) {
if (all_ones_so_far) {
c->Add("ok_ = (buffer_ & ((1<<buffer_len_)-1)) == (1<<buffer_len_)-1;");
} else {
c->Add("ok_ = false;");
TableBuilder table_builder(this);
std::map<absl::optional<int>, int> cases;
for (size_t n = 0; n < (1 << i); n++) {
AddDoneCase(n, i, all_ones_so_far, maybe, {}, &table_builder, &cases);
c->Add(absl::StrCat("const auto index = buffer_ & ", (1 << i) - 1, ";"));
c->Add(absl::StrCat("const auto op = ", table_builder.OpAccessor("index"),
if (table_builder.ConsumeBits() != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "consume bits = %d\n", table_builder.ConsumeBits());
auto s_fin = c->Add<Switch>(
absl::StrCat("op & ", (1 << table_builder.MatchBits()) - 1));
for (auto& kv : cases) {
if (kv.first.has_value()) {
if (*kv.first == 0) continue;
auto emit_ok = s_fin->Case(kv.second);
for (int i = 0; i < *kv.first; i++) {
"index", absl::StrCat("(op >> ", table_builder.MatchBits(),
") + ", i)),
} else {
auto fail = s_fin->Case(kv.second);
fail->Add("ok_ = false;");
void BuildCtx::AddDoneCase(size_t n, size_t n_bits, bool all_ones_so_far,
SymSet syms, std::vector<uint8_t> emit,
TableBuilder* table_builder,
std::map<absl::optional<int>, int>* cases) {
auto add_case = [cases](absl::optional<int> which) {
auto it = cases->find(which);
if (it == cases->end()) {
it = cases->emplace(which, cases->size()).first;
return it->second;
if (all_ones_so_far && n == (1 << n_bits) - 1) {
table_builder->Add(add_case(emit.size()), emit, 0);
for (auto sym : syms) {
if ((n >> (n_bits - sym.bits.length())) == sym.bits.mask()) {
size_t bits_left = n_bits - sym.bits.length();
if (bits_left == 0) {
table_builder->Add(add_case(emit.size()), emit, 0);
SymSet next_syms;
for (auto sym : AllSyms()) {
if (sym.bits.length() > bits_left) continue;
AddDoneCase(n & ((1 << bits_left) - 1), n_bits - sym.bits.length(), true,
std::move(next_syms), std::move(emit), table_builder, cases);
table_builder->Add(add_case(absl::nullopt), {}, 0);
void BuildCtx::AddStep(SymSet start_syms, int num_bits, bool is_top,
bool refill, int depth, Sink* out) {
TableBuilder table_builder(this);
if (refill) {
out->Add(absl::StrCat("if (!", fun_maker_->RefillTo(num_bits), ") {"));
auto ifblk = out->Add<Indent>();
if (!is_top) {
Sym some = start_syms[0];
auto sym = grpc_chttp2_huffsyms[some.symbol];
int consumed_len = (sym.length - some.bits.length());
uint32_t consumed_mask = sym.bits >> some.bits.length();
bool all_ones_so_far = consumed_mask == ((1 << consumed_len) - 1);
AddDone(start_syms, num_bits, all_ones_so_far,
fun_maker_->CallNewFun("Done", ifblk));
} else {
AddDone(start_syms, num_bits, true,
fun_maker_->CallNewFun("Done", ifblk));
out->Add(absl::StrCat("const auto index = (buffer_ >> (buffer_len_ - ",
num_bits, ")) & 0x", absl::Hex((1 << num_bits) - 1),
std::map<MatchCase, int> match_cases;
for (int i = 0; i < (1 << num_bits); i++) {
auto actions = ActionsFor(BitQueue(i, num_bits), start_syms, is_top);
auto add_case = [&match_cases](MatchCase match_case) {
if (match_cases.find(match_case) == match_cases.end()) {
match_cases[match_case] = match_cases.size();
return match_cases[match_case];
if (actions.emit.size() == 1 && actions.emit[0] == 256) {
table_builder.Add(add_case(End{}), {}, actions.consumed);
} else if (actions.consumed == 0) {
table_builder.Add(add_case(Unmatched{std::move(actions.remaining)}), {},
} else {
std::vector<uint8_t> emit;
for (auto sym : actions.emit) emit.push_back(sym);
std::move(emit), actions.consumed);
absl::StrCat("const auto op = ", table_builder.OpAccessor("index"), ";"));
out->Add(absl::StrCat("const int consumed = op & ",
(1 << table_builder.ConsumeBits()) - 1, ";"));
out->Add("buffer_len_ -= consumed;");
out->Add(absl::StrCat("const auto emit_ofs = op >> ",
table_builder.ConsumeBits() + table_builder.MatchBits(),
if (match_cases.size() == 1) {
AddMatchBody(&table_builder, "index", "emit_ofs",
match_cases.begin()->first, is_top, refill, depth, out);
} else {
auto s = out->Add<Switch>(
absl::StrCat("(op >> ", table_builder.ConsumeBits(), ") & ",
