blob: 4e560ec866f354373fd2b25a189c83c09a8896aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Marshalling and unmarshalling of
// JSON data into Go structs using reflection.
package json
import (
type structBuilder struct {
val reflect.Value;
// if map_ != nil, write val to map_[key] on each change
map_ *reflect.MapValue;
key reflect.Value;
var nobuilder *structBuilder
func isfloat(v reflect.Value) bool {
switch v.(type) {
case *reflect.FloatValue, *reflect.Float32Value, *reflect.Float64Value:
return true
return false;
func setfloat(v reflect.Value, f float64) {
switch v := v.(type) {
case *reflect.FloatValue:
case *reflect.Float32Value:
case *reflect.Float64Value:
func setint(v reflect.Value, i int64) {
switch v := v.(type) {
case *reflect.IntValue:
case *reflect.Int8Value:
case *reflect.Int16Value:
case *reflect.Int32Value:
case *reflect.Int64Value:
case *reflect.UintValue:
case *reflect.Uint8Value:
case *reflect.Uint16Value:
case *reflect.Uint32Value:
case *reflect.Uint64Value:
// If updating b.val is not enough to update the original,
// copy a changed b.val out to the original.
func (b *structBuilder) Flush() {
if b == nil {
if b.map_ != nil {
b.map_.SetElem(b.key, b.val)
func (b *structBuilder) Int64(i int64) {
if b == nil {
v := b.val;
if isfloat(v) {
setfloat(v, float64(i))
} else {
setint(v, i)
func (b *structBuilder) Uint64(i uint64) {
if b == nil {
v := b.val;
if isfloat(v) {
setfloat(v, float64(i))
} else {
setint(v, int64(i))
func (b *structBuilder) Float64(f float64) {
if b == nil {
v := b.val;
if isfloat(v) {
setfloat(v, f)
} else {
setint(v, int64(f))
func (b *structBuilder) Null() {}
func (b *structBuilder) String(s string) {
if b == nil {
if v, ok := b.val.(*reflect.StringValue); ok {
func (b *structBuilder) Bool(tf bool) {
if b == nil {
if v, ok := b.val.(*reflect.BoolValue); ok {
func (b *structBuilder) Array() {
if b == nil {
if v, ok := b.val.(*reflect.SliceValue); ok {
if v.IsNil() {
v.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(v.Type().(*reflect.SliceType), 0, 8))
func (b *structBuilder) Elem(i int) Builder {
if b == nil || i < 0 {
return nobuilder
switch v := b.val.(type) {
case *reflect.ArrayValue:
if i < v.Len() {
return &structBuilder{val: v.Elem(i)}
case *reflect.SliceValue:
if i >= v.Cap() {
n := v.Cap();
if n < 8 {
n = 8
for n <= i {
n *= 2
nv := reflect.MakeSlice(v.Type().(*reflect.SliceType), v.Len(), n);
reflect.ArrayCopy(nv, v);
if v.Len() <= i && i < v.Cap() {
v.SetLen(i + 1)
if i < v.Len() {
return &structBuilder{val: v.Elem(i)}
return nobuilder;
func (b *structBuilder) Map() {
if b == nil {
if v, ok := b.val.(*reflect.PtrValue); ok && v.IsNil() {
if v.IsNil() {
b.map_ = nil;
b.val = v.Elem();
if v, ok := b.val.(*reflect.MapValue); ok && v.IsNil() {
func (b *structBuilder) Key(k string) Builder {
if b == nil {
return nobuilder
switch v := reflect.Indirect(b.val).(type) {
case *reflect.StructValue:
t := v.Type().(*reflect.StructType);
// Case-insensitive field lookup.
k = strings.ToLower(k);
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
if strings.ToLower(t.Field(i).Name) == k {
return &structBuilder{val: v.Field(i)}
case *reflect.MapValue:
t := v.Type().(*reflect.MapType);
if t.Key() != reflect.Typeof(k) {
key := reflect.NewValue(k);
elem := v.Elem(key);
if elem == nil {
v.SetElem(key, reflect.MakeZero(t.Elem()));
elem = v.Elem(key);
return &structBuilder{val: elem, map_: v, key: key};
return nobuilder;
// Unmarshal parses the JSON syntax string s and fills in
// an arbitrary struct or slice pointed at by val.
// It uses the reflect package to assign to fields
// and arrays embedded in val. Well-formed data that does not fit
// into the struct is discarded.
// For example, given these definitions:
// type Email struct {
// Where string;
// Addr string;
// }
// type Result struct {
// Name string;
// Phone string;
// Email []Email
// }
// var r = Result{ "name", "phone", nil }
// unmarshalling the JSON syntax string
// {
// "email": [
// {
// "where": "home",
// "addr": ""
// },
// {
// "where": "work",
// "addr": ""
// }
// ],
// "name": "Grace R. Emlin",
// "address": "123 Main Street"
// }
// via Unmarshal(s, &r) is equivalent to assigning
// r = Result{
// "Grace R. Emlin", // name
// "phone", // no phone given
// []Email{
// Email{ "home", "" },
// Email{ "work", "" }
// }
// }
// Note that the field r.Phone has not been modified and
// that the JSON field "address" was discarded.
// Because Unmarshal uses the reflect package, it can only
// assign to upper case fields. Unmarshal uses a case-insensitive
// comparison to match JSON field names to struct field names.
// To unmarshal a top-level JSON array, pass in a pointer to an empty
// slice of the correct type.
// On success, Unmarshal returns with ok set to true.
// On a syntax error, it returns with ok set to false and errtok
// set to the offending token.
func Unmarshal(s string, val interface{}) (ok bool, errtok string) {
v := reflect.NewValue(val);
var b *structBuilder;
// If val is a pointer to a slice, we append to the slice.
if ptr, ok := v.(*reflect.PtrValue); ok {
if slice, ok := ptr.Elem().(*reflect.SliceValue); ok {
b = &structBuilder{val: slice}
if b == nil {
b = &structBuilder{val: v}
ok, _, errtok = Parse(s, b);
if !ok {
return false, errtok
return true, "";