blob: 053296189631c30da424d3e80634d4ce7af1faf1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package google.bigtable.admin.v2;
import "google/api/field_behavior.proto";
option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.Bigtable.Admin.V2";
option go_package = ";admin";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "TypesProto";
option java_package = "";
option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\Bigtable\\Admin\\V2";
option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::Bigtable::Admin::V2";
// `Type` represents the type of data that is written to, read from, or stored
// in Bigtable. It is heavily based on the GoogleSQL standard to help maintain
// familiarity and consistency across products and features.
// For compatibility with Bigtable's existing untyped APIs, each `Type` includes
// an `Encoding` which describes how to convert to/from the underlying data.
// This might involve composing a series of steps into an "encoding chain," for
// example to convert from INT64 -> STRING -> raw bytes. In most cases, a "link"
// in the encoding chain will be based an on existing GoogleSQL conversion
// function like `CAST`.
// Each link in the encoding chain also defines the following properties:
// * Natural sort: Does the encoded value sort consistently with the original
// typed value? Note that Bigtable will always sort data based on the raw
// encoded value, *not* the decoded type.
// - Example: BYTES values sort in the same order as their raw encodings.
// - Counterexample: Encoding INT64 to a fixed-width STRING does *not*
// preserve sort order when dealing with negative numbers.
// INT64(1) > INT64(-1), but STRING("-00001") > STRING("00001).
// - The overall encoding chain has this property if *every* link does.
// * Self-delimiting: If we concatenate two encoded values, can we always tell
// where the first one ends and the second one begins?
// - Example: If we encode INT64s to fixed-width STRINGs, the first value
// will always contain exactly N digits, possibly preceded by a sign.
// - Counterexample: If we concatenate two UTF-8 encoded STRINGs, we have
// no way to tell where the first one ends.
// - The overall encoding chain has this property if *any* link does.
// * Compatibility: Which other systems have matching encoding schemes? For
// example, does this encoding have a GoogleSQL equivalent? HBase? Java?
message Type {
// Bytes
// Values of type `Bytes` are stored in `Value.bytes_value`.
message Bytes {
// Rules used to convert to/from lower level types.
message Encoding {
// Leaves the value "as-is"
// * Natural sort? Yes
// * Self-delimiting? No
// * Compatibility? N/A
message Raw {}
// Which encoding to use.
oneof encoding {
// Use `Raw` encoding.
Raw raw = 1;
// The encoding to use when converting to/from lower level types.
Encoding encoding = 1;
// String
// Values of type `String` are stored in `Value.string_value`.
message String {
// Rules used to convert to/from lower level types.
message Encoding {
// UTF-8 encoding
// * Natural sort? No (ASCII characters only)
// * Self-delimiting? No
// * Compatibility?
// - BigQuery Federation `TEXT` encoding
// - HBase `Bytes.toBytes`
// - Java `String#getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)`
message Utf8Raw {}
// Which encoding to use.
oneof encoding {
// Use `Utf8Raw` encoding.
Utf8Raw utf8_raw = 1;
// The encoding to use when converting to/from lower level types.
Encoding encoding = 1;
// Int64
// Values of type `Int64` are stored in `Value.int_value`.
message Int64 {
// Rules used to convert to/from lower level types.
message Encoding {
// Encodes the value as an 8-byte big endian twos complement `Bytes`
// value.
// * Natural sort? No (positive values only)
// * Self-delimiting? Yes
// * Compatibility?
// - BigQuery Federation `BINARY` encoding
// - HBase `Bytes.toBytes`
// - Java `ByteBuffer.putLong()` with `ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN`
message BigEndianBytes {
// The underlying `Bytes` type, which may be able to encode further.
Bytes bytes_type = 1;
// Which encoding to use.
oneof encoding {
// Use `BigEndianBytes` encoding.
BigEndianBytes big_endian_bytes = 1;
// The encoding to use when converting to/from lower level types.
Encoding encoding = 1;
// A value that combines incremental updates into a summarized value.
// Data is never directly written or read using type `Aggregate`. Writes will
// provide either the `input_type` or `state_type`, and reads will always
// return the `state_type` .
message Aggregate {
// Computes the sum of the input values.
// Allowed input: `Int64`
// State: same as input
message Sum {}
// Type of the inputs that are accumulated by this `Aggregate`, which must
// specify a full encoding.
// Use `AddInput` mutations to accumulate new inputs.
Type input_type = 1;
// Output only. Type that holds the internal accumulator state for the
// `Aggregate`. This is a function of the `input_type` and `aggregator`
// chosen, and will always specify a full encoding.
Type state_type = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
// Which aggregator function to use. The configured types must match.
oneof aggregator {
// Sum aggregator.
Sum sum = 4;
// The kind of type that this represents.
oneof kind {
// Bytes
Bytes bytes_type = 1;
// String
String string_type = 2;
// Int64
Int64 int64_type = 5;
// Aggregate
Aggregate aggregate_type = 6;