blob: 34c065661d74127464a8c17556f0bef16c5060b6 [file] [log] [blame]
package logsink_test
import (
// A savingTextSink saves the data argument of the last Emit call made to it.
type savingTextSink struct{ data []byte }
func (savingTextSink) Enabled(*logsink.Meta) bool { return true }
func (s *savingTextSink) Emit(meta *logsink.Meta, data []byte) (n int, err error) { = slices.Clone(data)
return len(data), nil
func TestThreadPadding(t *testing.T) {
originalSinks := logsink.StructuredSinks
defer func() { logsink.StructuredSinks = originalSinks }()
var sink savingTextSink
logsink.TextSinks = []logsink.Text{&sink}
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
meta := &logsink.Meta{
Time: time.Now(),
File: file,
Line: line,
Severity: logsink.Info,
const msg = "DOOMBAH!"
for _, tc := range [...]struct {
n uint64
want []byte
// Integers that encode as fewer than 7 ASCII characters are padded, the
// rest is not; see nDigits().
{want: []byte(" "), n: 0}, // nDigits does not support 0 (I presume for speed reasons).
{want: []byte(" 1 "), n: 1},
{want: []byte(" 912389 "), n: 912389},
{want: []byte(" 2147483648 "), n: math.MaxInt32 + 1},
{want: []byte(" 9223372036854775806 "), n: math.MaxInt64 - 1},
{want: []byte(" 9223372036854775808 "), n: math.MaxInt64 + 1}, // Test int64 overflow.
{want: []byte(" 9223372036854775817 "), n: math.MaxInt64 + 10}, // Test int64 overflow.
{want: []byte(" 18446744073709551614 "), n: math.MaxUint64 - 1}, // Test int64 overflow.
} {
meta.Thread = int64(tc.n)
logsink.Printf(meta, "%v", msg)
t.Logf(`logsink.Printf(%+v, "%%v", %q)`, meta, msg)
// Check if the needle is present exactly.
if !bytes.Contains(, tc.want) {
t.Errorf("needle = '%s' not found in %s", tc.want,
func TestFatalMessage(t *testing.T) {
const msg = "DOOOOOOM!"
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
meta := &logsink.Meta{
Time: time.Now(),
File: file,
Line: line,
Severity: logsink.Fatal,
logsink.Printf(meta, "%v", msg)
t.Logf(`logsink.Printf(%+v, "%%v", %q)`, meta, msg)
gotMeta, gotMsg, ok := logsink.FatalMessage()
if !ok || !reflect.DeepEqual(gotMeta, meta) || !bytes.Contains(gotMsg, []byte(msg)) {
t.Errorf("logsink.FatalMessage() = %+v, %q, %v", gotMeta, gotMsg, ok)
func TestStructuredSink(t *testing.T) {
// Reset logsink.StructuredSinks at the end of the test.
// Each test case will clear it and insert its own test sink.
originalSinks := logsink.StructuredSinks
defer func() {
logsink.StructuredSinks = originalSinks
testStacktrace := stackdump.Caller(0)
for _, test := range []struct {
name string
format string
args []any
meta logsink.Meta
wantErr bool
sinks []testStructuredSinkAndWants
name: "sink is called with expected format and args",
format: "test %d",
args: []any{1},
sinks: []testStructuredSinkAndWants{
sink: &fakeStructuredSink{},
name: "sink is called with expected meta",
meta: logsink.Meta{
Severity: logsink.Info,
File: "base/go/logsink_test.go",
Line: 1,
Time: time.Unix(1545321163, 0),
Thread: 1,
sinks: []testStructuredSinkAndWants{
sink: &fakeStructuredSink{},
name: "sink is called with expected meta (2)",
meta: logsink.Meta{
Severity: logsink.Error,
File: "foo.go",
Line: 1337,
Time: time.Unix(0, 0),
Thread: 123,
sinks: []testStructuredSinkAndWants{
sink: &fakeStructuredSink{},
name: "sink returns error",
format: "test",
meta: logsink.Meta{
Severity: logsink.Info,
File: "base/go/logsink_test.go",
Line: 1,
Time: time.Unix(1545321163, 0),
Thread: 1,
wantErr: true,
sinks: []testStructuredSinkAndWants{
sink: &fakeStructuredSink{
err: errors.New("err"),
name: "sink is StackWanter and WantStack() returns true",
sinks: []testStructuredSinkAndWants{
sink: &fakeStructuredSinkThatWantsStack{
wantStack: true,
wantStack: true,
name: "sink is StackWanter and WantStack() returns false",
sinks: []testStructuredSinkAndWants{
