blob: 6207e681562e9575dada21fea94d138dd2fc4dba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, Suryandaru Triandana <>
// All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package cache
import (
type releaserFunc struct {
fn func()
value interface{}
func (r releaserFunc) Release() {
if r.fn != nil {
func set(ns Namespace, key uint64, value interface{}, charge int, relf func()) Handle {
return ns.Get(key, func() (int, interface{}) {
if relf != nil {
return charge, releaserFunc{relf, value}
} else {
return charge, value
func TestCache_HitMiss(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
key uint64
value string
{1, "vvvvvvvvv"},
{100, "v1"},
{0, "v2"},
{12346, "v3"},
{777, "v4"},
{999, "v5"},
{7654, "v6"},
{2, "v7"},
{3, "v8"},
{9, "v9"},
setfin := 0
c := NewLRUCache(1000)
ns := c.GetNamespace(0)
for i, x := range cases {
set(ns, x.key, x.value, len(x.value), func() {
for j, y := range cases {
h := ns.Get(y.key, nil)
if j <= i {
// should hit
if h == nil {
t.Errorf("case '%d' iteration '%d' is miss", i, j)
} else {
if x := h.Value().(releaserFunc).value.(string); x != y.value {
t.Errorf("case '%d' iteration '%d' has invalid value got '%s', want '%s'", i, j, x, y.value)
} else {
// should miss
if h != nil {
t.Errorf("case '%d' iteration '%d' is hit , value '%s'", i, j, h.Value().(releaserFunc).value.(string))
if h != nil {
for i, x := range cases {
finalizerOk := false
ns.Delete(x.key, func(exist, pending bool) {
finalizerOk = true
if !finalizerOk {
t.Errorf("case %d delete finalizer not executed", i)
for j, y := range cases {
h := ns.Get(y.key, nil)
if j > i {
// should hit
if h == nil {
t.Errorf("case '%d' iteration '%d' is miss", i, j)
} else {
if x := h.Value().(releaserFunc).value.(string); x != y.value {
t.Errorf("case '%d' iteration '%d' has invalid value got '%s', want '%s'", i, j, x, y.value)
} else {
// should miss
if h != nil {
t.Errorf("case '%d' iteration '%d' is hit, value '%s'", i, j, h.Value().(releaserFunc).value.(string))
if h != nil {
if setfin != len(cases) {
t.Errorf("some set finalizer may not be executed, want=%d got=%d", len(cases), setfin)
func TestLRUCache_Eviction(t *testing.T) {
c := NewLRUCache(12)
ns := c.GetNamespace(0)
o1 := set(ns, 1, 1, 1, nil)
set(ns, 2, 2, 1, nil).Release()
set(ns, 3, 3, 1, nil).Release()
set(ns, 4, 4, 1, nil).Release()
set(ns, 5, 5, 1, nil).Release()
if h := ns.Get(2, nil); h != nil { // 1,3,4,5,2
set(ns, 9, 9, 10, nil).Release() // 5,2,9
for _, key := range []uint64{9, 2, 5, 1} {
h := ns.Get(key, nil)
if h == nil {
t.Errorf("miss for key '%d'", key)
} else {
if x := h.Value().(int); x != int(key) {
t.Errorf("invalid value for key '%d' want '%d', got '%d'", key, key, x)
for _, key := range []uint64{1, 2, 5} {
h := ns.Get(key, nil)
if h == nil {
t.Errorf("miss for key '%d'", key)
} else {
if x := h.Value().(int); x != int(key) {
t.Errorf("invalid value for key '%d' want '%d', got '%d'", key, key, x)
for _, key := range []uint64{3, 4, 9} {
h := ns.Get(key, nil)
if h != nil {
t.Errorf("hit for key '%d'", key)
if x := h.Value().(int); x != int(key) {
t.Errorf("invalid value for key '%d' want '%d', got '%d'", key, key, x)
func TestLRUCache_SetGet(t *testing.T) {
c := NewLRUCache(13)
ns := c.GetNamespace(0)
for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
n := uint64(rand.Intn(99999) % 20)
set(ns, n, n, 1, nil).Release()
if h := ns.Get(n, nil); h != nil {
