blob: 912fc3fbde4ecd7698d4091e911064b1277ddfb7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// GENERATED FILE: Do not edit!
// To rebuild this file, invoke third_party/go/regen-fidl.
// +build fuchsia
package mem
import (
_zx "syscall/zx"
_bindings "syscall/zx/fidl"
// A Buffer for data whose size is not necessarily a multiple of the page
// size.
// VMO objects have a physical size that is always a multiple of the page
// size. As such, VMO alone cannot serve as a buffer for arbitrarly sized
// data. |fuchsia.mem.Buffer| is a standard struct that aggregate the VMO
// and its size.
type Buffer struct {
_ struct{} `fidl2:"s,16,8"`
// The vmo.
Vmo _zx.VMO `fidl2:"0"`
// The size of the data in the vmo in bytes. This size must be smaller
// than the physical size of the vmo.
Size uint64
var _mBuffer = _bindings.CreateLazyMarshaler(Buffer{})
func (msg *Buffer) Marshaler() _bindings.Marshaler {
return _mBuffer
// Implements Payload.
func (_ *Buffer) InlineAlignment() int {
return 8
// Implements Payload.
func (_ *Buffer) InlineSize() int {
return 16