sink: &fakeStructuredSinkThatWantsStack{
wantStack: false,
wantStack: false,
name: "use stacktrace from args if available",
format: "test\n%s",
args: []any{testStacktrace},
sinks: []testStructuredSinkAndWants{
sink: &fakeStructuredSinkThatWantsStack{
wantStack: true,
wantStack: true,
wantStackEqual: &testStacktrace,
name: "respect StackWanter contract",
format: "test\n%s",
args: []any{testStacktrace},
sinks: []testStructuredSinkAndWants{
sink: &fakeStructuredSinkThatWantsStack{
wantStack: true,
wantStack: true,
wantStackEqual: &testStacktrace,
sink: &fakeStructuredSink{},
name: "respect StackWanter contract for multiple sinks",
format: "test\n%s",
args: []any{testStacktrace},
sinks: []testStructuredSinkAndWants{
sink: &fakeStructuredSinkThatWantsStack{wantStack: true},
wantStack: true,
wantStackEqual: &testStacktrace,
sink: &fakeStructuredSinkThatWantsStack{wantStack: false},
wantStack: false,
sink: &fakeStructuredSinkThatWantsStack{wantStack: true},
wantStack: true,
wantStackEqual: &testStacktrace,
sink: &fakeStructuredSink{},
wantStack: false,
sink: &fakeStructuredSinkThatWantsStack{wantStack: true},
wantStack: true,
wantStackEqual: &testStacktrace,
} {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
testStructuredSinks := make([]logsink.Structured, len(test.sinks))
for i, sink := range test.sinks {
testStructuredSinks[i] = sink.sink
// Register test logsinks
logsink.StructuredSinks = testStructuredSinks
// logsink.Printf() should call Printf() on all registered logsinks.
// Copy test.meta to prevent changes by the code under test.
meta := test.meta
_, err := logsink.Printf(&meta, test.format, test.args...)
if gotErr := err != nil; gotErr != test.wantErr {
t.Fatalf("logsink.Printf() = (_, %v), want err? %t", err, test.wantErr)
// Test the behavior for each registered StructuredSink.
for _, testStructuredSinkAndWants := range test.sinks {
// Check that the test logsink was called with expected arguments.
if got, want := testStructuredSinkAndWants.sink.Calls(), 1; got != want {
t.Fatalf("sink.calls = %d, want %d", got, want)
// Check that Meta was passed through to the logsink.
gotMeta := testStructuredSinkAndWants.sink.GotMeta()
// Ignore the Stack and Depth fields; these will be checked further down.
cmpIgnoreSomeFields := cmp.FilterPath(func(p cmp.Path) bool { return p.String() == "Stack" || p.String() == "Depth" }, cmp.Ignore())
if diff := cmp.Diff(&test.meta, gotMeta, cmpIgnoreSomeFields); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("sink.meta diff -want +got:\n%s", diff)
// The contract is:
// - If WantStack is true, a Stack is present.
// - If WantStack is false, a Stack may be present.
if testStructuredSinkAndWants.wantStack && gotMeta.Stack == nil {
t.Errorf("sink.meta.Stack = %v, but WantStack = %t", gotMeta.Stack, testStructuredSinkAndWants.wantStack)
} else if testStructuredSinkAndWants.wantStackEqual != nil {
// We have a stack, but is it the right one?
if diff := cmp.Diff(testStructuredSinkAndWants.wantStackEqual, gotMeta.Stack); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("sink.meta.Stack diff -want +got:\n%s", diff)
// Depth should be 1, since test.meta.Depth is always 0 and there's a single
// function call, logsink.Printf(), between here and the logsink.
if got, want := gotMeta.Depth, 1; got != want {
t.Errorf("sink.meta.Depth = %d, want %d", got, want)
if got, want := testStructuredSinkAndWants.sink.GotFormat(), test.format; got != want {
t.Errorf("sink.format = %q, want %q", got, want)
if diff := cmp.Diff(test.args, testStructuredSinkAndWants.sink.GotArgs()); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("sink.args diff -want +got:\n%s", diff)
func BenchmarkStructuredSink(b *testing.B) {
// Reset logsink.StructuredSinks at the end of the benchmark.
// Each benchmark case will clear it and insert its own test sink.
