blob: bdbdf2bba55346dd95b66199f8494b768d0a1ff4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build fuchsia
package fidl
import (
// messageBytesPool is a pool of buffers that can fit the data part of any
// FIDL message.
var messageBytesPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return make([]byte, zx.ChannelMaxMessageBytes)
// messageHandlesPool is a pool of buffers that can fit the handles part of
// any FIDL message.
var messageHandlesPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return make([]zx.Handle, zx.ChannelMaxMessageHandles)
// MessageHeaderSize is the size of the encoded message header.
const MessageHeaderSize int = 16
// MessageHeader is a header information for a message. This struct
// corresponds to the C type fidl_message_header_t.
type MessageHeader struct {
Txid uint32
Reserved uint32
Flags uint32
Ordinal uint32
// Payload is an interface implemented by every FIDL structure.
type Payload interface {
// InlineSize returns the inline size of the structure, without any
// out-of-line structures.
InlineSize() int
// InlineAlignment returns the alignment of the structure.
InlineAlignment() int
// MarshalMessage is a convenience function for marshalling a full FIDL message,
// that is, header and payload.
func MarshalMessage(header *MessageHeader, s Payload, data []byte, handles []zx.Handle) (int, int, error) {
MarshalHeader(header, data[:MessageHeaderSize])
// TODO(pascallouis): switch to MarshalNew when ready.
nb, nh, err := Marshal(s, data[MessageHeaderSize:], handles[:])
return nb + MessageHeaderSize, nh, err
// UnmarshalMessage is a convenience function for unmarshalling a full FIDL message,
// that is, header and payload.
func UnmarshalMessage(data []byte, handles []zx.Handle, header *MessageHeader, s Payload) error {
if err := UnmarshalHeader(data[:MessageHeaderSize], header); err != nil {
return err
// TODO(pascallouis): switch to MarshalNew when ready.
return Unmarshal(data[MessageHeaderSize:], handles[:], s)