if h.Value() == nil {
t.Errorf("key '%d' contains nil value", n)
} else {
if x := h.Value().(uint64); x != n {
t.Errorf("invalid value for key '%d' want '%d', got '%d'", n, n, x)
} else {
t.Errorf("key '%d' doesn't exist", n)
func TestLRUCache_Purge(t *testing.T) {
c := NewLRUCache(3)
ns1 := c.GetNamespace(0)
o1 := set(ns1, 1, 1, 1, nil)
o2 := set(ns1, 2, 2, 1, nil)
set(ns1, 3, 3, 1, nil).Release()
for _, key := range []uint64{1, 2, 3} {
h := ns1.Get(key, nil)
if h == nil {
t.Errorf("miss for key '%d'", key)
} else {
if x := h.Value().(int); x != int(key) {
t.Errorf("invalid value for key '%d' want '%d', got '%d'", key, key, x)
for _, key := range []uint64{1, 2} {
h := ns1.Get(key, nil)
if h != nil {
t.Errorf("hit for key '%d'", key)
if x := h.Value().(int); x != int(key) {
t.Errorf("invalid value for key '%d' want '%d', got '%d'", key, key, x)
type testingCacheObjectCounter struct {
created uint
released uint
func (c *testingCacheObjectCounter) createOne() {
func (c *testingCacheObjectCounter) releaseOne() {
type testingCacheObject struct {
t *testing.T
cnt *testingCacheObjectCounter
ns, key uint64
releaseCalled bool
func (x *testingCacheObject) Release() {
if !x.releaseCalled {
x.releaseCalled = true
} else {
x.t.Errorf("duplicate setfin NS#%d KEY#%s", x.ns, x.key)
func TestLRUCache_ConcurrentSetGet(t *testing.T) {
seed := time.Now().UnixNano()
t.Logf("seed=%d", seed)
const (
N = 2000000
M = 4000
C = 3
var set, get uint32
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
c := NewLRUCache(M / 4)
for ni := uint64(0); ni < C; ni++ {
r0 := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed + int64(ni)))
r1 := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed + int64(ni) + 1))
ns := c.GetNamespace(ni)
go func(ns Namespace, r *rand.Rand) {
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
x := uint64(r.Int63n(M))
o := ns.Get(x, func() (int, interface{}) {
atomic.AddUint32(&set, 1)
return 1, x
if v := o.Value().(uint64); v != x {
t.Errorf("#%d invalid value, got=%d", x, v)
}(ns, r0)
go func(ns Namespace, r *rand.Rand) {
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
x := uint64(r.Int63n(M))
o := ns.Get(x, nil)
if o != nil {
atomic.AddUint32(&get, 1)
if v := o.Value().(uint64); v != x {
t.Errorf("#%d invalid value, got=%d", x, v)
}(ns, r1)
t.Logf("set=%d get=%d", set, get)
func TestLRUCache_Finalizer(t *testing.T) {
const (
capacity = 100
goroutines = 100
iterations = 10000
keymax = 8000
cnt := &testingCacheObjectCounter{}
c := NewLRUCache(capacity)
type instance struct {
seed int64
rnd *rand.Rand
nsid uint64
ns Namespace
effective int
handles []Handle
handlesMap map[uint64]int
delete bool
purge bool
zap bool
wantDel int
delfinCalled int
delfinCalledAll int
delfinCalledEff int
purgefinCalled int
instanceGet := func(p *instance, key uint64) {
h := p.ns.Get(key, func() (charge int, value interface{}) {
to := &testingCacheObject{
t: t, cnt: cnt,
ns: p.nsid,
key: key,
return 1, releaserFunc{func() {
}, to}
p.handles = append(p.handles, h)
p.handlesMap[key] = p.handlesMap[key] + 1
instanceRelease := func(p *instance, i int) {
h := p.handles[i]
key := h.Value().(releaserFunc).value.(*testingCacheObject).key
if n := p.handlesMap[key]; n == 0 {
t.Fatal("key ref == 0")
} else if n > 1 {
p.handlesMap[key] = n - 1
} else {
delete(p.handlesMap, key)
p.handles = append(p.handles[:i], p.handles[i+1:]...)