originalSinks := logsink.StructuredSinks
defer func() {
logsink.StructuredSinks = originalSinks
noop := noopStructuredSink{}
noopWS := noopStructuredSinkWantStack{}
stringWS := stringStructuredSinkWantStack{}
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
stack := stackdump.Caller(0)
genMeta := func(dump *stackdump.Stack) *logsink.Meta {
return &logsink.Meta{
Time: time.Now(),
File: file,
Line: line,
Severity: logsink.Warning,
Thread: 1240,
Stack: dump,
for _, test := range []struct {
name string
sinks []logsink.Structured
meta *logsink.Meta
{name: "meta_nostack_01_sinks_00_want_stack_pconly", meta: genMeta(nil), sinks: []logsink.Structured{noop}},
{name: "meta___stack_01_sinks_01_want_stack_pconly", meta: genMeta(&stack), sinks: []logsink.Structured{noopWS}},
{name: "meta_nostack_01_sinks_01_want_stack_pconly", meta: genMeta(nil), sinks: []logsink.Structured{noopWS}},
{name: "meta_nostack_01_sinks_01_want_stack_string", meta: genMeta(nil), sinks: []logsink.Structured{stringWS}},
{name: "meta_nostack_02_sinks_01_want_stack_pconly", meta: genMeta(nil), sinks: []logsink.Structured{noopWS, noop}},
{name: "meta_nostack_02_sinks_02_want_stack_string", meta: genMeta(nil), sinks: []logsink.Structured{stringWS, stringWS}},
{name: "meta_nostack_10_sinks_00_want_stack_pconly", meta: genMeta(nil), sinks: []logsink.Structured{noop, noop, noop, noop, noop, noop, noop, noop, noop, noop}},
{name: "meta_nostack_10_sinks_05_want_stack_pconly", meta: genMeta(nil), sinks: []logsink.Structured{noop, noopWS, noop, noop, noopWS, noop, noopWS, noopWS, noopWS, noop}},
{name: "meta_nostack_10_sinks_05_want_stack_string", meta: genMeta(nil), sinks: []logsink.Structured{noop, stringWS, noop, noop, stringWS, noop, stringWS, stringWS, stringWS, noop}},
{name: "meta___stack_10_sinks_05_want_stack_pconly", meta: genMeta(&stack), sinks: []logsink.Structured{noop, noopWS, noop, noop, noopWS, noop, noopWS, noopWS, noopWS, noop}},
{name: "meta___stack_10_sinks_05_want_stack_string", meta: genMeta(&stack), sinks: []logsink.Structured{noop, stringWS, noop, noop, stringWS, noop, stringWS, stringWS, stringWS, noop}},
} {
b.Run(, func(b *testing.B) {
logsink.StructuredSinks = test.sinks
savedStack := test.meta.Stack
args := []any{1} // Pre-allocate args slice to avoid allocation in benchmark loop.
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
_, err := logsink.Printf(test.meta, "test %d", args...)
if err != nil {
b.Fatalf("logsink.Printf(): didn't expect any error while benchmarking, got %v", err)
// logsink.Printf modifies Meta.Depth, which is used during stack
// collection. If we don't reset it, stacks quickly become empty, making
// the benchmark useless.
test.meta.Depth = 0
// There is a possible optimization where logsink.Printf will avoid
// allocating a new meta and modify it in-place if it needs a stack.
// This would throw off benchmarks as subsequent invocations would
// re-use this stack. Since we know this memoization/modification only
// happens with stacks, reset it manually to avoid skewing allocation
// numbers.
test.meta.Stack = savedStack
// testStructuredSinkAndWants contains a StructuredSink under test
// and its wanted values. The struct is created to help with testing
// multiple StructuredSinks for Printf().
type testStructuredSinkAndWants struct {
// The sink under test.
sink testStructuredSink
// Whether this sink should want stack in its meta.
// Only set when the sink is fakeStructuredSinkThatWantsStack.
wantStack bool
// If this sink wants stack, the expected stack.
// Only set when the sink is fakeStructuredSinkThatWantsStack and returns true for WantStack().
wantStackEqual *stackdump.Stack
type testStructuredSink interface {
GotMeta() *logsink.Meta
GotFormat() string
GotArgs() []any
Calls() int
type fakeStructuredSink struct {
// err is returned by Printf().
err error
// gotMeta is the Meta passed to the last Printf() call.
gotMeta *logsink.Meta
// gotFormat is the format string passed to the last Printf() call.
gotFormat string
// gotArgs are the arguments passed to the last Printf() call.
gotArgs []any
// calls is a counter of the number of times Printf() has been called.
calls int
func (s *fakeStructuredSink) GotMeta() *logsink.Meta {
return s.gotMeta
func (s *fakeStructuredSink) GotFormat() string {
return s.gotFormat
func (s *fakeStructuredSink) GotArgs() []any {
return s.gotArgs
func (s *fakeStructuredSink) Calls() int {
return s.calls
func (s *fakeStructuredSink) Printf(meta *logsink.Meta, format string, a ...any) (n int, err error) {
s.gotMeta = meta
s.gotFormat = format
s.gotArgs = a
return 0, s.err
type fakeStructuredSinkThatWantsStack struct {
// wantStack controls what the WantStack() method returns.
wantStack bool
func (s *fakeStructuredSinkThatWantsStack) WantStack(meta *logsink.Meta) bool {
return s.wantStack
type noopStructuredSink struct{}
func (s noopStructuredSink) Printf(meta *logsink.Meta, format string, a ...any) (n int, err error) {
return 0, nil
type noopStructuredSinkWantStack struct{}
func (s noopStructuredSinkWantStack) WantStack(_ *logsink.Meta) bool { return true }
func (s noopStructuredSinkWantStack) Printf(meta *logsink.Meta, format string, a ...any) (n int, err error) {
return 0, nil
type stringStructuredSinkWantStack struct{}
func (s stringStructuredSinkWantStack) WantStack(_ *logsink.Meta) bool { return true }
func (s stringStructuredSinkWantStack) Printf(meta *logsink.Meta, format string, a ...any) (n int, err error) {
return len(meta.Stack.String()), nil
// TestStructuredTextWrapper tests StructuredTextWrapper.Printf().
