blob: 35904c77109f871994f1de774dba81063fbd67f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build fuchsia
// Package mxio provides unix-style IO, implementing Magenta's "system/ulib/mxio"
package mxio
import (
// MXIO provides classic unix-style IO over various transports
type MXIO interface {
Read(data []byte) (int, error)
ReadAt(data []byte, off int64) (int, error)
Write(data []byte) (int, error)
WriteAt(data []byte, off int64) (int, error)
Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error)
Close() error
Open(path string, flags int32, mode uint32) (MXIO, error)
Clone() ([]mx.Handle, error) // TODO(smklein): Pass type back from Clone
Ioctl(op uint32, in, out []byte) ([]mx.Handle, error)
IoctlSetHandle(op uint32, in mx.Handle) error
Misc(op uint32, off int64, in, out []byte, handles []mx.Handle) (n int, err error)
// TODO(smklein): Add missing ops, like "Wait"
const (
// MaxHandles is the maximum number of handles which can be transferred in an mxio op.
MaxHandles = 3
// ChunkSize is the largest number of bytes which can be used in a single low-level op.
ChunkSize = 8192
// IoctlMaxInput is the largest acceptable size for an Ioctl op input.
IoctlMaxInput = 1024
// maximum number of bytes in a path
PathMax = 4096
type Protocol uint32
// All available MXIO protocols
const (
ProtocolUndefined = Protocol(iota)
// The PIPE protocol uses message ports as simple, no-flow-control io pipes.
// The REMOTEIO protocol uses message ports to implement synchronous remoting of
// read/write/close operations.
// The VMOFILE protocol accesses a file as a VMO.
// The SOCKET protocol provides socket access.
// The SERVICE protocol provides generic services.
// MXIO Ioctls
func IoctlNum(kind, family, number uint32) uint32 {
return ((kind & 0xF) << 20) | ((family & 0xFF) << 8) | (number & 0xFF)
func IoctlKind(ioctl uint32) uint32 {
return (ioctl >> 20) & 0xF
func IoctlFamily(ioctl uint32) uint32 {
return (ioctl >> 8) & 0xFF
func IoctlNumber(ioctl uint32) uint32 {
return ioctl & 0xFF
const (
IoctlKindDefault = 0x0 // IOCTL_KIND_DEFAULT
IoctlKindGetHandle = 0x1 // IOCTL_KIND_GET_HANDLE
IoctlKindGetTwoHandles = 0x2 // IOCTL_KIND_GET_TWO_HANDLES
IoctlKindSetHandle = 0x3 // IOCTL_KIND_SET_HANDLE
IoctlKindGetThreeHandles = 0x4 // IOCTL_KIND_GET_THREE_HANDLES
const (
IoctlFamilyReserved = 0x00 // IOCTL_FAMILY_RESERVED
IoctlFamilyDevice = 0x01 // IOCTL_FAMILY_DEVICE
IoctlFamilyVFS = 0x02 // IOCTL_FAMILY_VFS
IoctlFamilyTest = 0x04 // IOCTL_FAMILY_TEST
const (
IoctlFamilyBlock = 0x13 // IOCTL_FAMILY_BLOCK
IoctlFamilyNetconfig = 0x26 // IOCTL_FAMILY_NETCONFIG
var IoctlDeviceBind = IoctlNum(IoctlKindDefault, IoctlFamilyDevice, 0)
var IoctlDeviceGetEventHandle = IoctlNum(IoctlKindGetHandle, IoctlFamilyDevice, 1)
var IoctlDeviceGetDriverName = IoctlNum(IoctlKindDefault, IoctlFamilyDevice, 2)
var IoctlDeviceGetDeviceName = IoctlNum(IoctlKindDefault, IoctlFamilyDevice, 3)
var IoctlDeviceSync = IoctlNum(IoctlKindDefault, IoctlFamilyDevice, 6)
var IoctlDeviceDebugSuspend = IoctlNum(IoctlKindDefault, IoctlFamilyDevice, 7)
var IoctlDeviceDebugResume = IoctlNum(IoctlKindDefault, IoctlFamilyDevice, 8)
var IoctlVFSMountFS = IoctlNum(IoctlKindSetHandle, IoctlFamilyVFS, 0)
var IoctlVFSUnmountFS = IoctlNum(IoctlKindDefault, IoctlFamilyVFS, 1)
var IoctlVFSGetTokenFS = IoctlNum(IoctlKindGetHandle, IoctlFamilyVFS, 5)
var IoctlVFSWatchDir = IoctlNum(IoctlKindSetHandle, IoctlFamilyVFS, 8) // NOTE: Actually v2
type VFSWatchDirRequest struct {
H mx.Handle
Mask uint32
Options uint32
const (
VFSWatchEventDeleted = iota
const (
VFSWatchMaskDeleted = 1 << iota
VFSWatchMaskAll = 0x1F
type Vnattr struct {
Valid uint32
Mode Vtype
Inode uint64
Size uint64
Blksize uint64
Blkcount uint64
Nlink uint64
CreateTime uint64
ModifyTime uint64
// VnattrBlksize is the size of block used in "Blockcount", which may be distinct from Blksize.
const VnattrBlksize = 512
const (
AttrCtime = 1 << iota
type Vtype uint32
// bit-compatible with POSIX stat
const (
VtypeMask Vtype = 0170000
VtypeSock Vtype = 0140000
VtypeLink Vtype = 0120000
VtypeFile Vtype = 0100000
VtypeBdev Vtype = 0060000
VtypeDir Vtype = 0040000
VtypeCdev Vtype = 0020000
VtypePipe Vtype = 0010000
VtypeISUID Vtype = 0004000
VtypeISGID Vtype = 0002000
VtypeISVTX Vtype = 0001000
VtypeIRWXU Vtype = 0000700
VtypeIRUSR Vtype = 0000400
VtypeIWUSR Vtype = 0000200
VtypeIXUSR Vtype = 0000100
VtypeIRWXG Vtype = 0000070
VtypeIRGRP Vtype = 0000040
VtypeIWGRP Vtype = 0000020
VtypeIXGRP Vtype = 0000010
VtypeIRWXO Vtype = 0000007
VtypeIROTH Vtype = 0000004
VtypeIWOTH Vtype = 0000002
VtypeIXOTH Vtype = 0000001
const (
HandleTypeCWD = 0x31
HandleTypeRemote = 0x32
HandleTypePipe = 0x33
HandleTypeEvent = 0x34
HandleTypeLogger = 0x35