p.handles[len(p.handles) : len(p.handles)+1][0] = nil
seed := time.Now().UnixNano()
t.Logf("seed=%d", seed)
instances := make([]*instance, goroutines)
for i := range instances {
p := &instance{}
p.handlesMap = make(map[uint64]int)
p.seed = seed + int64(i)
p.rnd = rand.New(rand.NewSource(p.seed))
p.nsid = uint64(i)
p.ns = c.GetNamespace(p.nsid)
p.delete = i%6 == 0
p.purge = i%8 == 0
p.zap = i%12 == 0 || i%3 == 0
instances[i] = p
runr := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed - 1))
run := func(rnd *rand.Rand, x []*instance, init func(p *instance) bool, fn func(p *instance, i int) bool) {
var (
rx []*instance
rn []int
if init == nil {
rx = append([]*instance{}, x...)
rn = make([]int, len(x))
} else {
for _, p := range x {
if init(p) {
rx = append(rx, p)
rn = append(rn, 0)
for len(rx) > 0 {
i := rand.Intn(len(rx))
if fn(rx[i], rn[i]) {
} else {
rx = append(rx[:i], rx[i+1:]...)
rn = append(rn[:i], rn[i+1:]...)
// Get and release.
run(runr, instances, nil, func(p *instance, i int) bool {
if i < iterations {
if len(p.handles) == 0 || p.rnd.Int()%2 == 0 {
instanceGet(p, uint64(p.rnd.Intn(keymax)))
} else {
instanceRelease(p, p.rnd.Intn(len(p.handles)))
return true
} else {
return false
if used, cap := c.Used(), c.Capacity(); used > cap {
t.Errorf("Used > capacity, used=%d cap=%d", used, cap)
// Check effective objects.
for i, p := range instances {
if int(p.effective) < len(p.handlesMap) {
t.Errorf("#%d effective objects < acquired handle, eo=%d ah=%d", i, p.effective, len(p.handlesMap))
if want := int(cnt.created - cnt.released); c.Size() != want {
t.Errorf("Invalid cache size, want=%d got=%d", want, c.Size())
// First delete.
run(runr, instances, func(p *instance) bool {
p.wantDel = p.effective
return p.delete
}, func(p *instance, i int) bool {
key := uint64(i)
if key < keymax {
_, wantExist := p.handlesMap[key]
gotExist := p.ns.Delete(key, func(exist, pending bool) {
if exist {
if !gotExist && wantExist {
t.Errorf("delete on NS#%d KEY#%d not found", p.nsid, key)
return true
} else {
return false
// Second delete.
run(runr, instances, func(p *instance) bool {
p.delfinCalled = 0
return p.delete
}, func(p *instance, i int) bool {
key := uint64(i)
if key < keymax {
gotExist := p.ns.Delete(key, func(exist, pending bool) {
if exist && !pending {
t.Errorf("delete fin on NS#%d KEY#%d exist and not pending for deletion", p.nsid, key)
if gotExist {
t.Errorf("delete on NS#%d KEY#%d found", p.nsid, key)
return true
} else {
if p.delfinCalled != keymax {
t.Errorf("(2) #%d not all delete fin called, diff=%d", p.ns, keymax-p.delfinCalled)
return false
// Purge.
run(runr, instances, func(p *instance) bool {
return p.purge
}, func(p *instance, i int) bool {
p.ns.Purge(func(ns, key uint64) {
return false
if want := int(cnt.created - cnt.released); c.Size() != want {
t.Errorf("Invalid cache size, want=%d got=%d", want, c.Size())
// Release.