// It validates the input received by each Text sink in StructuredTextWrapper.TextSinks
// by comparing it to the input received by a Text sink in logsink.TextSinks. We assume
// that logsink.TextSinks receives a correct input (that fact is already tested in log.test.go)
func TestStructuredTextWrapper(t *testing.T) {
// Reset logsink.TextSinks at the end of the test.
originalTextSinks := logsink.TextSinks
defer func() {
logsink.TextSinks = originalTextSinks
// The input received by the `reference` sink will be used to validate the input received by
// each sink in StructuredTextWrapper.TextSinks.
reference := fakeTextSink{enabled: true}
logsink.TextSinks = []logsink.Text{&reference}
meta := logsink.Meta{
Severity: logsink.Info,
File: "base/go/logsink_test.go",
Line: 1,
Time: time.Unix(1545321163, 0),
Thread: 1,
format := "test %d"
args := []any{1}
for _, test := range []struct {
name string
sinks []fakeTextSink
wantByteCount int
wantErr bool
name: "no sinks",
sinks: []fakeTextSink{},
name: "single sink",
sinks: []fakeTextSink{
fakeTextSink{enabled: true, byteCount: 300},
wantByteCount: 300,
name: "multiple sinks",
sinks: []fakeTextSink{
fakeTextSink{enabled: true, byteCount: 100},
fakeTextSink{enabled: true, byteCount: 300},
fakeTextSink{enabled: true, byteCount: 200},
wantByteCount: 300,
name: "some sinks disabled",
sinks: []fakeTextSink{
fakeTextSink{enabled: true, byteCount: 100},
fakeTextSink{enabled: true, byteCount: 200},
wantByteCount: 200,
name: "all sinks disabled",
sinks: []fakeTextSink{
name: "error",
sinks: []fakeTextSink{
fakeTextSink{enabled: true, byteCount: 100},
fakeTextSink{enabled: true, err: errors.New("err")},
fakeTextSink{enabled: true, byteCount: 200},
wantErr: true,
} {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
wrapper := logsink.StructuredTextWrapper{}
for i := range test.sinks {
wrapper.TextSinks = append(wrapper.TextSinks, &test.sinks[i])
// Writing to reference sink.
// Copy meta to prevent changes by the code under test.
m := meta
if _, err := logsink.Printf(&m, format, args); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to write to reference sink: %v", err)
// Writing to StructuredTextWrapper.
// Copy meta to prevent changes by the code under test.
m = meta
n, err := wrapper.Printf(&m, format, args)
if gotErr := err != nil; gotErr != test.wantErr {
t.Fatalf("StructuredTextWrapper.Printf() returned err=%v, want err? %t", err, test.wantErr)
// If an error is expected, we are done.
if err != nil {
if n != test.wantByteCount {
t.Fatalf("StructuredTextWrapper.Printf() returned n=%v, want %v", n, test.wantByteCount)
for i, sink := range test.sinks {
if sink.enabled {
if got, want := sink.calls, 1; got != want {
t.Fatalf("sinks[%v].calls = %d, want %d", i, got, want)
if diff := cmp.Diff(&meta, sink.gotMeta); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("sinks[%v].meta diff -want +got:\n%s", i, diff)
if got, want := sink.gotBytes, reference.gotBytes; bytes.Compare(got, want) != 0 {
t.Errorf("sinks[%v].bytes = %s, want %s", i, got, want)
} else {
if got, want := sink.calls, 0; got != want {
t.Fatalf("sinks[%v].calls = %d, want %d", i, got, want)
type fakeTextSink struct {
// enabled is returned by Enabled().
enabled bool
// byteCount is returned by Emit().
byteCount int
// err is returned by Emit().
err error
// gotMeta is the Meta passed to the last Emit() call.
gotMeta *logsink.Meta
// gotBytes is the byte slice passed to the last Emit() call.
gotBytes []byte
// calls is a counter of the number of times Emit() has been called.
calls int
func (s *fakeTextSink) Enabled(meta *logsink.Meta) bool {
return s.enabled
func (s *fakeTextSink) Emit(meta *logsink.Meta, bytes []byte) (n int, err error) {
s.gotMeta = meta
s.gotBytes = bytes
return s.byteCount, s.err