(1 << table_builder.MatchBits()) - 1));
for (auto kv : match_cases) {
auto c = s->Case(kv.second);
AddMatchBody(&table_builder, "index", "emit_ofs", kv.first, is_top,
refill, depth, c);
void BuildCtx::AddMatchBody(TableBuilder* table_builder, std::string index,
std::string ofs, const MatchCase& match_case,
bool is_top, bool refill, int depth, Sink* out) {
if (absl::holds_alternative<End>(match_case)) {
out->Add("begin_ = end_;");
out->Add("buffer_len_ = 0;");
if (auto* p = absl::get_if<Unmatched>(&match_case)) {
if (refill) {
int max_bits = 0;
for (auto sym : p->syms) max_bits = std::max(max_bits, sym.bits.length());
depth + 1 >= max_bits_for_depth_.size()
? max_bits
: std::min(max_bits, max_bits_for_depth_[depth + 1]),
false, true, depth + 1,
fun_maker_->CallNewFun("DecodeStep", out));
const auto& matched = absl::get<Matched>(match_case);
for (int i = 0; i < matched.emits; i++) {
table_builder->EmitAccessor(index, absl::StrCat(ofs, " + ", i)), ");"));
// Driver code
// Generated header and source code
struct BuildOutput {
std::string header;
std::string source;
std::string header_name;
std::string source_name;
std::string ns;
// Given max_bits_for_depth = {n1,n2,n3,...}
// Build a decoder that first considers n1 bits, then n2, then n3, ...
BuildOutput Build(std::vector<int> max_bits_for_depth, bool selected_version,
int copyright_year) {
std::string base_name =
? "src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/transport/decode_huff"
: absl::StrCat(
absl::StrJoin(max_bits_for_depth, "_"));
std::string guard = absl::StrCat(
absl::AsciiStrToUpper(absl::StrReplaceAll(base_name, {{"/", "_"}})),
auto hdr = std::make_unique<Sink>();
auto src = std::make_unique<Sink>();
hdr->Add<Prelude>("//", copyright_year);
src->Add<Prelude>("//", copyright_year);
hdr->Add(absl::StrCat("#ifndef ", guard));
hdr->Add(absl::StrCat("#define ", guard));
src->Add(absl::StrCat("#include \"", base_name, ".h\""));
hdr->Add("#include <cstddef>");
hdr->Add("#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>");
src->Add("#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>");
hdr->Add("#include <cstdint>");
hdr->Add("namespace grpc_core {");
src->Add("namespace grpc_core {");
std::string ns;
if (!selected_version) {
ns = absl::StrCat("geometry_", absl::StrJoin(max_bits_for_depth, "_"));
hdr->Add(absl::StrCat("namespace ", ns, " {"));
src->Add(absl::StrCat("namespace ", ns, " {"));
hdr->Add("class HuffDecoderCommon {");
hdr->Add(" protected:");
auto global_fns = hdr->Add<Indent>();
hdr->Add(" private:");
auto global_decls = hdr->Add<Indent>();
"template<typename F> class HuffDecoder : public HuffDecoderCommon {");
hdr->Add(" public:");
auto pub = hdr->Add<Indent>();
hdr->Add(" private:");
auto prv = hdr->Add<Indent>();
FunMaker fun_maker(prv->Add<Sink>());
if (!ns.empty()) {
hdr->Add("} // namespace geometry");
hdr->Add("} // namespace grpc_core");
hdr->Add(absl::StrCat("#endif // ", guard));
auto global_values = src->Add<Indent>();
if (!ns.empty()) {
src->Add("} // namespace geometry");
src->Add("} // namespace grpc_core");
BuildCtx ctx(std::move(max_bits_for_depth), global_fns, global_decls,
global_values, &fun_maker);
// constructor
"HuffDecoder(F sink, const uint8_t* begin, const uint8_t* end) : "
"sink_(sink), begin_(begin), end_(end) {}");
// members
prv->Add("F sink_;");
prv->Add("const uint8_t* begin_;");
prv->Add("const uint8_t* const end_;");
prv->Add("uint64_t buffer_ = 0;");
prv->Add("int buffer_len_ = 0;");
prv->Add("bool ok_ = true;");
prv->Add("bool done_ = false;");
// main fn
pub->Add("bool Run() {");
auto body = pub->Add<Indent>();
body->Add("while (!done_) {");
ctx.AddStep(AllSyms(), ctx.MaxBitsForTop(), true, true, 0,
body->Add("return ok_;");
return {hdr->ToString(), src->ToString(), absl::StrCat(base_name, ".h"),
absl::StrCat(base_name, ".cc"), std::move(ns)};
// Generate all permutations of max_bits_for_depth for the Build function,
// with a minimum step size of 5 bits (needed for http2 I think) and a
// configurable maximum step size.