run(runr, instances, func(p *instance) bool {
return !p.zap
}, func(p *instance, i int) bool {
if len(p.handles) > 0 {
instanceRelease(p, len(p.handles)-1)
return true
} else {
return false
if want := int(cnt.created - cnt.released); c.Size() != want {
t.Errorf("Invalid cache size, want=%d got=%d", want, c.Size())
// Zap.
run(runr, instances, func(p *instance) bool {
return p.zap
}, func(p *instance, i int) bool {
p.handles = nil
p.handlesMap = nil
return false
if want := int(cnt.created - cnt.released); c.Size() != want {
t.Errorf("Invalid cache size, want=%d got=%d", want, c.Size())
if notrel, used := int(cnt.created-cnt.released), c.Used(); notrel != used {
t.Errorf("Invalid used value, want=%d got=%d", notrel, used)
for _, p := range instances {
if p.delete {
if p.delfinCalledAll != keymax {
t.Errorf("#%d not all delete fin called, purge=%v zap=%v diff=%d", p.nsid, p.purge, p.zap, keymax-p.delfinCalledAll)
if p.delfinCalledEff != p.wantDel {
t.Errorf("#%d not all effective delete fin called, diff=%d", p.nsid, p.wantDel-p.delfinCalledEff)
if p.purge && p.purgefinCalled > 0 {
t.Errorf("#%d some purge fin called, delete=%v zap=%v n=%d", p.nsid, p.delete, p.zap, p.purgefinCalled)
} else {
if p.purge {
if p.purgefinCalled != p.wantDel {
t.Errorf("#%d not all purge fin called, delete=%v zap=%v diff=%d", p.nsid, p.delete, p.zap, p.wantDel-p.purgefinCalled)
if cnt.created != cnt.released {
t.Errorf("Some cache object weren't released, created=%d released=%d", cnt.created, cnt.released)
func BenchmarkLRUCache_Set(b *testing.B) {
c := NewLRUCache(0)
ns := c.GetNamespace(0)
for i := uint64(0); i < uint64(b.N); i++ {
set(ns, i, "", 1, nil)
func BenchmarkLRUCache_Get(b *testing.B) {
c := NewLRUCache(0)
ns := c.GetNamespace(0)
for i := uint64(0); i < uint64(b.N); i++ {
set(ns, i, "", 1, nil)
for i := uint64(0); i < uint64(b.N); i++ {
ns.Get(i, nil)
func BenchmarkLRUCache_Get2(b *testing.B) {
c := NewLRUCache(0)
ns := c.GetNamespace(0)
for i := uint64(0); i < uint64(b.N); i++ {
set(ns, i, "", 1, nil)
for i := uint64(0); i < uint64(b.N); i++ {
ns.Get(i, func() (charge int, value interface{}) {
return 0, nil
func BenchmarkLRUCache_Release(b *testing.B) {
c := NewLRUCache(0)
ns := c.GetNamespace(0)
handles := make([]Handle, b.N)
for i := uint64(0); i < uint64(b.N); i++ {
handles[i] = set(ns, i, "", 1, nil)
for _, h := range handles {
func BenchmarkLRUCache_SetRelease(b *testing.B) {
capacity := b.N / 100
if capacity <= 0 {
capacity = 10
c := NewLRUCache(capacity)
ns := c.GetNamespace(0)
for i := uint64(0); i < uint64(b.N); i++ {
set(ns, i, "", 1, nil).Release()
func BenchmarkLRUCache_SetReleaseTwice(b *testing.B) {
capacity := b.N / 100
if capacity <= 0 {
capacity = 10
c := NewLRUCache(capacity)
ns := c.GetNamespace(0)
na := b.N / 2
nb := b.N - na
for i := uint64(0); i < uint64(na); i++ {
set(ns, i, "", 1, nil).Release()
for i := uint64(0); i < uint64(nb); i++ {
set(ns, i, "", 1, nil).Release()