blob: aa5f81e3a8b00ea2e2e81fea94b0f5d61a546e8f [file] [log] [blame]
#region Copyright notice and license
// Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using Grpc.Core.Logging;
using Grpc.Core.Utils;
namespace Grpc.Core.Internal
/// <summary>
/// Represents a dynamically loaded unmanaged library in a (partially) platform independent manner.
/// First, the native library is loaded using dlopen (on Unix systems) or using LoadLibrary (on Windows).
/// dlsym or GetProcAddress are then used to obtain symbol addresses. <c>Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer</c>
/// transforms the addresses into delegates to native methods.
/// See
/// </summary>
internal class UnmanagedLibrary
static readonly ILogger Logger = GrpcEnvironment.Logger.ForType<UnmanagedLibrary>();
// flags for dlopen
const int RTLD_LAZY = 1;
const int RTLD_GLOBAL = 8;
readonly string libraryPath;
readonly IntPtr handle;
public UnmanagedLibrary(string[] libraryPathAlternatives)
this.libraryPath = FirstValidLibraryPath(libraryPathAlternatives);
Logger.Debug("Attempting to load native library \"{0}\"", this.libraryPath);
this.handle = PlatformSpecificLoadLibrary(this.libraryPath);
if (this.handle == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new IOException(string.Format("Error loading native library \"{0}\"", this.libraryPath));
/// <summary>
/// Loads symbol in a platform specific way.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="symbolName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IntPtr LoadSymbol(string symbolName)
if (PlatformApis.IsWindows)
// See for background on this.
if (PlatformApis.Is64Bit)
return Windows.GetProcAddress(this.handle, symbolName);
// Yes, we could potentially predict the size... but it's a lot simpler to just try
// all the candidates. Most functions have a suffix of @0, @4 or @8 so we won't be trying
// many options - and if it takes a little bit longer to fail if we've really got the wrong
// library, that's not a big problem. This is only called once per function in the native library.
symbolName = "_" + symbolName + "@";
for (int stackSize = 0; stackSize < 128; stackSize += 4)
IntPtr candidate = Windows.GetProcAddress(this.handle, symbolName + stackSize);
if (candidate != IntPtr.Zero)
return candidate;
// Fail.
return IntPtr.Zero;
if (PlatformApis.IsLinux)
if (PlatformApis.IsMono)
return Mono.dlsym(this.handle, symbolName);
if (PlatformApis.IsNetCore)
return CoreCLR.dlsym(this.handle, symbolName);
return Linux.dlsym(this.handle, symbolName);
if (PlatformApis.IsMacOSX)
return MacOSX.dlsym(this.handle, symbolName);
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported platform.");
public T GetNativeMethodDelegate<T>(string methodName)
where T : class
var ptr = LoadSymbol(methodName);
if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new MissingMethodException(string.Format("The native method \"{0}\" does not exist", methodName));
return Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<T>(ptr); // non-generic version is obsolete
return Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(ptr, typeof(T)) as T; // generic version not available in .NET45
/// <summary>
/// Loads library in a platform specific way.
/// </summary>
private static IntPtr PlatformSpecificLoadLibrary(string libraryPath)
if (PlatformApis.IsWindows)
return Windows.LoadLibrary(libraryPath);
if (PlatformApis.IsLinux)
if (PlatformApis.IsMono)
return Mono.dlopen(libraryPath, RTLD_GLOBAL + RTLD_LAZY);
if (PlatformApis.IsNetCore)
return CoreCLR.dlopen(libraryPath, RTLD_GLOBAL + RTLD_LAZY);
return Linux.dlopen(libraryPath, RTLD_GLOBAL + RTLD_LAZY);
if (PlatformApis.IsMacOSX)
return MacOSX.dlopen(libraryPath, RTLD_GLOBAL + RTLD_LAZY);
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported platform.");
private static string FirstValidLibraryPath(string[] libraryPathAlternatives)
GrpcPreconditions.CheckArgument(libraryPathAlternatives.Length > 0, "libraryPathAlternatives cannot be empty.");
foreach (var path in libraryPathAlternatives)
if (File.Exists(path))
return path;
throw new FileNotFoundException(
String.Format("Error loading native library. Not found in any of the possible locations: {0}",
string.Join(",", libraryPathAlternatives)));
private static class Windows
internal static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string filename);
internal static extern IntPtr GetProcAddress(IntPtr hModule, string procName);
private static class Linux
internal static extern IntPtr dlopen(string filename, int flags);
internal static extern IntPtr dlsym(IntPtr handle, string symbol);
private static class MacOSX
internal static extern IntPtr dlopen(string filename, int flags);
internal static extern IntPtr dlsym(IntPtr handle, string symbol);
/// <summary>
/// On Linux systems, using using dlopen and dlsym results in
/// DllNotFoundException(" not found") if libc6-dev
/// is not installed. As a workaround, we load symbols for
/// dlopen and dlsym from the current process as on Linux
/// Mono sure is linked against these symbols.
/// </summary>
private static class Mono
internal static extern IntPtr dlopen(string filename, int flags);
internal static extern IntPtr dlsym(IntPtr handle, string symbol);
/// <summary>
/// Similarly as for Mono on Linux, we load symbols for
/// dlopen and dlsym from the "",
/// to avoid the dependency on libc-dev Linux.
/// </summary>
private static class CoreCLR
internal static extern IntPtr dlopen(string filename, int flags);
internal static extern IntPtr dlsym(IntPtr handle, string symbol);