class PermutationBuilder {
explicit PermutationBuilder(int max_depth) : max_depth_(max_depth) {}
std::vector<std::vector<int>> Run() {
return std::move(perms_);
void Step(std::vector<int> so_far) {
// Restrict first step to 7 bits - smaller is known to generate simply
// terrible code.
const int min_step = so_far.empty() ? 7 : 5;
int sum_so_far = std::accumulate(so_far.begin(), so_far.end(), 0);
if (so_far.size() > max_depth_ ||
(so_far.size() == max_depth_ && sum_so_far != 30)) {
if (sum_so_far + 5 > 30) {
for (int i = min_step; i <= std::min(30 - sum_so_far, 16); i++) {
auto p = so_far;
const int max_depth_;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> perms_;
// Split after c
std::string SplitAfter(absl::string_view input, char c) {
return std::vector<std::string>(absl::StrSplit(input, c)).back();
std::string SplitBefore(absl::string_view input, char c) {
return std::vector<std::string>(absl::StrSplit(input, c)).front();
// Does what it says.
void WriteFile(std::string filename, std::string content) {
std::ofstream ofs(filename);
ofs << content;
int main(void) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BuildOutput>> results;
std::queue<std::thread> threads;
// Generate all permutations of max_bits_for_depth for the Build function.
// Then generate all variations of the code.
for (const auto& perm : PermutationBuilder(3).Run()) {
while (threads.size() > 200) {
[perm, r = results.back().get()] { *r = Build(perm, false, 2023); });
while (!threads.empty()) {
auto index_hdr = std::make_unique<Sink>();
index_hdr->Add<Prelude>("//", 2023);
auto index_includes = index_hdr->Add<Sink>();
index_hdr->Add("#define DECL_HUFFMAN_VARIANTS() \\");
auto index_decls = index_hdr->Add<Sink>();
index_hdr->Add(" DECL_BENCHMARK(grpc_core::HuffDecoder, Selected)");
auto index_bzl = std::make_unique<Sink>();
index_bzl->Add<Prelude>("#", 2023);
"load(\"//bazel:grpc_build_system.bzl\", \"grpc_cc_library\", "
"grpc_package(name = \"test/cpp/microbenchmarks/huffman_geometries\", "
"visibility = \"public\")");
index_bzl->Add(" name = \"huffman_geometries\",");
index_bzl->Add(" srcs = [");
auto index_srcs = index_bzl->Add<Sink>();
index_bzl->Add(" ],");
index_bzl->Add(" hdrs = [");
index_bzl->Add(" \"index.h\",");
auto index_hdrs = index_bzl->Add<Sink>();
index_bzl->Add(" ],");
index_bzl->Add(" deps = [\"//:gpr_platform\"],");
for (auto& r : results) {
index_includes->Add(absl::StrCat("#include \"", r->header_name, "\""));
index_decls->Add(absl::StrCat(" DECL_BENCHMARK(grpc_core::", r->ns,
"::HuffDecoder, ", r->ns, "); \\"));
absl::StrCat(" \"", SplitAfter(r->header_name, '/'), "\","));
absl::StrCat(" \"", SplitAfter(r->source_name, '/'), "\","));
WriteFile(r->header_name, r->header);
WriteFile(r->source_name, r->source);
auto selected = Build(std::vector<int>({15, 7, 8}), true, 2022);
WriteFile(selected.header_name, selected.header);
WriteFile(selected.source_name, selected.source);
return 0;